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With a sigh and grunt that basically told anyone to 'fuck off',Zaiaku pulled himself out of bed,wanting to take it with him.With a aggrivated sigh fueled by pure morning breath,he practically ripped his closest door off and and slipped into his usual.Pants,sandals,Chunin Vest,and Head Band.Moments later,he came out of his house and began the lonely walk down the almost deserted street of the Slums.Cigarrette in mouth,he exhaled the smoke every now and then through his nose.

The morning quickly turned to mid-day,and the Sunagakure streets quickly became populated with all sorts of people.Tall, small, fat, skinny, men, women, boys, girls, old people, dead people, that one weird guy.Upon finally reaching the training grounds he quickly jumped up into one of the near by trees and sat on the branch,leaning against the tree as he relaxed.



He’d been up and about for quite some time already. Seiryū wasn’t typically one made for the early mornings, being the first to rise up and commit his day to training or doing the odd jobs around the village that aided in its prosperity. Yet, today was just one of those days, a day where he had forgotten to close the shutters before he went to bed and had to deal with the sun the moment it rose above the horizon, it’s rays quickly travelling to the surface of the planet and lighting it bright. Knowing the moment his eyes had slightly open that he wouldn’t have the opportunity to get back to his restful sleep, Seiryū sat straight up, the pure white sheets that he threw over himself the night before cascaded down to cover solely his lower half. His nude upper half welcomed the sunlight, though his skin barely had a tan to it over the constant years of the giant gas ball in space shining light down to the planet. The night before had been one of those nights for him, requiring him to wear the minimum, in this case none, clothing to fall asleep. Even the miniscule difference it offered, Seiryū welcomed it the night before.

Running his right hand over through his light coloured hair, Seiryu moved his legs over the edge of the bed and planted them on the ground. With bleary vision, he searched around for his boxers, as it would be the lightest piece of clothing to put on, but also one that would be appropriate if anyone were to see, even if no one was likely to visit him at all. Sliding the undergarments up, Seiryū stood to let them hang off his hip, maybe a healthy breakfast would be a good way to start the day off instead of the usual reheatable food he often opted to eat in the mornings.

Time had passed by relatively quickly after he finished his morning meal. Seiryū completed all the daily necessities that morning, much like any other morning, so he could never be called a slob. His teeth had been brushed, a shower had been taken, his hair had been combed, his clothes had been put on and his hands had been washed, followed by a meal consumed. Most of the day he had passed by relaxing in his apartment, finding idle things to accomplish or spent outside just taking a random walk on the streets. There wasn’t much a morning had to offer for Seiryū’s usual antics, thus he had been relatively behaved.

As midday approached, Seiryū had found his way to the Tsumi Sand Grounds, relatively by chance and boredom combined. Aimlessly, Seiryū continued to walk forward, not really caring about what was going on around him, who he was passing and only caring to avoid bumping in to another person. The dazed look was somewhat present on his face, his eyes directed up to the sky; at least the sun wasn’t in his line of sight, which would be a bad idea. One thing did pop in to mind, though he could do nothing about it at this exact moment, he needed to find himself a new bow, as his previous on had broken a while ago. Though, playing darts at a local bar had helped him keep his aim at a level he deemed respectable, though it clearly was no bow and arrow.

Word Count: 582



Zaiaku surveyed over the entire training field from the tree, taking in every detail.The field was gigantic, to say the least. Why still in the desert, there was barely a inch layer of sand here. Underneath that was solid earth, much to Zaiaku's likening. It was in-general very spacious, with green and lively trees growing very near to the fences. Hell, some of them growing on top of the fences. The field was rather lively today. There were a multitude of genin here, training, sparring, meditating, talking, playing, eat....basically all the basic things a freaking ninja does. Hidden amongst the leaves, Zaiaku allowed his eyes to wander about each individual person. Some were atleast 5 years old, while others were in their early teens. Some had dark, chocolate skin, fitting for the hot enviroment, while others were deathly pale, quickly gaining sun-burns. He could see some groups of chunin hanging out near the fences, chit-chatting, or as Zaiaku loved to call it, shit-chatting, as that is what most of those miserable excuses for shinobi do. Yipping and yapping and spread false rumors. Basically acting like the Gossip channel on TV.

Looking some more, he noticed a particulary unique fellow. He was obviously genin, of course, but he looked...'different' from the rest. He had messy, combed back hair, exposed sides and arms, purple eyes, and was slightly on the tall side when it came to average height. The foliage effectively kept Zaiaku from anyone's sight, and the leaves only moved when the breeze came. He looked further. He was a rather handsome young man to say the least. 'Ask him out...' The back of his mind commanded, causing Zaiaku to effectively roll his eyes at himself as he observed the boy, practically intrigued by him. His face looks much like his Kage's and Sonshi's....perhaps he was from the same clan. Oh..what was the name of it...'Koga'? Yes, Zaiaku believed that was it. They commonly had white hair and expressionless faces, even though Zaiaku did manage to effectively annoy his Kage, which he actually enjoyed.

Training: Reaction Time E-3 to D-0
WC: 357/300
Left Over: 57



This was a bad idea on all accounts. For one, he was at the Tsumi Sand Grounds, a place a where individuals usually came to seek their personal training in their free time. While, normally, it would a good idea for him to get some light training in, Seiryū had no intention of doing any rigorous training today, nor much will to accomplish some light training as well. But, seeing as he was already here, Seiryū had decided he’d mill about to pass the time, perhaps find a shady area in which he could possibly relax and watch others during their training, though it’d mostly consist of relaxing, unless there was something worth watching, but he knew in actuality, there’d be no one here, as the Sandy Arena would be far more appropriate. Though, in all actuality, the nap was far more preferable for him at this exact moment.

With his expression matching his thoughts, of seeking out the shade to take a short nap in, hopefully an area which provided little to no noise, Seiryū kept walking on forward, trying to find a suitable location. One thing felt off to him currently, he felt as if he was being watched, though he didn’t really want to seek it out, as it would offer him nothing at all. His brows slightly furrowed, likely showing his irritation with being watched, though it could change in a matter of moments given the opportunity. Letting his eyes scan the area, Seiryū’s eyes caught a sole area, seemingly desolate, with enough greenery to provide him with shade for an hour or so, perhaps even longer, though completely unlikely to happen. So without rushing, Seiryū began to make his way to the area he sought for shade and a nap.

Word Count: 882



His eyes never left the boy, the Koga, who, unlike previous ones showed emotion. In this case, his expression read that he was tired, perhaps still sleepy. He watched as the child drew ever so closer to him, most likely trying to find a suitable spot to rest. Zaiaku couldn't help but smirk at the frown he made, making it obvious that he was getting rather angry at feeling of being watched. Zaiaku scratched his head as he continued to further spy on him. Finally, the child seemingly found the spot he was looking for and began to rest. The spot it self was only a few meters away from Zaiaku's position. With a sigh, he jumped out the tree, beginning to get rather bored with all the peace and quiet. He casually lit another cigar and began to smoke once more, leaning back against the tree, relaxing into his tobacco as gray clouds slowly exited his nostrils. Honestly, he should begin training soon. After all, he WAS in the Tsumi Training Grounds.

Zaiaku merely let out a bored groan and began to look around once more, crossing his arms. He noticed a group of chunin not to far off, staring at him and whispering to each other. Oh not this bullshit again. Zaiaku glared at them from the corner of his eye, slightly bareing his fangs. They grew stiffer then stone. With a sigh, he stopped his visual assualt and looked back to the genin a few meters away, resting from this desert sun. It amused Zaiaku to certain extant, why? He really didn't know, but he was not about to question it. Deciding it would atleast kill some time, Zaiaku made his way to genin casual, his hands in his pockets, cigar in mouth. Once a good distance near him, he plopped down to the side of him, crossing his legs. His face read of lazy kindness as he began to speak. "Hello there..."

Training: Speed D-0 to D-1
WC: 329/325
Left Over: 61



Maybe, Seiryū had chosen the incorrect location in which to take his nap – though all he truly wanted to do was rest his eyes for a few, long minutes. Perhaps it would have been a far more beneficial idea to go to an area where it would be far more desolate. It would have been far easier to get some rest had he decided to head back to his home, or perhaps even leaving the village walls for a few hours, but instead he had ended up here, in the training grounds. Eyes still shut, as his back was pressed against the bark of the tree’s trunk, Seiryū heaved out a silent breath, having an urge to find someplace far quieter, and barren of people. Though, that would involve getting back on his feet and walking to… wherever he would want to end up and he just didn’t feel like committing the energy to accomplish such a meagre task.

His peaceful state was interrupted in just mere moments, as he heard a someone plop down nearby, just based off the fact that he could hear the person sit, the person was likely large, and male; due to the voice that huffed out a greeting. A simple, "Hello there..." was all he had heard, which easily gave Seiryū reason enough to not bothering to crack an eye open. Tilting his head down, his chin not yet touching any other part of his body Seiryū let out an inaudible groan. With irritation laced in his voice, Seiryū began a reply that was straight to the point, “What do you want?”

Word count: 1152



“What do you want?” Came the rather annoyed reply, a small tilting of the boy's head. Zaiaku merely raised a eyebrow. Seems he did not want to be bothered... oh well! Zaiaku once again had his lazy smile and voice, which heavily suggested utter relaxation. "Besides attempting to do the basic human procedure of greeting someone?" He knew that would annoy him, given, assuming he is a Koga. Still, Zaiaku did not want to fight, just have some innocent (and slightly idiotic) fun. Never the less, he was ready to lash out if need be. You never know with some people, right? Right. Thus, he remained ever vigilant under his facade of laziness and calmness. Using his rather keen sense of hearing, he listened for the slightest movements near them, which was literally nothing besides the noise of the wind shaking the trees above them.

Genin were training far enough so that one couldn't really hear them, while the other chunin, for once, kept their distant away from Zaiaku, but still spoke in their little posse. How said, he really wanted to break one of their rumor spreading faces, but oh well! Beggars can't be choosers he supposed as he now looked back at the young Koga, obviously annoyed, not that Zaiaku cared anyway. He seemed different from the others, however. Unlike the other ones that Zaiaku has met, this one doesn't seem to fond of keeping his emotions a secret, since he is actively showing his irration. Strange. He maybe worth the trouble after all.... hopefully. He didn't want this to be like last time when he fought Akuma, which even then, ended up in a stand-still between his brute strength and the boy's speed. Oh...good times.....good times...

Training: Perception D-0 to D-1
WC: 298(+61 =359)/325
Left Over: 34



Whatever this… person wanted, they were certainly getting it. Though Seiryū never really cared for his father’s kekkei genkai – he would never refer to it as his clans, he would not be associated with them – it gave him the sense that this person certainly was getting what they sought, by annoying him. The façade, he would ignore – or try to – for the time being, though there certainly was a much simpler way for Seiryū to avoid this entire mess, something easy and simple to accomplish. After a bit of shuffling on Seiryū’s part, he pushed himself off the ground with the use of his hands. Once on his feet though lazily, Seiryū only looked lazily in the direction from where the voice originated from. “Perhaps you could practice that a bit more.” Walking a few steps forward, ready to move away from the tree, from where he was resting, Seiryū turned his head to look back at the trunk. “Also, take this as practicing the procedure of human farewells.” With that, his gaze directed forward once more, and then his steps resumed, ready to head someplace else to rest his head.

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Total Thread Word Count: 1346

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