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”Don't you dare! Don't you dare touch me!”

”Aww, come on, babe! It'll be fuuuuun!”

”No! Don't touch me! Get your hands off, damnit!”

”Aww, come on! Don't be a spoil sport! Everyone else is doing it...”

”No... Don't-- AHHHH!”, the feminine voice suddenly broke off in a loud scream followed by a splash as her boyfriend pushed her into the water pool with the rest of their friends. She had been looking a little red skinned – likely sunburned from the past three hours she had been laying out in the hot sun – and her boyfriend had decided to cool her off a little. Of course, she emerged rather pissed off and cursing worse than a sailor gone overboard. ”You son if a bitch!”

Her boyfriend simply laughed at her and Amaya herself couldn't help but chuckle from the tree she had been standing underneath of. She had heard the commotion and came looking, obviously thinking the worse, only to see the girl get pushed into the water. Seeing as nothing bad was going on Amaya turned, placing her umbrella back onto her left shoulder and twirling it as she began to walk away: the umbrella was coming in handy considering the warm way she was dressed – it kept her from dying in the bright sun.

”Vaaaccaaatioon time. Vaaacaaation. Dodedoo...”, she sang softly as she twirled around in a circle. Amaya was usually always filled with energy and happy, but now that she was on vacation it seemed doubly so. In fact, she felt almost unable to contain herself. Sure enough she jumped up on a nearby fence and walked along it like a balance beam. Every few steps she would twirl and dance, giggling and humming the entire time.

Word Count: 310



He was starting to like this; people watching was becoming a fascinating habit. His parents were not complaining; it got him out of the house more often, there was fresh air and he usually dragged his sister, Kouten, along for the fun. It all went well usually; he hoped that by getting Kouten out of the house more, it would break her out of her own shell as he was attempting with himself.

He was sitting in the outside section of a storefront by himself for the moment, sipping at a spiked cool tea. Across the way, he could see the pool of the hotel, and the people lounging around it. They seemed to be the typical tourist type; save for one. A strange girl, who sported a strange sense of fashion. Eyes locked onto the girl as she appeared to drop out of a tree branch and cat-walk atop a fence.

What an odd creature, Wu. Do you like what you see?


Another sip of the tea, and he frowned. Even though he was getting out the house more and becoming used to being around people, there were parts of him... that didn't seem to like the people around. But He would deal, and it wasnt Him calling the shots.

[212 WC]



The female continued to hum a rather upbeat and catchy tune as she twirled and walked her way to the very edge of the fence. She twirled once more, looking perhaps as if she were about to step foot onto nothing more than thin air and likely fall, when at the last moment she back-flipped mid twirl and landed on her feet gracefully. She righted her umbrella back onto her right shoulder after a glance upwards at the cloudless sky.

It was then that the female looked around; her strange style of clothing as well as her red eyes and clothing catching the attention of several passersby. Yet, she paid them little attention as she simply waited for them to pass – not seeming to mind their stares at all as a normal individual would – before skipping and twirling her way back up the sidewalk with a smile still on her face; heading straight towards the storefront after a bit of adjusting in her direction. She had spent the majority of the day around the house, and while that was all fun and all she liked getting around. No, what she really wanted to do was explore and possibly make a new friend. But first she wanted something to drink: she was essentially a fish without water and found herself thirstier than ever now.

Several more onlookers turned to stare at her as she neared and even the store's owner glanced out the window as she neared. Yet, none of this bothered Amaya; like most things in the world she seemed either entirely oblivious to it or completely uncaring of how people thought about her.

As she reached the store it was then that she would spot Wukong and his drink; her red colored gaze resting upon him. Even though she was standing still she twirled her umbrella continuously in a circle. ”Hello, there! Could you tell me if this store sells good tea?”, she asked in a happy, bubbly, and yet soft voice. One of Amaya's favorite drinks: outside of strawberry melon flavored drinks that was. ”I'm Amaya by the way.”, she would tack on, thinking it polite she at least introduce herself since she was asking the male's opinion on something.

Word Count: 382 + 310 = 692



Wukong sipped at the tea once more, quietly watching the female as she moved about the fence. He was mesmerized to put it bluntly; he'd never seen someone move like that, save for his own sister and himself. While his sister was trained as a gymnast, and he himself had... other methods, he was curious about this female's own. He watched her dismount the fence with a strange sense of grace, eyebrow raising as he began to look about.

Pink and brown.

Even at this distance, he could see it clearly. Her clothing seemed to revolve around pink and brown.

Hehehe.. maybe if you're nice, she'll let you touch her pink--


...lips. Hehehe... You're a bit wound up today, aren't you? 

Just shut up.

These pretty girls got you feeling some kind of way, Wu?

I said shu--

It was then that he noticed that this female was walking directly towards him, and staring directly at him. In the span of a moment, he almost panicked and freaked out.

Breathe, Wukong. Calm down.

She's lovely, isn't she, Wu?


Oh, but now is the perfect time. She's an exquisite specimen, is she not? And with the way you're reacting, it proves it. Don't forget, I know what you're thinking.

I-I'm not thinking anything!

Mmhmm... You're a bad liar, Wu, even without knowing you. Speaking of.. I'm sure your mother would enjoy that lovely mental image you had...

I'm going to kil--

It was then his mind snapped back to reality, noting that the female was standing right in front of him and staring down at him. A flush ran through his pale cheeks, as he nervously returned the smile and scrambled for something to say.

She asked you a question, Wu. Do they serve good drinks here, or no and what is your name?


Tell her, not me.




Please take over. 


It would take only a moment, a blink and it would be missed. For those who knew what to look for, it would be apparent from that point on; drunken Wu was taking over control of Wukong's body as the boy went to smash himself into a mental wall. The male's form seemed to calm down and a wide grin broke out over his face. He coughed into his left hand, attempting to clear his throat. "Sorry about that. Yes, they serve excellant tea here. And my name isnt excellent tea. It is Wukong." The smile never faltered, his other hand releasing his drink to reach out in an attempt to shake her hand. "Why not have a drink with me, in fact?"

[212 + 443 = 665 WC]



The male looked nervous; it was a reaction that happened a lot around her though she wasn't entirely sure why. Perhaps it was because of this that she just kept smiling brightly and didn't even so much as giggle when he said that his name was excellent tea. While most females would have laughed at him and likely wandered off, Amaya simply remained where she was standing and kept twirling her umbrella as she waited patiently for him to correct himself. That was, if his name wasn't excellent tea: she didn't know the customs of his clan after all and was open to any sort of possibility.

She watched as the male seemed to calm down suddenly, and a grin spread across his face. He apologized, and then answered her question by telling her that they did serve excellent tea here. He then corrected himself by saying that his name wasn't excellent tea, but was Wukong. He then released the hold on his drink and extended the hand out to her. Amaya shifted the handle of her umbrella to her other hand and then held out her own and placed hers in his. She gave a little curtsy as well, with a beaming smile across her face.

”I'd love to join you. That seems like a lovely idea.” It was then that she sat in the empty chair; moving gracefully – each movement that of a dancers.

The store owner came out and looked to her expectantly; obviously wondering what kind of tea it was that she wanted. ”Vanilla chai if you have it, please.” The store owner would nod and then wander back inside to get what she wanted; blinking and mumbling to himself over her strange hair and eyes.

Amaya shifted her attention back onto Wukong; still completely unfazed by the way people were handling her appearance. ”So, what's your favorite kind of tea?”, she would ask curiously, clearly wishing to get to know this individual more.

Word Count: 331 + 692 = 1,023



Did she not notice? The way people stared, the visual specimen that she was? How could she not -- she was a stranger in a strange land, so of course people were going to stare. But her.. she was beautiful to him. As Wukong sat beside Gengar within his own mind, he calmly watched as the creature masquerading as him took charge of the situation. To his surpise, Amaya sat in the empty chair, smiling still.

..How are you--

Confindence, Wu. Confidence and a silver tongue.

Still in a mild state of shock, he watched as Amaya placed her order, and turned back to him and ask him him of his favorite tea.

"Mine? Ah, I would have to say that a strong black tea is the best, especially if it is ...strong.  Its a bit plain, yes, but it gets the job done whether its hot or cold." He winked at the female and reached into his pocket to produce a small silver flask to emphasize his point, still smiling before he took another sip of his tea. "So, lovely. I feel inclined to inquire as to your favorite type of tea as well." The smooth talk -- it was slowly dawning on Wukong what was happening.

What do you think you're doing?!

What you're too afraid to do, Wu. Sit back and enjoy the benifits.

But this is wrong. She'll know something is up the moment I actually sober up and speak to her.

Well then, I suggest you start taking notes.

Damnit, I can't do this! I can't, I can't--

Quiet now, little Wu. Let me work, and I promise you'll love it.

[665 + 274 = 939 wc]



Amaya shifted somewhat in her chair, crossing one leg over the other in a lady-like fashion. She then took a moment to carefully close her umbrella before leaning it against her thigh, the hooked handle resting against her. She doubted she would need it but if the sun got to be too much on her pale skin she would end up opening it again and therefore wanted it close by.

As Amaya waited for her order of vanilla chai tea to arrive she listened as Wukong answered her latest question by saying that his favorite flavor was a simple Black tea; it was good so long as it was strong - which with a flash of the flask he showed her she got the meaning of quite easily enough. He then, upon calling her lovely which simply made her smile grow a bit wider, inquired as to what her favorite flavor of tea was. This question caused her to pause in thought: what was her favorite flavor? She liked quite a variety, and on different days, yet she didn't know how to quite explain this.

”Well, that's a bit hard of a question to answer, honestly. My tastes vary from day to day; and whether it's hot or cold outside. Though, I suppose vanilla chai would have to be my absolute favorite; that or peppermint of course.” Speaking of tea, hers came out in the hand of the shop owner; a tall cup with a lid and straw that was dripping with condensation. He handed it to Amaya who took it, careful not to drop it with how slippery the outside of the cup was. ”Thank you very much. How much do I owe you?”

”It's on the house, dear.”, the owner would respond before stepping back inside. Grinning to herself Amaya would bring the tip of the straw to her pink-colored lips and sip at it. A groan of pleasure escaped her at the delicious taste and wonderful coldness: it was exactly what she had been looking for. ”That... is delicious tea.”, she would comment when she was finished with another sip.

Word Count: 356 + 1,023 = 1,379



The body would nod, still amused. It would seem that his host was not the only one infatuated with this lovely female, judging by the way the shop owner was sputtering over his words. The creature could feel a small tinge of fear from his host: would a repeat of earlier happen once more?

Calm, Wu. I got this.

The creature would sip his own tea once more, those eyes still watching Amaya with great interest. That groan of pleasure she released sent a shiver up his spine, and his mind rocketed into the gutter with no remorse. At her exclamation of how good the tea was, he nodded again and drew a deep breathe to compose himself. "Aye. This place serves the best tea in Konoha. Perhaps the best in the world, but that could just be my opinion.." Placing the cup on the table, he would shift some, leaning in towards Amaya, taking care to ensure he was still far away enough to give her personal space. He was a curious creature, and while he was sure this would come up at some point -- if they even reached that point -- he felt the need to ask it now. Wukong and he had never left the confines of Konoha, and he was curious about the outside world.

"Speaking of the world, beautiful, where are you from? I'm sure a pretty girl like you would have some pretty stories." He was honestly curious about her; he'd never seen her around the village before today, but then again, Konohagakure was a fairly large place, and that wasn't including the minor villages and towns that fell under the protection of the larger village.

[939 + 281 = 1220]



At Wukong's comment about how this shop served the best tea in all of Konoha, and perhaps the best in the world, she only only grin more. She herself had a similar opinion about another particular tea shop closer to home and therefore couldn't fault him for his. Either way, it was excellent quality tea and just enough sugar to make it sweet without being overly so. It also seemed to have the perfect quantity of ice: enough to keep the drink cold without the entire cup being filled and thus wasting space for the tea itself.

Amaya lifted her cup again, lips wrapping around the straw and as she took another sip of the ice cold liquid: it was helping to keep her cool and thus not needing her umbrella. As Amaya sipped her drink she watched him lean in closer, as if he were interested in her, and it made her happy to know she wasn't boring him with her small talk. The shop owner, in the window at this point, was clearly trying to catch her eye and yet she focused on no one but Wukong: there was something about him that fascinated her.

She listened as he called her beautiful and asked her where she came from; commenting that a pretty girl like her would have some pretty stories: the complements were amusing her in a rather good way – no one had bothered speaking to her like this in quite a while and it made her all that willing to answer. ”I'm from here, I simply have been away for quite a while on a prolonged mission.”

As she took another sip of her tea she thought over her latest mission – the one that had led to her needing an extended vacation – and how horribly ill she had been afterward. ”My brother wanted to ensure I had plenty of time to relax and recover so he told me to come back simply when I'm ready... So I suppose you could say I'm on vacation for a while, even though I'm home.”

Word Count: 347 + 1,379 = 1,726



So, she was from Konoha? That was good news to him; according to her, she'd been away on an extended mission for a good while. And apparently, even though she was back in the village, she was still off duty. Something about her brother telling he to take as much time off as she needed? She was a ninja? Uh....

Pinking up his tea, the male would take another sip at it and set it back down before clapping his hands. "Well then, dear. Allow me to be the first to officially welcome you back to Konohagakure" Another wink, followed by a laugh. "If you'd like, Amaya, I can show you around town? Maybe I can show you the local favorites, beyond just good tea." A bold statements, considering that Wukong rarely left the house.

...What places do you know, Wukong?

Does it matter, Wu? Confidence is key here.

So, you're just pulling this shit out of your ass?

No, I'm pulling it out of your ass.

The creature thought for a moment, his grin spreading even further. To Amaya, he would offer another wink, then continued. "Maybe we could visit a restuarant I know of, and you can sample the mutton. Very tender and succulent. They stew it in its own juices until its just ready to burst. It literally melts in your mouth. How does that sound?"

...Please kill me now.

[1220 + 233 = 1453 wc]



Amaya watched Wukong still with a great deal of curiosity and focus; he picked up his tea and took another sip before clapping his hands together. The result was Amaya tilting her head a bit to the side, becoming more and more curious about the male seated across from her. Then the male was offering to show her around, to show her the local favorites beyond just the good tea she was bringing to her lips at that moment to sip at again.

With her next sip swallowed Amaya simply beamed brightly and happily at the suggestion; finding it to be a fine idea: she had been away from the village for quite some time so there was no telling what changes had come around and what new places had sprung up. She saw him wink, again – something that amused her highly – before adding that perhaps they could visit a restaurant he knew of of that had a very tender and succulent mutton she could sample that literally melts in your mouth. Perhaps anyone else would have sensed a hidden meaning behind those words but not Amaya – no, she was far too focused on the male to think about that for the moment.

So, instead, Amaya simply nodded happily in agreement with the plan. ”That sounds like an excellent idea.” She then brought her straw back up to her lips, finishing off the tea left in her cup.

As if he had been watching the whole time – and he had been – the shop owner came out to take her empty cup. ”Is there anything else I can get for you, miss?”

Amaya didn't even look at him, her red colored gaze remained focused entirely on Wukong. ”No, thank you.”, she responded in her usual bubbly voice.

”Are you sure there isn't anything? Perhaps you'd like to come inside and have a look around?”, the shop owner continued, not willing to give up after being shot down the first time.

”I'm fine, thanks.”

It was then that the shop owner looked towards Wukong, as if completely unsure how it was he was keeping the female's attention. He looked between the pair for a moment, brow furrowing. Amaya hadn't even so much as glanced at him and he had no idea why.

Word Count: 385 + 1,726 = 2,111




The charm was working, and he was laying it on thick. He'd captured this female's attention in the fullest, and now it was time to take her on a ride. Unfortunately for the shop owner, Amaya wasnt having none of his advances. She was ignoring him and it was amusing Wu to the point here he was rolling on the ground of Wukong's mental space laughing. On the outside, the male would drain the last of his tea, before nodding to the shop keeper.

"Thanks for the delicious drinks. I think we'll be going now." He flashed the shop keeper a million ryo smile as he stood up from his seat. He'd already paid and tipped earlier, so there was nothing left for him to say to this man. Once he was standing, he would offer Amaya his hand to assist her in getting up.

Where are we going, Wu?

To get some Food, Wukong.

Are you going to give me back my body?

Are you going to fuck this up?


Exactly~! MINE!

[1453 + 174 = 1627wc]



Amaya didn't hesitate to take Wukong's hand with her right; her hand covered in the black gloves she almost never took off that were made out of a thin yet strong material. As Amaya stood up she was careful not to drop her umbrella, grabbing it by its hook and bringing it up so that it rested on her left shoulder; though she kept it closed. She was beaming brightly, still, as she waited for Wukong to lead the way to where ever it was he planned on taking her. Amaya, not really caring for personal space, hooked her arm gently around his.

If they would start to walk she would shift her left hand to open her umbrella, her coat swaying a bit in the breeze and out coming the key to her house. The shop owner, still feeling rather salty over the fact that she seemed to have eyes for no one but Wukong, noticing it immediately.

The shop keeper, in the fraction of a second it took him to decide he'd be making a bad choice later on, stepped forward and placed his shoe on top of the key: not wanting to bend over to pick it up in case either of them noticed the action and realized what he had found.

Amaya didn't seem to notice, as she twirled her umbrella around on her shoulder in a carefree like fashion. "So, where to first?", she would ask curiously.

Word Count: 243 + 2,111 = 2,354



Wu!Wukong offered her that same wicked grin. "Why this way, my dear. We shall see the sights of our beautiful village, then enjoy some wonderful mutton." He began to walk, with the charming pink and brown Amaya in tow. "First stop, the museum!"

Several hours later, and the day was coming to a close. It seemed to be a good day for the male; between the museum and dinner, Wu returned control to Wukong, who though still a bit nervous was able to keep up the confidence. His personality was coming along easier, and found himself genuinely laughing. He was slowly building his own confidence; it helped that Amaya seemed geniunely interested.

As the male walked down the street with Amaya on his arms, he was quiet for the first time all day. He was content, but a bit lost in thought.

[1627 + 143 = 1770wc]



The museum had been a lovely treat: Amaya loved to learn new things and had indeed learned an awful lot about the village she didn't know already while having a grand time doing it. She had found her time conversing with Wukong pleasant; though from time to time she would pick up on random spurts of nervousness, none of which bothered her any at all but which simple piqued her curiousness. After that had been a lovely dinner: she had stepped out of her comfort zone to try foods she never bothered with before.

Now, the evening was coming slowly to a close, the past several hours seeming to have flown by. She was still arm in arm with Wukong, quite content to be so. For the moment she too was quiet, not knowing what he was thinking about but giving him the chance to do so. She simply kept looking around with her red colored eyes, continuing to take in the sights of the village. While she did so she allowed her own mind to wonder a bit, glad that she had decided to strike up the conversation earlier with Wukong over whether that shop had served good tea or not, since it had led to many more things she wouldn't have done on her own.

In the distance she could see her apartment and the thought brought about her hand slipping into her pocket to check for her key; it was missing. She checked her right pocket as well with her left hand, knowing full well that she hadn't put it in that pocket but deciding to check nonetheless: it wasn't there of course. Realizing that she must have dropped it somewhere, and not really caring to turn around and go look since she was quite content with her arm still in Wukong's, she simply pushed it from her mind and decided she would have another made later on. ”Hm, it would seem I lost my key somewhere... no matter, I'll just get another one.”, she said softly.

”I've been having an excellent time, Wukong. Thank you.”, she would say suddenly with a bright smile forming on her face once more.

Word Count: 365 + 2,354 = 2,719



Amatu's attention snapped back, eyebrows lifting some. Did she say something about missing her key? He was about to ask about it when Amaya spoke aagin, saying that she was having a good time. Wukong would look at Amaya, offering her a sincere smile.

"I'm having a good time as well, Amaya." A small giggle left him, as his head tipped to the side. "Did you say you lost your key?" He frowned then. Did didnt remember seeing her key anywhere; but then again, he'd only had eyes for her all afternoon. "I... I havent seen it at all. If you're sure you can get another... it shouldnt be a big deal, eh?"

The streets were empty at despite it being fairly early; this part of the town closed up early in the evenings as the most profitable time for them was the morning and early afternoon. This area, despite being a very safe neighborhood, was known to be appear very creepy...

He would continue walking with Amaya, eyes glancing around for something that would be out of the ordinary. “Say, where do you live, Amaya?”

[1770 + 186 = 1956/1950]

END E0-D-3 completed. 6 WC leftover



Amaya kept her arm hooked loosely around Wukong's as they walked: the streets looked far different than they had during the day – spookier even. Of course, she wasn't afraid. She didn't fear the monster under the bed, nor the thing that went bump in the night. Plus, it always helped to not be alone. Besides, in her personal opinion there was nothing spookier or more frightening than the monsters that lived in her own head.;

"No, I suppose there's no need to worry.", she commented with a smile before falling silent. She allowed her mind to wander as they walked, simply enjoying the company of her new friend.  

"In that building up there." She would say with a point of her finger. "Apartment 10.", she added, figuring she might as well be truthful. She had no reason to keep secrets from Wukong; there was still something about him that was holding her attention in a way no one had in quite a while, and it was making her want to be a bit more open than she usually was.

Word Count: 182 + 2,719 = 2,901



The male nodded, a small smile breaking out on his face. He continued on in silence for a moment until a thought occurred to him. Amaya made a mention of being a ninja, and he hadn't inquired to her rank. At this point, he wasn't sure if he should even ask her about it; would it be seen as rude, especially given his own rank? Or was it expected? He didn't really know either way.

Pushing it to the back of his mind, he would continue walking with the female, taking his time. Occasionally he would point out a storefront that he deemed interesting that was a recent addition to the village; the seafood shop owner that immigrated to Konoha from Kirigakure after the war with Seven Bells who served some of the best sushiya that the young male ever had, or the leather workers from Kusa that would make some of the softest boots that one could ever wear. All too soon, they would arrive outside of Amaya's building, and Wukong would pause. It was now or never.

“Say, Amaya, you mentioned that you gone for a while on an extended mission, yea? Whats you're rank?

[6 + 197 = 203 total WC]



Amaya was rather enjoying herself; she couldn't remember the last time she had just been able to be herself instead of some emotionless hard ass like her job seemed to require. With that said she was sad to see their time together was drawing to a close as they arrived at the door to her apartment building.

At Wukong's question she smiled once more, honestly surprised that it hadn't come up before, and yet not minding it all the same. "I'm an S-Rank Jounin.", she said simply, her voice devoid of the usual pride that tended to come along with those of the rank. She didn't like to show boat or brag after all, but since he had asked she figured she would be honest and tell him.

It was then she would look up at her building with a small smile. "I suppose I should get inside and see if anyone left me any messages." She paused suddenly, feeling like going out on a limb and diving right into things as it were: head first was her usual method for tackling things after all. "Perhaps we can do this again sometime? I had a great time.", she would say with another smile.

Word Count: 208 + 2,901 = 3,109



Wukong froze for a moment as his brain began sputtering and attempting to process what was just said. He, a lowly genin just took out a S rank Jounin on the town? Said Jounin had even said that she had a good time, and apparently wanted to do it again.

Was it opposite day!? Was this some prank someone was playing on him?

The male blinked slowly, then a smile crossed his face and he nodded quickly. “Yea, sure! Whenever you wanna go!” He was nervous as hell at this point; more than likely, he would have never asked her out if he knew what rank she was, but it was too late to turn back now. Add to the fact what she was asking him when he wanted to go out again, he must have done something right. He would flash her another smile, before turning to walk away. After about ten steps, joy would overtake him, and he would begin to skip off. He'd taken a S rank jounin, one of the most powerful people in the village, out on a date, she wanted to go out again.

Dance, monkey, dance!

"See ya, Amaya!"

As the male made his way through the, a thought occurred to him about the location of Amaya's key. He'd heard some things in the past about the shop keep of the tea place he visited today. Something about him following women and men home to spy on them. Wu would have to look into this – when they'd emptied their pockets to pass through the metal detectors at the museum, her keys were not amongst the items she'd placed into the bucket to pass around. Being that the museum was the first place they went, it was a logical conclusion that she'd lost it at the tea shop. And with the way the shop keeper was looking at her, there was no denying he was up to no good.

He would keep an eye out for his man in his coming and goings.

[203 + 339 =542 wc]

STR E-0 to D-3 1950/1950
REA E-0 to E-3 542/450
END E-0 to E-1 92/75

Last edited by Wukong on Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:23 am; edited 1 time in total



Wukong agreed to do something like this again, whenever she wanted to go, which made her smile in an genuine manner: it was nice to have something to look forward to such as that. "See ya!", she would call out before opening up her apartment building's front door and stepping inside. After ensuring that the door was shut behind herself she would make her way down the hallway and to the door of the manager of the building.

A quick knock, followed by an even quicker conversation, she was handed a spar key for her apartment. With the key in hand she would hear up the steps and to her apartment; walking inside and already grinning from ear to ear as she thought about the idea of going out on another day with Wukong. She hardly cared he was only a a genin, there was just something about him that held her attention and kept in ways no one else had since the time of Ashi.

With a pep in her step Amaya practically danced her way into her bedroom and threw herself down on the bed. She knew she wasn't going to sleep, but staring up at the ceiling and thinking over the days events was as good as any of a thing to do to pass the sleepless hours.


Word Count: 223 + 3,109 = 3,332

Speed: A -> A1: 3,332 - 1,000 = 2,332
Speed A1 -> A2: 2,332 - 1,150 = 1,182
Reaction A -> A1: 1,182 - 1,000 = 182

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