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Pace, pace, pace. Stop, turn, stare.

"This would be the life, mm, Enoka? Living so easy in a Village." This, naturally, came with a sigh that had a wistful note and her words' intended sarcasm both embedded in it. Yes, this was the troubling and aimless life of a Ronin. But, she meant it, somewhere deep down. The sense of camaraderie and belonging to a whole was lost on a wandering ninja like her; yet, all her efforts to do something to remedy it, to make something of her own to belong to...they all failed. The malcontent of others saw to that.

Staring at the large block that eclipsed her form a bit---with all the inlaid give-your-life-for-the-village sentiments, a lot of people tended to die---she sighed once more, not knowing what to make of what to do next. "I suppose I can make more of a difference later in life. Right now I'm just....a kid, I guess. Your thoughts?" The stoat named Enoka stopped his aimless prancing about the area and rotated his head to meet his questioner. He simply responded with a head-tilt before grooming his face aimlessly. Putting her fabric-covered hand and forearm to her face and resting her head in it, she contemplated ever deeper into what exactly she was doing.

There was no question to it: a majority of the heroes on this list were of her age. The Shinobi World Wars that lived only in history were surely the culprit. This only reinforced her current plan....yes, she wanted to become a skilled ninja that her clan would be proud of. But not for that purpose, doing such a thing for the sake of recognition alone was useless. But, as time went on, her resolve to bring back her brother momentarily so she could glean knowledge of who killed him....well, it waned, to say the least. It was not something she fervently wanted to do; for all intents and purposes, the Shichiouza was extant no more. How was she to find a lead anywhere? Who was she supposed to visit vengeance upon? It seemed a fruitless effort to try and connect a nonexistent group of people to her cousin's death if she could not do anything about it.

She never liked that feeling of ineptitude; so she brushed it off. The girl locked her hands behind her, at the small of her back, and let them swing aimlessly back and forth as she continued pacing. Noriko made it a point to be better at looking; it was the prime reason she was unable to find anything about Shichiouza. Spying the area, she noted the trees shifted ever-so-quietly and in the tiniest motions, but one would never think it to be so if it were not for the sight of it. Pondering this, a gust blew over her. With a shallow sigh, she took it as a sign:

It was over.

It was clear to her that a new purpose had to be intrinsically linked to her existence. Everyone was meant to do something, every life has meaning. But no one would be swayed by a sixteen-year-old girl; that was preposterous. Shichiouza or otherwise, people would not help hasten the fruition of goals set by vagrants. "I guess it's to be expected. Who would be spurred to action by the likes of us, eh?" A small squeak from her ermine companion was the response. Well placed. what. What is it that she wanted to do with the world....

Yes, strife. An end to greed's child, suffering. Oh, that mortal blow would be satisfying if she could attain it. Perhaps it was a fruitless goal, but one she could toil at without cease and would never feel her efforts were in vain. A worthy challenge to the small girl of the Rain; no less would have invigorated her as such.

Foremost: attain awe-inspiring status. Not fear, just respect. The only way for ninja to do this was power.
.....But after clout....where to begin? With what did she seek to start this movement?

Pace, pace, pace; passing the most honorable stone in Konoha ceaselessly.

Then, a pace not hers. She turned slightly to it.

[720 words. Training Speed to D-0 (300/300) and Perception to E-3 (375/375) and soon to D-0 (55/300).]

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The day was new and so was the village, he had never been outside of his village and now he was going to pay his respects to a monument of heroes, which is similar to what he did when he was at home. Though his monument was a prison monument stating they will keep no more prisoners, even though they actually keep prisoners in interrogation but that was rather complicated and not really of interest to the young boy.

His blonde hair was blowing in the wind as he paced gently, not doing anything major as the backpack on his back made some noise. He was not really going to hide from anyone since he had permission to be in the village, as well as the fact that his mission was to find the infamous Star who had trained him during the Seven Bells War. As he was pacing gently having not paid close attention to anyone who did not seem a threat he noticed a girl who had a petite figure, even though she seemed a bit on the lanky side as he began slowing down. He then realised she was taller then him, which had begun to bother him lately, he could not seem to find anyone smaller then him, even the eight year olds were bigger then he was.

After a while the girl turned her gaze towards him which due to the backpack and his way too relaxed nature right now he tripped and fell. He was humiliated by the dreaded art of falling, fortunately no harm was done unless he had an overwhelming pride, which at this stage would no longer exist after this moment even if he had it. He was sitting on his knees with his legs spread out a bit as he looked up to the pacing girl. His blonde hair hanging a bit messy from the fall with some dirt between the yellow adding a slight lightish brown look to it as well. His hair was very dirty and he had a scratch on his nose from the fall not to mention his disheaveled appearance as the backpack seemed to have hooked onto his hoody tearing apart the section of the sleaves as Ren just let the backpack slide off as he took off the hoody, now wearing his casual lightblue shirt with a darkblue butterfly that was similar to the one related to Ayakashi. He had his white shorts on as he had thrown his black ones out into the ocean on his way to Konoha during his boat ride.

It was not clear whether he should speak or not, but he had to leave a good impression of his village so he decided to wave to her and introduced himself, "Hi, I am Yuzu..." leaving out his first name waiting for her to reply.

Training Words = 475

OOC Info:



Noriko felt something was wrong. She rushed out of there immediately....she had business to take care of, even if it was just a quirky intuition. It's something, at least.

Thus did she race from the Training Grounds near the aptly-named Honored Shinobi Monument.

All she could do now was head to the center of Konoha. This was actually important. Her gut never lied. But boy, was she panting.

[Exit Thread, Exit Country]

{791 words. Trained Strength E -> E-1 (75), and Perception and Speed E-3 -> D-0 (300 each).}

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