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Maigo spent the morning walking around the village, he hadn't much to do as of yet, he was merely a genin and aside from a few low level missions finding old women's cats he hadn't really any responsibility. The day was mild in temperature but humid, and light colored clouds filled the sky, being surrounded by water the land was liable to rain at any moment and today looked like it could go either way. He planned on heading to the docks later in the afternoon, he wanted to train his strength and the docks, with the heavy boxes and strenuous conditions made it the perfect place to train. He wore his light clothing, a jacket with no shirt and his hair messy as normal, he packed up his new starter packs and headed to the docks. The walk there was quiet, a few people waved here and there, and he arrived at the docks just after lunch time.

He arrived at pier 21, he had no idea where he was going, what he was suppose to do or how he was gonna go about it. All things he probably should have looked into ahead of time, but it was too late for that now. He stumbled around looking for somewhere to go or looking for someplace that might be able to direct him to what to work on. He wanted to increase his physical stats through a little unorthodox training but unless he found someone who could help him out he could always go back to sparring with other genin or maybe lifting and breaking rocks out in one of the training fields. Maigo decided to focus on his physique because he had no real aptitude for ninjutsu, and he spent all his time working on bukijutsu rather than developing his taijutsu like many ninja his age did. He knew that if he could get his physical abilities as high as they could go then he would be able to compete with nearly anyone around.

Lifting the boxes quickly and while avoiding the panic that can arise around the boats would be the perfect thing to increase his strength, speed, and awareness. He chose not to bring a sword along because he didn't figure that he would really need it for a simple task like this training, although conventional wisdom says to be ready for anything anywhere, advice isn't a thing Maigo took to or liked to receive. Now, he continued his search for someone to help him out, or waiting for someone to kick him out of the docks.

[436 words]



The daily droning of the same old training hour after hour had begun to take its toll on Yngol. Day after day without any social contact whatsoever, doing the same exercises, eating the same food, seeing the same things, it was all too much. He needed a breath of fresh air, something new to do for at least a day. It was time to take a break, at least from the mind-numbing routine that he had fallen into. Losing interest in his training was not an option, and as long as he kept up the tedious habit of doing the same thing over and over again, that became a real possibility. It was time to take a walk, to go somewhere new, meet some new people, have some new experiences. Anything to escape the hell that he had built for himself. Yngol didn’t quite fancy going to the training ground however, that place had become a home for the idiots. He needed to go somewhere fresh.

The docks wasn’t his first choice, it was actually quite far down the list of the places that Yngol wanted to go. The bloody academy was where he wanted to go, but he had been sent away. Apparently the smug, higher ranking bastards had claimed that place for themselves. Besides, there was already a battle going on there, and some ugly fellow appeared to have lost his arm. Yngol certainly wasn’t getting involved in that. The bloody cemetery was next, but again, the place was full of the standard rabble, the kinds of people that made Yngol feel like his IQ was dropping drastically. All of the other places in Kiri were either boring or unsightly. He had already been to the cesspool that they call the Siren’s Den. Never again. Girls with daddy issues and expensive drinks that are mixed far too weakly. The city was bustling and the hospital was full, the only place that was left to go to was the docks. Not exactly desireable, but far better than the rest of the places that Kiri had to offer.

To be honest, the docks reminded Yngol far too much of his home. The sea breeze, the wooden shacks, everything was all too familiar. At least he wasn’t lugging around logs and eating food that was two months out of date. Any change was better than what he was dealing with at home. The hope for a change in scenery was only a minor bonus anyway. The real reason he was out was to meet new people and do new things. He was guaranteed at least that. There didn’t seem to be many people around, though. The docks were relatively empty. Strange, they were usually quite busy with workers loading things up onto boats. Perhaps it was a day off. Yngol walked down the piers, looking down each and every one of them, hoping to spy someone that looked like they weren’t an idiot. It was beginning to get hopeless. Piers one through fifteen were all empty, aside from children swimming, or small boats setting sail. There were only ten left. May as well finish looking, but Yngol was about ready to head home.

Just as all hope was waning, he approached pier 15. A young kid stood there, lifting boxes. How strange, he wasn’t wearing the uniform of the dock workers. A shinobi? An odd way to train. Lifting boxes wasn’t exactly the most versatile of workouts, but to each their own. He seemed to be rather absorbed in his workout, which was good. At least he was dedicated to what he did. Yngol approached him, trying to be as quiet as possible, not to disturb the kid. He snuck up behind the kid, before grabbing him firmly by his shoulders. Mustering the most authorative voice that he could, Yngol bellowed “And WHAT do you think you’re doing here?”. Stifling his laughter as best as he could, Yngol reached out a hand to greet him. “Nothing wrong with a little bit of harmless fun is there? The name’s Yngol.” He observed his new acquaintance. Definitely a shinobi. However, he had a sheath for a sword, but no weapon to occupy it. Rather careless on his part.

“You shouldn’t leave your weapon when you’re out and about. It should be an extension of your own body. It should be your best friend. Besides, what if I were to jump you right now? How would you defend against that?”
Of course Yngol had no plans to jump the kid. He had no quarrel with him, and was just curious about him. He may have had good reason to leave his weapon behind, he may have just been careless. He was dripping in sweat, apparently he had been training for quite a while. Perhaps he had more in the tank, perhaps he was done. Yngol honestly didn’t care, at the moment he was just happy that he was having social interaction. Something that had become quite a rarity for him in recent times. He took a step back, making sure not to get in the boy’s face too much. Standing as tall as Yngol did, and having a build as large as his, he tended to intimidate people when he got close to them.

He looked up and down the kid as he waited for his reply. He was actually around the same height as Yngol, which was impressive. Yngol only had two or three inches on him, compared to sometimes having up to a whole foot on other people. However, Yngol still had the usual weight advantage. Perhaps a hundred or so pounds, he was quite larger than the other guy. He didn’t underestimate him though. Yngol had made that mistake before, and ended up flat on his arse and through the wall of his own home. Of course this time he wasn’t being disrespectful and instigating a fight. The other guy was unarmed, and didn’t exactly look prepared for a fight, but who knows. Anything can happen in the shinobi world, at any given time.



Maigo began loading boxes onto a ship, helping out a local dock worker, unable to find anything on pier 21 he decided to help out a smaller private ship owner out on pier 15. As he picked up another box from the pier to load onto the ship he heard a loud noise behind him, a man yelling at him. He dropped the box and turned quickly, a large man stood behind him and now laughing at his shock. He reached out his hand and introduced himself, Maigo took his hand and shook it, trying to be as firm as possible when grabbing his hand, he seemed like a man who put much into the handshake of another. After he gave his name Maigo quickly gave him his own, Hey, I'm uhhh Maigo. Still in a bit of a stunned state from being shocked, the words stuttered from his lips. Before he could even continue the man started up again, commenting on his lack of weaponry. Borderline insulting him before pausing for a moment, Maigo thought deeply for a second before responding. Putting his hand on his chin and humming, Well, I suppose if you WERE to jump me. And I didn't have my weapon, like I don't now, then I suppose I would just have to outsmart you in the fight. He waited for his reaction, he was sure that this guy, his size probably gave way to high strength and he could probably beat most opponents with his physical force alone.

Maigo continued for the man, I actually don't have my weapon now because I wanted to build some strength and stamina, because is a sword is useless in the hands of someone who can't wield it properly and for a long period of time. He had no reason to share any of this information with the man, but he thought that maybe this man had a reason for asking him about his weapon. And he also wanted to find out why this man had approached him of all people, he seemed a jolly person, so as long as Maigo didn't instigate him then he would probably be able to find out more about him or maybe he could borrow some of his size for some training, he would for sure know a thing or two about getting stronger. Maigo's honey colored eyes would look over the man, he was older and his face and body seemed like they had been worn over many years, he probably looked older than he actually was.

Maigo spoke up again before the man could, So what about you, Yngol, let me ask you some things. First off, let me ask you, should you be without your weapon, how would you go about a fight? his question merely meant to keep the conversation going rather than his won curiosity. Maigo would continue with a flurry of questions after that, these would be based on his curiosity, Also, why did you approach me out of everyone here, I'm sure you didn't just come here to chat it up with some random kid around here, did you? And then my next, you look like you know a thing or two about strength, I need to find a better way to train my physique and if you have any ideas or have any challenges then I'm willing to take you on, up to you though. He started to catch his breathe and the sweat had all but ceased, though some of the sweat had already stained his jacket. He wondered how the man would take his questions, how he would respond, and if he wanted to do some training today. Maigo wasn't even sure if he had the time to stick around for very long, it would depend on why he was there and what he was doing.

[654 words, 1090 words total]



Training on the docks or not, who knows? [Yngol/Private/No-kill] Bw,dynamic,illustration,viking,warrior-fd8e716de50816f9a87235d9b50b901c_h

The shock on the boy’s face as Yngol spoke to him was priceless. Eyes wide, body stiff. Just the reaction that he was going for when he snuck up on him. His handshake was firm, but his voice was anything but. His voice was a little bit shaky and his words were somewhat unsure. “Well, I suppose if you WERE to jump me. And I didn't have my weapon, like I don't now, then I suppose I would just have to outsmart you in the fight.” He thought clearly enough, and what he spoke was true. Physical advantage was only half of the equation. Strategy and skill were what made a real warrior. The boy thought straight, that impressed Yngol. He wasn’t particularly confrontational, which was also a very smart trait to have. Not instigating a man who you don’t know, and also happens to have the height and weight advantage. Yngol was quite a bit older than Maigo, be he had a good head on his shoulders. He could definitely prove a valuable friend and ally to Yngol in the future.

Yngol opened his mouth to respond, but Maigo continued speaking before he could. Slightly annoying, but at least he was showing some confidence. Yngol could respect that. “I actually don't have my weapon now because I wanted to build some strength and stamina, because is a sword is useless in the hands of someone who can't wield it properly and for a long period of time.” This statement confused Yngol a little bit. What better way to build up strength and stamina than training with a sword? To each their own. It was a silly move to go anywhere without a weapon, but he could understand why Maigo would want to train without it. Maybe relying on it too much could be costly. It was easy to forget that people couldn’t just conjure up a weapon the way that Yngol could. It was something that he took for granted, and often forgot that other people couldn’t do. Still, leaving his weapon at home was still rather stupid. Just because he didn’t intend on using it, it didn’t mean that he shouldn’t take it with him, even if it was just for assurance and protection.

Again Yngol opened his mouth to reply to Maigo, and again he was promptly cut off. He struggled to keep his temper in check, reminding himself constantly that he was here to train, not get into a fight. He bit his tongue and let the boy talk. “So what about you, Yngol, let me ask you some things. First off, let me ask you, should you be without your weapon, how would you go about a fight?” Yngol smiled at the irony of the statement. Soon enough he would show Maigo exactly what he would do should he ever find himself without a weapon. The tone of his voice aggravated Yngol, but again, he breathed and counted to ten in his head, not wanting to lose his temper and end up doing something very stupid. He often found himself in situations like this. His fuse was rather short, and Yngol often found himself getting wound up over the simplest of things. Had the circumstances been different, he could have already had his weapon out and begun swinging right now. He was doing rather well with keeping his cool, considering his tendency to lash out at people for rather silly reasons.

Yngol thought about trying to reply again, but had learned better by now. He paused for a moment, waiting for Maigo to carry on. His patience paid off, he was not cut off before he could say anything this time around. Instead, he listened to Maigo’s words carefully. “Also, why did you approach me out of everyone here, I'm sure you didn't just come here to chat it up with some random kid around here, did you? And then my next, you look like you know a thing or two about strength, I need to find a better way to train my physique and if you have any ideas or have any challenges then I'm willing to take you on, up to you though”. Quite a curious one he was. So many questions in such a short amount of time. At least he wasn’t boring. He had things to talk about, something that many other people around Kirigakure lacked. Yngol was caught off guard with the sudden flurry of speech however. Maigo had quite the mouth on him. It took a moment for him to organize his thoughts, before finally Yngol opened his mouth to reply to Maigo.

“I’m not sure where to start with this, you fired quite a few questions my way”. Yngol forced a smile. He didn’t want Maigo to think he was being a dick. He tried to make sure that his mild irritation wasn’t showing on the exterior. “In regards to your first question about what I would do if I was caught without my weapon…” This time his smile was genuine. He held out his arms, and his eyes lit up and a large warhammer slowly formed itself in his hands. “It’s a rather cool trick that, isn’t it? Quite handy to be honest. Saves me buying weapons too. I can go wherever I want and travel light, Im never without a weapon.” He looked up to observe Maigo’s reaction. He loved seeing how people acted after using his weapon creation jutsu. It wasn’t something that people saw every day, and thus their reactions were often that of shock, and served as good entertainment for Yngol. “Steel release. Quite a useful ability my ancestors bestowed upon me.”

“In regards as to why I approached you, I’ve grown tired of my training routine. I’m seeking to spice up my life a little bit. You’re the only shinobi I see around here. Quite logical that I would approach you instead of these dock workers.” It was a rather silly question of Maigo to ask in all honesty. What reason does a friendly warrior have to approach another? Yngol didn’t mind answering the question, regardless. He assumed that Maigo just shoved it in there to get a conversation going.
“Thank you for the complement on my physique, I work very hard to maintain it. In all honesty there isn’t much to training it. You lift heavy shit, you get stronger, it’s rather simple.” Again, another meaningless question from Maigo, but he was young and not as independent as most adults. It was reasonable that he would have some questions. Yngol was particularly old for a genin, and forgot that most people his rank were a lot younger and more immature than he was. It was embarrassing to say the least, but it served as a push to work harder than he already did.

“To be honest, you can lift those crates as much as you want, but raw strength isn’t everything. Fighting experience can mean the difference between life and death in a combat situation. That’s what you’re looking for really. Besides, fighting is more tiresome than you think. It will condition you much better than any mundane exercise will. If you want to, we can spar. I’ll forge you a sword if you need one.” Yngol took a step back from Maigo, distancing himself from the potential opponent by 2 meters. He didn’t want to be caught off guard should he wish to fight.

[WC 1244] [Total WC 2257]

Jutsu Used:



Yngol began to answer his questions, first by showing him a very neat trick where he fashioned a weapon out of thin air, it was incredible to Maigo who had no special abilities or jutsu as of yet. Maigo looked around the newly fashioned hammer, the man told him it was steel release, so this ability was his and his alone, it was a very cool ability and one Maigo wished he had as well. After, he went in to why he approached him, going on about training and thanking his compliment about his physique, in all honesty, Maigo was only here too because this was different than his normal workouts as well. Not that lifting these boxes was any more fun than his normal routine, but a change of scenery at the very least can make all the difference in the world. The next thing was an offer to spar, one that caught Maigo's ears as he watched the man jump back not long after, besides this guy looked plenty strong and could prove quite the challenge with his weapon making ability and him strength alone.

Maigo wondered what other kinds of abilities he might have, he looked incredibly strong, could control steel, this man's entire aura bleeded literal physical strength. His age and experience together with the skills Maigo had noticed in such a short time meant that he could probably learn a lot from him about how to battle an opponent. Maigo became a little excited, a smile crestened his face as he thought about the jutsu and techniques he could try out, and the new moves he could learn from him as well. Although he imagined his fighting style would involve a lot of power moves and attacks, Maigo still needed to learn how to battle and this was a great opprutunity.

It was a very tempting offer indeed, hopefully Maigo would be able to keep up with him and his abilities. A spar, huh? Maigo slid the box at his feet off to the side and fully faced the man now, Ok, if you can make a katana with that crazy ability of yours we'll have a short spar if you think you're up to it as well? Maigo prodded at him, and would await to see if he could produce his katana so easily again. Then from there he would take off his jacket and place some chakra in at as he hung it on a wooden post to the side, then taking a few steps back, trying to keep about five meters between the two of them before they began their battle on the docks, who knows how many meters long the dock was exactly but only about 5 meters wide and made of wood, if Yngol let his strength out too much they may end up destroying the docks as well.

Before beginning he would call out to him, Ok, if you're ready to begin I'll do the courtesy of letting you make the first move. Maigo would stand readied, his left foot forward and his hands holding the sword in a defensive stance, waiting for what Yngol would do on his first move.

[538 words, 1628 words total]

[OOC: It's been several days and this character person hasn't been around/may be leaving so this thread is not going to be able to be finished]
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