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1Down the hole we go (B rank mission) Empty Down the hole we go (B rank mission) Mon May 04, 2015 12:27 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

mission description:

Really, really annoying, that was how the young woman's day could've been described in a mere instant. Not only did she wake up far to soon, already taking her cup of coffee at a mere six O'clock in the morning, but she also had one splitting headache to boot, which in all glory made Risu cranky, short tempered and overall very sensitive to the prickling sensations of light and smell, to which the very bright morning sunrise, with it's luminescent yellow and red colors setting the room ablaze in an inferno of light, did not help at all.

"Damn this headache," The female ANBU captain hissed slightly while tying up her long black hair in a single, massive braid, topping it off with a purple ribbon. In stead of wearing her more obvious ANBU outfit, she resorted to a more simple and elegant purple chinese dress with black leggings underneath and wearing just some standard black shinobi sandals.

When she was completely dressed and ready to go for a stroll through the cheerful town, the young woman noticed that someone was crying near the entrance of the small inn she was staying at. Turning her attention to this kid, the shrieking wail the boy released made the ANBU captain of Konoha cringe completely, her brain seemingly exploding at such a high pitched sound. Placing her right hand against her head, she tried to block out the pain and give the boy a soft smile to ease him a bit. "Hey, kid. What's wrong, where's the bunny?"

The kid sniffled a bit and pointed towards the outskirts of town, tears and snot mixing above his lips while he tried to utter a few words.

"The rabbit is gone, it escaped and ran into the maze," The kid cried loudly, yet again forcing Risu to place her hands against her head as the stinging pain from her headache coarsed through her entire body, while she had to try and smile at the same time to at least make the boy feel slightly comforted. "I want my RABBIT!!"

With a shock, the ANBU captain took a step back when the kid yelled his desires out loudly, obviously demanding from the Konoha Jonin to search and fetch him his rabbit again. She remembered the hassle she had last time she had to find this special rabbit and with a shiver rolling over her spine, she accepted the demand, not willing to argue with the kid about things such as responsibility and other stuff connected to having or raising a pet of some sorts, in her own opinion, that snotnosed brat wasn't even capable of raising a pet ant if he wanted to, but a request, no matter how forceful, was still a request.

"Allright, I'll go look for it," The young woman sighed, patting the kid on the head once before leaving town towards the place the kid had pointed at: the Warren Maze. She had heard about this place before, reading about the mysterious maze in a few of the children's books, but to actually stumble upon the entrance of this elusive place was all in all still an amazing thing. Who would've known that a small cave on the outside, actually was something massive on the inside.

At the entrance of the maze, the young woman sighed deeply. She should've gotten her stuff with her, or at least her pet snake Uraeus, who had managed to find the rabbit before, this time however, the young woman could only rely on a few kunai, some wire and her own senses and powers. Such a hassle, but she had to do it anyway.

Clambering inside the hardly lit tunnel in front of her, the ANBU captain hissed when her clothes seemed to tear already after she had passed a few meters deeper in the tunnel. It seemed that she was surrounded by vines and roots, which despite the fact the tunnel was large enough for her to stand upright, still made the traversing of the maze one cumbersome and tiresome thing to do, especially if she would end up stark naked because of her clothes ripping and tearing because of the vines and roots pulling at them at every turn and twist in the dark tunnel.

"No Uraeus, no fire or raiton element to aid me regarding this darkness," The young woman sighed after having walked through the darkness for almost half an hour, still not sure wether she was getting further or closer to anything at all at that point. "If I wasn't so stubborn this morning and just called him, I'd have been fine, but now I'm not that sure. Maybe...ah yes that might work."

Standing still, the young woman hightened her senses by using a technique only known to those who serve or have ever served in the ANBU, it was probably their most useful jutsu out of battle: the ANBU sensory jutsu. Not just that, it was so easy to learn and use, that this alone made up for the grueling effort she had done to ever become part of the ANBU.

Calmly trying to feel, hear and smell everything around her with her sensory jutsu, the young woman's concentration was quickly broken when she heardthe sound of a falling pebble, followed by a loud rasping noise throughout the tunnel and what her sight did not show, her other senses did: the vibrations in the tunnel made it all the clearer, it was going to cave in and that was something which the ANBU captain couldn't take when being in such a dark and damn place.

Running as fast as she could, trying to outrun the rumbling noise of cracking stone and collapsing rock, Risu stumbled over vines, got snatched by prickly roots and could feel scratches appearing all over her entire body, with the feeling of slowly welling up, hot blood making it feel as if she wasn't running through a tunnel, but wading through a thick, sticky swamp.

Even so, when the rumbling stopped, the noises receding into the dark nothingness of the cave, Risu sighed deeply, wiping the sweat off of her brow and wondering how that rabbit had even managed to get inside the cave without dying. A quick thought however made Risu accept the fact that animals simply had it easier, since they had superior instincts and superior senses, to which the humans only were able to reach if they used a variety of jutsu.

"Well, what a day this is," The young woman hissed, ripping off a part from her chinese dress to stop the bleeding of one of the deeper gashes in her left arm. "What I dont do to fetch me a rabbit."

A sudden sound made Risu tense up completely though: the sound of moving and crawling insects, clicking their mandibles loudly in the darkness of the tunnels. Peering into that darkness, the young woman finally realized why there was such a sudden cave in nearby, as an entire horde of rat-sized ants came crawling her way, showing off their fearsome mandibles which glistened in the gleem of light inside the tunnels.

With her pupils opening completely, the veins in her eyes popping open and her skin becoming sticky from her sweat, the young woman let out a muffled scream, as she was now facing her worst fear in the most obvious of manners: big, creepy bugs.

"No...No...No, where the hell are you rabbit-san!!" The ANBU captain yelled, while running away from the insects, terrified by their sounds rather than the continuing darkness of the tunnels. The echoes of the insects only made the woman run faster, making it impossible for her to keep her sensory jutsu active. However, everything seemed to have a bright side as well, as she stumbled down a hole, falling onto soft grass somewhere in the middle of what she believed to be the center of the maze. "Oh for the love of...oh."

To the young woman's amazement and amusement, a white rabbit was looking at her from just a few feet away, it's eyes reflected some light coming from above her, which she realized to be the sun outside the cave.

Just as she slowly got up, trying to make it so that her movement would not scare the rabbit away, she suddenly heard the echoes of the insects again, followed by the sound of them tumbling into the same hole as she did, which also meant they were getting close to her and could drop on her any moment.

In fear of this ever happening, the female ANBU-captain used her superior speed to grab the rabbit and stuff it in the remainder of her chinese dress, pressing her palms together as two massive snakes of mud grew from the ground and hardened. With a quick jump, she got on the snakes and burst through the thin shell of dirt which seemed to be the roof of the open spot she had found the rabbit in.

Running away for a few minutes, she reached the valley again and sighed deeply, trying to keep the struggling rabbit in place. "A deal's a deal, I'll bring this one back to the boy before I get a migraine from those insects and that kid's crying voice."


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