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1Not my Clothes!!!!!!! (D-Rank Mission) Empty Not my Clothes!!!!!!! (D-Rank Mission) Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:23 pm



It seemed to be a nice and sunny day. The young Myugan taking a relaxing break from rigorous training. Strolling through the outskirts of the cozy little town, he wore a perfectly white full length shirt with a pair of matching white pants, any mark, dirt, or wrinkle would have been incredibly obvious. His outfit was pristine just as he liked it. A small child screaming caught his ear in the distance. The small thing running away towards town crying. What was wrong? Surveying the area, the young blonde didn't see anything that might have caused the small child to cry and run away. Had the little one been stung by a bee? It seemed to be the only answer, something so small like that seemed to be it. Children often didn't like bees, they hurt after all. Perhaps a closer look of the area was needed, surely there would be a few other bees to cement his answer.

Wondering closer towards where the child had run from nothing seemed out of the ordinary, no bees, no dogs, no animals, no other people, hell not even a pile of dog poo to accidentally step on. What had the child so upset that they would run crying. Something now though had caught his eye, the grass seemed wet. It hadn't been raining and wasn't early enough for it to be dew. Stepping back from the wetness a horror had been committed. A mark of color on the bottom of his pants, a touch of green. His perfectly white pants had green color on them now. A grass stain? No, too rich in color to be a simple grass stain and besides no one cut the grass out here to cause that either. A paint or dye? It had to be. Why would hell send such a person to leave a strong dye out on the grass to ruin other people's clothing. He had to get it out, but first how bad was it? Kneeling down, he wanted a closer look. The action though brought more terror, kneeling down his knee felt wet now. He didn't want to look. Oh please god be water, maybe a little mud. That was easy to clean out of white clothing. His eyes trying not to take in the new sight, widening as they witness more green dye soaking into his pants. Slowly traveling up his pants as the fabric soaked it up.

A terror welled up in his heart. Standing up completely the horror took it's full effect. A large wet green spot on the knee of his pants. Terror in it's purest form grew, before letting out a terrible scream of fear. A gag reflex tripping as blood burst from his mouth, this was the worst day in his life. Blood now running down his chin and green dye on his pants he began running back to his campsite. Terrifying any child that had the misfortune of being along his path. Each one reacting the same way, by running and screaming at the top of their lungs in fear from the strange man bleeding from the mouth. Dashing through the forest, his campsite came into view. Perhaps it wasn't too late, he should till be able to get all this dye out of his clothing before it stains. The world had one last horror for him though as he dashed towards his sanctuary. A stray root catching his foot, causing him to trip head over heels landing square on one of the perpetrator's dye eggs. Sliding slightly on his rear end into another of the oh-so-wonderful eggs. He took in what had happened, more dye had found him. Brown coloring all over his butt and a fabulous yellow on the opposing side. Such a splendid sight to see on a grown adult. A curious object lay on the ground in front of him though, it was an easter egg. Reaching down he picked up the egg. Perhaps this would be the only fortunate thing he'd get today. With the egg in hand, it exploded covering his face and shirt in a blue dye. It seemed today was nothing but disappointment.

696/600 Mission Complete

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