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1A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Empty A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:20 pm



The village that burns the Fire of Will

It was something about this village that always gave the mysterious person a feel of adrenaline and excitement. Probably the rumors of this village or something else.
Was it the calm, yet expressive feel of the village? Or maybe it was the atmosphere that had soared around the village, the smell of a "everything is going to be alright" type of smell in this village. Or maybe the village housed the strongest shinobi in this village. Konohagakure was famed for having an arsenal that could not be matched by lowly villages such as Kumogakure or Sunagakure, let alone Kirigakure. Either that or another, this village had a positive aroma in the air, and it was an aroma that even the mysterious individual could not help but smell. It was daytime. The sun was shining, illuminating all darkness in the village to which gave away the mysterious male shinobi and his location at the Honored Shinobi Monument. He did not know why he came to this location in the first place, but something about this place had peeked his interest. Hearing the wind blow in the village, the soft sound of children laughing and footsteps silently pounding the floor with each step, he had also heard his stomach rumbling and growling. He was hungry alright, but his stomach could wait for the time being. He had walked forward to touch the monument of the very important ninjas of past time, to which it had brought back memories of his days as the Mizukage of Kirigakure, even though he did not do anything while he was in rank while being in Sunagakure. But, that was before and this was now and he was freely able to move as he please. Now was a more lenient time, although still training in the arts of Endurance in that manner.

They said it was good to light-colored clothes during the daytime, which was why his attire was mostly white, especially his white cloak and the hood that he had placed over his head, covering his entire face in eternal darkness, only revealing . His internal clothing under his white robe and cloak-like hood was a more of a different color, mainly maroon and bright red with white pants and red boots. His glasses only showing white medium ovals in his hood as a strand of his hair dangled in front of his face as he pushed up his glasses to his eyes, showing his crimson eyes only for a second. Anyway, it was something about this place that had peeked Jurou's interest at best. His eyes had darted his surroundings, calculating every small location in this area in every aspect. He wanted to make sure that he was alone for sure. Even though the wind was blowing north, he felt something uneasy all around him, like as though something or someone was watching him at times like this. His perception was lacking in the slightest compared to many others, even though he was of somewhat god-like rank for him being S-rank. He still feel as though something apart him was missing, both physically and mentally. He sighed once more, for this thinking was a drag to him. He got bored instantly, but kept his attention on the monument itself. There was some significance about the monument, a special message or feeling that emitted itself from the monument. What was this feeling? Was it because the village was sturdy and strong itself?

The death of even the greatest to the worst ninja was named here. And even legends were at the top of the list of honored members. Looking at this names had proved something then and now; Konoha had before and still have now, the most lethal shinobi in the ninja world. He really had to keep his guard up, but nothing like a little free time would soften his mood a little. His three swords were well with him; Naiya, along with his two rapiers, Keno and Bato. He kept his hands inside of the sleeves of his robe as he heard people talking in the distance as he sighed. The atmosphere was correct in his term. The smell of a strong adversary was all over the place. Konohagakure had been strong when he was a Special Jounin and Mizukage in Kirigakure. This village had not changed a bit, but only gained even stronger shinobi in that manner. This had him excited a little, even with a smirk that came across his lips. He would not be ready for battle yet, but he was more cautious then ever about it.  He was right about one thing...

"This village is worthy of strong adversaries..."

At this rate and at his current state, he was merely confident in only 70% of his abilities as a whole, but even so, his abilities did not match him in the slightest, and that was something he needed to work on entirely. Yet the setting of this location was far out of place for him to even start such a training. So now, his training would be held off for now until otherwise. He turned his attention now to the village as a whole and looked at the surroundings, studied them, calculating and pinpointing his surroundings more then ever. He was more reserved and quiet then he was before, yet still more alert.


Last edited by Jurou on Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

2A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Empty Re: A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:44 am




What are you doing?
Why are you still here?


She had lost count at how many times those questions had repeatedly echoed through her chaotic consciousness. But every time they did the answer was always the same.

It was just over a week ago when she had her sodden heated battle with the currently residing Hokage, the Lord Sousetsu Senju. And even though she had healed to the point of walking comfortably without a kink in her step and a splint up her side...even though she was given the permission to stay as long as was required, the Special Jounin had never intended to remain in the village hidden in the trees for longer than she had to. Just pack whatever she had left, stock up on the more essential necessities and leave. Quick. Easy. Simple. Done. But plans don't always last like the quiet whispers in her head. They don't hold like the ever repeating questions. They tend to crumble. Fall apart. Which was part of the reason why she was still here. Still lingering. Still afraid of having to go.. and go through the same uncertainties as she had done all the times before. No, this place had an atmosphere like a big warm blanket. Heavy, safe, and tucked in tight. It was a security net and Tenmei Sotsuji wasn't prepared to leave.

Well..... not just yet anyway.

It was just....

There was just something about this place.
Even as the female headed out the door of the little shoebox house where she was staying and crossed on to the street she could see it...hear it, feel it all around her. The lightly cooled breeze, tossing about her coal black hair, carrying loose leaves and fresher scents above the bustling hum of the village. The luminescent shades and tones, painting brightness in to the breaths of life inside her steel silver eyes. Even the way the people would simply nod an acknowledgement before trying to avert their eyes, while silently keeping gossip and rumours to themselves; was a nice change of pace. Everything here seemed... clearer than in Kirigakure. And to think, if the Hokage had not stopped her when he did. If he had not shown his strength when he did and quietened her mind, she would have lost control, and started a bush fire that could have torn the tinder made village to ash.  She would thank him for that later.

In the mean time though, the young woman was slowly becoming further and increasingly lost amongst the streets of the village. A quick stop at the markets to collect the missing part of her forgotten and fractured plan... a meander through the edge of the forest to see how it healed and then finally...finally she found herself staring at the monumental mountain that over looked the rooftops of this country. The larger than life carved memorial of the past Kage's faces.
It was strange really, the last time she had crossed the border in to the fire country and gazed upon the colossal faces, they had seen rather majestic staring down at the world like gods peeking through the earth. But this time, standing up close she could see the wearing in the stone. The cracks and chips where the weather had beaten it to it's bare surface. The places where it crumbled under the pressure.
All of a sudden, it didn't seem as much of a marvel as it had done when she was half the height with a quarter of the experience.

It didn't matter. She just turned and walked away. Leaving the earthen eyes to watch as she disappeared behind some trees nearby.


It didn't take the woman long to find somewhere nice to settle down. A small grassy area just off the path, out of the sun rays and away from a curious gaze; she unfolded a woolen blanket beneath a large tree and sat down with her back resting lightly against it's trunk. Then, with precise care she started unpacking her bag, taking out a small teapot, a leather bound book, pieces of fruit and a large pot filled with rice, vegetables and pork; the meal the old lady had made for her lunch while she was out and about. It wouldn't take long before she was soon using her natural heat to cook the contents of the pot and pour ready boiling water through some home dried tea leaves. Today was supposed to be a day of rest. Try to hold back enough to read, get something good in to her stomach, maybe have a nap. Get herself back to better before she started repairing those plans to leave once more. But that was tomorrow's problem. All that was left to do today was sit back and breath in the delicious scent of a freshly cooked meal and jasmine and honey tea. Rest. Relax. Recuperate.

And maybe she could be strong enough to leave next time

Words: 841

3A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Empty Re: A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:07 pm



A simple scratch on his head as a feeling of bored and tiredness had hit while looking at this monument. This view of the monument, or maybe even the village itself had made him tired and somewhat bored and had decided to go sit down and rest for a bit, but the question was obvious: where would he go? He did feel kinda lazy from the view and decided to find a more settling place for him to seat while being here in this village. He had removed his white cloak and tied the sleeves around his waist and his cloak flared behind him, blowing with the wind at that same direction. It was getting sorta warm in Konohagakure, something that we was fairly used to during his time in Sunagakure. His red short, spiky hair had blown with the wind also as he walked to see a meadow full of grass with trees that had blocked the rays of the sun. A good scenery for a cool-off before continuing what he was doing in the meantime. He had seen yet another person resting also, feeling the chakra signature of the individual proved to be lower then he is, so fighting was of no importance, especially when he had no reason too. He had walked to one of the trees and sat on the tree stump of the tree and sighed as he looked up at the sky. It was clear with clouds in it, giving off a more peaceful aroma then most villages he had visited. No wonder a lot of people would usually come to this village at any time. This was a more peaceful village then Kirigakure and Sunagakure at that. A smirk came across his face as he sighed once more.

{Apologies for the short post. Writer's block kills.}

[WORD COUNT 144 + 296 = 440]

4A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Empty Re: A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:17 am




There was something unusually peaceful

about watching the world


From her fragile protected resting place in the semi open clearing, Tenmei Sotsuji could see just about everything. The apple green grass, cool, clean and crisp as it brushed against the exposed skin around her feet. The towering trees with their emerald gold fingers reaching up to the cerulean sky, slowly swaying to the wind's music only they could hear. The small insects creeping in their camouflage across every uneven surface, the occasional curious critter peeking it's nose from the safety of their hiding place. The leaves and petals playing chase across the ground.... but the thing that had drawn her pin point attention from the slightly yellowed pages of the book resting lightly in her hands: Was the stranger that she had seen gazing at the carved stone faces not long before she had taken a seat. The shinobi who had, until now, just been another faceless figment in a passing moment. There one moment. Gone the next. Never to be seen again

And yet...

For some reason he had become important. The shinobi sitting just within line of her eye sight had become notable enough for the female to hold her subtle glances for a breath longer. For her to turn her attention away from the lightly yellowed pages and the patiently brewing coffee to gaze at him for that moment longer and wonder about the clear contrast between the two. That's right... the two strangers could not be more different. For example, the elder shinobi seemed comfortable in his multiple layers of white and red. And outfit like blood and snow designed to hide his identity. While she on the other hand wore all black. A light weight sleeveless shirt cropped above her waist and a loose pair of pants slit up either side; it provided just enough cover for protection but it showed everything they needed to see. The serious burn scars from hip to neck, the patchwork patterned marrings covering her back.. the more recent bandages holding together the tear across her leg.

He was strong, calm, controlled. He wasn't interested in fighting someone like her.
She was shaky, just holding it together. A naked flame on a hot summers day.

But she was okay. This time she was okay

"Why don't you come over and join me" she said softly... quietly, already starting to divide the rice and fillings in to the two small wooden bowls, her gentle touch heating them as she went.
"I know it's... unusual to ask. But I can hear your stomach growling from all the way over here"

Whether he took the female up on the offer or not, Tenmei still found her self reaching in to her bag: pulling out the Kirigakure headband, the half empty medical kit and finally the second red clay cup she had been searching for. Then, with well practiced movements she placed it just beside the ready served meal and filled it up as she had done her own, complete with a set of chopsticks resting across the top of one and a couple sugar drops beside the other. In a matter of moments the special jounin returned her attention to her own small feast and started to slowly pick at the vegetables regardless of the experienced nin's choices. If there was one thing the old merchant had taught her; was never waste a good meal if it was given to you for free.

"I've got to say, I'm a little curious. What about those stone faces had you so lost in thought" She would eventually continue as she thought about when she saw him staring at the mountain the first time their paths crossed. "I would ask if you knew any of them but you don't strike me as someone that comes from here.... you smell like someone who comes from the mist"

Oh yes, she knew that scent anywhere.  Musky. Mysterious. Metallic. Out of place in somewhere as clean as this. As much as she tried to ignore it, the familiar aroma explained this moment perfectly. Why she was so curious about him... why she wanted to know more. And why despite having just invited him to lunch, she wanted to run as fast and as far away as she could


Words: 730
Total: 1571

5A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Empty Re: A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Tue Mar 31, 2015 1:33 am



Why was this world so boring to me? Is it because of the lack of excitement?

The relenting feeling of no competition?

Or maybe the simple fact that these people are living a false reality that they cannot escape out of?

This was all so livid to him, yet boring as the thought of such had made him cause a yawn. A feint voice was in his head, as he was either imagining things or was he thoughts somewhat narrated by himself? The sun was shining at a miraculous rate, the clouds greatly separated from each other, having the sun showing its true potential in its rays of light. This was the peace that he needed, the peace that he wanted, the peace that he so desired. Closing his eyes slowly, he nodded a drift into a deep sleep as he hummed a melodic tone in his monotone voice that was sung to him by his mother before her death when he was a small kin. A light snore was heard from him in a quiet tone that only he could hear. This was peace at its finest.

"Why don't you come over and join me"

A light, small voice was heard to his ears as his eyes slowly shifted upwards, opening them as his pupils had searched the area to see who was talking to him. His head turned toward the left and had seen a female supposedly dividing some food of her own in the shade. Again his stomach growled once more. Maybe one bite wouldn't hurt the Criminal at that. His steps were quiet and elusive to sound, yet soft as he made his way to her location in a relaxing pace. As he sat down, the wind blew at a normal pace, yet quickening its velocity, not too wild for the hood to come off of his head as he sat next to her.

"I know it's... unusual to ask. But I can hear your stomach growling from all the way over here"

Her hearing was good, although his stomach's growl was even better. Looking at how the food was prepared, she had did it with grace and ease with perfection, something that even the cold and callous Criminal could've done if he was still in his good old ways from before. She wanted him to join, so it would be rude to not eat when given for free that is. He had picked up the chopsticks and slowly devoured the white rice that was in front of him, savoring the taste and sugary flavor of the rice as he sighed a sigh of relief. This was heaven indeed.

"I've got to say, I'm a little curious. What about those stone faces had you so lost in thought"

It had seemed that she noticed him as he was looking at the stone monument. It was not what he was looking at, it was what he was thinking from before hand. He had been to this village countless of times in his youthful rank of Special Jōnin, and he remembered the strong fighters this village had in his before times. Now, he pondered upon where were the strong fighters from before, also how strong are the ones now? Are they even a match? Questions like those pondered his mind as he continued eating and listening to her talk.

"I would ask if you knew any of them but you don't strike me as someone that comes from here.... you smell like someone who comes from the mist"

(Cue suspense music: Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2: Dark Half)

Well now, she was correct in her little sense of smell. He would applaud her for the effort, but 1: he was eating and the food tasted like heaven and 2: that would blow his cover and identity. He was somewhat surprised that his scent of home village could still be smelled, even with the appearance change the years of growth while hiding. Impressive indeed. As he finished his food, he looked at the sky, at the monument, at her, and back at the sky.

"I do thank you for the glorious meal. It was rather tasty at that..."

A more simple way to start off his conversation.

"And these stone faces reminded me of a few people back then... nothing personal if you are wondering..."

His quiet voice could only be heard by him and the female. He had known she would raise some kind of suspicion and unease, but even that wasn't enough for her to know his scent of home smell, but yet a single glance at her headband had explained it all. She was a Kirigakure kunoichi herself. Interesting.

"I do must say, your sense of smell is well accurate, although I do not condone myself with that village or any other, I am just a wanderer. Traveling to different villages and learning their different traditions..."

It may had seem as though she was a more stubborn lot just from her smell. Although her nose was accurate, a change of scenery could be given from time to time. He needed to escape from that village anyway.

"Since you rely on smell, please describe my scent of a mist shinobi. I would be more then delightful to hear what you have to explain. Who knows... you might even be right..."

[WORD COUNT 440 + 907 = 1347]

Last edited by Jurou on Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:59 am; edited 1 time in total

6A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Empty Re: A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:55 pm




She couldn't help herself


As the shinobi slowly, gracefully rose from his resting position and sauntered over with his silent footsteps and quiet presence, the curious female couldn't help but watch him with a sharply interested focus. There was just something in the way that he calmly sat down before her and accepted her food without question, while also being careful not to reveal any defining details about his character... or his past. It was like one of those riddles her father had told her when she was little. Confusing. Contradictory. A puzzle that she couldn't quite figure out.
It seemed that he was confident enough to sit down with a complete stranger and trust that she wasn't trying to poison him. But yet, he also was meticulous when choosing his words, keeping his hood down, keeping his head down, making sure that she wouldn't find out who... or what he was. Did he think that she was not strong enough to pose a threat? Did he think she was quick enough to get away with a message? What could he possibly be thinking with this seemingly simple... natural act.

Whatever it was, it had Tenmei watching him like how a wary deer would watch a sleeping lion. Careful. Cautious. And expecting something to happen.

"I do thank you for the glorious meal. It was rather tasty at that..."

Just words. That's all. Just words.

As she continued to listen to his unexpected compliments and well thought answers the slight curve that pulled at her pale rose coloured lips brightened for a bare moment before fading back in to the passive creases of before. Once again, it felt like he was leaving her bread crumbs. Enough honesty, openness, and trust to keep her following yet still enough vaguely shaded mystery to keep her hungry curiosity at arms length; But she still couldn't figure him out. Maybe it was because she was tired and still healing. Or because she was missing him and looking for a light house. Either way the Sotsuji was believing and relating to every word, following that carefully cultivated trail right in to the palm of his hand.

"I am glad you enjoyed it. The old merchant I traveled around with taught me how to prepare food... and tea for that matter"
She had finally replied after another moment of thoughtful silence, busying her hands with pouring them both a cup of tea. A warming mix of chai spice and sweetened bits of chocolate and vanilla.  As she passed the hand made clay cup over he would feel the heat that radiated from her skin. A temperature that was far higher than what any fever could produce. In fact the heat from her fingertips was close to the steaming temperature of the tea... and the meal he had just consumed.
"My father however, taught me to rely on all my senses. Not just sight and sound.  You sir, have a scent that reminds me of the ocean. That cold sea salt smell that leeches in to your skin and no matter how many lands you crawl across, you just can't get it out. Cos it's stuck there... with all those little traces of iron and musk and dirt.
I lived in Kirigakure for only a few years but enough happened for me to recognize the scent of someone who lived there... and fought there... maybe even suffered there......"

The special jounin's voice dropped away with her gaze, as her attention dropped down to the steaming cup in her hands and the memory swirling within the steam. She hadn't even realised her temperature had subtly risen to reboil the cup's contents.
A lot like him, she too wasn't really allied to Kiri anymore, nor was she tied to any other village. The young ebony haired female was simply traveling...wandering, moving from place to place with no particular direction in mind. However, she wasn't seeking to learn as he had been. No, Tenmei's goal was to try and forget. Forget what drove her to this way of life to begin with.

She couldn't help but wonder what was his drive.

"So what was it that brought you here? What were you hoping to learn? I hope you don't mind me asking. But... was it your choice to live this way of life? Or was it something.... somethings that happened to make that choice for you? Like with me?"

Secretive and but trusting. Searching and running.he had lost all attachments. And now she was too unsure to make new ones. They feared her and she despised them. Was he like her? Was he an outcast? Or was he one of those that she kept away from?

More puzzles. More Riddles. More questions.


Total: 2382

7A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Empty Re: A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:52 pm



"...The Corrosive King with a steaming arsenal."

The tea and the food was good to him, for he had not eaten in such a long time. He had missed the taste of food and beverages while he was here in Konohagakure, seeing as though this place would only be a resting place for him to relax now. The breeze of the wind was a good one to him and the sunlight shined on the world, but not the female and the individual as they were in shade from under a tree. He had never knew Konohagkure to be so beautiful and peaceful, but then again that was like any other villages without the negativity and whatnot. What he did not like was the female keeping watch of his every moment as he did so. As if she was confused, yet pinpointing his moves as he make them. It was starting to get rather irritating, but he said no words as he sipped the last of his tea and had his eyes closed, along with his hood that had kept his face hidden. He had slowly opened his eyes, exotic looking eyes of black sclera and red pupils, while his face was hidden and had let out a small sigh, indicating that he had known or had a feeling of what the kunoichi was doing.

He had felt her gaze hit him when he came over there and sat with her, ate and drink with her. Of course there must've been confusion in the air as to why she did not strike and leave when she had the chance to. Not to him at least. He felt the chakra with this individual, it was similar weaker compared to his, but it had potential. He had no reason as to even think of striking. He was bored with fighting for the moment as it did not please him, although he did need a few things to work on in the time being, but right now was resting time for the S-rank Missing Ninja.

"I am glad you enjoyed it. The old merchant I traveled around with taught me how to prepare food... and tea for that matter"

That feint voice of the female had talked once more as she mentioned a merchant that had taught her such. The merchant was a good instructor then, since her food and tea were delicious enough for him to have more, but he would not be greedy. He's in a village where food is all over. Nothing like spending a little ryo would not hurt him. He had felt the temperature of the cup of tea, similar to his hands in the process. He looked at the steam rising from the pour and smiled a small smile. One movement of his finger and the steam would follow, but not right now at least. He bowed his head in respect of saying "thank you" without saying the actual words as he drank his tea with little sips. The tea was still in perfection in regards of taste.

"My father however, taught me to rely on all my senses. Not just sight and sound.  You sir, have a scent that reminds me of the ocean. That cold sea salt smell that leeches in to your skin and no matter how many lands you crawl across, you just can't get it out. Cos it's stuck there... with all those little traces of iron and musk and dirt.
I lived in Kirigakure for only a few years but enough happened for me to recognize the scent of someone who lived there... and fought there... maybe even suffered there......"

Her father must've been a great teacher at that. But a scent that reminds her of the ocean? That confused him. Oceans were known to be beautiful and sightseeing that sparkled when the sun was setting. What was all that compared to him? The smell of home lingered on him huh? He was surprised it was not the bloodshed or other villages smell that had lingered on but Kirigakure's smell huh? It had amused him for someone to even think of such a talent to heightened all five senses: Sight, Touch, Hear, Smell, and Taste. She had lived there only a few years, but can recognize the scent of one who lived, fought, and suffered there. All three were correct in his regards. He did live there all of his life, not until he had kids then moved to Sunagakure. He did fight there, and he did suffer there. He was surprised that she was not apart of the Inuzuka Clan because of her nose.

"So what was it that brought you here? What were you hoping to learn? I hope you don't mind me asking. But... was it your choice to live this way of life? Or was it something.... somethings that happened to make that choice for you? Like with me?"

Again with the questions and more questions. He had always hated the noisy types, but this girl was different. Strange, but different. She kinda reminded him of Gin in the past, when she wasn't annoying but still was in a way. It made him chuckle.

"Your father and the merchant must've been good people to you..."

A father figure, role model, someone to teach him how to do certain things, he never really had that. Well, he did but after his father died when he was of young age, the individual did nothing but survive and used what he was taught to use.

"You ask a lot of questions..." A sigh was released from his lips as he stopped for a short pause.

"What has brought me here in this village was simple, to become stronger then what I am, but also to take a little time off..... sort of like a relaxing vacation while learning some new things. I was hoping to learn this... world that we so call life and we live in. There are secrets out there that has been kept for ages, and each village has a secret... and I don't mind you asking. The way of life is the way of life I chose to live. Some things are just better without rules and regulations... You and I are different. I will tell you this: something does not always have to happen to make that choice. Sometimes... you just look at it and say, you want to be free."

He turned his head to her, face still hidden but giving her a sight of his small smile from his words and getting up from his spot as he started to walk to the direction to where he was at. Before he walked, he had turned his head to look at her.

"Your heart is as free as your blade when you swing it. Village rules and regulations do not apply to some people.... like me for instance. You live this life to get stronger because everyone is in competition with each other... but you are stronger on the inside then you are on the outside. If you want to get stronger, you have to face yourself. You are your worst enemy..."

He turned his back to his destination and began walking.

WORD COUNT 1218 + 1347 = 2565 [Training Endurance]

8A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Empty Re: A simple talk (Invite/No Kill) Fri May 01, 2015 8:35 am



The answers you need
Were not always the answers you wanted


A moment of silence. A minute of thought. The lightly anxious female hastily glanced away with her cheeks flushing scarlet and eyes flaring amber. She hadn't mean to be staring... not really. It was just... while watching this mysterious male, trying to figure out the puzzle behind the hood's shadow and the riddle of his intentions, Tenmei Sotsuji found herself, once again, thinking about the last time came here.
It was only a couple years ago but somehow everything felt different. The trees were taller, the shadows more intimidating, even the people seemed a little more frightening as they brushed past her with their careless intent and unseeing eyes. But the one thing that never changed, was the blissful sense of peace that lingered in the the air like the musk after a rain. The perfectly clean and fresh stillness that almost hurt to breath. The constant state of calm. Wonderfully tranquil. Peaceful. Fragile. The young kunoichi would tiptoe around the sky reaching giants and the crisp emerald grounds in fear of breaking the living ambiance and angering them the way she constantly angered her father. But she never did.

And maybe that was why. Maybe this was the reason why she had come back here. In search of that same peace and quiet that she had crept through a life time ago. A place where she could heal the tears and forget the scars. A place where she could breathe. Until today that place was no where to be found.... .

Until today.

"Your father and the merchant must've been good people to you..."

"Oh yeah. They were very good to me..."

His light hearted chuckle. Her convincing reply.
It was enough to lure the girl from her thoughts and turn her attention to the stranger sitting opposite and the empty bowls between them.
He wasn't wrong in that statement, and she wasn't lying. Her father had been good to her. He had taught her a good many things. How to defend herself properly, how to fight accurately, how to sense the world around her and use it to her advantage. But he also showed her how it didn't matter, how none of it mattered as long as she was kept safe out of the reach of those with the malicious intent and judging eyes.  And the old man? Well... aside from cooking and cleaning, first aid and those other skills people needed for living... he taught her that you didn't have to show affection if you loved someone. You didn't even have to touch them... to look at them...


Shaking off the last of those thoughts and pushing them back to where they belonged, Tenmei busied her hands with cleaning up, while keeping her mind focused on his words. Listening to him tell of his reasons for being here, what he hoped to accomplish, answering her many questions while also reminding the kunoichi, in not so many words, that she needed to be more careful about what she would speak and with whom. And yet... and yet the young female found her self with a small smile to match his own.
Here she was, sitting with a complete stranger whom she had never laid eyes on before. A stranger who also carried the scent of blood and mist while looking for a moment of sanctuary; and all they were doing was enjoying a meal and a good cup of tea. No judgments, no worries. Just questions and answers to satisfy the mind and a meal to warm the soul. She had been here for a month and only now did she find that peace she was yearning for.

It couldn't last.

By the time he stood up the ebony haired female had packed up the remains in to a small wooden box, poured the tea in to ready warmed wooden container, and wrapped them together with a spare bit of material from inside her bag. Then, just as he was about to turn and walk off, disappearing from this moment forever the special jounin stood also and called for him to pause just a moment longer, handing him the carefully wrapped package.

"Here. For later if you get hungry"

No wave goodbye. No thanks. She would simply offer a smile and a nod of thanks before watching him walk from her sight whether he accepted her gift or not. Soon it was her turn to walk from that perfect pause in time and return to the world.
She had her peace. And now it was time to go.

Time to go to Suna


Words: 785
Total: 3167


Perception: B - B3 = 2500
3167 - 2500 = 667 left over

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