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1Prank Eggs [D-rank/mission/no-kill] Empty Prank Eggs [D-rank/mission/no-kill] Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:20 pm



Mission details:

Sekuro was around the paddock area, trying to figure out everything going on, lots of people in the village are out and celebrating this weeks events. Lots of eggs, rabbits, and candies all over the place, decorations around and kids running everywhere. It was quite an easter celebration and Sekuro sat leaned against a wall enjoying some juice he got at the shop nearby. He heard some kids talking in the alley behind him and he decided to listen in on them, probably not the most appropriate thing to do but it was too late to re-consider.

The two youngsters, academy students, had gotten a hold of some special eggs, they were filled with a special dye that when in contact with skin would change their color, and would ruin clothes. One kid started talking to the other, Let's take these eggs and hide, then when someone good walks by, we'll blast the with the dye. We've got one yellow, one red, one blue, and one green egg to use. We need to find someone good to get, like an old person, or someone in all white. Both kids snickered about their masterplan, unfortunately Sekuro overheard that and wasn't going to let them get away with it so easily. It was basically his duty from stopping a simple prank from spreading into a huge problem.

The kids got their four eggs in each of their hands and began to climb up to the rooftops to find a good spot to throw their eggs, being academy students they would have pretty good aim and would probably hit their targets but wouldn't be perceptive enough to hear Sekuro sneak up behind them. They reached the top of the roof and spread out by two buildings space between them. Perfect, they wouldn't be able to act quickly enough to escape.

As they lied down on the roof, and prepared to find their targets Sekuro climbed up the roof behind them. They each had two eggs and he wouldn't lt them get away with it so easily. The first kid lying on the roof had one in his hand to throw and the other in his back pocket. Sekuro snuck up behind him, he had no idea, and stepped on the egg in his back pocket, releasing the dye all over his shorts and grabbing his arm and breaking the second egg over his head. Sekuro jumped and ran towards the second friend, who had heard his yelling began to turn. It was too late though as Sekuro reached him and kicked the egg out of his hand and into the air, he hadn't checked where the other egg was on his person and it turns out it was in his other hand. Not as accurately he tried to throw it at Sekuro but he dodged the egg and it went and hit his friend who was behind Sekuro now, now three of the four eggs on his person. With the last egg in the air Sekuro jumped up to grab it from the kids, he easily beat them and rotated around and hit the second kid in the forehead with the egg, now he was dyed green and the other kid with three colors contaminating him.

Sekuro looked at them and the mess on themselves, he spoke to them If you're going to prank someone you need to be prepared for it to backfire and to prepare for someone to stop you too. And with that Sekuro body flickered off of the rooftop and left the boys with no eggs and dye all over themselves and their clothes.

[615 words]

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