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1Cold Storage (Solo) Empty Cold Storage (Solo) Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:14 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

The inside of the hospital was already bustling in the early morning, and everyone seemed to be busy at work. Everyone, that was, apart from one of the doctors who was currently sitting down in one of the meeting rooms opposite from the hospital's prosthetic vender. The boy was smiling at him, but behind that smile was something that made the doctor feel quite uncomfortable. What was he missing here.... he was sure this couldn't be as simple as it seemed. After all, it wasn't like he was a doctor and yet he was acting for access to the cadavers. If it was anyone else, he'd probably think that was disgusting and that he planned something obscene, but this was Tomoya. Ever since he'd started working in compliance with the hospital he'd done nothing out of the ordinary. Alright... maybe that wasn't true, but he'd done nothing wrong. Pretty much everything that Tomoya did was out of the ordinary. Not many people spent their youth designing clockwork body parts for people.

"So.... why do you want us to let you use our morgue for your own purposes? Are you trying to learn Ijutsu or something?" Tomoya shook his head. The reason he actually wanted to use the bodies was quite complex, a genius little idea he'd come up with recently whilst meditating to try and get his fire chakra to flow more smoothly. Now he wanted to start putting the idea into practice but before he tried it on something living he wanted to make sure that his theory was more than just a dream, that he had the ability to turn it into a reality. After all, wasn't this all very advanced medical sciences? He was no doctor, not yet anyway, but he understood biology like few others. That meant that he would be at least more likely to succeed at this than most, but more likely to succeed did not guarantee his results. This was important, and if things went well today he'd be able to make the world see what a genius he was. Now was his chance ot shine.

2Cold Storage (Solo) Empty Re: Cold Storage (Solo) Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:24 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya pulled a small bag off of the floor and put it on the table, opening it and pulling out a few sketches he'd come up with, before sliding it over to the doctor who was interviewing him. The sketches were of machinery that seemed to be shaped like body parts. it was clear which all of the drawings were supposed to be, especially the first one. It was a small pair of sacks that seemed to be attached to a tiny little pump, pulling and pushing out the gasses inside the sacks. This was clearly supposed to be the lungs, and from what it looked like this was a very well understood concept of what they actually did. The outer layer seemed to be thin enough to allow air diffusion from the alveoli.... how much did this guy know about the human body? And the others that came with it were just as surprising. The heart, the kidney, the stomach, the bladder. And the strangest thing was, with the notes and annotations, it looked possible. The doctor was a little surprised at what he was looking at, before Tomoya started to talk.

"My good man, you know more about unnecessary death than most, working as a doctor. But imagine it... if someone's heart fails, you replace it with a machine that will always work right. If they struggle with breathing because of a birth defect or because their lung was pierced by a sword or if they get too much liver damage from drinking to excess. With my machines, I could stop all those deaths... well, maybe not all, but a lot of them certainly. I could help to revolutionize modern science's understanding of the human body, but I need to make sure that my ideas are more than just theory. I need access to a large amount of cadavers to examine the hearts, lungs, kidneys, brains, all the internal organs. Otherwise these things will not only probably not work, but it will probably be highly dangerous to use." The words sounded almost insane to the doctor. Replacing body parts with machinery... no, wait, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. After all, they'd been using machines for prosthetic limbs for a long time, and the kid showcased some serious skill with his toys, maybe he could actually pull this off. Besides, those cadavers were going to be used for medical examination by fledgling Ijutsu students anyway, so it made perfect sense to let it be used for this. It wasn't Ijutsu, but it was as close as science would probably ever come.

3Cold Storage (Solo) Empty Re: Cold Storage (Solo) Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:37 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

"And what will you do if we give you access to the morgue? That's a sacred trust that we only vest in our own trainees, who in turn promise to help us by acting either as doctors or field medics. What can you actually bring to us to make it fair that we would allow you to have our resources?" The doctor asked, although he was sure of the answer before Tomoya even had to answer. Thankfully, his hunch proved to be right.
"What can I bring you? Why, do you think I'd just make these inventions for fun? No, that's a silly idea. I want to be able to give these to you, for a small charge of course, and thus be able to save people's lives with my inventions. It's my solemn wish that I can save as many people's lives as possible."
"You.... want us to pay you for your inventions? But, why?" Tomoya raised a quizzical eyebrow. Of course he wanted to be paid, the village didn't give very good payment for the ninjas who didn't go on highly dangerous missions, and he wanted to be able to move out and get his own place so that he wouldn't have to talk to his brother or father again. Plus, this way he could invest in better tools to forge these with. His current workshop was good, but it could be much better if he only had the funds to get a bigger space, a hotter forge, more tools to make the metal with, purer ore. All of these things cost money, and he was going to be damned if he would let his work be done without getting anything in return. It was all well and good saying that he should be happy that his machines were going to save people's lives, but without funds he coudn't afford to make more than a few of these, and he certainly couldn't survive without eating.... yet.

"Sir.... no, do you mind if I call you by your name? Nahilla-kun, this might seem greedy to you, but I actually need money to survive. I'd be taking time I could be spending doing missions to earn Ryo from the Kazekage, and thus my income from working as a chunin would be much decreased. With money from this job I could afford to make as many machines as we need, plus living expenses and food. Unless you want your provider to starve to death?" Silence fell over the conference table for a minute as Nahilla clearly had to think about what he was doing. Would this be worth it? Hmm....
"Fine. You've my permission to enter the morgue and do whatever you need. However, you'll have to debate with the head of the hospital about your wage. Now, is there anything else you need?" Tomoya put two of his fingers into the air, clearly signalling something
"I only have two conditions. First, I am allowed to keep my schematics, as a way to make sure you don't just steal my work and leave me with nothing, and second...." His voice became more serious and that look on his face appeared again, maybe not noticeable by Nahilla
"You must not tell Lady Kazekage about what I'm doing... not until I give the all clear."

4Cold Storage (Solo) Empty Re: Cold Storage (Solo) Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:49 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

Wait... the last thing he'd said. Not to tell the kazekage... why would that be a problem? There was no laws that prevented this kind of thing and she was a very moral woman. Surely she'd understand that they were just trying to save lives, right? He couldn't place the reason why Tomoya didn't want the Kazekage involved in this. It wasn't like he was doing an illegal jutsu, or using a jutsu at all actually. This was all based off of science, which there was no laws about... Still, the reason behind the request mystified him. Was there something illicit about using corpses like that? The hospital had been doing it for years, and she'd never seemed to mind. Was he just scared that the Kazekage wouldn't understand and would just shut the project down? Unlikely, although possible. Besides, they'd known each other for a while and Tomoya had never really seemed to care about what other people thought about him. It was something that Nahilla admired greatly about the boy. What was his reason behind his sudden secrecy? It was surprisingly simple, not that Tomoya would admit the truth, and he would just come up with a lie that seemed believable.

"Frankly, I want her to be as impressed as possible. What's more impressive? Schematics, or seeing a real living example of the thing first hand? I personally don't want her to know until we have a jounin or something equally as important using one of my inventions. Maybe she'll even be impressed enough to give me the rank of special jounin or to give me something to acknowledge my success in the field. Plus, if you're thought of as my partner in this, you'll probably be promoted too. What do you say?" Tomoya knew that the last thing would make him almost irresistable. Everyone wanted to be better off in this world, not that Nahilla would probably live long enough to get the rewards from this little venture. Still, the little glint behind his eyes was unmistakeable. He had clearly bought the lie and he was more than happy enough to let him keep it his little secret
"Good idea my friend. You keep it secret and we'll both end up as jounin by the end of the month. Now, with this, let's end the meeting. I have a group of new pupils to teach and you have a morgue to go use. Meeting adjourned."

5Cold Storage (Solo) Empty Re: Cold Storage (Solo) Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:02 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

It only took Tomoya five minutes to go down the steps into the coolest part of the hospital, the cold storage where they kept the bodies they kept for teaching their students. Slipping the key that he'd been given out of his pocket, he unlocked the door and went inside. The room was dark and cold, but he could see well enough inside it, enough to see the tables filled with corpses on the tables. It was almost sickening, or would have been to someone who hadn't used bodies like this for a long time. The smell in here was non-existent. There was absolutely no smell in this room, maybe it was because of the cold temperature, something that was putting a chill through his body already, being used to the hot, humid temperature that surface level Sunagakure gave out every single day that he'd lived there. Even the rain was hot. There was something that unsettled him a little bit around this room, maybe it was the impulse of being around the largest amount of dead bodies that he'd ever seen. He'd killed people before, people who threatened the village mostly, but they had never seemed peaceful after death, these people however seemed to be merely asleep. Still, he'd never done anything like this before, so it was a little worrying that he was actually excited about the fact that he was going to get to do this. He was confident of his own abilities, as he always was, plus if something went wrong then he'd have more and more bodies to do this with. He touched a small chakra-activated torch lying on the wall, and the room sparked into light, allowing him to see exactly what he was doing. Then, he got to work with finding his tools.

Near a small cabinet on the other side of the wall was a series of scalpels, large and small, for whatever he wanted. Tomoya pulled his goggles, that normally sat on his forehead, over his eyes, picked up a few scalpels and walked over to the table and put them next to a body, cold and already having hit rigor mortis. He pulled on a pair of surgical gloves, and put a basic scrub over his body, making sure to shield himself from the blood spurts. Then, finally ready, he started the dissection, the light glinting off of the scalpel that he held in his hand, casting a reflection across the room and splaying on the wall of the room.

6Cold Storage (Solo) Empty Re: Cold Storage (Solo) Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:14 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

The scalpel touched the cadaver's chest just above her breasts, as he slowly and systematically sliced down, opening up the chest cavity. It took around ten seconds to cut the chest open with his tool, the skin surprisingly pliable to the touch. The contents of the stomach, hidden behind the rib cage, sat like a disgusting diarama of the body's internal systems. He smiled as he saw it, before wondering how he was going to open the ribcage enough to get in and remove the organs. He didn't want to break the rib cage, for some reason he saw that as disrespectful to the corpse he was using for this little experiment. Hmm... maybe a gentler method. Moving over to the part of the room where he'd gotten the scalpel he got the bone-saw, a small tool with a wickedly sharp edge and a wooden handle only big enough for one hand. He grinned as he saw it, knowing this would be an easier method of working this. Moving back over to the body, he grabbed the first few ribs, before starting to saw. The sound of metal on bone was not pleasant, but it was manageable as Tomoya just seemed to ignore it. Many weaker men and women lost their lunch the first time they had to do something like this on a body, but Tomoya had no patience for weak stomachs right now, he had to find out exactly what he wanted to know. His knowledge came first, as it always did. He continue to saw for almost a minute before the ribs dropped off, which he managed to catch before they fell onto any of the important organs. He didn't want to have to do this again, and he knew he would if he let the ribs pierce the organs. Now was the time for utter carefulness.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he had gotten rid of all of the unwanted ribs, discarding them in a small tray next to the table, as he looked down upon the revealed contents to the body. So, this was what his own body was made up of. Better conditioned version of this, but it was pretty much the same nonetheless. He wondered for a second what she had died of, before noticing a small tag at the bottom of her leg. He lifted it up and looked at it. It had apparently come from the Kiyomi clan, someone called Yui. He looked and saw that the diagnosed cause of death was having her throat cut. Now he looked back at her, there was indeed a slit across her neck where her jugular vein would be, so that explained a lot. Thankfully that wasn't a death that would effect the organs very much, and the conditions down here made everything all that much more easy to use properly. It was properly contained, something he was very much thankful for. Now he just had to start his work. But which organ to choose first?

7Cold Storage (Solo) Empty Re: Cold Storage (Solo) Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:33 pm

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

He felt like a little boy in a candy shop, with all these choices what could he possibly choose? Would he choose to model the heart, the body's wonderful pump, or what about the liver, the body's filtration system? Or the lungs, or the stomach, hell maybe even the bladder! What was this thing filled with so many wonders, casting the spell which he was now under? Oh, he figured he'd better start with the heart, the main part of the internal organs, without which none of the other organs would function. Gently putting his gloved hands into the open chest cavity, one hand wrapped around the still squishy heart, as the other hand used the scalpel to sever the arteries and the veins entering it. It was a true piece of work, that he had to admit, and as he gently squeezed it a spurt of blood seemed to be squeezed out like toothpaste out of a tube. It covered the lungs, and he knew he would have to wipe it off later, but for now he wanted to make sure he understood his first little toy perfectly.

He placed it down on a small table, and with a small but precise movement of his scalpel he sliced down only one side of the heart, opening it so that it would be able to be put together again. He left it open on the desk, and slipped his gloves off, throwing them in a bin next to the door before he started sketching a basic model of it on a piece of paper he'd brought down into the morgue with him. It took him around ten minutes to do it fully, labelling every little detail that it involved. It took around ten minutes to finish, and with his little pocket book of facts about the human anatomy, it was finished. Now he just had to make this information something corporeal.... maybe he should make more of these... no, he thought, maybe he should keep this one at a time. Besides, it wasn't like it was going anywhere

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