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A series of small splashes, followed by a deep guttural “plop” were the sounds made by a single stone skipping across the surface of the Naka River. From the river bank Uchiha Kyohei, the one who cast the stone, sat with under the shade of a tree, a pile of stones beside him as he rolled a single stone around in his right hand. Such a pointless and redundant activity, skipping stones. No matter how many stones he skipped or how skilled he became at skipping them the outcome would never change. The stone would accelerate from his hand, picking up steam as it made its first bounce. It would bounce a few more times and perhaps even a few more times after that, but it would inevitably sink. There was no surprise ending, no great deviation from the pattern, just the same motions over and over again, and yet the activity captivated so many. Kyohei wanted to know why.

In many ways the act of skipping stones was similar to the direction of the human life. Cast into this world by some outside, unseen force they skip along. The path to their destination may differ with each bounce, but the destination is always the same. Just as the stones were fated to sink at the end of their run, so too were men fated to die. Death was the only promised thing in this world, and despite the efforts of many men who dedicated their lives to the sole aim of escaping their fate the results were always the same, like a stone skipped on the water. Looking down at the stone in his hand Kyohei wondered what it would be like if the stones tried as hard as people did to avoid to unavoidable. Would they veer themselves off of the straight path in hopes of finding their own way? Would they struggle futilely to reach the other side, ignorant to the fact that how far they will go was already determined the moment they were cast on this journey?

“It doesn’t really matter,” he mused to himself as he drew his arm back and with a quick flick of the wrist send another stone on its way, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven… That one made it a bit farther than the others. I wonder what was so special about it that it got that extra bounce.” He looked up at the clear blue sky and thought about his situation. The weather was perfect, sunny, clear, a nice breeze… not a normal day for someone to be in such an introspective mood. Perhaps it was the weather that made him feel differently today than his usual self. Usually a loner, Kyohei couldn’t help but feel that day as if he actually desired company. It would have been nice to have someone to talk to, but he wasn’t holding out hope on that front. On the very outskirts of the village, far detached from the hustle and bustle of Konohagakure’s main streets, there was no one looking for company but him.




“It’s a beautiful day and I can’t stop myself from smiling~” Suzuna sang along to the CD player while rummaging through her wardrobe for something to wear. Something not adorned with dirt stains, by the way. This pretty much excluded every pair of trousers then.
“See, Akita,” she pretended to reproach her dog, who had just come into her room, putting on the widest smile she could manage without laughing. “All your fault. That’s because you love the forest so much.” A joyful bark was the answer.
“Ohhh, look at that!” Cheering loudly, Suzuna took out a pair of blue hot pants and threw it on her bed. There, a white blouse came flying next. “Perfect. That’s what I’m going to wear. It’s not like I’ll be on the training grounds today anyway.”
No, she was clearly not getting dressed to train in the early afternoon. To be specific, it was already a good thing that she was getting dressed at all on one of her day offs. Sometimes, being the lazy bone her mother loved to scold her for, Suzuna stayed at home all day in her pyjamas. Eh, a small detail she wouldn’t tell each person she met of course.
After she had put on her chosen clothes, the young girl spent five more minutes in front of the mirror, turning and posing a bit.
A little more than a week ago, she had turned 16... and if she dared to say so, it seemed her bust had grown again. Her new 80C bra, which her mother had given her as a present, only confirmed that assumption. Suzuna raised an eyebrow.
“I hope they stay this way,” she mumbled in reference to her breasts. “Can’t have them growing even more in size or it’ll get uncomfortable.”
Barely a minute later, her bra size was already forgotten as she skipped out of her room and downstairs.
“Moooooom, I’m meeting Akane and Chie! Bye!”
Not waiting for a reply, Suzuna grabbed her bag and opened the door.


“And as I said, we were in that fancy restaurant and I was getting all nervous like, ‘Oh my oh my, what am I going to say!’ I mean, come on, you two know me well enough, I’m not the type to be left speechless or anything of that sort. But can you blame me? A date with Zen? Certainly one of the coolest guys in whole Konoha?!”

Suzuna reminded herself to breathe – it could really be a bad habit to talk so fast – and her arms gesticulated in the air. She and her two friends were taking a casual stroll on the outskirts of the village, a location which was “safe” to talk as Akane liked to say. And a talk about Zen, the 18-year-old barkeeper in Konoha’s Shushuya Pub belonged to the secret topics without a question. If any of the Zen fangirls happened to eavesdrop on them, Suzuna would probably get killed by them just for having been asked out by their idol. The most ironic thing of it all: She wasn't truly interested in the guy. No butterflies and stuff. But okay, she hadn't felt them in a long while... so whatever.
“What happened next?” Chie inquired eagerly, her lilac-coloured eyes widened.
“Um,” Suzuna continued and scratched the back of her head with an awkward chuckle. “To be honest, it didn’t go so well. He ordered two glasses of champagne for us to celebrate my birthday. The moment the waiter came with our drinks and food, I had just stood up to go to the toilet and.. uh.. then kind of bumped into the guy.”
“You did what?!” Akane called out, smacking her friend’s arm. “How could you make a fool out of yourself in front of HIM?”

At one point during their fiery conversation, the three girls had stopped walking and were now standing close to a river. Suzuna held her arm as though the friendly punch had hurt her.
“I know, I know!” she whined. “I’m an idiot. Well, you can imagine, after my shirt got covered in spaghetti sauce and the waiter knocked out cold – he happened to hit himself with the plate - , the date was pretty much over. With every single guest gawking at us and whispering insults, Zen wasn’t really keen on staying any longer.”
Both Chie and Akane aww’d.
“Oh well,” the smaller girl with the ponytail – Chie – grinned. “At least I’ve still got a chance. Maybe I’ll be the one who can impress him.”

The three joked a bit longer about possible ways to sweep Zen off his feet – some including rather X-rated topics – before Akane suddenly pointed at a person sitting by the river and throwing stones into the water.
“No!” the blue-haired girl gasped, horrified. “Look at him. He must have heard everything. We stupid cows. Why haven’t we noticed him a while ago?”
Her two friends followed her gaze.
“Oh, that’s-“ Suzuna began surprised, but got interrupted by Chie. “That’s just the Uchiha guy.”
As if on cue, the small girl continued in a hushed tone, a playful grin spreading across her lips, “You know, the monster from the ninja academy. I’ve heard people call him that. According to the rumours, he’s dangerous, but a loner. Who should he talk to about our conversation? Should he tell the next garbage can he meets? He doesn’t have any friends, so chill, Akane.”

The words made Suzuna feel sick. Despite her carefree nature, she couldn’t bring herself to join her friends’ mocking laughter. Anger rose within her although she knew that Chie was a nice girl and would never dare to hurt someone’s feelings. Still, it just seemed wrong to insult a person behind their back.
“He’s not a monster,” Suzuna murmured, her smile gone and replaced by a disappointed expression. “I’ve been on a mission with him once. And look, I’m still alive. Don’t be like that.”
The laughter died immediately. Where there’d been nothing but malicious glee before, guilt now showed on the girls’ faces as they hastily apologized for their behaviour. Five minutes later, the two had to leave for lunch whereas Suzuna decided to stay a little longer.
She wasn’t supposed to be at home yet, so why not spend some time here? The nature around her was breathtaking and if she could also have a little chit chat with her previous mission partner, all the better.

Cheerfully, she approached the Uchiha and waved. “Hey there! Kyo! Remember me? It’s been a while.”
His name was Kyohei if she recalled correctly, right? In that case, he probably wouldn’t be so thrilled about the nickname she’d just invented. But whatever, no harm done, huh?
Half expecting him to shoo her away, Suzuna was quick to take a seat beside him. “You look like you could need some company,” she remarked, unable to suppress the embarrassed chuckle that came next as she corrected herself in silence,
“Of course. I don’t think he wants to talk to anyone, certainly not to you. People who come here usually want to be alone.”
Her emerald eyes shifted to the stone skipping across the water surface for a few seconds before drowning. “Oh, you’re good at that! Can I try, too?”




“That’s just the Uchiha guy. You know, the monster from the ninja academy. I’ve heard people call him that. According to the rumours, he’s dangerous, but a loner. Who should he talk to about our conversation? Should he tell the next garbage can he meets? He doesn’t have any friends, so chill, Akane.”

“It looks like old names die hard,” he thought to himself, squeezing the smooth stone in his hand as he overheard the people in the distance speaking about him, “Now I remember why I come all the way out here to relax and don’t stay in the village.” He could have gotten up and said something, defended himself or even show the girls the ‘monster’ they thought they knew about and scare them off, but he didn’t see the point. Getting upset would only prove their own point and there were no words he could say that would make them see through their own ignorance. There never were, and he had grown tired of trying. He wouldn’t even turn to face them, instead he would simply stare off towards the river, pretending he heard nothing until they passed him by and forgot he existed again. It was better that way.

A few minutes later, his solitude would be disturbed again. This time not by harsh words and insults, but by a friendly, familiar voice and… a nickname? Turning his head to meet to source of the greeting he would see… What was her name again? Suzuna?... the girl from the merchant escort mission he had went on with Risu a while back, waving at him in blue hot pants and a white blouse. Suddenly he felt a little bit overdressed in his white buttoned down shirt and black pants, even with his sleeves rolled up his forearms and the top two buttons of his shirt undone. On his right wrist he wore his normal black leather, braided bracelet and on his left his usual red tiger’s eye beads, but as Suzuna approached him now he felt he might have been better served in jeans and a t-shirt, not that he was expecting to run into her to begin with.

“Suzuna!” he called out in return with a smile, “How could I not remember? I’m not one to forget a pretty face.” He was slightly surprised by how outgoing she was when she took a seat beside him. He should have known better thinking back to how chatty she was during their mission together, really, but it wasn’t a problem. “You know, I was thinking the same thing,” he said with a chuckle as she mentioned that he looked like he could use some company, picking up a stone from the pile in front of him and holding it out for her to take, “Well, I certainly can’t refuse you, now can I? After all, I was so distant during our mission that we barely got to talk. I’m afraid I was unfairly rude to you. I hope I can make it up to you somehow. Here, give it a shot. Do you know how?”




Suzuna wasn’t one to mince matters; most of the time, she simply spoke her mind regardless of the consequences.
So when the Uchiha greeted her with a smile and even invited her to join him, she didn’t make an effort to hide her confusion.
“Pretty face? Thinking the same thing? Make it up to me somehow?” For a moment, she only stared at him, surprise written all over her face, before she broke out into a small fit of laughter. “You’re really one for mood swings, aren’t you? One moment distant and preferring to be alone, the next throwing compliments and apologies.”
As far as she was concerned, however, this was a welcome change. Honestly, it would get boring sometime if she were the one to do all the talking. Another thing she noticed about him were the fine clothes: black pants, a white shirt… if it weren’t for the top two buttons undone and the sleeves casually rolled up his forearms, he might as well head straight to the next noble restaurant. The way he talked was already fitting for that.
Minor details Suzuna couldn’t leave unspoken of course. With a wide grin – though there was not the slightest hint of mischievousness in it – she gave him a hard pat on the shoulder and commented, “Come on, Kyo, there’s no need to make it up to me, I’m not even mad! What you could apologize for, though, are your clothes.” She gestured towards his outfit, raising one eyebrow as if in disapproval, but couldn’t keep it up for long and continued with laughter, “Joke! I don’t care what you’re wearing! Just know you don’t have to be formal with me.”

Leaving only a few seconds of silence, Suzuna eagerly took the stone he offered her and examined it from all sides. Should Kyohei have something to say, she would listen to his words in the meantime before replying in reference to his previous question.
“Oh, if I know how?” She tilted her head to the side. “Weeell, I’ve only done it once, but… theoretically, I know how it works.”
The playful smirk returned to her features as she intended to put on a smug look. “Okay, just a sec.”
In a blur of movement, she sprang up and ducked her head slightly like a feline predator moving in on its prey. Right arm stretched out, Suzuna mentally aimed for the water surface. She had to spin it in a straight line with the flat end almost parallel to the water. At least so the theory went.
“Aaand there we go--”
The young Genin gasped. By mistake, she hadn’t thrown the stone towards the water surface, but had just smacked Kyohei’s head with it. With a low thump sound, the stone fell on the ground again.
“Uuuhh, that’s not what I’ve planned to do…” she tried to explain herself, palms held up, cheeks flaming. “I really didn’t mean to… uh… this might leave a small bump on your head.. BUT not necessarily so.. hehe.”




“Don’t have to be formal with you?” Kyohei repeated teasingly, “I didn’t get dressed this morning expecting to run into you, you know. Or is that your way of hinting that you’d like to see me again, Suzu? It’s going to take more than a pretty face and a smile to get me, but who knows. Maybe if you play your cards right you’ll get your wish.” He laughed and smiled as he spoke, waiting for Suzuna to finish her little ritual before she threw the stone. Her comment about his “mood swings” intrigued him. He hadn’t really thought it a strange thing before. It had been a very long time since he would have considered him anything close to a friendly or outgoing person. So long in fact, that he barely remembered what he used to be like. It was his cold and distant disposition that Suzuna had seen when they were on their mission together, the side of him that most people, especially strangers would see. He didn’t see the need to be overly friendly with people that he didn’t know and didn’t trust, which was essentially everyone.

But Suzuna was… different than most people, at least in her interactions with Kyohei. She was loud, chatty, and optimistic, three things that in most cases he would find annoying, but she didn’t bother him. Maybe a part of him admired and was even envious of how happy she seemed. Who was he to begrudge her that optimism. If it were at all within his power he’d like to see her maintain that upbeat attitude and at the very least he didn’t want to be the one to bring it down. More importantly however, he had overheard her stick up for him in front of the other girls that had previously been making some rather venomous remarks about him. He had been the target of hate and disdain for most of his life. Words like “monster” that would have once stung like daggers, now simply bounced off his hardened emotional walls. He was used to this kind of talk by now. What he was not used to, was having someone else stand up for him and defend him, especially not publicly. Sure there was the occasional person that “understood” him behind closed doors and when he was useful to them, but those people were always quick to retract any such statements in the face of the crowd and toss Kyohei to the side once they no longer needed him.

His past had left him jaded, and because he was so deprived of friendship, in his younger years he was quick to be fooled by kind words. But unlike all of those in his past, this girl did not seem afraid to speak up, even in front of her friends. She also barely knew him, unlike those that had slowly pretended to befriend him before they showed anything real, if at all. As these thoughts ran through his head, he would be interrupted by a stone thrown directly at the center of his forehead. Immediately ringing his hand up and examining the stream of blood that was trickling down from the small wound made by a jagged edge of the flat stone, Kyohei wou press on palm against his head hoping to stifle the bleeding. “You really are a kunoichi, aren’t you?” he joked, “If that had been a real weapon I’d probably be done for. Don’t tell me someone is paying you to assassinate me or something.”




I see you.

Motionless, Hisao remained in his crouched position, standing on the branch of a nearby tree, his left shoulder leaned against the bark. He had been watching her for a long while now.
Watching and listening to every word she spoke, so that it hadn’t been a problem whatsoever to find out about that “secret” meeting place the blunette suggested.
Here he was then: watching, listening and waiting for a chance to deliver the message. His crystal blue eyes narrowed; a soft breeze caressed his ashen black hair.
The amount of time he had spent on this tree so far only showed how hard it was to catch that brat in a moment alone. First, the two girls dancing attendance to her and right afterwards, she got herself wrapped up in a conversation with another person.
Hisao regarded the Uchiha more closely. If he hadn’t overheard the guy’s last name, he would have hardly guessed that white-haired freak was an Uchiha. And dangerous monster? Hisao’s lips curled up into a brief smirk. He doubted very much that the stone throwing boy could pose a threat.

And Suzuna – traitor would suit her better – was as chatty as ever. It seemed she hadn’t changed much overall, except on the outside. Her appearance reminded him that three years had passed. Her hair was longer now, her figure curvier. But within the body of an adolescent, there was still the loud and cheerful girl he used to know.
He and everyone else of their group. She had always been the popular one. Back then, all boys would fawn on her, all girls would want to be her friend. Why? His mouth compressed for a fleeting moment before his emotionless facial expression would return in silence.
The Uchiha below started teasing her with words that could very well be seen as a flirtatious advance. Did that guy try to get into her pants? How amusing.
Only moments later, Suzuna hit the Uchiha with a stone. Accidentally for sure. Still, Hisao was gradually getting the impression that the brat had neglected her kunoichi life in Konoha. Seemed like she would have a lot of catching up to do. He would force her to train for hours without a single break.
From the corner of his left eye, Hisao saw a blonde girl approach.
“Suzuna-chan!” she called out with excitement. “Akane told me you’re here! There’s something I have to tell you!” The girl’s eyes fell on the Uchiha. “Could we have a moment in private?”
What now? Yet another friend of hers? Some things never change, huh?
Hisao only half listened to what the blonde had to say (she won some contest, wow), his mind wandering elsewhere.

People love her kind. The clumsy, goofy personality. This powerhouse of energy, this refreshing cheerful attitude, which brings a smile on your face no matter if it’s mocking or genuine.
Everyone wants to forget their problems once in a while. Everyone wants to laugh from time to time.
Some people will call her annoying and deep down admire her for that outgoing temperament, for the flocks of friends surrounding her, for the way she can always find the positive in things.
How could I have ever been one of them?

Fucking bloody traitor. The time would come when that smile would vanish from her face and be replaced by a horrified expression.
No. Not only horrified. Guilty.
Let her feel the guilt she apparently forgot.

Posting order: Hisao - Suzuna - Kyohei

Last edited by Hisao on Sat May 31, 2014 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total



“Uh, I think I am and no, I haven’t been asked to assassinate you. Not that I know of at least,” she grinned sheepishly in reply to his question, examining the small wound briefly. “Let me see. This should only take a second.”
Suzuna held her palm over his head as the familiar green chakra swallowed the blood and closed the injury. “Yup, all done.”
With a relieved sigh, she let herself plop down to the ground again and decided to count to three mentally before she broke the short silence, “Oh, about your other question before I hit you with the stone – Sure, I wouldn’t mind seeing you again. Do you come here often-”
..Only to get interrupted by another person.
“Suzuna-chan!” Surprised, she looked back, catching sight of Toriko who approached them, waving. Toriko’s eager smile diminished slightly – and it almost seemed as though her cheeks reddened - when her gaze fell on Kyohei, but she still went on, “Akane told me you’re here! There’s something I have to tell you! Could we have a moment in private?”
Once more, Suzuna got up and nodded at the Uchiha. “Sorry, I’ll be right back!”

After Toriko had told her about her success in the cooking contest, the blonde suddenly changed the subject, throwing a shy glance at the young man sitting by the river. “Isn’t that Kyohei-kun?” she whispered. “Was I intruding? Do you two... have a date?”
A date? Suzuna laughed. “No, of course not! We were just talking.”
Strangely enough, these words seemed to calm her friend down, well somewhat, and then there was it again... Toriko... blushed? That small mystery was to be solved soon enough as the blonde 16-year-old leaned forward and murmured, “Um, do you know if he has a girlfriend? I was wondering that for quite some time... but I don’t have the courage to talk to him.”
Suzuna let her gaze flick over to the person in question, tilting her head thoughtfully. “If he has a girlfriend?” she repeated, oblivious to her friend’s immediate begging (“Whaat?! Suzuna-chan, not so loud, he’ll hear us!”) and shook her head at last. “I don’t know, sorry. I’ve only met him once before today. We had a mission and – oh, right! – well, there was a girl he knew, but don’t worry, they didn’t look like a couple.”
By the time she had finished speaking, Toriko’s face was burning out of shame. “Uh... th-thank you,” the girl said and scratched her cheek. “I better go now. I’ll see you around.”
Suzuna patted her shoulder. “Yes, of course! Bye, Toriko-chan!”
Then she turned back to Kyohei, constantly smiling and enjoying the nice weather. With her thumb she pointed to the direction where her friend had just left and giggled. “I think she has a crush on you, Kyo. What do you say? Are you interested?”  




“Huh?” Kyohei muttered in a slightly confused manner, “A crush on me?” He would let out a chuckle as he ran his fingers back through his white hair, continuing mid laugh, “Your friends sure do run the gambit, don’t they? The first batch I come across calls me a monster and outright insults me and the next has a crush on me. That’s a stark contrast if I’ve ever seen one.” He would bring his hand back down and end his chuckle before realizing that if she was serious then he actually had to answer the question. “ Ah, uhh…” he hesitated, wondering how he should go about this, “I’m sorry, I’m not really looking for a relationship right now. Or rather, there’s a particular girl that I don’t think would be very happy if I took your friend out on a date. I’m kind of with someone already, but tell your friend that I’m flattered to be looked at in that way by her. She’s very pretty. Too pretty for someone like me. A girl like her should have boys lining up to date her.” Perhaps he was being a bit too modest, but he didn’t want to hurt the poor girl. In her defense, he likely would have taken her up on the offer if he didn’t already have someone.

He would offer a smile Suzuna’a way before picking up another stone from the pile beside him and stretching his hand out in her direction. “Now,” he began, standing to mee Suzuna at eye level, “How about we try this again, since your first attempt was a bit off the mark?” Before she could respond or take the stone from his hand however, he would growl in pain and immediately place his hands over his head, pressing down as if the pressure would stifle the pain. Fire and the screams of a familiar voice flashed in his mind as he forced his eyes shut. The pain was disorientating, causing him to stumble back as he roared out and slammed his back against the tree they had been sitting under. And then things would fade to black, the familiar heat and burning light of a wildfire engulfing him as his back slid down the side of the tree and fell unconscious.




Do you regret it now?

Truth be told, he had not expected this – The boy suddenly falling over and becoming unconscious. If Hisao hadn’t known better, he would have thought Suzuna might have drugged the poor guy. After all, he knew she had the guts to do something like that.
Nevertheless, this surprising outcome of events came quite in handy for him.
A smirk beginning to grace his lips, Hisao stood up on the branch and waited another two seconds, in which Suzuna was already panicking, before he jumped off the tree.
He didn’t say a word – There was no need for words. Suzuna’s face went pale at the sight of him.
Confusion, surprise, fear… Hisao could feel it all and how he relished it! Surely the best part of his job. Too bad he wasn’t allowed to kill her, though. Still, he could wait patiently for his own revenge, no problem. Sooner or later he would chop off her head; it was only a matter of time.

“W-What are you doing here? H-How did you-” Suzuna stammered.
He ignored her question. “Seems like your little friend fell asleep. Did you bore him that much?”
“What’s wrong with Kyohei? Is this your doing?”
Sweet. Trying to play tough, huh?
“I’m afraid no.” Hisao shrugged. “If it had been my doing, he would be in hell right now. Or heaven, whatever you’d like to imagine for yourself.”
Another second or two he only enjoyed watching her terrified face and how she clearly didn’t know what to do. Then the small talk was over.
“Listen up, traitor.” His eyes narrowed. “I’m here to inform you about your place in DAO. Our rebel organization, you remember? A few of us managed to escape from prison and the oh-so-nice penalty of death. My father and I brought all of them together. We’re back and we will get our revenge. We will rule. And as it happens, we need a volunteer, someone who knows how to get into the palace… someone who’s been there before… and above all, someone whose life is easy to risk. You are perfect for that job. Wouldn't you like to be our bait?”
He smirked. “Meet me at Konoha’s gates two days from now. If you don’t, we will slaughter your entire family. If you tell someone else about this, we will slaughter your entire family. You know we don’t make empty threats. Later then.”
The next moment, he was already gone.

All he left behind was a young girl close to tears. With shaking hands, she wiped her eyes and threw a glance at the Uchiha next to her. He still hadn’t regained his consciousness. She drew a deep breath… one, two, three – until she could put a convincing smile on her lips.

We skip Suzuna this round -> it's Kyohei's turn now :)



“It’s time to pay up,” the dark and ominous voice of a shadow veiled man growled, bright, almost inhuman red eyes piercing through the darkness that seemed to shroud the area.

“If it’s payment you’re after, you’ll have to take it up with our father. He’s the one indebted to you,” a familiar, female voice replied defiantly. He knew that voice, it was none other than his sister’s, but what was going on? Why were they being asked to pay? Why couldn’t he move or speak?

A brief silence came over the area, followed by a sinister chuckle and a wide grin on the face of the shadow veiled man, “But that’s why we’re here, miss. We already have.”

“I don’t understand,” she replied, throwing her arm out in front of Kyohei as if to shield him from them, “We have nothing for you.”

The man let out an amused huff at the sight of the girl’s protective instinct for her younger brother, the grin on his face growing wider to an almost cartoon-like extent, “Oh, but you do. Don’t worry about the boy. We haven’t been given the order to take him yet, although I’m sure that’s not far off. You should be more worried about getting accustomed to your new life as a girl in one of our brothels.”

“You’re joking,” she replied fiercely, “If you think that there’s any way that I would-“ Her defiance ended with a loud thwack as a strike to her face mid-sentence sent her to the ground.

“You misunderstand your position,” the man said calmly as he retracted his hand, “You are now the property of my employer, nothing more than a toy to be used at his whim and a sow to be used to fill his coffers. Speaking out of turn isn’t a required skill for your existence now.”

After that everything went black once again as memories of that day began flashing in and out of Kyohei’s mind. He could feel the heat of the flames burning down his house kissing his skin. He could feel his jaw coming unhinged as a thug stomped on his face. He could hear his sister scream in resistance and the men cry out in pain. He could feel the rage and adrenaline that surged through him as he savagely bludgeoned and stabbed their assailants over and over, blood splashing over his fists and face as all rational thought escaped him. But just as quickly as those memories came to him, silence and blackness would return and in that blackness only one imaged remained seared into his memory, a pool of blood on the floor beneath him where he found himself kneeling. Although he could see nothing but darkness around him, he could see the burning remains of his childhood home come crashing down around him in the reflection of the pool and in the center he saw himself battered and covered in blood.  And through the darkness and flames in the puddles reflection the burning red eyes of the Uchiha shined brightly, burning with rage and pain, so much so that it felt like the gaze of his own reflection set his soul ablaze.

Kyohei’s eyes would soon flutter open again, looking over to see Suzuna next to him, worked up and breathing deeply. He had little recollection of what had happened, but he knew he had been unconscious and had fallen so while with her. “I’m sorry Suzuna,” he spoke softly, still trying to regain his strength from his fall and trying to sit up, “Please don’t worry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that, I don’t know what happened. But everything is okay now, I’m back.”


Training Tomoe D > C: 1250/1250
Training Futon: Tsume: 1000/1000 + 120 ryo (150 - 20%)



[Woah, after such a long break, I'm trying to get the hang of posting again >_< ]

This must have been a dream. Her imagination. Anything else.
But she couldn't fool herself. Hisao was back and with him a past she had sworn to forget, a secret nobody besides her family knew of.
Suzuna's eyes watered. She had thought she could run from all this, make believe that none of it had ever happened.
Taking a deep breath, she wiped away her tears. Dozens of images began to flicker through her mind. A crying child, rain and blood. She didn't like training because she was... lazy? A lie. A lie, so strong that it had almost buried the truth.
She wanted to believe in it, she wanted to keep building on a foundation of lies, but...

"Stop." Suzuna compressed her lips. "This is enough."
By the time Kyouhei regained conciousness, she had managed to put on a cheerful face for him.
"I see," she replied and held out her hand. "Here, let me help you up."
Her smile was off, she could feel it. At that rate, she wasn't sure how long she'd be able to maintain the facade.
Seconds passed in silence. "Keep talking," she had to remind herself and tore her gaze away from the river.

"Sorry, are you really alright? Maybe you should go rest a little."
But, no. This was her line. How could she stand here and wait for Hisao to fulfill his threat?
"We will slaughter your entire family." Were they all in Konoha? Ruri, Chisaki and Master Yon? If she could find Chisaki, she might be able to reason with her... after all, they had been good friends a long time ago.
Suzuna's hands started shaking. Impossible. They would all want to see her dead. There was no way out.
"This will be my last day in Konoha."

"Goodbye everyone."




As Kyohei sat up, he looked around for a moment to survey his surroundings. He ran a hand across his head to search for any injuries or signs of blood, but found nothing, telling him that at the very least he likely hadn’t been attacked. The fact that there was not an imminent threat to deal with allowed him to relax for a moment, but that only raised a slew of other questions that needed to be answered about what exactly had happened to him. People didn’t just randomly receive intense head pain and pass out in the middle of the day with no prior warning. There was the possibility that he would need to have it examined as a potential medical issue, but what he was more concerned about was the nature of the dream… or nightmare rather, that he experienced while he was out. Why would THAT memory be the one that came up. The Uchiha believed that he had long since buried that part of his past. Why would it be creeping into his life now?

Kyohei’s head titled slightly in confusion as he looked at Suzuna’s face. “Am I alright?” he repeated, his voice echoing with a distinct tinge of curiosity, “What about you? You’re the one that looks like they’re on the verge of tears. You’re eyes are bloodshot, were you crying? Did something happen while I was out?” The air about her had completely changed from the time before he remembered passing out to now, after he had woken up. It was strange. This couldn’t have been simply because he had passed out. She seemed like a nice person, but he would find it suspicious to say the least if she was so quick to shed tears over just him passing out. It wasn’t even like he could have been confused for having died. He could feel himself tossing and turning while he passing out.



[Oh, I forgot to wrap this thread up.]

"C-Crying? Tears?" she blurted out in a high-pitched tone and started waving her hands frantically. "W-What are you talking about? Haha! You've got it completely wrong, I feel perfect!"
Her laughter sounded so fake that she cringed inside. What happened to the amazing lying skills she believed to have acquired over the years? And here she was, a stuttering and giggling mess.
It might really be the best thing to excuse herself and go before Kyohei became any more suspicious.
Suzuna cleared her throat. "Right! I feel so perfect in fact that I should... use my good mood to train for a bit!"
Quickly, she turned around and broke into a sprint whilst calling out to Kyohei, "Gotta go! I'll see you arou - Ah, never mind... goodbye!"

I wonder if I'll see him again. Him and... Sonoka. Arya. Terra. All my friends. My family... Argh, stop the negative thinking! This is far from over.

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