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The night had been a calm one due to a beautiful discovery of dray. The village hidden in the leaves unlike other villages experienced more of sunshine causing the heat in the village to become unbearable at time but dray being a shinobi of the leaf had learned to endure it.
He had turned in for the night early after a training session in some memorable place in the village. Upon getting home, dray had had a nice shower to cool his body system due to the unusual heat that night. He wore only short and went into bed staring at the ceiling. He became uncomfortable and could not sleep as he began deciding on what to do. He wanted to think but no thoughts came. It was a disaster. Not being able to feel anything. Perhaps, the weather god had decided to punish the likes of him for one crime or the other.

Dray got out of bed and walked around. He kept looking at the stuffs in his room like they were new and he had not seen them before. He added in some act to make it lively as he bagan talking to the objects trying to pass time. One minute, he would stamp his hands onto the table and stare in the mirror. Another minute, he would slap the wall telling it to keep quiet. Finally, dray got bored and sat at the edge of his bed. Just then, an idea struck him. He remembered something he had read in the library as he smirked and thought to himself.. Why read some thing and not try to put it in practice...". Getting up from the edge of the bed, he rushed outside of his home and just in front of it, he gathered a few dry sticks. He walked back to his door but this time, he slapped his head as he threw the sticks away. Skinny little sticks. What was he a senju for. His own self made woods would last till morning unlike this hungry ones.
He got into the room and looked around again. The room had a sort of cross ventilation that made air come in from both sides of the window. He went to one corner of the room directly opposite the first ventilation as he created some wood from his palm and placed it in a kind of earthen rectangular vase. He picked up the match box and set the wood on fire. Being a senju type wood, it instantly began to burn though it did not give up much smoke. Dray smirked as he went to the other end of the room that was directed opposite the second ventiltion as he ejected some woods from him palm again, put them in an earthen rectangular vase and set them on fire. He waited for some minutes and watched the woods perfectly burn with nothing hindering them as he went to sleep.

He woke up the next morning fully refreshed and cool. His logic last night was perfect. It had to do with something he read in the library talking about breeze, land, the atmosphere and some other little things that he could not remember at the moment but basically, the burning woods in the room would heat up the place and the cool breeze from outside the room would act as heroes, coming in from both ventilations to put out the warm air in the room. In this process, with dray's bed being at the centre of the cross ventilation, as the cool breeze came in from one side and headed to the other, it would definetly pass over dray and this cycle would be repeated all again till the morning.
Dray smiled at this as he raised the bed sheets off of himself, got down and walked to the corners of the room to quench the little fire that remained burning.. Senju wood..

Dray walked into the bath room to have his bath. He loved his personal hygiene therefore, he takes at shower at least three times a day. He took a bit of time in the shower as the water was cool on his skin. Being a water elementalist, he loved this. The senju clan members were mostly known to combine their suiton and doton elements to form the mokuton advanced release nature which is wood. Dray had only began developing this advance released nature and he was getting better day by day. Dray finally got out of the bath tip toeing as he dried himself with his large green towel. He slipped himself into his usual white shirt and green trousers followed by black boots. He combed his hair upward and left it to fall in whatever direction as it always did. As a shinobi, he picked up his konohagakure no sato headband and tied it onto his waist making it appear as the head of his belt as he stuffed his ninja pouch with his basic shinobi projectiles that consisted of kunais, shurikens, senbons and all.

He had a quick breakfast of two toast breads and two glass cups of fresh chilled milk that he brought out of the fridge. He finished eating and cleaned up the table as he returned the milk into the fridge. He was the only one living in his home so he was a bit meticulous. He took one last look at the room as he opened his door and left the house while heading into the village to see what faith held for him today.
He walked on a beautiful path as he thought of whatever things came to his mind. For today, he was fully available for whatever anybody wanted him to do. He was just a young male with green hair, white shirt, green trousers and black leather boots. From the outside that is. Who knows what he was on the inside. He felt like the day was going to be a different one but he just did not know what was going to happen. Be it good or bad, he was unaware. He had completed a few missionsin the past as a genin so he believed he could handle himself and not just odinary genin missions. He had quite some thrilling memories of his travel to takigakure though most of them ended in disasters so he had better not talk about them or they would do more than to spoil his mood.

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

He had felt a bit drained. After spending a lot of time both procrastinating and training in the village of Takigakure after the chuunin exams, toshiko had finally made his way back to his home village of konoha. Honestly, the reason that he was so hesitant to return was because of the fact that he was scared. He was scared of how people would react to him not coming out of the winner of the chuunin exams. Would they be mad at him? Would they be as ashamed of him as he was of himself? He didn't know. He didn't even know why he was over thinking things the way he was. He was completely self conscious about what had happened. His disqualification at first was devastating to him. For the first few days he had felt like he had failed. After he got the promotion, he still had been depressed due to the fact that even though he was a chuunin, he still hadn't won the chuunin exams. that was his goal. His one and only goal that he hadn't managed to accomplish. While he found himself seemingly stuck in takigakure, he surprisingly had Done and undergone an abundance of changes, all that came along with his chuunin rank.

He had met Miho osada, the leader of the osada clan and trained with him in the underground caverns, leaving him bruised and beaten a bit. He had trained and fought against his old acquaintance Yuzu Ren under order that he test his skills to prove that he was worthy of the title of chuunin, and finally and most drastically, he had gotten a sharingan implanted in replace of his right eye by a man by the name of akira. over his new eye he wore an eye patch on akira's orders, being told that the eye couldn't revert back to it's normal pupil form and would cost Toshiko a greater amount of chakra while uncovered due to the fact that he was not an uchiha. It had only been three days since the implant. His right eye socket still throbbed a bit, but it was better than the strange cold feeling that it had at first.

He woke up back in his home after traveling back to konoha. It was early in the morning. His eyes were still heavy, and he had a somewhat groggy feeling as he sat up in bed. He looked out the window. The sun was beginning to rise up over the horizion seemingly hovering up above in the sky directly over the kage summit. He smiled as he looked out of the window. He was greatly insecure about what would happen, more or so how people would react once they saw him, but he was back home. After all that time away, he was in his village that he admired so much. Well, he couldn't sit there in bed all day. He had to get moving. It was still early. The sun wasn't completely out yet. Around 6:30 in the morning. Toshiko got up out of his bed, knocking the sheets out onto the floor, and then walked into the bathroom getting freshened up. After he was done brushing his teeth and showering, he washed his face in the sink, looking up into the mirror for a minute. He observed himself, looking over every detail that made up his face. The large scar on his cheek. The new eye patch that covered up his right sharingan eye. His light green pupil in his left eye that glistened every time it hit the bright luminescent light from within the bathroom. What would people make of him once they saw his him? How would people perceive him after the exams? After he didn't take the win for konoha? He didn't know, and it scared him. He wanted people to think highly of him. he in no way wanted to be seen as a god among men, but he wanted people to see the value in him. Maybe the fact that he had gotten the rank up anyways was enough to do so, but from that moment on, he'd spent all the time he had into making himself better. To growing as a shinobi. So one day, he could attain the respect from all people from all of the villages, and finally be known for something great.

With that thought in his mind, he put on his black jumpsuit, and then left his home and found himself once more out on the streets of konoha. there weren't many people out yet, but the sun was finally showing. He knew exactly where to go. The one and only place to take his mind off of things when he was feeling a certain way. The ramen shop. He smiled at the thought of it. there was nothing better than ramen. He playfully sighed, and then headed towards the ramen booth. he made it there after passing a few corners and walking down a few streets within 10 minutes. there were two other people there, the booth was gladly already opened. Toshiko took a seat, and the two cooks in back and the two customers all stared at him. He gulped and awkwardly returned their glances in utter silence.

"Well well well. If it isn't our brand new chuunin!"

Toshiko turned his attention to the cook as he spoke up with a smile upon his face. Toshiko looked a little shocked, honestly expecting to get nothing but hateful looks and remarks from the four.

"Well? Don't just stand there! Come take a seat!"

Toshiko initially didn't know how to react, but eventually smiled and nodded in compliance, walking over to the seats and sitting in one. The cook disappeared to the back for a few moments, and then came back out with a hot, piping fresh bowl of chicken, pork, and egg ramen. it was Toshiko's favorite.

"...Thank you! Thank you so much sir!"

Toshiko reached in his jumpsuit pocket, pulling out 15 ryo and then preparing to put them on the table. The cook immediately stopped him.

"No need! It's your special day! Your first day in the village as a chuunin means that you get ramen on the house!"

Toshiko didn't understand the showing of kindness, as it made him feel quite guilty, Like... he cheated his way into this or something. He frowned, opening his mouth to speak as he did so.

"But... I.... I didn't win."

"Yes you did. We all saw you. We watched your battle with the kiri nin. We saw you give it your all, and in the end, you still returned to our village with the title of chuunin. You have nothing but my respect Toshiko. Now come on, eat up and let loose."

The words that the cook spoke brought a smile to toshiko's face, and a great relief in his heart. His insecurities had been for no reason. He forgot the most important thing about the experience. At the end of the day, he had ranked up. Finally. That was exactly what he promised. He swore he'd go into the arena a genin, and come out a full fledged chuunin, and that was exactly what he did. With that settled and him finally able to hold his head high, Toshiko would follow the chef's orders, picking up his chopsticks, and then grabbing and taking a bite of the delicious, meaty ramen.

Word Count: 1286



Dray contined watching his legs move to wherever they wanted. He had some feelings that the day was going to be great but now, he was having some doubt. He looked up to the sky and saw the sun permanently taking it's place in the sky for the day. The day better be good..
A few steps forward and dray's stomach would begin to rumble. He was suprised at the new appetite that he had just discovered. Two toast breads and two glass cups of milks probably would not hold him any more. Dray would slightly place his hand on his stomach and hold it for a while after which his fingers would feel the large stitch on his chest. Dray's mood would change as he would slowly move his right hand that was formely on his tomach upwards and then feel the large stich on his chest. This was one of the many memories that dray longed to forget but they just would not go away. Dray would feel a single tear slide down his face and drop to the fall. He would stand on the same spot for a while after which he would smile and move on.

He had learnt not to dwell on the past and for today, he had vowed that nothing would spoil his mood. So he was hungry, that fact had been established. The cure for hunger was food but dray just could not go back home. He had almost exhausted his food stuffs and the only quick food that he could prepare if he reached home was just the same toast breads and glass of milk that he had eaten and drank in the morning. With this, dray was left with but one place. A place where wonders happened through food. It was Ichiraku Ramen. This was a shop in konohagakure no sato that served ramen. The ramen itself was a japanese noodle soup dish that consisted of wheat noodles served in meat or fish based broth depending on whichever a person wanted. Dray on his own part preferred a different style of ramen which was wheat noodles served in meat based broth, flavoured with soy sauce and using topplings as sliced pork, dried sea weed, kamaboko which was formed fish paste and green onions.

The thoughts of the ramen could not help but make dray's stomach rumble some more and without wasting any more time, dray would head over to the ramen shop. Upon getting there, he was happy that they were just opening.. Wow, he was suprised that he had gotten up from bed pretty early this morning. Dray would wait for them to open up the shop as he would walk in and greet the man in charge.. "Good morning.." Dray would say to the man as the man would greet back and ask dray to take a seat at the table. "Your order" the man would say later after settling down... "A bowl of ramen in meat based broth, flavoured with soy sauce, sealed with sliced pork, dried sea weed, fish paste and green onions..." Dray would reply the man as he would slightly green... "That's going to hold you for a day and half.." the man would say to dray teasingly.. In no time, the man would serve dray his meal as another customer would come in, take a seat far from dray and make an order.
Dray would pick up the chop sticks and maturely dig into his meal of ramen.. Just then, dray's attention would be drawn to a young man that walked into the ramen shop. He was dressed in a black jump suit and black sandals. His hair was spiky and black too but his skin was light complexioned and strangely covering his right eye was an eye patch. He would return dray's glance with an utter silence like he did not care...

"Well well well. If it isn't our brand new chunin...." the man that had served dray would speak out upon seeing the young man that had walked in. Dray would become more curious upon this statement as he would take note of the young man more and more though he would still be eating his ramen.
"Well? Dont't just stand there! Come take a seat." the man would say again to the fella that probably looked confused or suprised. The young man would slightly nod his head as he would take a seat directly beside dray with just a few inches seperating them from each other. The cook would disappear and return in a flash with a bowl of hot smoking ramen as he would serve the young man in the black jump suit. "Thank you! Thank you so much sir!" The male would reply for the first time as he would reach for his pocket and bring out money to pay the man..
Seeing this, the man in charge of the shop who was also the cook would speak up.. "No need! It's your special day! Your first day in the village as a chuunin means that you get ramen on the house!".. All the while, dray had been eating his ramen but listening to the conversation that ensued between both parties. "But... I.... I didn't win." the young light skinned male would say while somehow frowning his face...
"Yes you did. We all saw you. We watched your battle with the kiri nin. We saw you give it your all, and in the end, you still returned to our village with the title of chuunin. You have nothing but my respect Toshiko. Now come on, eat up and let loose."

With the cook's last statement, dray would raise his head and look again at the young man in the black jump suit. If dray was right, this young man was Toshiko Uzumaki, he genin of the leaf but he was definetly a chunin now regarding what dray had heard in the past few minutes. This toshiko was the konoha ninja that had lost to the kiri genin in the chunin exams and if dray could recall properly, the kiri nin went by the name Sero Osada. Dray was present in takigakure at the time of the chunin exams and he of course witnessed this fight.. but it was still a beautiful thing that this young man was promoted but dray was sure that he did not lose an eye in the match or receive great scars so dray wondered why he had an eye patch on his right eye..

"You got cut pretty bad by that sero but it's good your back home, toshiko..." Dray would say to toshiko while taking in some more ramen...

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

"You got cut pretty bad by that sero but it's good your back home, toshiko..."

Toshiko turned his head to his left, looking up from his now finished bowl of ramen to find the unfamiliar voice that addressed him. his eyes met a strange looking guy with light green hair, similar to that of grass. He wore a white shirt and green pants, along with black leather boots that went up to his shins. Toshiko hadn't ever seen him before and obviously didn't know him, but the guy knew his name. He didn't want to be rude of course, so he met the mans words with a shy, awkward laugh, and then spoke.

"Yea. I guess Sero did cut my arms a bit. All i got on him were a few burns and bruises, but either way it was a pretty good fight."

Now that he thought about it, Sero did get some good hits on him with his blades. His forearms and the palms of his hands now had clearly visible scars upon them, of which Toshiko was now proud of. They were scars that he could look at to remember the enjoyable fight that he had. The one that he would now look to and remember as fun, and not an unexplained loss. Toshiko looked back to the chef, who was picking up his empty bowl off of the table.

"Would you like another bowl"

"Yes Please sir! Thank you very much."

The nodded with a smile, grabbing up the bowl to fill it up with another round of ramen. as Toshiko waited for his second bowl, Toshiko turned his attention to the man.

"I'm sorry. You know me, but i really can't seem to remember you. Have we meet before?"



Dray finished eating the last string of his ramen and taking down the remaining pork. A sumptuous meal it was and it was also all thanks to ichiraku ramen, dray's stomach was finally filled up. Dray gulped down water from a glass cup as he saw from the corner of his eyes, toshiko looking towards him, probably suprised with what dray had said earlier.
"Yea. I guess Sero did cut my arms a bit. All i got on him were a few burns and bruises, but either way it was a pretty good fight." Toshiko would say trying to appear modest though dray could read the confused look on his light complexioned face. He was right to be confused afterall, no one would seem comfortable with a stranger calling their name if they were not very popular.

The young man seemed to observe himself as dray would trace his eyes to his hands. The scars from the cuts were pretty much visible but even so, they were evidence that this young man had tasted battle.
The cook came around and took toshiko's plate after asking him if he would like another with toshiko replying yes before the man turned and left. The man returned again after some seconds to serve toshiko another round of ramen. Looks like somebody has a thing for vhis ramen, dray thought. He finally had the time to speak up to dray..
"I'm sorry. You know me, but i really can't seem to remember you. Have we meet before?" Toshiko would ask dray.
Dray would stand up from his seat as drop fifteen ryo on the table while placing the ramen bowl on top of it to avoid it being blown by the slight wind...

"Every animal in the forest knows the lion but not every animal in the forest does the lion know..." Dray would say to toshiko teasingly trying to make him feel proud of himself...
"Perhaps, we could meet some other time?" Dray would ask him again after he would leave with whatever reply toshiko gave him.
Total wc:2,554

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