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Mission D-Rank Supply Run and Training:
Endurance E-1 ~> E-2 0/150

The sky was a bright blue, dotted here and there with white cotton candy clouds.  The sun shone happily down, giving the day a wonderfully warm and comfortable temperature. It was a nice weather for a day out, and a newly made genin would dare not waste it doing things of silly means.

"Ice cream! Ice cream! I really like ice cream~!♪" Tsuru sang a little improvised tune about her current objective. The girl was alone with unfortunately no one else in the vicinity to hear her song. She looked down to the box in her arms, a rather bulky object for a relatively small girl. In fact she had to cradle the box like an awkward baby and her speed was slowed by the weight of the box. Inside of course was the supplies for the army training camp and as she stared at the crate she could only imagine its deliciously cold contents inside.....

Tsu walked up to the administration building. It was slow going weekend as few shinobi walking in and out of the missions assigning counter. The newly made genin marched her small self to said counter with the determination to be of any use to her village.

"Hello!" Tsuru approached the mission giving chunin with a seemingly out of place salute. "I am a genin, I would like a mission please!"

The shinobi looked down to the girl with amusement. "Alright, how about this supply run? Take that box over there to the officers at training camp on the west side of town." He pointed with his pen to a package that sat next to the door. He then nodded down to the girl's level and added "What's inside is ice cream, so you better hurry so it doesn't melt!" He winked at the young ninja, who promptly squealed with delight.

"Ice cream! I... I really like ice cream!!" Tsuru shouted and bolted toward the door. The girl picked up the box, which was about half the size of herself, but the idea of the delicious frozen treats inside made her hurry out the door. "Ah, I mean I'm sure the officers at the training camp really like ice cream too!" Tsu blurted out with a dash of red hue on her cheeks, and then finally mad her way out of the building.  The mission giving chunin was left astounded at the girl's burst of speed and power.

As she left, the chunin also gave a half-laugh-half-smile scratching the back of his neck in slight concern."I should've told her that she would probably have gotten ice cream from the officers too. Oh well."

That entire incident had happened no less than ten minutes ago and the thought of the last thing she had said suddenly made the girl stop singing. "Oh... I mean I really do like ice cream but I'm sure the officers at the training camp really like ice cream too. So I guess that means I have to give them the ice cream and then I might not get any ice cream, even though I really like ice cream they're the ones that are suppose to get the ice cream." That train of thought dampened the girl's spirits in hopes of getting some frozen dessert and her pace slackened with her depressing mood. With the realization that she was slowing down, Tsuru shook her head to get that mopey aura off of her.

"Ah!" She shouted at herself. "It doesn't matter if I get ice cream or not! Because it's more important that the officers get the ice cream because the are the ones who fight to protect Konoha and they deserve it more that some kid who really just happens to like ice cream!" Tsuru's eyes shone with a new determination to deliver her package to the training camp whether or not she ever ended up getting some of the ice cream too.

She picked up the pace, practically running now with the box tightly held in her arms. Eh, but it would still be really nice if I got some ice cream too.  The thought crossed her mind, but this time she didn't let herself get down at the idea of not getting any at all. Sure enough, within a few moments Tsu came to a clearing of a grassy field. Further out the girl spotted the tents of the training camp, and at the sight, she ran even faster. She reached the small tent town and was met by a few shinobi that directed to the officer's tent.

"Here are your supplies!" Tsu proudly proclaimed as she entered the head officer's tent.

The head officer, a capable jonin, smiled at the sight of such a small young genin carrying a rather large and heavy box. "Thank you little miss. Though I'm a little confused because I honestly can't recall ever ordering some certain supplies." He motioned  to Tsuru's box while scratching the back of his neck with a look of subtle perplexed expression.

"What?!" Tsu screamed in astonishment almost dropping the heavy box on the ground. How could someone forget ordering ice cream? That's terrible! I mean how woul—wait! The girl regained her composure, suddenly remembering the way the mission giving chunin had winked at her. "What's inside is ice cream, so you better hurry so it doesn't melt!" Tsu suddenly smiled realizing the true reason as to why her mission had remained hidden from the head training officer. "Well Sir, I think that if you open the box you'll find that though you didn't order what was inside, you really still needed it anyway." Tsu set the box on the table, a knowing grin on her face. The girl's reaction only puzzled the  officer more but he shrugged and decided to go along with the girl's riddle. He flipped our a kunai and cut away the box's seal, both shinobi looked inside to see tubs of ice cream!

"Ice cream?" The officer questioned but then his puzzled expression turned into a smile. "Heh, seems like administration still looks out for us."

Tsu laughed at the officer's reaction happy to complete her mission and happy at the officer's satisfaction. "I hope you enjoy your ice cream sir!" She turned to leave but the officer stopped her.

"Hey little Miss, you think I can eat all this ice cream by myself? Come on, I'll call the men over too." He smiled and held out a hand of invitation to the small girl.

Tsu stopped in her track, the smile on her face turned into a squeal of hopeful amazement. "Ah, thank you! Thank you so much sir! I...  I really like ice cream!" She turned back and ran to the box, her cheeks turning bright red whether from embarrassment or gratitude the officer couldn't tell.

He flipped out the ice cream scoop and an ice cream cone that were both conveniently placed the box. "So what's your favorite flavor?" He asked her.

"Vanilla!" Tsu responded. "Vanilla is the best flavor, and vanilla flowers are really pretty!"

"Really?" The officer laughed. "Coincidentally that's my favorite too."

Mission Complete!
Word Count 1230
Mission 600/600
Training Stats
Speed E-1~>E-2 150/150
Strength E-1~>E-2 150/150
Endurance  E-1~>E-2 150/150
Perception E-1~> E-2 150/150
Words left over 30

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