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Shiro Found the boy sitting at the edge of the village looking depressed, he had dark hair and wore his headband and uniform. Shiro walked over to him "Hey." Shiro said, the boy looked over at him "I dont care what you have to say im not going back." He stated "Alright... but tell me why you want to leave." Shiro replied. He let out a sigh and stared into the distance for awhile before answering "I'm weak... and I dont want to let any one down so... Im just going to leave." Shiro stared at him for a bit he was still looking off into the distance "Well I think i would be more of a let down if I just gave up." Shiro said, the boy looked sad and turned to Shiro "Well then what do you think i should do... go back and let my friends die because I wasn't strong enough!?" he nearly yelled at Shiro who sighed "No I think you should go back and train to become stronger... I mean look at me i'm still a genin as well but i'm trying every day to get stronger." the boy sniffed a little "What if I cant get stronger what if i'm just no good?" he asked 'Oh why do I have to deal with the emotional ones?' Shiro thought to himself before replying "Everyone started here... at genin and they all trained to get to where they are now, so just put in your best effort and you will get stronger." the boy stood up "Well I don't really want to train with my team and let them see me like this if I do stay." He said "Okay then I'll train with you... what do you think is your worst area?" Shiro asked. The boy was quiet for a while before answering "Chakra control." Shiro nodded "Okay then lets get started." the boy nodded "Okay...Hey whats your name?" He asked "Shiro" Shiro replied "My name is Shuji." He told Shiro "Well the Shuji let get started." Shiro said. The two sat down and Shiro asked him to preform the Supernatural walking technique which seemed to be difficult for him. "Alright well it seems you do have an issue with chakra control." Shiro said after a bit Shiro said "Okay I got an idea." Shiro jumped into a tree and grabbed a leaf before jumping back over to Shuji "Here" Shiro said giving Shuji the leaf "I heard that Leaf ninja practice chakra control by holding a leaf to their fore head." Shuji took the leaf before placing it to his forehead from which it simply fluttered back down to the ground "Its no use i'm terrible at this." Shuji groaned "No you can do it you did walk up the wall even if it was hard it means you can do it, now concentrate your chakra onto your fore head and then hold the leaf there." Shiro told him. It took hours before Shuji could hold the leaf to his fore head "Wow I really can do it!" Shuji exclaimed "Told you you could." Shiro said. Shuji looked at Shiro before saying "Thanks for helping me... I guess I was over reacting." Shiro nodded in reply "Yep you were... but now that you know you can get better will yo-" Shiro was cut off by Shuji saying "I will stay and I will get stronger." Shiro smiled and said "Good to hear... now I hope your good to go train with you team now." Shuji replied with "Yea ill go train with them I just didn't want them to see me like that...". Shiro left after saying goodbye and he went home to lay down while not physically the day was mentally exhausting.

WC: 639

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