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1Boooooozzee (Invite only,no Kill) Empty Boooooozzee (Invite only,no Kill) Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:24 pm



Wolfgang looked down at his drink, he had a glass full of rum in front of him, black as night was the liquid in his cup, for the average person the alchohol content in this drink would burnt the toungue right out their mouths, but to Wolfgang the burn was non existent, thus he was able to drink the strongest drink that they had to offer with no problems.

As Wolfgang drank he looked to the left of him and there was a women looking at him, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, she was probably somewhere near his age, but the most confusing part about this was that she was looking at him, the last girl to look at him like that had turned out to be an assassin.
Hey there big man...mind buying me a drink? Wolfgang smiled...for what reason he knew not, he was attracted to neither females nor males, and the whole notion of someone being attractive was obsure, physical interaction was impossible to him no matter what even if he wanted to, but somehow he sighed and yelled to the barkeep,
One drinkke..for the lady here the man brought the women a bottle of something, it was a weaker drink then what he was having, though it was pretty fair seeing that he was numb, a loud belly laughed boomed from his lips as he sipped her drink, he handed her his drink and said in a jovial tone,
take a sip of a real drink dearie she smiled and drank at start happily, but the moment the liquid came into her mouth she spit it out and laughed at him whilst saying,
Gross! that stuff is almost paint thinner, you must be a strong man to hold that liquor hehe Wolfgang laughed as he drank deeply, he then told the bartender that her next 3 drinks were on his tab, as he stood he whispered to her somewhat sadly,
Im not the crowd you want girl, find a nicer man, on me She looked confused and somewhat dissapointed until the bartender told her of the free drinks, she seemed like a nice girl, someone whom Wolfgang could not hang around with, but now he was somewhat itching for a rumble...

2Boooooozzee (Invite only,no Kill) Empty Re: Boooooozzee (Invite only,no Kill) Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:00 pm



Oh the bar... what a lovely place it was. Well, arguably, the Siren's Den was much more than a bar. It was also a strip club and a dance club that prided itself on giving top notch entertainment for men and women of all kinds of sexuality. It was crowded more often than not, which is something Gin prided herself on. She owned the place, after all, and ran it like a well oiled machine. Ever since it had opened, the shinobi of Kirigakure had had a much higher success rate in missions and crime had gone down a bit. Gin attributed this to a need to let out steam that hadn't previously been covered. She mentally patted herself on the back for it as she stepped out of her office and into the club itself.

The center stage was round and currently had several women working the poles set up around it. Lights of different colors flashed across the large room. Nevertheless, it was dark enough so that people could feel like they had privacy in such a large space. The music flared from the stereo, a low bass thumping constantly. People danced to it in a clouded euphoria around the stage. It was a lovely sight, really. There were several bars on the sides, fully stocked. There were also places to sit, rest and talk surrounding the entire dance floor if one went up a couple of steps.

Gin made her way across the crowd, towards one of the bars. She wore a mask on her face made out of a lacy black fabric that covered her eyes and cheekbones. Her gold colored dress shower a large amount of cleavage and made her legs look rather lovely. Black heeled boots adorned her feet and were cut off right at her ankles. She had never been a fan of boots that covered the entire leg. Her silver hair was placed in a neat bun on the lower side of her head. She caught the eye of several men and women, but largely ignored them save for a wink here and there. She was taken... sort of.

She set down in the crowded bar, next to a man covered entirely in tattoos. "Bartender, the usual," she said. The man instantly turned her attention to the young woman and nodded, serving her three different shots of different vivid colors - red, green and blue - and setting them on fire. She drank all three in rapid succession, earning a small clap from the people around her. Most knew who she was, seeing as they frequented the place quite often. Kuroka Gin - the Angel of Death and the owner of the Siren's Den. She looked at the man next to her. He seemed to be sulking in some way, or at least that was the vibe that Gin got from him. He seemed overly serious and maybe a little bit too melancholic. "Hey, you, what's your deal?"


3Boooooozzee (Invite only,no Kill) Empty Re: Boooooozzee (Invite only,no Kill) Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:57 pm



"Hey, you, what's your deal?" Wolfgang heard a voice to the right of him, he sighed as he looked over to the direction of the voice and what he saw actually made his eyebrows raise, there were not that many people whom he thought looked nice...but the one he saw now was something else, though he had no real interest she looked very provocative, though within a few moments he made a slightly more serious but slightly surprised face as he said in a light tone,
You one of the girls? You look the part...ha its a shame After he finished blathering on he downed the last of his drink, as he looked at the owner of the bar he started seeing wasnt that it was a clone jutus, it was that he was more smashed then he thought he was.

Wolfgang then stood up for a moment to catch his bearings, at the same time yelling out to the barkeep,
One Devil Springs Vodka...a baller glass He then sat down and swiveled his chair in the direction of the Woman, taking on a serious gruff face to the best of his ability...

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