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1God's Among Men RP Empty God's Among Men RP Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:59 pm

Devil Kane

God's Among Men RP 205zklw
In a world of gods and goddesses, what path will you choose?

"It all began with 3, what we like to call "the creators." It was with their powers combined that the world and all who inhabit it came to exist. Earth was the first to be created and filled with mortals for the 3 to take pleasure in their prowess. The first of their creations it was something extraordinary different from corner to corner and filled with diversity. This was not the extent to their power however, They wanted something more and something less. So they decided to give the world monsters, a race that would eventually come to be looked down upon by some and feared by others. Yes the creatures of the bedtime stories that your children actually do exist, in an oppressed and cruel state. Now we are at the point in which you could question what could be "more"? Aether and Nether, two planes that we're created with equal amounts of power from the 3 creators. With the rest of the power the shell was created, a neutral zone surrounding all that is holding it together, mostly unexplored only being accessible by gods. Gods, beings of pure power, said to inhabit the realms of Aether and Nether 6 to each. The creators had made the gods with thoughts in mind that they would interact with mortals maybe leading, tormenting, or even destroying them. With the gods came demi-gods, beings that are made up of a fraction of power similar to that the gods are cast down to live with the mortals. Sadly this is the only known actions of the creators before they vanished."

Join us! Choose your kingdom and fight along side allies! Make friends with the gods or go to war with them.

The choice is yours.

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