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1Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Genjutsu and Seals ques. Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:42 pm



Ahoy dearies, Ashes here. As you can see from the title I need some help answering my questions concerning genjutsu and seals since (there isn't a lot of specific info unless you ask certain people)

Soo...let's begin

1)What effects of a 'poisonous' genjutsu (jutsu that makes user believe they were poisoned) is allowed and what isn't?

-So far fever, nausea, and sweating are ok

2)For a scaling genjutsu that is C-S, what, and how many debuffs are allowed per level?

2Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:06 pm



If it is genjutsu i would advise asking Kenji since his the most active of the genjutsu users that i know of

And what happened to the question on seals? you only listed genjutsu questions geez....

/me feels fuuinjutsu is being underrated

3Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:38 pm



I'll be sure to! And I just noticed I didn't write the sealing questions down ^^'"

So for sealing, I was wondering if it can be used to rebuff certain stats for a limited time? If so, what are the usually rankings unless you can do it at any ranking. For example, a seal that enhances a person's strength and speed by 1 tier each for a limited time.

4Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:53 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

just pointing out here that genjutsu which debuff stats will need serious triggers to actually take effect.

5Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:07 pm



Seals either store things or release things, and those things can be Jutsus or items. So a seal that would increase a certain stat for a certain duration isn't really sealing or releasing anything. But you'll have to clarify this with the staff

Last edited by Binsu on Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:33 am; edited 1 time in total

6Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:46 am



So should seals be apped as jutsu or items as the seals I would like will also be tattoos majority of the time. Also what about sensory capabilities? Do I need to store a sensory jutsu in a seal or can the seal be used for sensory?

7Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:32 am



o.o Disregard everything i've said before this message ~

8Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:25 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

seals more or less work on material things, such as for instance sealing water, items, rocks, that kind of stuff. Though in combination with other specs like Medical or Taijutsu, you could indeed 'up' some stats. However, since I dont know what the rules are on cursed seals or seals that alter chakra stuff, that's all up to staff.

9Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:36 am



Yuurei Jet wrote:So should seals be apped as jutsu or items as the seals I would like will also be tattoos majority of the time. Also what about sensory capabilities? Do I need to store a sensory jutsu in a seal or can the seal be used for sensory?

Oo, these questions I can answer:

1. Seals can be applied for as either items or jutsus. Main difference is seals that are apped as jutsus can be maintained and placed on any type of material, whereas seals that are apped as items are already on a specific material and (unless I'm mistaken) cannot be maintained (I.e cannot have a duration greater than one post). You might have to double check that last point.

Since you said your seal will be a tattoo most of the item, you should app it as an item.

2. As for the sensory thing: With all sensory techniques in general you have to figure out what it is actually detecting and how you percieve that. With fuinjutsu you have to get creative with the perceiving part: you could cast a seal around you that detects the chakra of subjects within its range, make a seal on your body that glows when people are nearby, cast a seal that spreads out from the user and anchors in towards any people within its range and thus showing you where people are, etc.

As an edit to my earlier point in my first post, seals don't just seal things in things or unseal things, they are petty much just representations of chakra in the form of graphic symbols on medians.

10Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:26 am



Yo yo I heard someone needin' a sealin' master, let's put this rule up on you head!

Seals are flexible, with or without fusing them with some other specs, they can be used to support, attack and inflict damage, de-buffs and buffs, defense as well, you just have to be cray cray, seals are on of the very flexible things.

Fuuinjutsu is awesome

I remember cursed seals being banned, but as the mods say, if you can tweak it and  balance it, you can has it.

^.^ any questions?

11Genjutsu and Seals ques. Empty Re: Genjutsu and Seals ques. Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:21 pm



Fuuinjutsu can give you stats as they can be considered to be 'releasing potential' from the person they're on. Perhaps allowing the chakra in their bodies to flow far more freely and reinforcing movement.

The Debuffs your genjutsu would get per level would be the opposite of the buffs per level as seen in the jutsu guides. Which at S rank is 3.

Also, as for your poison genjutsu. It could mimic whatever you wanted it to do, it really depends on its rank. You could make the trigger like, a small needle of chakra that if you get hit by it triggers the genjutsu which gives the opponent full on dementia, fever, sweating and hazy hallucinations if the rank was high enough.

Gen is, in my opinion, by far the most powerful spec on saga, not because it is inherently stronger, but because no-one apps any defense to it. They think that genjutsu ki is enough... when... in reality, it has a cool-down, and its chakra cost is so high that if you use it, you're instantly losing. Least chakra efficient ability on site :P

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