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1Sozaemon Stats Empty Sozaemon Stats Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:49 am



Yuurei No Sōdaina Naito

(Note: Currently a ongoing thread)

Preception: E-0 to D-0 (750/750)

Reaction Time: E-0 to D-0 (767/750)

(Using the excess 16 words for speed training in the thread)

2Sozaemon Stats Empty Re: Sozaemon Stats Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:02 am



Preception: E-0 to D-0 (750/750)

Reaction Time: E-0 to D-0 (767/750)

approved....Please do not turn in threads that are still ongoing. I much prefer to look at a thread once instead of three or four times.

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