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Why was Takigakure so cold?

Perhaps it didn't help that he was wandering the markets past midnight in only his Sunagakure attire, but Akarui couldn't shake this very real feeling. Not a psychological feeling, no. Not even the fact that he had slept through dinner time and was starving. No; Akarui was just cold. Even as he pulled the white cloak he had brought with him tightly around him, he didn't feel much warmer. These were made for travelling through the desert. They were made to keep out sand and sun while still being breathable. In this situation, being breathable was much more of a disadvantage. Wearing capris and these stupid open toed shinobi sandals probably didn't help either, but it was not like he could be seen without the hip lower body fashion statement that had been around for the better part of three hundred years. Akarui couldn't blame the city for his current state entirely, however. He was out here of his own free will. Wanting to see the parts of the city that only operated out of sight from the average citizen, he had taken a nap in the evening and left his hotel just before midnight. That was part of being a shinobi, wasn't it? To be part of the unseen, to understand it, to embrace it; That was what he had signed up for. It just didn't seem right to visit this exotic new place without both training his senses and ability to infiltrate unseen places as well as gather information on those who wished to be unseen for his superiors. Who knew? He might even be rewarded for his efforts.

As his next shiver frightened him, however, he realized he wouldn't be able to do any of this if he was frozen solid. Then again, it most likely was not even below freezing temperatures. Akarui just was not used to this kind of activity in this temperature. He certainly wasn't going to go back to his hotel to warm up. That would just be admitting defeat. Akarui did need a way to warm up though. As his teeth chattered relentlessly, hands under his armpits, he remembered back to his training as a young boy. Movement and activity warmed you up. This being the only thought on his mind for the moment, Akarui suddenly turned to his side, delivering a high roundhosue kick to the wooden support of a closed down stall.  He grinned as he felt the vibrations from the force run up his leg and throughout his body. The sound that came next, however, filled him with quite the opposite feeling. A small ceramic pot that the shop owner must have left out wobbled around on the edge of the stall table, making the dreadful foreshadowing noise all pot owners know as it slipped from the stall table before falling and smashing into innumerable pieces on the street. As if Akarui's embarrassment wasn't enough, his racket drew the attention of a couple gang members who were warming themselves by a fire in the alley. Akarui lowered his leg and clenched his fists as the two ruffians approached him, one wielding a simple rusty knife and the other holding a sack with a rock in it.

"You going to pay for that, kid?" One of them asked, brandishing the knife in Akarui's direction.

"Don't worry, we'll hold onto the money until the owner gets back." The other gave him a toothy grin, showing off his jagged yellow teeth.

598 words



Akira was out and about once more. A cigarette in his right hand as he blew into the cold air. The smoke from it leaving the smell of burnt high end tobacco in the air. Not that the smoke was necessary to create a temporary fog. The cold air and his hot breath would of managed that just fine. Still he wasn't to bothered. He was wearing his favorite suit after all. Black slacks were a little thin feeling but warm enough. Italian leather shoes, black in color. A silver button up shirt with a dark blue tie. A suit coat with an overcoat over it and lastly a purple scarf. This was his favorite suit though because it was made of no normal fabric. It was crafted from a crystal weave of the finest quality as an armor hidden within it's appearance. It looked like it was just a custom tailored suit but a very powerful manipulator of the crystal element had put time into crafting it. And in truth it was a very potent armor indeed. Still he had worn a black belt with it so he could clip his dagger onto the small of his back under his overcoat. The dagger was just as unique as it was believed to have been crafted from a dragons fang. The suit was called Lord of fortune and the dagger was appropriately named the dragon dagger. Part of a set but for the time being Akira only had one.

Still Akira was wandering about in the dead of night. When it was colder and the less interesting folk had retired for the night. Now was time for drinking and fighting in the slums. He was walking along with eyes watching him just smoking his cigarette. But there was something more about Akira. Even if people didn't know he was Kage they could feel a sense of foreboding emanating from him. Somehow his strength was incredibly apparent to anyone who looked upon him. And even as well dressed as he was he wasn't being made a target. He was being avoided by the majority of thugs. It was a little more boring then he had been hoping for but he was sure he would find someone dumb enough eventually. The hand not holding the smoke brushed through his hair pulling it out of his face as his yellow gaze stared down the dark alleys of the market. Most of the stalls were closed but he heard a crash nearby. Well that might be worth looking into. So at a casual pace Akira went to investigate.

Upon rounding the corner Akira raised an eyebrow and smiled. Here was an attractive young lad, unarmed by the looks of him in some traditional suna Garb. Something Akira had avoided but was familiar with. He hated sand getting in everything. Either way he didn't see a headband but it would be a shame for such a pretty face to get all messed up over something small. His yellow eyes seemed to shine like molten gold as they looked to the two thugs. One wielding a pathetic excuse for a knife and another a sack of something or another. Cheap idiots. Perfect. Just what the night had ordered. So Akira cleared his throat to be noticed. Oblivious as the two dolts were. Still they turned around and the one that had spoken before sneered and spoke again.

"Well you look like you can pay for that...Was an expensive peace of merchandise you know. Gonna cost you fancy pants."

Akira smiled and stepped forward....but the light seemed to flicker from the nearby lamps as he stepped. As if his very steps were shaking the bulbs. "Actually I will come by tomorrow and make sure the shop owner is compensated. I prefer direct interaction over trusting....or touching lowlifes for that matter."

The two thugs looked between each other confused before they understood they were being insulted. They growled and went to attack Akira. But something odd happened. One moment Akira was standing in front of them and the next he was behind them. Their weapons in his hands as he looked them over. "Trash...not worthy of being used on a rabid dog. Just as I suspected." And then it happened.The thugs turned but not all of them. Their legs were twisted to face the wrong way as was their arms. The bones torn from their sockets and the skin twisted. Akira had twisted their limbs backwards in the matter of a second. Before they could realize how much pain they were in Akira sighed. His hands began to glow gold with what appeared to be golden chakra. Pure in nature as it was it felt like he was holding back. Like he was forcing himself to be gentle. With a simple movement he slammed a finger to each of their foreheads throwing each of them back a couple of meters and unconcious. Then he tossed the weapons next to them and the golden chakra faded. He was once more just a gentle looking man. He pulled his smoke out of his mouth and let out a drag before tossing it away into a fire barrel. Then he turned to the boy and smiled. His voice as smooth as silk.

"Perhaps you care for some late night snacking young man?"




Akarui gritted his teeth behind his usual blank expression. Not only was he regretting not buying an actual coat when it was still light out, but now he had to deal with the fact that these two scumbags were after him and he hadn't even bothered to bring his kunai. Perhaps Akarui could have dealt with that fact better if he was not still shaken by the fact that he was, in his mind, most likely the worst shinobi to ever walk the earth for accidentally broken the only ceramic pot that was forgotten out and alerted the attention of two drunken ruffians in what was most likely the darkest part of the day.

Damn it all. I really need to stop being so cocky.

The adolescent's eyes darted around the scene, looking for something, anything he could use as a weapon. As the villains approached closer and closer, and hope seemed to dim for getting out of this situation unscathed, Akarui felt it. There was something powerful coming down the street. He couldn't see its source as of yet, but something was approaching. Akarui even thought he saw the lights moving, though he was sure he imagined it. Taking a few steps back, he refocused himself onto finding an escape route. Left? Right? It was too dark to tell which way was back to the hotel. Then he saw it; right behind the two criminals. Two boiling gold eyes practically oozed power, overshadowing the obviously physically powerful man in the suit. Akarui thought they were much like his own eyes, with the notable exception of their domineering, intense character and their far darker attitude.

This being, who Akarui almost mistook for some sort of kami at this point, was obviously speaking to the two criminals before him. Akarui, however, was so entranced by the aura coming off of him that he couldn't make out what he was saying, or at least was so uninterested that it merely passed through him. Even as the two slimy cretins ran at his savior, Akarui was not worried. He seemed more than capable of taking care of himself even without a weapon or any noticeable armor. In a flash, the man had almost seemed to teleport behind the criminals, dispatching them almost faster than it took him to get to that position. He fully expected the two criminals were dead as he watched the kami in an almost hypnotic trace pace over to dispose of the weapons in a nearby fire barrel. Finally, as the being came to look upon Akarui, he snapped out of his captivation.

"Perhaps you care for some late night snacking young man?" Akarui merely nodded to the figure who he could not yet recognize in this light. Not a single word left his lips as he prepared to follow old man what's-his-face.

598 + 481 = 1071



Akira had felt the men twist under his fingers. To him it was like they were barely moving. As if each inch took forever. All the time in the world for him to do what he liked. It was a trained state that happened once certain speeds were accomplished. But he had no patience for thugs and criminals. He had barely managed to refrain from actually ripping off their limbs entirely as their flesh felt like paper and their bones like cardboard. They were weak indeed. Academy student level he would assume. Still he had punished them for their criminal inclinations. Their bones could be reset and the torn muscles would be repaired over time. Their weapons felt dirty to him. He was entirely too glad to be rid of them. Still as he finished with the two his eyes moved to the boy. Golden orbs seemed to study him as he had spoken and waited for a response. Surely the boy was impressed with him? Akira had been trying pretty hard to be impressive after all...much to the dismay of the two thugs he had over reacted on. Still all he got was a nod. The boy was likely in shock. Or just freezing his ass off. Oh well. That would be dealt with shortly.

Akira smiled and wrapped an arm around the boys shoulder. Something about the suit felt soft but also like it would withstand any attack. As if the fabric wasn't what it seemed and was actually clothing that suited the man. Still Akira guided the boy along through the late night market. His aura and recent display keeping generally everyone away from them. But as they moved the smells of food grew stronger. It became apparent that there was a food district just a few dozen paces from where they had been. Ramen stands and sushi bars with alcohol being sloshed and drunken fools left and right. But Akira ignored it all and guided them directly to a particularly nice looking establishment. It smelled of smoked meats and dozens of sauces. Unlike the other shops it actually had a wooden door instead of cloth or paper ones. Akira smiled and gently pushed open the door to the quiet seeming establishment. Only to break the illusion entirely.

As soon as the door opened noise broke through like a wave. If anything the establishment was rowdier then the others. Men were laughing and drinking, Arguing and fighting. Gambling and fondling women. Each booth was fairly large with cushions and furs to sit on with a barbecue pit in the center surrounded by a table with plates and drinks. Akira steered his new friend to one off to the side away from the women and more towards a group of men having a slurred and drunken debate. He sat the boy down and sat across from him before nodding to the tired looking but armed waitress. It must of been one hell of an establishment for the waitresses to carry kunai on their belts. As soon as Akira sat down though his aura seemed to disappear. As if he had enough control over it to hide it completely. All of the sudden Akira might as well have been a farmer with no training in any ninja arts. He smiled and watched wondering if the boy would pick up on it as the waitress came over.

"Your pork platter with soy sauce and a side of stir fried rice with a bottle of hot Saki please."

The woman nodded and went to go get the order prepared. She didn't do more then give a glance and a smile to the boy. Obviously she didn't care about any drinking ages here. Paying customers meant paying customers. And with the suit Akira was in she was expecting a tip. One man tried to slap her as only to get a sandal to the face as she stepped on his head and slammed it to the floor before using it as a stepping stool and continued walking. The staff here was decently strong. That was likely why Akira liked it so much. Still his golden eyes looked towards his new friend as he shed his coats and scarf. Unbuttoning his crystal cuff links and loosening his tie. He smiled calmly before leaning back against a cushion and resting his hands on his knees. Tilting his head as he spoke. Somehow his voice was cool and practiced as he seemed to speak like silk once more.

"I am eager to know two things suna boy. First is I would like to know your name. After all what good is dinner if you don't know who you are speaking with. Give me the courtesy of an introduction and I will do the same. The second thing is more of a curiosity. How did you intend to defend yourself back there? Ninjutsu? Taijustu? How would you have taken down those thugs had I not been around"




Akarui was unsettled to say the least by the man's arm around his shoulder. There was no doubt that he was strong and could protect him if he wanted to, no. He had proven that to him with his most recent actions. But his arm was heavy. It was as though it were there not for comfort, but as a reminder of his strength. As Akarui was led through the streets, there was no doubt in his mind that he was being treated not a person to be protected, but a possession to kept. More like a dog on a leash than a boy being treated to dinner. He wondered whether the man would have acted the same had he been a stray dog. The more he thought about it the more disturbed he became, and so Akarui eyed the man walking beside him; or rather, walking him. He was fairly well kempt, and seemed to present himself as a man of fashion and high class. If his luxurious suit didn't tell you that, his hair screamed it. That was not all that his demeanor told about him, no. He had an expression of utmost confidence. As a child, Akarui had been taught by the elders that confidence was one of the most easily manipulated emotions. This time it was different, however. This man had more than enough power to back up his chicken yard swagger. He had no idea where this man was taking him, but he didn't dare ask until they got there.

He had barely noticed that they had passed into the food district. His sensed were attuned to discerning and manipulating emotion, not smelling his whereabouts. Akarui did, however, notice the smirk on the man's face as he pushed them through a heavy door into rowdy bar-like barbecue house filled with old men. Akarui narrowed his eyes as he walked through the scene, still within the man's collar and on a short leash. The more he saw of the place, the more he began to assume this was some sort of brothel. It was only once the man had sat him down into a booth that he became aware of himself again. In all honesty, he wasn't all that interested in the drunken men or the waitresses. He didn't even perceive that any of them were armed. As the man ordered their meal, Akarui could do nothing but observe him again with an expression void of anything but mild interest. It seemed he was not the formal type as he seemed to slouch into the well cushioned chair, undoing as many buttons as he could without being vulgar. Even in his current, uncaring state, there was no denying his strength. If Akarui were being honest with himself, he feared the man before him far more than he was grateful to him. At this point, he began to wonder if he was truly cut out to be a shinobi if he could not even dispose of two street thugs, let alone hold a candle to this unknown man in the suit.

And yet he smiled at Akarui. Tilted his head and smiled. It seemed almost like a dream; something completely unreal and unfathomable. Even his voice was entirely uncharacteristic as he began to speak to Akarui. It was smooth and suave, entirely unfitting for the power that lay within him. "I am eager to know two things suna boy. First is I would like to know your name. After all what good is dinner if you don't know who you are speaking with. Give me the courtesy of an introduction and I will do the same. The second thing is more of a curiosity. How did you intend to defend yourself back there? Ninjutsu? Taijustu? How would you have taken down those thugs had I not been around." Akarui tilted his head slightly at this, merely blinking. He was far more interested in questions than giving answers at this point, but he could still be patient. At lest, that was what he hoped. "I uhm.." His voice hit a tumultuous spot of different tones as he grasped for words. Unable to contain his embarrassment, Akarui cleared his throat. How was his voice still cracking at this age? He should have been past that years ago. "Kōga Akarui sir. I am from Suna as you thought, as if that were actually in question." He placed his hands on the table, still flustered as he lowered his head. "I'm sorry, that was rude. I should have thanked you for saving me first. As for what I would have done had you not been there." Akarui raised his head, looking at the man across the table with somewhat embarrassed, pitiful eyes. "I er... I don't actually know what I would have done. I am actually just a genin. I have trained basically in kenjutsu but as you saw," He cleared his throat once more, struggling to regain whatever confidence he had before this had started. "I was unprepared."

850 + 1071 = 1921



Akira listened with a raised eyebrow and a smile as the boys voice seemed to reach a pitch unbecoming of his age. It was always amusing to watch people who aren't fully prepared for a conversation. It was so difficult in Iwa to come across anyone who hadn't prepared in their head a dozen times over what they intended to say to him. Formalities always followed as close to the letter as they could remember or at least thought they should be. Always bowing and scraping. Save for a few anyways. That select few like to try and balance on the thin line between his curiosity and admiration of bravery or his temperament and brutality. He preferred to try and keep the latter under strict control but that could not always be done just as he wanted. The more people pushed him the closer they got to seeing the wolf of Iwa. Vicious as could be but a leader all the same. Strong enough to lead the pack and wise enough to keep it from failing through the winter. He resembled what a few might call an alpha male. The prime of the species, at least in his own, secretly adopted country.

Still his yellow eyes watched as the boy spoke up. So his name was Kōga Akarui. That Kōga sounded vaguely familiar but he didn't know why. He would ask around about it later or perhaps even get the information about it tonight from Akarui himself. He was always interested in other clans and their histories. Tragedies and victories. Love found and family lost. All of them seemed to have such a unique story. Truly a bard would have his work cut out for him. Or a scholar for that matter. But somehow he doubted either would truly grasp it. Feelings that could only be felt by those who had been there. Who had experienced it all. A tingling ran through his skin as he contemplated it. He had his fair share of experience. Love, Lust, long forgotten times with family and clan. Tears left behind with friends and country. Fighting for his life and losing his allies and friends. Blinded and ripped apart to be left as a cripple and hopeless only to be made whole again. Manipulating countries and powerful people while being hunted himself, Saving those who could not save themselves. He had no doubt his tale would be something to fill a book should anyone view him as anything more then a trickster and a traitor in the end. But that was for another time.

For now the boy bowed his head and apologized and even thanked him in a way. Breaking Akira from his thoughts as he blinked in surprise. He wasn't expecting such a respectful thank you. Still when he raised his head his eyes seemed to show something like...regret? Remorse? it was harder to pinpoint then Akira would of liked. He preferred to think he was incredible at reading people. Still he shrugged as the boy commented not knowing what he would of done and admitted he was unprepared. It was then that a tray bearing pink peices of pork was set down on the side of the table and scooted to the far side so both of them could reach it. On the side closest to the door the sake was set there. The cork removed as steam rose from it. Two cups were set on the table and the waitress left. Quietly Akira poured Saki into both cups. He was accustomed to bourbon but he wasn't about to reject good firewater over a lack of choices. Setting the bottle back down he grabbed to slabs of pork and set them on the grill with a sizzle. Only after doing all this did he speak. He didn't bother indicating that Akurai should do the same and prepare his food as it should of been obvious. The stir fry and soy sauce was brought in while he was speaking but he didn't so much as look at it yet. The waitress bowing and leaving without a word.

"Well the answer to that is simple. You would of won. Regardless of preparation you would of found a way. Suna isn't known for letting complete fools graduate their academy. And those two would of been maybe first year academy students. One way or another you would of dominate them. A weapon would of just made it easier for your skill sets. Ahh but I promised you an introduction. Kazako Akira from Iwa. I suppose Kage would be my rank? But you sensed the difference between us already and you could still walk. I have seen groups of genin pass out just from being too close to me when I let loose kid. The fact that you could still walk speaks wonders about you so chin up and eat something. And none of that Sir nonsense. We are just enjoying a restaurant. You can call me Akira. No prefix or any of that bull you got it?"

It was a rumored thing that Iwa people were very blunt to the point of being rude. If anything Akira seemed to prove that with his words. But yet he was saying something akin to encouragement. Even praise for some reason. Still Akira smiled with a smile that showed perfect white teeth. Certainly something strange for a taijutsu specialist. Still Akira pulled up a plate from under the table and scooped up a ball of rice from the rice bowl. He flipped his pork as it sizzled again. Finally he broke apart his chopsticks and quietly began to eat his rice. He was even dignified as he ate. Careful to take in reasonable portions and to show as little of chewing or food in his mouth as possible. After a couple of bites he picked up his cup of Sake and lifted it to his lips. He sipped it and closed his eyes for a brief moment before setting the cup down. It was a decent flavor. But for the time being he would pace himself with that. Still he pulled his now cooked pork off the grill and placed some soy sauce on his plate. Using it as a dip for the meat. He growled in satisfaction at the flavor as he consumed a fair sized bite of the pork. It was utterly delicious. The tender meat and the sweetness of the soy sauce were a great combination. Still he swallowed as his sharp yellow eyes looked to Akurai again. The were like a wolves eyes. Sharp and primal but so much more laid behind them. He was obviously capable of being wild but he was also incredibly perceptive too. When he spoke a hint of question rang in his voice. As if he was truly curious. But even with the question his voice moved across the ears like soft silk. He was used to speaking to others.

"And what of your sword? If you are a practitioner of the art of Kenjutsu then surely you must use a blade. Not really my thing, never could look beyond my own body for fighting ability. But that much I am pretty sure is common sense. And make no mistake this is a dangerous world. Unless you are required to remove your weapon you should keep it next to you. If it is what you are most capable with you should consider it a body part, even sleep with it nearby. Easy to grab and quick to use. So the question rises. Where is it Akurai?"

3015 (XD)



The more time he spent with the man before him, the less fear Akarui felt and the more he became fascinated. As he watched the man intently, he seemed less and less a troll and more like an actual person. He seemed generally interested in what Akarui was doing and saying; actually curious instead of domineering. Perhaps the most suprirsing thing to Akarui was that he was still alive. The one thing which hadn't changed all that much about Akira were his eyes. Unlike the rest of the man, which reflected confidence and power, his eyes seemed to hide something. Nothing physical no, not like a tapestry before a hidden door. Instead, as Akarui introduced himself, the seemed to reflect a sadness. Was the man trying to recall something? Or was he trying to forget something he had recalled? Perhaps that was the most interesting part about the situation. His eyes hadn't hid the reaction from Akarui, but instead seemed to vent what the man might have been hiding from himself. That was what Akarui thought was the biggest difference between the eyes of the two; Akarui's eyes were bright and fulfilled, while the man's seemed opaque and almost tortured, as though they had gone through or seen something horrible. Either way, how the man acted in response to Akarui's introduction gave Akarui the sneaking suspicion that he was more human than he had initially thought. This was confirmed when he thanked the man for saving him, as when he looked up to look the man in the eyes, they seemed surprised and even a little confused. He was no longer a creature he wanted to get away from, but an anomaly he wanted to learn more about. As he finally brought himself to admit his inexperience, however, a new player captured his attention.

From the kitchen came not only the smells of stir fry and hot sake, meat both cooked and uncooked, and soy sauce galore, but the items themselves were delivered as if just for him. As his sense of smell captivated Akarui, he realized how hungry he was. As soon as he thanked the waitresses, he quickly retrieved the chopsticks, racing the man to put his pork on the grill; three at once. As the meat sizzled, he turned to notice his host pouring sake into not one, but two cups. Akarui couldn't help but grimmance. He was used to sake by this point in traditional ceremonies, but the fact that the man had poured his own sake as well really hammered in the fact that he was confident to the point of breaking common courtesy. Akarui couldn't say that he was being impolite, however, as he had the courtesy to treat him, a stranger, to a lavish meal like this in the first place. He obviously wasn't traditional, but he was nice. At least, that was what he hoped. His stomach growled as he watched the man silently placed his two pieces of pork on the grill. He hadn't bothered to respond to his questions yet either. Akarui had been expecting the man to be impatient given his confident nature, but it seemed he knew when to slow down; or at least he felt confident enough to interrupt conversations to make food. Akarui quickly dished himself out a helping of the rice, looking down at it domineeringly before  beginning to devour it, a wide grin on his face even as he chewed. Of course, he hadn't been expecting the man to speak yet as he had waited for such a long time, but as fate would have it he asked his question just as Akarui was in the middle of his biggest helping of rice yet.

At first Akarui wondered how the man knew about the training activities of Suna nin. Initially he imagined the man was just trying to feel better, though as he introduced himself, Akarui's eyes widened and he chewed his rice much more slowly before finally swallowing a large lump. His name was Kazako Akira and he was the Tsuchikage? In all honesty, Akarui was relieved. He had been afraid his shinobi career would have gone down the drain had there been someone with this much power just walking the streets of Takigakure, though now that he knew it was a kage, he felt much more self confident in his abilities. However, this didn't change the fact that Akarui felt he was being talked down to. Encouragement from a kage was one thing, but this just felt silly to him. Akarui placed his chopsticks back down onto the holder before him, going to pick up his sake cup in both hands before closing his eyes and taking a sip. He needed it to swallow all of this, including the rice. As he sat there, moving to flip his now slightly charred pork with his chopsticks while looking over the Akira, Akarui couldn't help but think that, even if he knew what the Tsuchikage looked like, he would not have been able to identify him. He was so laid back and blunt he didn't seem a kage at all.  He even insisted on merely being called his name. Even so, as Akira ate, his confidence seemed to translate to proper eating. Akarui, who usually tried to be at least somewhat formal, had failed in that regard, and yet the beast-kage before him was eating like a civilized gentleman.

At first Akarui merely nodded to his request that he only be called Akira as they both removed their pork from their plates. Akarui laid himself out a side plate for dipping the meat and finally, very wary that Akira was closely watching him, slurped up his first piece. In all honesty, it was far better than Akarui had been expecting. He would have to pay his host for taking him to this establishment. As Akarui chewed his late night snack, he could feel Akira's eyes burning into him with curiosity. Of course. Now he got to embarrass himself in front of a kage. Why did he have to ask about his kenjutsu? This was just his luck. Thoughts raced through Akarui's head as he sighed, looking down at the grill.

"Well, the thing about being a combatant is that your opponent will always try to weaken you. The easiest way to do that is to keep your opponent from attacking. That is both kenjutsu's strength and weakness. Your weapon can be removed from you more easily, but is also more easily replaced. The truth of the matter though is that I don't have a weapon to use, which makes me less than useless." Akarui tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. Now was his chance to find out more about lord Tsuchikage. "I wonder, is the same true for taijutsu? Has anyone ever tried to remove you from your weapon? A part of your body less easily replaceable? As you said,a weapon should be treated as part of a shinobi's body, but what of the parts of your body that are not meant to be separated?"

Akarui swirled his sake cup in Akira's direction, as if asking for more. This was turning into quite the interesting evening. Or was it morning? Akarui was just glad he didn't have plans for this morning. Sleep would be needed to think through all that had happened to him tonight. Meeting the Tsuchikage was one thing, but finding this restaurant was another. He just smiled at his host, holding out his cup in one hand and placing another piece of pork into his mouth.

1289 + 1921 = 3210 (>.<)



Akira smiled as the boy spoke. A young philosopher is how he viewed him. It was truly intriguing to listen to the honesty of the boys beliefs. Still the question of having such important parts removed from him brought back memories. A shifting glance to the side was enough to show the momentary reflection. The twitch of a knowing smile was just the cherry on the top of the sunday. He knew all too well what it was to lose a part of himself. He had been crippled and blinded once before. A combination of friendly fire and a woman too dangerous to let live. She had been terrorizing Uchiha from one country to the next. Murdering young genin who hadn't had the time to mature yet. But it had been Kenjutsu that took his arm and leg. But it had been medical ninjutsu that restored him. He was resourceful after all. Still he returned his yellow gaze with a smile back to the young man across from him. He was holding up his glass for more Sake. Akira had barely started on his but he was fine with letting the young man indulge. So he lifted the jar and removed the cork to pour more of the steaming liquid into Akurai's waiting cup before setting the jar down. Quietly he picked up his own glass and sipped at it some more enjoying the warm alcohol a moment before he spoke once more.

"A practitioner of Bukijutsu, A taijutsu master, A puppeteer and even a summoner. As far as you look anyone is attached to their body. Each is weakened as they lose a part of themselves. Regardless of what you do a lost leg is likely an end to your legacy. The only people who do not fear this are the most potent of medical nins. Something Iwa is not short on. Even with that buffer though a taijutsu specialist values his body perhaps more then any other and thus he abuses it in order to strengthen it. It is their temple and their faith. But we begin with a temple as small as a closet. We train it so that it grows and expands and as it does so it becomes harder and harder to destroy. We increase our abilities physically as well as with our uses of chakra. What good is strength if your body can not endure what you hit? What good is endurance if you are not able to move fast enough to protect your weaknesses? What good is speed if you can not perceive where you are going or where your target is or where the next blow comes from? What good is perception if you can not react in time? And what good is reaction time if you do not have the strength to counter the blow that is coming? It is a circle that connects dozens of different ways. We train to strengthen the circle as a hole and as we do so the temple grows. As for your weapon."

Akira had exceedingly good perception himself. He could feel the killing intent however sloppy it was from a man stumbling to leave as he spoke. Even as he finished he could hear the man mumbling. A hand gripping the cloth hilt of his katana as he stumbled passed. His rumblings about killing his wife for cheating on him. With a sigh Akira reached out the door as the man passed by and gripped the mans wrist only to yank him off his feet. Gently slamming his head against the wooden booth frame and knocking him clean out. Quietly Akira pulled the katana out of the mans belt. Its bamboo and leather sheath was worn but bore the faded symbol of a golden dragon head. Fitting at least. Though the guard was rusted. Akira pulled on the hilt and showed a worn and rusted blade but of obviously quality metal. He didn't draw it all the way though. Just enough to see it was a whole weapon. With a click he sheathed it once more. And then tossed it to Akurai. As he let Akurai handle the weapon he dug into his coat and pulled out four hundred and fifty ryo and tucked it into the mans pocket before shoving him away. Returning his attention to Akurai.

"Now you are armed. And in a worthy way too. The mind must be pure for the body as a temple to be useful. Though I drink and smoke I am not without virtue. In order to acquire that weapon I prevented a murder, But I did not steal from the man but rather paid him what the weapon was worth. I will not lose sleep wondering if I did wrong here. Yes he could use the money to acquire a new weapon but it is far more likely he will toss it away with his drinking. Either way I did my part. My karma is clean. But a mind is not very useful if it is not also clever. Yes we train our body but I have tricks of my own."

Quietly he picked up his overcoat and held it by the wrist and the shoulder. The right sleeve stretched out. it looked like a normal but expensive suit coat. But something in Akira's eyes was shining with mischief. He pulled it tight and spoke up. "That blade was once a superior weapon. One wielded by warriors. A katana is the most noble amongst blades. But it has been passed down and neglected. Now it is rusted. You can almost hear it mourning it's days of pride. Surprised I know anything of such a weapon? A man must know what he faces and what endangers him. I implore you. Swing that blade like a true warrior. Try and cut my sleeve. Let the blade sing in hands that can treat it justly once more. See what tricks I use to survive." Akira watched with a smile. He knew his sleeve would easily repel the blade. The armored suit was tailored to be a hidden armor. It's crystal weave could not be cut by such a weapon. Not even marked.




Body language told a story all its own; that was what Akarui was taught as a young boy, and it held true even for the Tsuchikage here and now. As Akarui watched the man he seemed to remember something, looking to the side and smiling. He noted that Akira smiled quite a bit. Whether it was because he was confident or pleased he had yet to determine. He was quite relieved when Akira refilled his sake cup for him. It was not particularly good sake; it would have been a waste to prepare it hot if it were; but he was enjoying the warmth of it all the same. Akarui even allowed himself a knowing smile to the Tsuchikage as his cup was filled. Allowed himself? No, the Kōga were taught to seal their emotions from all but the closest people in their lives. Perhaps it was the sake talking? He had only had a single cup. It was an interesting conundrum that Akarui would have to figure out before he drank too must. At least, that was what he thought as he brought the cup up to his lips to take another sip. As Akira began to respond to his rambling, Akarui helped himself to another serving of the stir fry rice; there was no point in letting it get cold. Helping himself hungrily, he lost more and more composure as he continued to eat. He was not used to staying up at night. It would take extra food to keep him going and even more sleep later to stay healthy. However, even as he indulged in his meal, Akarui kept his eyes pinned on Akira, intent on hearing every last word.

As Akira spoke, however, Akarui became somewhat worried. If a taijutsu specialist trained their temple, their weapon, to become stronger and harder, then what did that make him, a bukijutsu specialist? Was his strength dependent on the quality and price of his weapons? Or is a bukijutsu specialist also dependent on the strength of his body along with the quality of his weapons? If this were true did this mean that taijutsu and bukijutsu were not too dissimilar? He did say that a body needed to be able to endure what it is hit with. In Akarui's case this meant his weapon; but did it also mean his body? There was no denying that taijutsu was the pinnacle of training the body. So what good was he if he did not train his body to such levels? Sure, Akarui's weapons were also of great importance for training. That closet would need to be expanded as well with new weapons, new techniques, and new strategies. But an unbalanced body was also a great risk. Sealing was a great defense against jutsu, but against brute strength Akarui had to rely on his weapons and speed. Did that mean that his weapons were merely compensating for Akarui's lack of bodily strength? If that were the case, he wanted to train himself so that they supplemented his strength rather than made up for it. There were many questions Akarui wished to ask the Tsuchikage, but before he could, Akira had already grabbed and knocked out a restaurant patron, and was removing something from him.

Akarui mumbled something vulgar to himself as Akira retrieved a katana from the man's body. Taking a sip of his sake, he looked around the establishment in case one of the armed waitresses or one of the unconscious man's friends came over. As neither did, Akarui sighed, looking down as he continued nibbling at his rice. There was not much of a question of what the Tsuchikage was going to do with the weapon, and it seemed Akarui was going to be a part of it no matter what. It certainly was not much to look at, other than the blade's distinctive wrapping and pommel. Still, while he may not have agreed with his host's reasoning and means, Akarui was not about to reject a gift; especially not a gift from someone so powerful both personally and in the shinobi world as a whole. It was safe to say that the blade had seen better days, and Akira said as much. It was not exactly surprising to Akarui, seeing as how it was taken off of a drunk man in a bar in a minor country without shinobi who obviously was not doing to well for himself. Thought of that way, it was almost quite the find. In fact, the whole situation seemed stranger and stranger to Akarui as it went on. It would not surprise Akarui if this whole event were staged just to allow the Tsuchikage to show off a little. That theory seemed in line with his personality at least. Ask Akira tossed the blade to Akarui he felt the weight of it in his hands as well as the insubstantial amount of care the Tsuchikage had for weapons. If he were honest to himself, it stung a little, though not nearly so much as he appreciated this random act of kindness which he still slightly suspected was not so random.

"Yes we train our body but I have tricks of my own."

So even the Tsuchikage, the pinnacle of human bodily training, supplemented himself with trickery? Others might have suspected that the trickery was the source of the Tsuchikage's overconfidence. Akarui suspected, however, that Akira's confidence stemmed not from his strength at all, but most likely from some psychological complex. Either way, however, this revelation changed the game. If even the taijutsu specialists used supplementary methods, then perhaps being a master of the supplementary was not such a bad thing after all. All this thinking was really getting to Akarui's head. Taking the cup of sake in hand, he downed it, wincing at the burn of the drink in his throat before sliding from his seat and holding the weapon before him, sheathed between his hands.

"Well, if this weapon is going to be reborn in new hands, it will need a new name." Akarui pulled the blade as smoothly as he could from the sheath, though he sighed in a disgruntled manner as the ill maintained weapon complained against its scabbard. Holding it up before him, Akarui smiled as he covered half of Akira's face from his sight. "From now on, you'll be called Tsuchi no Āmu." Once more Akarui pivoted his head to observe the rest of the restaurant. The last thing he wanted was some waitress coming over to kick them out; or perhaps Akira doing what he feared even more-so in knocking out the rest of the staff and starting a bar fight. As quietly as he could, Akarui slid the sheath for the blade onto the table. He grinned to Akira, sliding his feet into a correct slashing stance and taking a decent swing at the fabric before him. Akira was maybe overconfident, but he was not dumb. At least, he was not dumber than Akarui was. Akarui didn't think that the Tsuchikage would leave himself defenseless even against a genin from another village. With even less hesitation than Akarui had given to the situation, the blade clanked against the overcoat before sliding off and pointing down to the ground. Even suspecting some special jutsu, Akarui was not entirely expecting armor on a taijutsu specialist; not even light armor was all that common from what he knew of. "Same old confident Tsuchikage sama, hmn? Giving out trade secrets to other villages. I suppose you could just off me if it were truly so much of a problem." Akarui grinned wider at Akira now. Perhaps he was overtired, or maybe the drink was loosening a few things, or maybe Akarui just didn't care about pretenses anymore, but he was having the time of his life.

1322 + 3210 = 4532



Akira watched the sword fail to cut his coat before he tossed it to the side once more with a chuckle at the boys words. Mentioning something about Akira handing out trade secrets of some sort. The boy didn't know a fourth of Akira's secrets. His closest subordinates didn't know half of his secrets. It made Akira smile like the chesire cat for a moment. He leaned forward placing his hands on his knees as he looked the boy in the eyes. His yellow eyes seemed to reflect nothing but at the same time be bottomless pits of overwhelming power. It was eerie just how he could push his presence around the room. He seemed bigger for some reason and the room seemed darker. But this time it didn't feel like chakra pressure. It just felt like he was actually growing bigger. His voice was a quiet question and calm but the dangers behind it were obvious. Like being buried under a building just from a single sentence.

"Do you know anyone who would dare to plot against me?"

And then he smiled cheerfully. His eyes seemed to close and reflect his smile and those depth-less pits were gone. He sat back and downed his own cup of now luke warm sake before pouring himself another one from the nearly empty jar now. He didn't bother corking it as only a little bit was left to slosh in the bottom. Not even a half a cup. Akira set his own cup down and set into his meat and rice. Taking small and patient bites until his plate was clean. He sighed and patted his stomach with a smile of happiness. Before he waved the lady over. He looked up at her and gave her a charming smile brimming with confidence.

"The meal was spectacular my dear. Please give the chef my utmost thanks for his excellent skill. As for you the service has been perfect and such a lovely lady as yourself makes the night perfect. If I could ask of just one more thing though? Would you have such kindness within you to bring us each a slice of the chocolate mousse cake with the butterscotch frosting? I have a bit of a sweet tooth this evening."

The woman scoffed and looked away before nodding and going to get the order. But a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks betrayed her as she was actually happy for the cheesy compliments. She was so used to the typical babe reference or just getting her ass pinched. Even being referred to as hey bitch tits. Being addressed in a proper fashion by a gentleman was certainly a welcomed experience in comparison. Still Akira looked after her with a slight smile and a gaze lower then it should of been as she walked away before he returned to looking back at Akurai. He raised on eyebrow before he cleared his throat and grinned sheepishly. It was then that he spoke once more to the boy with a calm and collected tone.

"I have no need to kill someone who knows of a few of my secrets. It wouldn't serve my purpose. I actually implore you to share tonight's activities with whomever you wish. It is better for the enemy to know enough to be cautious then to know too little and be foolish. If my would be enemies plot against me then they simply need reason to not be eager to challenge me. That aside you or anyone for that matter only know a few of my secrets and have barely seen my capabilities. The demonstration in the alley was simple for me. Had you seen me using my true ability. That section of the market would no longer remain. And I really prefer not to pay this country for any damages I incur during my visit."




Akarui grinned as Akira boasted of his prowess once more. He was having the time of his life getting to have one on one time with someone as powerful and laid back as the Tsuchikage. The food, sake, and sword didn't hurt either. With a fluid motion he sheathed the rusty blade and slid back into his booth seat at the table, holding his new toy across his lap. Looking across as Akira, Akarui supposed that he was enjoying himself as well. It wasn't every day that you made a new friend in an alleyway long past the time normal people fell asleep. He merely sat quietly as he watched Akira finish his food. It was no wonder he needed to eat so much being a taijutsu specialist like that. Akarui did not fancy himself a big eater, but it was rare that he had to exert so much energy at three o'clock in the morning, so he had already scarfed down his food prior to testing out the sword. There was no doubt he would get a stomach ache the following morning, probably after his nap, but Akarui was doing his best to distract himself from that thought at the moment. Due to these facts it was with dread that Akarui greeted the sight of Akira waving over one of the ferocious waitresses with a flirtatious expression. As Akira ordered dessert for the both of them, Akarui merely sighed and looked down with a sullen expression. It was to be expected, he supposed, that a man like Akira would order dessert even after such an unorthodox meal.

Akarui merely looked up at Akira and shook his head with a knowing smile as the waitress departed and the Tsuchikage observed. It was with something of a chuckle that Akarui greeted Akira as he returned his attention to his guest. Even as the Tsuchikage feigned embarrassment, Akarui was almost shocked at the speed with which Akira returned to the previous subject. Akarui was almost certain he had never met a person who abandoned topics for such a long time before picking them back up with such a fervor, especially not after so long a time. Despite the confidence any casualness with which Akira spoke, Akarui knew now not to underestimate his boasts; at least, not as much as he would have originally. After all, what difference did a boast make when he already had the power of a well trained kage at his disposal? He didn't doubt that the information he now had on the Tsuchikage was minimal; Even his training in the eye of the heart technique told him that. However, the question that arose into Akarui's head was not the matter of whether or not he could use the Tsuchikage's secrets against him, but would he?

"I truly doubt anyone who knew your secrets would be stupid enough to try selling them off anyways, no matter how much they wanted to. You do seem to be a bit overconfident though. Are there really no shinobi who can match you in combat? I imagine there must be someone who could benefit from your secrets. Not that I would tell them, anyhow." Akarui grinned widely to the lord Tsuchikage, offering a joking wink to him. "The people of Takigakure, though, might want some of that info if you keep beating up people on their streets. Might end up having to invade this poor country. I'm sure none of the other kage would like that all too much."

593 + 4532 = 5125

Fuuinjutsu C->B (2000/2000) Complete!
Fuuinjutsu B->A (3000/3000) Complete!

125 words remaining



Akira grinned at the boys expressions and thoughts. True he was talking a big game. But it wasn't within him to be too humble. He had after all been considered a prodigy from the moment he picked up a kunai. Well before that even. His abilities had always surpassed those who challenged him in all but a couple of cases. Yes in those situations his pride had gotten him into a pretty rough situation but he had proven resourceful enough to not only survive but thrive from them. After all he had been nearly cut in half and crippled with his eyes ripped out once upon a time. And yet here he sat across from a suna nin with both arms, both legs and both almost glowing golden eyes. He chuckled in response to the boys words. So he was curious on if Akira was just being pig headed in all of this and full of himself aye? Well that was to be somewhat expected of someone so green. He was sitting across what some would consider one of five strongest shinobi in the world. If all the fuss about Kage was to be believed after all. Still it was entertaining at least. Still Akira replied in an amused tone.

"Is there no one who stands a chance? I wouldn't say that. But could they do it without causing a political incident? If the other Kage would frown at an invasion of a lesser country like Taki what do you think their reaction would be to the assassination of another Kage? Perhaps you were too young to remember clearly but five years ago when the majority of the Kage fell standards were raised. Now even the mighty Hao has fallen going after another Kage on his own. And yet this new age of Kage is in my opinion superior to our predecessors. We saw what mistakes they made and prepare ourselves to not fall as easily. Aside from that I know of no one who could challenge me and be sure to get out with all their major organs still functioning. As for Taki caring about what I do? I only beat up criminals and ruffians. And I haven't killed anyone. So I really don't see any issue with it. And so far none of the people around here have complained."

The cake arrived and Akira smiled before leaning forwards and using an actual fork to carve through his slice. It was warm still and the butterscotch smelled wonderful. Still Akira ate his slice quickly. He was still very proper about it but he did so enjoy every bite of it. He was a sucker for sweet things. Sweet foods, and sweet women, hell even sweet men if they were pretty enough. He was just the naughtiest kage ever. Still he picked up a napkin and wiped any residual chocolate off his face and beard. Only a couple of bites of cake left on his plate. He was apparently finally full. Still when the waitress came over Akira smiled to her and paid the bill with a nice tip. Once she was gone he began to speak as he put back on his coats and tightened his tie.

"A couple of words I will leave you with though. I am not simply going to survive because I alone am strong. I have useful talents in the medical arts. One of the best in the world even. It is with that talent I have gathered allies and it is with those allies at my side I am truly strong. So simply put be useful to people and gain their fealty. On with great allies can men ascend higher then their own fates. No one is truly strong alone. Hao managed to teach us that lesson, even with the horrible things he did we can still learn from him. As for you, come see me once you are stronger and repay me for the sword. You can choose then to either try and put the sword in me or thank me. Choice is yours."

With that he grinned and looked for the most direct route between him and the door. He stepped two paces forward so there was no one directly in his path before looking back to Akarui. With two fingers her tapped his forehead in a sort of tata salute before suddenly golden chakra burst from his side. And in a blur of gold he was gone. Well as gone as he needed to be. A gust of wind followed in his passing and as he landed he kept moving towards the exit making it outside before anyone could turn to look at what had happened. It was by choice that he paid really. He easily could of dined and dashed. Still as Akira finally slowed to a walk several blocks over he smiled a little. The Suna kid was interesting at least. And kind of cute too. But a little too curious. If Akira had let him he was sure the boy would of kept pocking at Akira until he actually found a weakness worth selling to someone. Knowing Akira's strengths was one thing. But if the boy had learned of a weakness that would indeed be worth some coin to more then one person. Still Akira smiled as he made his way back to the hotel for the night. Cheeky little bastard that one was.


Strength B-1 ~> A
Endurance B-1 ~ A

221 remaining

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