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1Azumi's PLOT Empty Azumi's PLOT Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:26 pm

Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga


Azumi's PLOT Tumblr_m2wd8t87AS1rskvujo1_500

~ Father - Tsuyo Hyuga (Not known)~

Azumi's PLOT Mai-Reo-IntertwinedFingers

~ Vacant ~

Azumi's PLOT Giphy

~ Kumori, Aimi ~

Azumi's PLOT 3214663143_1_8_WvtoL5pL

~ Himitsu, Nozomi ~

Azumi's PLOT Large

~ Chi, Rippa ~
~ Koran, Zaiaku (future possibility) ~

Squad Mates
Azumi's PLOT Tumblr_mmvqlfm8tc1rbxt5ho8_r1_1280

~ Vacant ~
~ Vacant ~

Azumi's PLOT Tumblr_mqkt51QHRv1ssjgtxo1_500

~ Vacant ~

Please post down below if you want to fill a slot.
Simply request to be in a category, any category even if it is not listed.

Last edited by Azumi Hyuga on Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Azumi's PLOT Empty Re: Azumi's PLOT Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:40 pm



Zaiaku could be a Sensei as he specialises in Taijutsu (namely Boxing), allowing Azumi experience in other fighting styles and knowing how to counteract and defend against them.

3Azumi's PLOT Empty Re: Azumi's PLOT Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:25 pm

Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

She has a Sensei... kind of... Of her squad, but i will keep you in mind as a possible teacher <3

Also~ updated~

4Azumi's PLOT Empty Re: Azumi's PLOT Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:33 pm



Yuzu could be added as Rival even though his more like the rival you might never reach but worth going after... need to have the one annoying rival that takes you three arcs to catch up to lols...

anyways that not counting Noel's potential which could vary from enemies to who knows but anyways back to my posting

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