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1Library Intel(A-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Library Intel(A-Rank Mission/Private) Fri Aug 29, 2014 4:50 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

ANBU Intelligence Assistance:

The day seemed like any other day as he woke up the look in his eyes was different as they told him to gain access to more information, to more locations, to assist the ANBU even further. There was something wrong with the world, why was he collecting more knowledge each day, every single day he keeps having to gather more and more. He then began to think to himself as he looked in the mirror as well as the scar that was on his right arm, how could they have done this to him. He walked towards his location as he entered the secret library, he then began to read as he placed a bug in the first book shelf.

“Long ago there was the Akatsuki, they were a group whose soul purpose was to gain control over the nine sacred beasts in order to rule the world. They would ensure peace by bringing an end to war, in the end they were mislead by a man with powerful eyes. This man brought about their destruction and led them all to their deaths, however he gained all he needed from them.”

He got bored throwing the book of the Great Shinobi Wars away as he was not really interested in that kind of history, that and by throwing it away the librarians will put it back and lower suspicion if anyone else were to obtain it. That and his mission was clear he had to bug this entire location so they can find out the true plans of these bandits who were changing, the ANBU and Bandits and there was another. They need to learn the truth of what was going on and at the same time he knew that he had no choice but to travel deeper. He entered the restricted section which held books which could not be opened without having highly skilled fuuinjutsu and a large amount of chakra so the book would acknowledge you.

He heard footsteps as he hid behind one of the bookshelves as some men walked passed and began speaking. “Kazuma, are you sure this place is safe?” as some woman’s voice could be heard as some really old man answered. “He might be leading a group of bandits but he is no idiot Mikoto-hime”, as the woman glared down and spoke further. “Do you really plan on stopping Enaka’s plans, you do know his not a man to be taken lightly, if he finds out we could all be killed.” Then some strange younger male, who was somewhat mature spoke. “Why are you so worried, all we need is to get hold of that other girl, you noticed it did you not. I know some of these idiots have no idea but I was certain that girl was from his clan”. As the boy began to think about it they finally began to make a move placing down a really large book before heading into what looked like a secret passage. He did not see their faces since he was keeping out of sight, even controlling his breathing and if he kept his still beating heart moving any slower he might actually die.

As he finally realised they were now out of view and not within audible range he took up the book they had and opened it. The book had a strong seal placed on it as he saw strange symbolic images which seemed similar to the basic seals he had used in the generic sealing technique just far more advanced as he focused on the training he had received from the great Mitsuhide. The book began to remove its restraints as he finally got to begin reading through it as this was no ordinary book. It was like some kind of diary and a book of information as he began to read it slowly and carefully.

“I have been searching for them for over a year with no luck, but I finally found a clue, I finally have an idea of the truth, we had been searching for it all this time and I finally know where it is. I am writing this down so that if I die someone may finish the mission I had been given by her. A woman dressed in all white told me that I had to pass the trials in order to obtain the key to the sacred sword known as Shinrikami, this blade had the ability to see the truth of the world and today I learnt of the trials and where their locations are.

The first trial was to enter the deepest reaches of the forest and find the truth hidden within the trees, in this truth you will enter and reach the highest point and then claim the Will of Fire. Once you have passed this trial you will have the strength needed to take the next trial which is to reunite the seven.

The second trial was a trial filled with blood and mist in the deepest darkest smog of the swamps long forgotten and hidden from the rest of the world. The seven will gather and then when all is right the seven will become one and begin to change the world.

The third trial was the most difficult of all and I had nearly reached the top of the world. I had obtained the Shinrikami, I was meant to rule the world but then they stood in my way, the five shadows who chose to break my will and take my power for their own, I had done all I could but I was no match for them, so in this my last entry I leave you with this. Find the will of fire as I did, gather the seven sacred treasures and then set free the Shinrikami. Make these evil shadows pay for all they did to me and my dreams, pulling me into the darkness as if they had the right to be under the light. They cast their shadow upon this world blinding us from the truth and the truth is that they are coming for us all, and you are the only one who can stop them.”

Words = 1037/2500

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He put down the library book as he began carefully moving around bugging the areas here and there. Some people walked passed as he quickly sat down reading a book about fishing, he read through it carefully as he did not want them to ask questions with him not knowing anything about what he was reading.
'The Naka River is a habitat hosting a large number of fish as  well as the legendary Gados who appears on a few occassions when the tides are high and the moon for that night normally is full. The fish in the Naka River live fairly good lives with some sections under the protection of various clans who protect this precious food resource and habitat. In the deepest reaches of the river one may come across the Bloody Serpent Levia which travels not only here but has been sighted mainly in the region of the Hidden Mists. The reason it can be found here is unknown and has long since been a mystery'
As he thought about it he then scratched his head for some time, how did a sea creature get passed all this land to reach the Naka River and just as he was deep in thought a lady tapped him on the shoulder as he got a slight frightful reaction. This was not really out of fear, but more a reflex he developed when undercover or basically when his trained mind was not in kill mode. He looked up to the lady who smiled and then spoke.
"You a really good boy, not making any noise in the library and actually reading a book other than those trash books those kids read. If that stupid Jiraiya had been alive today i would have beaten him to death myself, making so many kids try to peek as well as making some men have weird fantasies but you probably know all about this already"
As he looked to her he was genuinely confused as he then looked down, "This might sound stupid but i do not understand what you talking about. I did hear about a Jiraiya before from Risu-ne, but forgot what it was about though" as the woman reached out to hug him he fell back as the chair hit the ground the back of his head was hurt a little bit as it made a thud. "What you doing?"
He never backed away from his mother but everyone else were potential threats and this woman was a complete stranger. She then bowed slightly and said, "Sorry, i could not help myself i just felt that a good boy like you deserved a hug". He was still in shock and his training and emotions had been fluctuating lately, mainly due to deeper darker feelings inside and some memories which struck him hard repeatedly. He looked to her and remembered someone, there was someone deep in the back of his mind who had tried to reach out to him, but he could not remember who.
"I do not deserve anything" as he looked to her with a look that he was being coldly honest as she felt a pain in her heart as she then reached out as his body seemed to back away slightly this time. She managed to reach out and touch his head as she rubbed her hand through his hair carefully then took a deep breathe. "Everyone deserves to be happy", this still confused him as he looked to her having nearly forgotten his mission as he then looked towards her chest noticing that it was actually a bit big, as she looked to see where his eyes were looking she grinned. "You are a boy after all", he looked away then said, "Ofcourse i am, what else could i be". She only realised now that she had the impression that she was dealing with a girl for a moment and did not want to mention that to him.
Then a strange man appeared behind her then whispered into her ear, he could hear what the man said but did not give this away at all. The man said, " The ANBU have come to collect the new Bingo Books, but the Bandits are still here for the ANBU book as well. We need to do something to make sure they do not meet up."
The woman thought to herself then looked at the boy and had a look of deep sadness, "I am sorry" as she looked to the boy who had a vague idea of what was going to happen. "Take the kid to the bandits and tell them to have some fun with him so long until the books are ready". This choice saddened her greatly, but the truth was that the library got most of its information from being linked to both the good and the bad of all in Konoha. Though they knew information had a two way movement things did not always go according to this plan. The ANBU did not mind having a few of their identities compromised in exchange for far more valuable information, the bandits did not really care if anyone learned of their plans as long as they got the information to follow out their plans.
As the man came to grab the boy struggled slightly as the man then lifted the boy by his hair as tears flowed from his eyes, "Let me go, what you doing, I want to.." he received a strong punch to the gut as he then proceeded to play dead, or atleast pretend to be knocked out. The man proceeded to carry the young boy towards the impatient bandits who were starting to get rowdy as he tossed the boy on the floor infront of them as he laid down not moving, but breathing enough for them to realise he was still alive. The one man grinned then spoke, "Finally some entertainment, get some water and wake the boy up right now", as the one young girl who was one of the bandits went to fetch the water she tossed it over the boy who pretended like he woke up as he looked up at them and then spoke, "Where am I?" as the man watched as the boy opened his mouth wide as if about to scream for help as the man grabbed his mouth holding it closed as he bit softly in protest, playing the victim seemed to come easy to him as he remembered back when he was a genin. The man then spoke to the boy, "Do not fight it, we just want to have some fun", everything was okay as the man touched his leg moving his pants down slightly as the boy blushed not sure what was actually going on at the moment since he still had his underwear on, but then the man did something that he should never have done. The man grinned and touched the boys lower leg then ran his hand up till passed the knee and then reached the boy's thigh before he got a bit upset and kicked with his other leg hitting the man against the chin as he fell down dropping the boy who breathed heavily having found that hand to be way too dirty as he pulled his shorts back up.
The men gathered around their boss and shook him a bit as some asked if the boss was okay, as the boss grinned and sat up rubbing his chin carefully. "This kid is pretty strong, it will be so much fun to break that spirit of his". The little girl then walked up to the boy and shouted at him, "What do you think you doing you little brat, daddy is the boss and anyone who messes with him must get punished". The boy just looked up at her confused then scratched his head. "I just want to get back to reading my book, can you please let me go". The man then grinned and said something he should never have. "Only if you let me do whatever i want to you first, then you free to go", he understood this to be bad as he could not defend against letting the man do whatever he wanted as he then grabbed the little girl and held a knife he picked up to her throat. "What you think you doing, you just some kid you do not have it in you to kill her", as he realised that a normal kid would not be able to kill a girl like its nothing he pushed her towards them then ran but noticed two big guys blocking the entrance. He could not show off his abilities so he did the only thing he could do and screamed.
"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", with that scream the ANBU responded as they all appeared down there as the Bandits realised they were in trouble now, "Get her out of here at all costs", the little girl was taken by the bandits as she cried out, "Daddy what you doing?", the Bandit Boss proved to not be any ordinary bandit as he formed a few seals as they tossed weapons towards him his armor protecting him, the stoneskin armor was pretty impressive but two ANBU members began charging Raiton techniques as the girl got away, at the cost of close to ninety nine of the hundred bandits who had been trying to get her out. The boss stood there and grinned, "Should have known they would take me out", however one of the ANBU returned holding his little girl in his hands with her mouth covered up. "You work for us now, Bandit Leader Jojo" as he looked down. "If i serve under you then there is only one thing i ask, you never touch my daughter again or i will kill you" as things quited down he had slipped away in the confusion as he kept running and then bumped into the library lady who looked at him smiling, "You really must be a lucky boy, i thought you would be dead or worse, thank goodness". As he looked to her he said three words, "Leave me alone", as he walked away from her glaring as she looked on with a smile. "That boy, i want him, go tell the master i think i found someone"

Mission = 1037 + 1732 = 2500/2500

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