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1The Gorilla[C rank/Repeatable] Empty The Gorilla[C rank/Repeatable] Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:44 am



Draygglez sat at the edge of the mountain looking at the sun as it set into a beautiful horizon marking the resumption of chirping insects. Never in his life had he seen such a beautiful site. All he wanted at that moment was to savour the gracefulness of the evening. He remembered one of his father's saying...enjoy it while you can. Now, he knew what that meant. He couldn't just sit there and wait for this beautiful sight to stand still forever. With this piece of motivation, he stood up and moved closer to the edge of the mountain saying to himself...Yes, I have to enjoy it while I can and while it lasts. With this, he spread out his arms and merged with the flow of the wind. Taking a step of the mountain, he released himself and for once in his life, he felt like he was himself. He felt like he had finally felt peace. He opened his eyes and found himself in a luxurious compound. As he walked further in, he was greeted here and there by workers and maids. As he got into the house itself, a young girl came shouting at him but a young lady whom he recognized to be the lady at he met at the academy stopped the girl and said...Norino, dnt disturb ur father. He just got back.. Draygglez was suprised but happy as well. He dream had come true. He finally had a family of his own. Just as the lady who claimed to be his wife came closer to lean on him and she was about to kiss him desperately like he had been gone for so long. Her glossy lips was just an inch away from his lip. Just as both their lips were about to collapse, Draygglez fell into the water with a splash. He open his eyes and found himself in a lake. He looked dumb founded. He raised his head up and saw the mountain he was sitting on and looking at the beautiful sight of the horizon a while ago. He then remembered jumping off the mountain and he found out that he had been imagining. He cooled himself for a couple of minutes in the lake. He came out of the water and dry himself. He looked in the direction where the beautiful horizon had been but it was no where to be found. It was gone. But Dray was happy that he enjoyed the moment while it lasted. He turned around and went home. The night was short with the wind howling here and there bringing familiar scents of the forest. A scent he hadn't perceived in a long time. The morning sun woke him up as usual. Without wasting much time on his bed like he would do on other days, he got up quickly. Today was monday. An important day for receiving missions fron the hokage's office. He was thrilled and quickly freshened up. He put on his clothes and gears. He eat the little food remaining in the house since tomorrow was konoha's market day. Finally, he put on his konoha's fore head protector. And kept his black scarf in his pocket. He closed the doors and was on his way to the Administration building. As usual, he passed throught the market and the famous ichiraku ramen shop. He met some of his peer and together, they walked to the admin building. They were all thrilled as he was. Hoping to get good missions from the hokage. As he stepped into the administration building, his once bright face lost its sharpness. He remembered that all his life, it was a D-rank mission all through. If he wasn't punishing students, he was helping out the academy. If he wasn't painting the walls of the admin building, he was out saving cats from trees. All this thought made him sad but still, a shinobi who doesn't go on any mission is not worthy of being called a shinobi. He walked past the admin office and went straight to the Hokag's office. He took one last breath and walked into the office. The Hokage looking out the window and facing the village with his hands behind his back. He turned to Draygglez as he walked into the room. He greeted the Hokage. The hokage picked up a scroll from his table and handed it over to Draygglez. Without wasting much time, he opened the scroll and to his little amazement, he found a D ranked mission there. He face fell low as he was walking out of the room. Before he stepped out finally, the hokage called him back and collected the scroll from his hand. He said handing Draygglez another scroll..."if truly, you are konoha's green leaf, prove to me your familiarity with the forest" and he dismissed him. Draygglez left the hokage's building with a suprised face. He wondered what kind of mission would require his affiliation to the forest. But all the same, he was happy he it wasn't his former mission of going back to the academy to take care of some little tramps. All the way to his home, his mind was on nothing else other than his mission.He got home and sat on his bed of straw and hay. He felt puzzled and opened the scroll. Right before him was a C RANK mission. The first in his life. His mouth fell he felt like a true shinobi. He read the details of the mission but he wasn't very happy with it. He was to capture a gorilla that had escaped dead or alive. To him, killing the creature was not an option. So, he had to find a way to paralyse the creature. He remembered that gorilla do heal quickly. As he remembered this, an idea popped into his head. He cross-checked his ninja pouch and sharpened his swords. He left the house knowing that he was going to save a creatures life and complete his mission as well. He knew very well that an escaped gorilla would surely wander into the forest trying to find its mates. Draygglez walked into the forest. He sensed something was not right. He then remembered the strange scent the wind brought him in the morning. The scent had come from the forest. He bent down and saw diffrent footprint. He followed each footprint carefully and finally, he found a large and unusual foot print. It was the gorilla's track. With his ability to undastand forest life, he found out that the gorilla was a male. It was scared and meant no harm. Draygglez followed the prints and finally found the gorilla sitting in a tree. Draygglez made a calm sound that attracted the gorilla's attention. The gorilla got prepared to fight as it stood on its legs and jumped down to face draygglez. Dray saw that this couldn't be settled amicably. But still, he didn't want to hurt the animal. The gorilla started at him and gave him a hard push on the chest that slammed draygglez into a tree. Draygglez had no choice but to weaken the animal instead of killng it. He avoided a few more blows from the animal trying to tire it out but all to no avail. Draygglez moved back. He boots fell into a piece of mud that the morninh dew had caused. He looked at the mud with joy. A nice alley... he said in his mind...Fighting a beast with beasts....He made the necessary hand seals and slammed his hands into the mud-Earth Release:Mud wolves....Three wolved grew out of the mud and charged at the gorilla. The gorilla kept on smashing the dogs but they also kept reforming since they were made of mud. This tired out the gorilla as he kept on smashing. While this was going on, Draygglez knew that the main reason for this strategy was to tire out the gorilla, distract it from seeing Draygglez and creating an opening for Draygglez to perform his final attack that would render the animal useless. Finally, his window came. Just as the three dogs leapt unto the gorilla, it stood upright on his legs, and raised him arms forward. Just as he was about to smash the dogs, Draygglez brought out his sword and moved at great speed. He sliced the both tendons behind the gorilla's right and left leg and sliced the tendons of both his right and left arms. With a thud, the mighty gorilla fell. Unable to move neither his hands and legs. Draygglez dismissed the wolves and cleaned the stain of blood on his blade knowing that the gorilla will be tended to soon at the konoha zoo.


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