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1In need of a reliable Konoha Rp partner Empty In need of a reliable Konoha Rp partner Fri May 16, 2014 12:18 am



Names Soron Sarutobi, currently looking for a konoha rp partner who will be fairily active and will be willing to go on missions, participate in training and etc. If you have to be gone for an extended amount of time all i ask is that you let me know if possible so i can plan on not making threads that will require you to post :) Thanks and hope someone decides to join in

Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

i'd love to just PM me with what threads you want me to join and ill be there

im fairly active on this site and so it shouldn't be a problem



I have a konoha alt if your still looking for a partner.



Konoha's green leaf accepts.....and am eager to RP...

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

azumi i still waiting for your post though and i am going to be active again real soon but any rp with me now is going to start following a darker path, the only people who can do light threads with me for now are Gin Sano and maybe Kenji/Yosuke

oh and by darker path i do mean darker path

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