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1Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Ninja Hunting Season [B] Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:57 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

Mission name: Ninja-hunting season
Mission rank: B
Objective: Track down the small gang of chunin that have fled Sunagakure without permission, knock them out and return them to the village for imprisonment
Location: Outskirts of land of wind, near the border with the land of earth
Reward: 500 Ryo
Mission description: A few days ago, one of our village's chunin decided that they weren't going to be loyal to their home anymore and disappeared without a trace. We have had no choice but to pronounce them missing-nin, and we want them back so they can learn punishment. They haven't done a serious enough crime to earn the death penalty yet, but they must be punished. Try not to kill them, alright?
Mission details: You will track down the missing nin, either by using eye-witness accounts, information on when they were last seen or some other tracking based jutsu, just before they manage to cross over the border. They won't give up without a fight, so you'll have to knock them out or kill them. However, killing them loses you 50 Ryo from the reward, so this should probably be avoided. There are four of them, and they can all attack at once so you should be careful. You can, however, deal with them using whatever style you want. 1500 words minimum

Name: Kanpai Abata
Age: 18
General Appearance:
Personality: Kanpai was promised more money to join a gang, and he's always loved money. Plus, his friends are coming too so he's extremely happy. He's a money grubbing little-minded fool who can't seem to think of the future.
- Total Freedom
- Money
- Staying with his friends
- death
- being arrested
- hurting his friends
Other: He has genjutsu that allows him to momentarily blind anyone who looks into his eyes. He's also very smart but not very strong and is easy to take advantage of in a  fight

Name: Gomu Kirameki
Age: 19
General Appearance:
Personality: Gomu's older brother was killed on a trip out of the village years ago and he's hated being in Suna ever since. He's extremely self centered, but his friends have managed to win his confidence, and wants them to come with him to his new life.
- Total Freedom
- Leaving Suna
- Staying with his friends
- death
- being arrested
- hurting his friends
Other: He's a taijutsu enthusiast that could shatter someone's spine with a single punch. He's highly strong, and very athletic, but is about as smart as a brick house

Name: Dani Chikutaki
Age: 17
General Appearance:
Personality: Dani is a little bit of a nihilist, only caring about those who clearly care about him. As such, he has no love for the village and thus when his friends decided to leave he agreed, and is merely along for the ride. After all, why should he care?
- Total Freedom
- Money
- Staying with his friends
- death
- being arrested
- hurting his friends
Other: Dani uses kenjutsu and lightning release in a deadly combination that allowed him to become one of the best swordsmen in his class.

Name: Chōhōkei Ashinotsu
Age: 16
General Appearance:
Personality: Chōhōkei is a sweet boy, with an absolute hatred of violence. He hates it, hence why he's running away. The only reason he's currently willing to fight is to get away, then he'll go some place quiet and never have to fight again
- Total Freedom
- Peace
- Staying with his friends
- death
- being arrested
- hurting his friends
Other: Chohokei uses an oil release, that allows him to fire oil at someone and then set fire to it with a click of his fingers. He'd be very strong as a ninja if it wasn't for his weak heart, causing him to hate violence.

2Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:42 pm

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

I'm taking this mission, Kazekage-sama

3Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:43 pm



Approved~ start whenever you feel like it.

5Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:48 pm



Approved, you get the 250 ryo.

6Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:15 am



Taking this one, if that's cool

7Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:14 am




8Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:24 am




Finished, gimme money. Lol xP

9Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:21 am




10Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:12 pm

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate


11Ninja Hunting Season [B] Empty Re: Ninja Hunting Season [B] Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:14 pm





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