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1Chrono Trigger: Eternal Gaze Empty Chrono Trigger: Eternal Gaze Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:16 am


Chrono Trigger: Eternal Gaze Ctban3
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Welcome to the land of Guardia, the year 1010ad. A decade of peace has followed the events that unfolded in Chrono Trigger—with Lavos destroyed and the future timeline clear of danger—or so everyone thought. A new danger lurks in the distant future, only surfacing as a threat when Lavos had been defeated in the year 1999ad saving the future from apocalypse. The ripples and echoes of time are beginning to shift the past, ushering a series of events that will thrust a new group of adventurers on a quest through time itself to once again bring safety to the future of Guardia. Will you assume the role of hero and help save the world? Or do you seek to aide this calamity and bring everything down in flames? Only time will tell...
Chrono Trigger: Eternal Gaze is a fully realized Chrono Trigger RPG featuring a full stat system that mimics the mechanics of the SNES classic. We have a dedicated core but are looking to expand our character base. Hope to see you there!

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