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1The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:19 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

After leaving the academy training grounds, Toshiko took Rain to the medical facilities. After she was healed, he took her back to his home for a few moments. He opened the door, and left it open until she came in. He then went over to his kitchen, and then got out to cups of water. He left one on the counter for Rain. After doing so, he drank his water and sat on his couch. He wanted to talk to Rain, but he was overly exhausted from his fight. He laid down on the couch, and tried to get a bit of rest.



White. Black. Red. Pain. That was all Rain could really remember after beating Antanas. She remembers Toshiko, bless his heart, picking her up, and carrying her, but that was all that she could comprehend. While injured, she noticed flashing colors, such as white and red, and the searing, burning sensation that sprung up every time anywhere on her body was too exposed, or every time that Toshiko's hands would rub her the wrong way She passed out multiple times, but when she woke up a bit later, with a medical ninja gently tending to her wounds, she stayed awake for good. Staying silent throughout the whole time, except to let out a quiet whimper, or a loud cry. Soon, when she was tended to, and she had some lotion to stop any infection, Toshiko carried her again, this time without as much pain, or as much displeasure. He was actually rather good at holding people, she noted. Soon, though, when they arrived at his house, she fell asleep in his arms, being too exhausted from the fight to do much else.

When Rain woke up, the first thing she noted was that she was startlingly close to Toshiko. Blushing a bit, and rolling away, she sat up, and poked her male friend to see if he was awake. "Toshi..." She whispered, and when he didn't respond immediately, she poked her head around the small house, humming to herself. 'I wonder where Antanas is...' she thought, then grumbled. "What an ass." She says aloud, pounding her fist down on the table.

258 Total Word Count



Antanas wakes up feeling like crap. He runs his hands through his hair, remembering how he had burnt his dear friend Rain. "Crap, crap, crap" Antanas said as he frantically threw on his shirt, pants, sandals, and lastly, his Forehead Protector. Walking out of his house, Antanas sighs. "I need a way to make it up to Rain" he thinks aloud as he is walking. He passes by shops, looking for something she would like. Dolls? No. Bathing suits? He wishes, but no. Then Antanas comes across a puppet with a bouquet of flowers in its arms. Without having to think, Antanas runs in the place and buys it. It's nothing that could be used for more than decoration, but he knows she will like it. When he is walking, he remembers that she was taken to Toshiko's house. Where that is, he had no clue. But he would look anyway. Antanas was knocking on every door in the one person apartment section of all of the apartments. He had knocked on every door except one, and when he knocked on this apartment building and called "Raiinnn~?" In his best singsong voice, "I have a present for you~"

[200 Words Total]



"Oh, Rain~" She heard through the walls, as she was feasting on some of her friends food, "I have a present for you~" 
"Is that...?" She mutters to herself, wiping her mouth, "Antanas?" She sits on the chair, curious, then her eyes light on fire, and she kicks nearly kicks open the door leaving. "ANTANAS KIMURA!" She yells, running towards the voice. Rain growls when she sees him, and is about to initiate strife on him, but then sees that he holds a beautiful puppet, with a bouquet, and in the bouquet was a flower of almost every color imaginable. "T-Tonis..." She mumbled, stopping right next to him. "Is this... Is this for me?" She looks up at him, hopefully, her fingers twitching a bit.

Total Word Count: 383



Antanas blushes slightly, not able to look Rain in the eyes. "Y..Yeah..." He stuttered slightly, "I thought I should say sorry for lighting you on fire" Antanas hands the puppet and flowers over to Rain, waiting to see what her response is. "If you're still angry, you can tell me to leave right now." He started, "If not, then..." Antanas held open his arms for a forgiveness hug, staying on guard in case she was still mad at him and was going to start punches. If Rain had started attacking him, he would've fled straight back home.

300 Words Total



Rain looks up at the boy, and smiles slightly. He really was sorry, and she couldn't stay mad or say no to that cute face, or to his beautiful, thoughtful present. "Thank you, Tonis..." She says softly, moving close to him for a hug of forgiveness. Placing the puppet somewhere that it wouldn't get broken or dirty, she pulls him into a tender embrace, resting her head on his chest gently. "The burns hurt a lot, I hope you know, ass... And that tongue click thing is annoying... But I'm glad that you're here to make it up to me." She sighs softly, and looks up into his eyes. "You're a really good guy, Tonis, I hope that you know that.

Total Word Count: 504

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko rested for a few more moments, and then woke up to the sound of someone at his door. He slowly opened up his eyes, and heard a familiar voice. Rain seemed to know the voice as well. She ran to the door, and nearly kicked it down. Toshiko jumped up angrily. "Hey be careful!" He jumped up from his couch, and then ran towards the door. Antanas was at the door. Rain was extremely angry for a moment, until she sad what he had. Antanas had a puppet, along with a bouquet. Rain stared off at it, and hopefully asked if it was for her. Antanas answered yes, and then gestured out for a hug as a way for him to apologize. Rain accepted, and hugged him stating that he was a good guy. Toshiko stared at the two and smiled. He waved to Antanas with a shy smile on his face, and didn't say anything in a attempt to not ruin the moment. After that, he walked back into his home, and stared up at the ceiling.



While hugging, Antanas feels how tender Rain's skin is, making him feel worse about what he had done. "You're a really good guy, Tonis, I hope that you know that." Is how Rain thanked him. This made Antanas very happy. As the hug was finishing, he noticed Toshiko staring out the ceiling. "Hey Toshiko!" Antanas calls to him, "Do you want to do some training that doesn't involve fire?" Smiling, he says "I'm trying to learn a new technique, if you want to show me anything new you have learned" Smiling, he takes one step inside of Toshiko's apartment, admiring how nice the place looks.

[410 Words Total]



Antanas let go of Rain, and she smiled. She listened as Antanas greeted Toshiko, and as he asked him if he'd like to share any techniques he's learned. "Oh, yeah, me too!" She said, walking over to them. "I wouldn't mind picking up some new lightning techniques, if you know any that I don't. We could even spar," she glares over at Antanas "without using any fire techniques, if we need to demonstrate jutsus to each other. I don't mind." She shrugs, looking at the two boys. "I think we should try to teach each other as much as possible! It would be cool." She looks at the two of them. 'Also, anything that involves two cute boys...' she thinks to herself, giggling quietly.

613 words total

10The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:14 pm



Sessou had been going about his regular business that day, Training in the woods most of the morning, then going around town to see what his friends were up to, then going home at lunch to eat and meditate in quiet solitude, but unlike most days, today he was interupted by someone yelling "Oh Rain~ I have a present for you!" "What the hell are you doing? Was the first thought into Sessou's head. You're interrupting my meditation and trying to get the rain to come out? By giving it a present of all things?" He was angered by this noise, but then it stopped and a conversation ensued just down the walkway from his door. He heard a girl's voice,"So rain is a girl!" he thought,"That guy's not as insane as I thought, it sounds like he's a lover of the girl, or a really close friend of her, and he's apologizing to her for something.""They stopped talking, I better go soon, or they'll get away before I can teach them a lesson!" Exclaimed Sessou in his mind. He then burst out his door then turned and saw them walk in an apartment two doors down and decided to go to that apartment and knock on the door.

Word count:219 words

11The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:44 pm



Rain continues chatting with her friends, as they share all the new jutsus they learned together. "Yeah, haha. I think my favorite about lightning is-" she said, getting interrupted by a knock on the door. Quickly moving over to open the door, she pokes her head out, being greeted by the sight of a boy with black hair at the door. "Oh, uh, hey. You. I do not know your name, sorry." She says, leaving the apartment and closing the door behind her, leaning on it. "What do you need, man?" She asks, looking him straight in the eyes, and smirking slightly for good measure.

12The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:53 pm



While inside the house discussing the training that evening, there was a sudden knock on the door. Rain headed outside, and Antanas followed her to make sure there wasn't any trouble. Peaking through the door, he saw a black haired boy talking to Rain. He hear her say "Oh, uh, hey. You. I do not know your name, sorry." she then leans on the wall, asking him, "What do you need, man?" confused by all of this, Antanas decides to wait inside for Rain rather than go outside. Antanas twiddles his thumbs and waits for Rain to come inside.

[510 Words Total]

13The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:14 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

"Hey Toshiko!" As Toshiko was staring off at the ceiling, Antanas called out to him. Toshiko looked over in his direction, and then Antanas spoke. "Do you want to do some training that doesn't involve fire?" Smiling, he says "I'm trying to learn a new technique, if you want to show me anything new you have learned" Antanas then walked into Toshiko's home. Rain said she wanted to join in, and that she would teach Them some new lightning techniques. Toshiko had a few more jutsu that he hadn't used while in his fight with Antanas in a attempt not to harm him. Now that he knew that he could handle it, Toshiko thought he could show off his abilities. "I think i'll just have to show you what i can really do!" Then, there was a knocking on the door to which Rain answered. There was a strange man there, and Toshiko stood up, and walked behind Rain to make sure that she wouldn't get hurt. Rain then asked what the man wanted, and The three awaited a answer.

14The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:28 pm



Soon after Sessou knocked on the door a girl, whom he suspected was the one named Rain, opened the door and stepped outside to greet him along with a man about his age walking behind her. "Oh, uh, hey. You. I do not know your name, sorry"then leaning on the wall asking him,"What do you need, man?" After bowing, Sessou then responds,"Do not fret for not knowing my name, It is Sessou Yuurei, but before I tell you what it is that I want, I wish to know your names."

Total Word count:312 words

15The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:45 pm



Rain looks at him, snickering. That boy sure was formal. "Well, hello, Sessou Yuurei," she says, smiling at him and extending a hand. "I'm Rain. The kid I hugged earlier is Antanas, and the other boy is Toshiko." She looks to the door. "Anyway, do you wanna spar? Like, a friendly fight? I'm bored, and want to practice without getting burnt alive again." She grumbles. "Damn Antie... Anyway, you game?"

16The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:46 pm



After bowing, the black haired man said, "Do not fret for not knowing my name, It is Sessou Yuurei, but before I tell you what it is that I want, I wish to know your names." Opening the door and moving right next to Rain, Antanas eyes him up and down, sizing him up. Antanas stops investigating him and just ends up saying to him and sticking out his hand, "My name is Antanas Kimura."

[585 Words Total]

17The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:48 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

The guy told Rain his name was Sessou, and then said before asking for what he wanted he wanted to know all of their names. Toshiko wasn't usually hostile, but he stepped around Rain and got in front of her. He angrily stared towards the creepy male, and then started yelling at him. "Hey! Who the hell do you think you are? Me and my friends are over here just hanging out with each other, and you have the audacity to come over here and just act as if you run things? I don't care who you are or what you want Sessou, but you better get the hell away from my door or you'll enter a world of pain." Toshiko balled up his fists and grimaced. He was only acting hostile because he always protected those that he cared about. Rain and Antanas were the first two real friends that he'd ever had. He was sure that they both were fully capable of protecting themselves, but he felt like he was obligated to do so. Toshiko had always been over protective over who or what it was that he cared about, and that wasn't going to change. He then looked up towards Sessou, and pointed his finger to him. "You heard what i said. Either leave, or get crushed."

Word Count: 231

18The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:50 pm



 "Hey! Who the hell do you think you are? Me and my friends are over here just hanging out with each other, and you have the audacity to come over here and just act as if you run things? I don't care who you are or what you want Sessou, but you better get the hell away from my door or you'll enter a world of pain." Toshiko was yelling. Trying to start a fight once again, Toshiko said "You heard what i said. Either leave, or get crushed." to him. Antanas pushes Toshiko aside, apologizing to this black haired man. "He looses his temper sometimes, don't mind him."

[697 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

19The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:51 pm



She pushes Toshiko back as well, getting mad when he started yelling at the new person. "Hey, there's no need for that! I was just about to beat him up, don't interupt! I need to practice a lot for when I finally get a puppet..." She twitches her fingers, giggling a bit creepily. "And if one of you die, turn into a puppet. Then it'll be free." She cackles. "Annnyyywwayyy, fight me, new guy with black hair."

20The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:53 pm



Antanas sighs, and stands next to the black haired boy. "If you want to fight him, you have to fight me too!" Antanas jokes as he clicks his tongue in Rain's direction, waiting for her response.

[734 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

21The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:54 pm



She hisses, smacking Antanas. "Don't you ever bring that up again, you little weasel." She grumbles, remembering the time that he burnt her by clicking his tongue and spraying flammable mist.

22The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:02 pm



The girl at the door snickers, apparently at Sessou's formality, then greeting him and giving her their names, Rain, as he had suspected, the boy standing behind her being Toshiko, and the one whom had been searching for her to apologize to her was named Antanas. "Anyway, do you wanna spar? Like, a friendly fight? I'm bored, and want to practice without getting burnt alive again." She grumbles. "Damn Antie... Anyway, you game?" she then asked. Sessou then replied, "I would love to spar with you, even though it is not my prefered way of greeting a lady, if you're sure you want to, but I would prefer if Toshiko were to aid her if you wish to fight alongside me, Antanas, otherwise... YOU CAN COUNT ME IN!

Total Word Count: 443 words

23The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:06 pm



She grins. "That sounds good to me, man! Come on, lets go to the training grounds!" Rain says happily. She jumps out onto the road quickly, landing, and starts heading to the training grounds. "Last one there has to buy me a puppet~" She calls in a sing-song voice, running backwards to watch them.

24The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:07 pm



Antanas tells everyone to get rest for tomarrows battle, it will be continued in another thread.

[Leave Thread]

25The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Continues! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:10 pm



967 words left
leave thread

SPD E-2 -> D (525/525)
REA E-3 -> D (300/300)

217 words left over

Last edited by Rain on Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:05 pm; edited 4 times in total

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