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1Lelouch stats Empty Lelouch stats Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:33 pm

Hyūga, Lelouch

Hyūga, Lelouch


Strength D-3
Speed E-1 - D-3 (1850 words + 150 ryo)
Endurance E - D-2 (1475 words + 75 ryo)
Perception E
Reaction Time: E

2Lelouch stats Empty Re: Lelouch stats Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:24 pm



All I see in that thread is the training to get your Byakugan to B rank. Please link to the thread where the training itself happened and label what you used the word counts for at the end of the thread. In other words:

"Training X from X to X 000/000"

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