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1Daibutsu Empty Daibutsu Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:13 am

Tobi Tani

Tobi Tani

Symbol: Daibutsu Rajam-Symbols-10

Clan: Daibutsu

Kekkei Genkai: Daibutsu Style Swordsmanship

Elements: Raiton(irresistible force),Doton(indestructibility)

Specialization: Bukijutsu(Kenjutsu or Swordsmanship),Taijutsu

Location: Scattered(Ronin)

Clan History: The Daibutsu family...a family that has roamed this earth for centuries.1531 years,to be exact,starting later in the year of the death of Siddhartha Gautama,the man who created Buddhism.The Daibutsu family originally started as family of pure hearted Buddhists,spreading peace and prosperity throughout the multitude of the lands.The spread of Buddhism ensured a time of pure prosperity.However,this was not guarenteed,and multiple conflicts brokeout through the entire lands,engulfing them in wars and destruction.It was not until the time of Rikudou Sennin,the fore-father of the entire shinobi world,developed Ninshu and passed his teachings throughout the entire world.The entire Daibutsu family,which at the time had a few hundred members,flocked to this....amazing teaching and quickly learned this...magnificent  art of peace.However,the world,of course,never became at peace.With the events that began the Shinobi World,the Daibutsu took a different path from their buddhist brethern.

As if,seeing that there will never be true peace for the world,they became warriors,a sort of 'Buddhist Samurai',and fought near the end of the infamous 'Clan Wars'.Some of the members were also present during the foundation of the Villages,but ultimately,the Daibutsu became secluded,almost all of them refusing to join a village.However,during the Fourth and Final Shinobi War,the Daibutsu subsquentially joined,allying themselves with the Allied Shinobi Army.Most of the family was seeming slaughtered,sacrificing themselves as mere cannon fodder to allow the more stronger shinobi to advance.After the war,the seemingly went into recovery,slowly regaining their lost numbers and teaching themselves greater feats in fighting,peace,and buddhism.Now,they are typically ronin,families often willingly split to become wanderers.However,they occasionally meet up at the nearest buddhist temple to find each other once more and see how they are doing.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Daibutsu are trained in the arts of war and fighting at a very young age.As such,all members are able to app for weapons and armor 1 rank above their current selection(IE:A Genin can app for a B-Rank Sword and Armor).The Daibutsu also usually have tattoos of their clans symbol somewhere on their body,which they receive at a very young age.The Daibutsu also have their own style of sword fighting,which they call the Daibutsu style.One final thing about them is,their chakra takes on a special,golden color instead of the regular blue,adding on to their buddhist theme.

Drawbacks: Due to their proud warrior background with swords,the Daibutsu are unable to learn any other type of Bukijutsu besides Swordsmanship and Kenjutsu.Also,due to their secludedness during most of the wars,up until the Fourth Shinobi War,the Daibutsu are unable to take Kugutsu or Kuchiyose as specialities.Also,due to them orignally learning Ninshu,and believeing it should be used for peace,they are unable to learn Ninjutsu and take +1 damage from it.

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Name: Daibutsu Style: Vajra
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C-A
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Element: Any Element
Range: Personal
Specialty: Bukijutsu
Duration: 5
Cooldown: 9 Posts
Description: The user seemingly infuses their weapon(whatever it may be) with a high amount of elemental chakra(of their choice so long as they have it),infusing it.This allows the weapon to be able to actively 'interact' and defend against a multitude of jutsu depending on ones nature.If infused with Katon,the weapon can seemingly defend and slice through Fuuton jutsu(and Suiton if it is one rank below the jutsu in use).Doton will defend and cut against water,Fuuton with Raiton,Raiton with Doton,and Doton with Suiton.The jutsu rank also determines what rank it can defend against.C-C rank and lower(3 D-Rank to break,2 C-Rank to break,or 2 D and 1 C)..B-B rank and lower(3 C-rank,2 B-Rank,or 2 C and 1 B).A-A rank and lower(3 B,2 A,or 2 B and 1 A).The weapon,however,must be equal,or higher then the rank of the jutsu being used to work(IE: B-rank weapon while using the B-rank or C-Rank version of this jutsu).However,that is merely when interacting with jutsu.When interacting with a living being,the effect varies dependent on the element.(NOTE:Person can not willingly switch elements.They would have to cancel the jutsu and wait before trying again with a different element).

Katon:(C) Will leave major first degree burns along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.(B) Will leave major Second degree burns along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.(A) Will leave major Third degree burns along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.

Fuuton:(C) Will leave various small cuts(up to half a inch deep) upon the area of impact along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.(B) Will leave various small cuts(up to two inches deep) upon the area of impact along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.(A) Will leave various deep cuts upon the area of impact along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.

Doton:(C) Will leave major external bruising upon the area of impact along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.(B) Is able of breaking the bone of the area of where the attack landed(allowing it to be cut more easily) along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.(A) Is able to break the bone on the area of impact and around it along with whatever damage the weapon will naturally leave.

Suiton: Same as Doton.

Raiton: Same as Katon.


Name: Daibutsu Style: Wrathful Asura
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Element: None
Range: Personal
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: Maintainable(-10 Chakra per post)
Cooldown: 9 posts
Description: Shrouding their fists and fore-arms in their golden chakra,the user creates the heads of two,very ferocious looking Asura,creatures from Buddhist and Hindi myth.While having the shroud up,the user's punching power increases,allowing them to seemingly break bones with each strike.After the first 4 posts of using this abilites,it loses the ability to easily break bones and can only cause major external bruising.


Last edited by Tobi Tani on Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:07 am; edited 2 times in total

2Daibutsu Empty Re: Daibutsu Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:50 am



Only going for the Jutsu here:

Vajra - This is Bukijutsu, not Taijutsu. Also, put in a specific number of how many Jutsu one can defend against with this technique (see Jutsu rules for correct numbers)

Asura - Put in the chakra cost per post next to the word "Maintainable" and put in a stat debuff after maintaining this more than 4 posts.

3Daibutsu Empty Re: Daibutsu Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:04 am



Vajra - Also include that the weapon infused must be equal to the rank of the Jutsu used or higher for it to work without the weapon breaking. (i.e. B-Rank version requires a B-Rank or higher weapon, etc.)

4Daibutsu Empty Re: Daibutsu Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:09 am




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