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1Honoo Clan [Done] Empty Honoo Clan [Done] Sat May 31, 2014 9:51 am

Yuko Mimasuya

Yuko Mimasuya

Symbol: Honoo Clan [Done] Gruul_clans_guild_symbol_by_drdraze_d6b7xzm

Clan: 炎は燃やし Honoo wa moyashi

Kekkei Genkai: Fire Alignment Mastery

Elements: Fire Release

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Konohagakure no Sato

Clan History: Long ago, located deep within the jungles and central life source of Konohagakure no Sato itself, lived a shy young girl. Her name had been Kenkichi, but little did this foolish girl know that she had a great skill within her, a skill that was an asset towards hand to hand combat. As a poor young girl, she was picked on, teased for wearing the same clothing everyday, with the same see through shoes that made it seem like they could talk. She was a target towards bullies. Kenkichi couldn't defend herself, and neither did she. Violence was not the answer in her head, instead she tried to have a peaceful conversation with these cruel children. They would never listen, all they would do is continue there chaotic activity. The little girl had no idea how to fully grasp and control the situation, everything was getting out of hand. She knew she didn't have the strength within her to hurt a fly, and neither would she try to do such a thing, even if she was forced. The bullies kept swooping in like a ball targeted to a net. Kenkichi would never know that they were there, that she was being stalked, until they come close enough to the point she could smell their putrid stench. It was like a stench of death, liquor, cigarettes, and other drug related chemicals.

Their horrible stench would basically slap against her neck, and instantly it would seem as if she was immobilized. Kenkichi was scared, and she didn't know what to do at all. She was frightened of what would happen to herself, and what would happen to others if she didn't stop this nonsense. Brutally they would tear of her only clothing, slightly showing her sexual body parts, but not fully. They seemed to have some sort of respect, not showing a woman body parts in public. But of course the fact that they attempted is still not acceptable. Just then, they were aiming towards here panties, just about ready to do something that would be life changing...

But suddenly, when she lifted up her fist in means of protection, fire had came out. Where the hell did fire come from? She hadn't known, and neither did Kenkichi care, because by the time she was done roasting the chickens, she had a feast. The little girl had no clue where to go for answers, or who to speak about this 'power' she had acquired. She was no longer frightened by the bullies, but of herself and what she was capable off. Each day, after living a 'normal' life, she would set off deep within the woods of Konohagakure no Sato, and train. In means to protect the people she loved and cared for, she wanted to learn to control this 'power'. This was also necessary to make sure she didn't go out of control, and loose the balance. Countless hours, days, months  just to help herself in her condition. She was desperate, and Kenkichi didn't know what to do with herself.

Years later through research, which was stealing books from a public library, she had discovered where this fire had come from. She had this 'power' within her, and element. It was the fire element apparently, and she would be able to control this fire element through concentrated techniques called jutsu. At first, it was all confusing to the girl, she was baffled. But, she knew exactly where to go to learn more about how to control this fire. She went to a place called the Ninja Academy, located near the Administrative Building of Konohagakure no Sato. There, they had taught her the basics of her 'power', and how to control it. The instructors there had taught Kenkichi how to protect the ones she loved and cared for. But of course, opening yourself to others would be a downfall. Later a few months, there were others that were looking for her, that wanted to experiment and use her. Maybe affiliates of the bullies long ago, but who knew. She hide once again, seeking answers in a more trusted location. But there was no hope for her was there? She stopped looking for answers, and found some of her own.

During her own time, she discovered and researched on Kekkei Genkai, which was an technique inherited by blood. Which must have meant that she received this 'power' from someone of her own kin. The least she could discover from blood samples, and other serious experiments was that her Kekkei Genkai was called "Fire Alignment Mastery". From personal experience, she assumed that it meant she had finer control over the fire element than others, and probably being able to do more than an average shinobi. This was a magnificent find for Kenkichi, but she didn't have any family to share her findings with. She had friends, that probably wouldn't want to talk to her, or though she was dead. Instead, she started a clan. The Honoo Clan, which would consist of her future kin, and strong warriors that would help protect others. A clan of heroes.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Since the Honoo Clan is so skillfully trained in the arts of the fire release element, they get a +1 to usage for katon techniques.

Drawbacks: Members of the Honoo Clan have an addition +25% wordcount when it comes to the training of non-katon techniques.

Members: None

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: None

Last edited by Yuko Mimasuya on Sat May 31, 2014 5:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Honoo Clan [Done] Empty Re: Honoo Clan [Done] Sat May 31, 2014 5:28 pm

Yuko Mimasuya

Yuko Mimasuya


I have no idea why I went crazy with the history, I had no clue I wrote that much. xD

3Honoo Clan [Done] Empty Re: Honoo Clan [Done] Sat May 31, 2014 11:50 pm




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