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1Kyo-Kyo on the job! Empty Kyo-Kyo on the job! Fri May 23, 2014 10:52 pm

Kyōfu Hōzuki

Kyōfu Hōzuki


"Class settle down now. We have a guest here today and I'd like you guys to give him a warm welcome." The teacher grilled his students as they started to quiet down. "Come in." The teacher looked at the door and so did all the little faces who all had question mark faces. A young man with a 6'3 frame walked in the class room with a warm smile pasted on his face.The boy carried around long blue hair that is tied in a ponytail. His skin was white and looked extremely healthy. The boy clothing was a little different form what you would see common people with. His eyes, bright amber, capable of stealing ones heart with nothing but a gaze. He casually walked to the front beside the teacher. "Class this is Kyofu Hozuki, of the Hozuki Clan. He Will be helping me out today and will be teaching you guys a couple things about what its like and what it takes to become a genin. Kyofu." Giving Kyofu permission to speak to the class, a class full of dreams, future leaders and followers. The blue haired man glanced over at the class as they anxiously waited for him to break silence. What type of setting is this and why would Kyofu be here? The blue haired man with dazzling eyes was located in the Kirigakure, one of the 5 great nations. The setting is taking place in the academy found in this highly known village. He stood there towering over the class because he had to. You see, being a ninja come with certain jobs that need to be done. Taking and completing missions is one of them. His job was simple, assist the academy teacher for the day.

Kyofu exhibited a small grin on his face as his eyes were closed shut, hiding his amber eyes. A couple students on the left started throwing crunched up paper around the class. Some students on the right were having a conversation. The teacher was about to get the students to settle down but Kyofu waved him off as he wanted to deal with this himself. He slowly opened his eyes. "Hello, class. As your teacher has stated a few moments ago my name is Kyofu Hozuki. I'll be helping out today around the academy but mainly around this class. Thank you for having me, I am in your care." Love struck eyes were now fixed on the blue haired man who stood at the front of the classroom. The females of the class began to whisper as they were jubilant about the fact that Kyofu would be there for the day. "Alright class settle down, lets continue where we left off yesterday" The frail teacher uttered to them with a commanding tone. The Hozuki product watched and helped out the students who required help on some basic question that came from their ninja textbooks.

Time pushed on and Kyofu was just about done his mission. The class was very lively and they loved Kyofu's presence, even the males. Kyofu had shared some of his stories about his academy days with them and it won them over quick. The 6'3 blue haired man now stood in front of the class ready vacate the area and get onto another mission. He had one thing left to tell these kids though before leaving them. The Hozuki clan member put both hands behind his back and in to his weapons pouch. Taking out one kunai in which held in his left hand. "Whoever manages to defeat me will get 200 ryo. The losers will have to stay another year at the academy. I have spoken with Tachi sensei and he has given me permission. What a weird but also interesting plot twist. The boy had a smirk painted across his face as he looked over the class. More and more whispers bounced around the room. "Oh, one more thing guys... their can only be one winner." Kyofu felt the need to do an evil maniacal laugh but that was just something he wasn't about. So instead he ran his right hand through his long lush hair and glared the students down giving off some form of evil presence. "What no way!" One of the student screamed. Causing a chain reaction of even more outbursts until finally s brave academy student attacked Kyofu. He was easily dealt with as he grew tired, unable land a hit on Kyofu. Others attempted and also failed. The girls of the class stayed back and watched. After countless fails from the boys side, Tifa finally stopped them and had everyone huddle.

"Oh." He muttered softly. The kids all broke free of the huddle and then got into a formation. Kyofu couldn't help but smile. They had finally gotten to the conclusion they needed to succeed. Teamwork. Teamwork was what He wanted to teach the class before they would eventually go on to graduate and become genin. They all attacked in groups and though Kyofu was filled with joy he did not let them beat him. The class frowned as they failed with their last attempt. Tachi Sensei finally spoke up to the class. "Don't be sad guys. You guys have all passed I'm so proud of you guys!" These words confused the hell out of the kids. Kyofu put his kunai back into his pouch before grabbing the students attention. "He is happy because you guys have learned something valuable today. Teamwork! Even if you guys failed you still work as a team which was the best method. As a genin you will be in 3 man cells which require you guys to work together." The class was no longer lost they all felt like the had accomplished something great. They cheered and laughed together. This moment brought back memories of his own days at the academy.

Now ready to leave Kyofu left the students off with his last words. Well not his last words but his last words to the class before leaving. "I had a great time with you guys. Thanks for taking care of me." The hozuki product bowed as the class screamed. "Thank you Kyo! Please come again!" Leaving the kids with a warm smile, kyofu was now on his way to his next mission. His last job for the day which required him to deliver flowers to someone named Mikasa.

So, first mission was successful and easy for Kyofu but this last one might prove to be a little more challenging. Why you ask? Well he was given the name of the intended target but their was no address. Meaning a tougher time for Kyofu since he will now have to come up with a way to find Mikasa. The hidden mist village is way too big to be looking sround for one person so the amber eyes man went to s central area instead. Asking multiple citizens if they knew a Mikasa. A full hour had passed by and still no cigar. It was probably about that time to give up and go home but kyofu decided to try one last person. That one last person proved to be worth it. "Why yes I know Mikasa, she is my neighbor. You can find her house at the top of the Chita hill, the house with a large garden around it." She said enthusiastically.

"Thanks, I'll be on my way now." Without even listening to what the female citizen had left to say Kyofu bolted off. Finding his destination and heading over the flowers to his target Mikasa. After doing so the boy let out a huge yawn and his stomach began to growl. A clear sign that he had a long day. A long day with a side of fun you could also say. Kyofu liked doing missions and only because of the smiles he would receive fro those he helped. Just that alone is worth it for him in a sense really. Though not all the time, missions do get annoying once you reach a certain point. A point that he has reached a couple times already.

"Good thing I didn't take another mission for today. My stomach wouldn't be able to take it." With that being said the hozuki product went on his way to a local ramen shop to eat  to his hearts content.

WC: 1432/700
Both missions completed.

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