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1Magi: The World of Magic Empty Magi: The World of Magic Tue May 13, 2014 10:17 pm


Magi: The World of Magic MagiAd_zps04a4d0f6

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The World is currently on the brink of war. Long ago the Magi lived alongside men and women alike, acting as the only peace-keepers. But it has been millenia since the last Magi was present, the latter having deserted the human race due to their incompetence.

The countries now stand on each other's soils, waiting for the right moment to make their move; however soon a series of events will unfold, the likes which have never been seen before.

The Dungeons shall arise, and so too will the Magi make their return, but this time with different purposes...

Based off of the amazing manga/anime created by Shinobu Ohtaka, the World of Magic invites all roleplayers to join in and create their very own character within the Magi Universe! Our site offers many features which you won't see anywhere else!

  • Six different Countries to choose from, all with their unique governmental systems and motives!
  • 4 Races to choose from, including Humans, Fanalis, the Imuchakk, as well as half-breeds.
  • A growing list of specializations/classes, allowing you to build just the right character.
  • Dungeons, Djinn Equips, and even Households. Our Dungeon System is completely original and sure to test both your strengths and wits.
  • A special rebirth system, allowing your character to rise from the dead with several drawbacks. This means that even if you meet an unfortunate end within battle, you won't have to restart from the beginning!
  • An active, ever-growing staff team working around the clock to help you and the site as a whole to grow! We take all suggestions and questions to heart, so don't be afraid to speak up and say what's on your mind!
  • A constantly changing plotline focused around actual characters instead of NPCs. YOU dictate the site's storyline, not us. If you want to attempt a hostile takeover of a country, go right ahead! Of course you might be guaranteed victory right at the start.

Magi: The World of Magic MagiAffiliate_zpsbc8b86fd

So what're you waiting for? Join Magi World today!

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