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1Interrupted [Open] Empty Interrupted [Open] Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:22 pm



Kei Niidashi had never liked fighting, or at least half of her didn't. She was the type of person who would only use her abilities in the most extreme of cases and even then she only used Genjutsu, techniques that didn't even harm the human body. Nevertheless, she wasn't one to leave aside her training. Her mother often encouraged her to keep improving her abilities and her mother's advice was something she took quite seriously. Being a master of Genjutsu herself, she often told her daughter that meditating was a great way to strengthen the mind. Albeit, this type of training didn't affect her abilities directly, but it helped to make her Genjutsu stronger in a way. Therefore, the young - and recently promoted - Genin sat on the shore of one of Kirigakure’s several beaches. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks helped her meditate and lose herself within her own mind. She took slow and deep breaths to help herself relax and loose her sense of time. Her eyes were closed, so that she could only see into herself. Kei smiled slightly, knowing that her mother would be proud of her for achieving such a deep state of concentration.

The young Genin didn’t quite know how long this lasted. All she knew was that she was suddenly startled by the sound of a person – or were there several people? – approaching her location. Her eyes went wide and her face was struck with worry. This wasn’t supposed to happen; this was meant to be a secluded place, after all. She shook her head and moved quickly, hiding behind a couple of large rocks that were big enough to hide her. There were several things that made Kei become nervous and shy. Meeting new people was one of them. Therefore, she stood in her hiding place until she had a chance to escape, forgetting about the fact that she had left several footprints in the sand.

2Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:48 pm



Sero was always one to wander around deep in thought. His long legs carrying him as he walked. His knee length gray coat swaying as he moved as a finger taps his chin.Gray hair matted his head as a single finger taps his chin. So deep in thought he was that it came as somewhat of a surprise when he noticed he was walking across rocks. And loudly at that. He raises his head and looks about at the secluded beach. Recognizing the place he sighs in relief as if relieved he was still in Kiri. Before his eyes snap to something out of place... he had noticed it but... what?

Sero begins to scan along the beach slowly now bending at the knees to look closer at the ground that had barely caught his attention. He moves to the sand now before noticing indentation about the size of a foot print. Small as they where the individual had to be about his age or younger, and light as well as these where not deep. a crumbling edge catches his attention next.... the foot prints hadn't collapsed yet around the sand that would have to make them incredibly recent. had he stumbled upon someone on accident? he contemplates leaving a moment before he sighs and rises to his full height.. he was already tall for his age but unlikely to grow any more. He then speaks letting his gentle voice carry.

"Greetings young one. I am Sero of the Osada clan. a Genin here in Kiri. I do not intend to harm anyone. I have introduced myself... will you not do me the same courtesy?"

3Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:41 pm



As if the footprints weren't enough to lead anyone to her, Kei was panting and trembling slightly. Most of the people she met wound up bullying her. She was used to it by now, however, that didn't mean that Kei liked going through such torment. Most people would think she was overreacting, but such behavior was a part of Kei's naturally childish personality. She kept both arms close to her chest in an attempt to make herself smaller.

When she heard the young boy's voice, she automatically flinched, holding both her hands over her face. She only lowered them when Sero - as she now knew he was called - told her that it wasn't his intention to hurt her. "Oh," She began, relaxing slightly. "M-my name's K-Kei Niidashi. I'm a G-Genin too," She stuttered. She was still quite nervous. Meeting new people got her that way most of the time. She was shy, after all. It would take her some time to get used to being around someone new.

4Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:44 am



"ahh. A gentle name I think."

Sero replied. He could hear the tremble in her voice and part of it troubled him. Was she another who thought him a monster? He couldn't blame her... regardless of how bland he made himself look he was still somewhat intimidating to most. That and a lot of the village knew what he had done back in the academy. But for now he couldn't change that. He moves forward then and with a little hop he moves up onto the rock with some grace. His gray eyes now looking down at her. He smiles and holds up his hands to show himself unarmed. truthfully he didn't carry weapons. Didn't imagine he would need them as he specialized in...other fields. He watches her for signs of bolting away from him but does not move.

"might I uh.. have a uh... seat here with uh.. you?"

he hadn't expected her to be kind of cute honestly. and well he wasn't the best when it came to talking to just any body. A shy hesitation loomed in his words.

5Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:32 pm



Hira walked along the beach and loved felling the water on his feet. He took a deep breathe and smiled. He continued to walk along deep in though until he heard a voice it sounded like a boy about his age. He then saw a boy and a girl sitting. He decided to approach them slowly not wanting to scare them. When he Got a little closer he hollered "yo the beach is nice today isn't it?"

6Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:18 pm



Small waves passed by in the tepid water, crashing periodically onto the shore. The sun shined it's astounding yellow light onto the surface of the water, and a cloud of mist surrounded the area. Beneath the water, a white haired boy with only his blue trousers on sat at the bottom of the ocean. He'd have his legs crossed, his eyes shut, and his hands clasped together forming the tiger handseal. A blue aura of Chakra emitted from a 360 degrees around his body. The chakra's color was a darker color than ocean's water, causing outlines to show around Takeo's body.

Takeo had been doing his warm ups under the water to practice his form of the highly praised Hozuki techniques. It took him over several times before he was able to perfect a 360 Chakra aura with a water shaped substance. He knew that most of the people inside of Kirigakure used the water element, and he wanted to be one of the best. The way of mastering it to it's "true" potential he would have to focus in a moment of silence more which Takeo didn't love to do. He was a cocky headed shinobi, that only learned to train by combat with someone else.

Two people exchanged words near the shore. The words echoed into the ocean below the rocks, allowing for Takeo to hear them. Takeo hadn't known that this place was populated. He thought that no one would come to a secluded place like this, but obviously he was wrong. The voices continued. One of them sounded familiar. Must have had been the bizarre shinobi from the Training Session with his future love; Hozuki Saya. But what was he doing here?

Takeo opened his eyes. He'd look up towards the reflection of the sun, hitting the surface of the water. Who the hell is that? Hope it isn't that Sero guy, who's on my team. He ruins my mojo man thought Takeo. Jumping upwards from his position, he'd swim up towards the surface of the water in the process. Takeo kicked his feet and moved his body in a similar way of a worm to force his body up towards the top of the water.

Water drops splashed towards the shore as he came over the surface of the water. He shook his head, flipping the bangs out of his face. His body was drenched in water, and his hair was plastered down onto his head, removing his spiked style hair. The water would turn his hair into a patted down form. "Anyone here!? I swore I heard you Sero. Come out and stop being a creep." said Takeo, glancing towards the shore. It seemed as if the voices were coming from behind the couple of large rocks that were big enough to hide them.

7Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:37 pm



Kei relaxed slightly. A small blush crept across her cheeks. She had never heard of anyone refering to her name as gentle or anything else for that matter. "Th-thank you," she stuttered, though she was more calm now. Her heart had stopped beating frantically. "You can write it two ways; either with the kanji for 'happy' or the kanji for 'respectful'. I suppose it's appropriate for someone of my clan," She explained. She wasn't really sure why, but the young Genin felt like her comment wasn't out of place. However she felt like she should say something in return. "Sero is a nice name, too," She blurted out almost too quickly. So much so that it sounded like a single word. When the young boy asked her if he could sit next to her, Kei nodded slightly. She had a good feeling about him, like he was someone she could relate to.

The young girl felt like she was about to step into her comfort zone. However, roght as she was about to speak, someone burst from nowhere and yelled at the teo of them. Kei instantly flinched and let out a slight yelp. She began trembling again and curled herself into a small ball, retreating into herself to seek comfort. Only brief moments later, another voice came from the water. Kei, being the type of person she was now, could deal with one person, though with slight difficulty. Two strangers made it harder, but manageable still. But three was a different story. The presence of three unknown people was overwhelming. She briefly considered shifting towards her other personality but decided against it. Such a transformation would futher label her as a freak. Therefore, Kei did the only smart thing she could think of: run. She jumped over the rocks and towards the sand, not really knowing if the other three Genin would follow her.

8Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:40 pm




Sero would click his tongue against his teeth in frustration. He was finally going to sit down with someone and just have a nice chat and all in all that would be fine. His grey eyes go first to the boy,Hira. He didn't seem to recall knowing him but it didn't appear as if he was attempting to be intrusive. Instead rather polite actually. Still Suspicion loomed in those grey eyes studying every part of the boy.

And then there was Takeo..Sero barely knew him but it was enough to warrant a sigh and his hand to his forehead. shaking his head a bit in nearly disappointment, The comment of Sero being a creep was not going to help Sero make any friends.

"I swear the boy needs a gag of some sort...permanent might be nice."

He would grumble to himself before turning to speak with Kei. his voice gentle.

"Do not fret Kei . These two will not be mean to you if I can...."

Sero would pause as his eyes see only rock.. she was already running it seemed. Darn Takeo always making the worst of a situation. Sero rubs the back of his head and watches her running a moment with no intention to pursue as that might just scare her more. Instead he moves with some grace to the top of the rocks and calls out to the now visible Takeo.

"Hey! Takeo! Stop being a mindless Jerk!"

Sero's voice was lined with irritation. but his eyes look about him to all three of the others on the beach. keeping each of them in mind.

9Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:52 am



Takeo moved his feet back and forth in the water. He swayed his hands in the water, and glanced at the enourmous rock above him. When his glance would turn to the rock, Sero would appear ontop of the cliff shaped rock. Takeo could notice the irritation on his face expression. It was an expression he had never experienced from the cold and Gothic teammate of the team. What was Sero doing for him to think he interrupted him? Takeo was being Takeo.

"Hey, What am I doing? Your the guy being a Jerk by interrupting my rest eh?" said Takeo, gritting his teeth. His voice was arrogant and loud as usual. Takeo turned around towards the beach, curious of what had recently jumped behind the rocks. He'd move his eyes left and right at the beach tiles, chairs, and umbrellas laying on the ground. He could only notice the yellow hair that moved as the figure leaped from the rocks onto the beach.

"Oooh..Sero is taking after his teammate eh? Was that your date. Oops did I interrupt it?" Takeo turned around towards Sero, chuckling at Sero. He was still curious. The boy had never seen the other boy of his squad even talk to a woman he could go after excluding Hozuki Saya because she was his. It seemed as if maybe Sero was the shy type, who was scared to express his feelings to a woman.

10Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:10 am



Kei ducked behind another set of rocks, not too far away. She was panting slightly from her short sprint. She was still close enough that she could see the three other boys if she wanted to. However, for the moment, she didn't want to. Sero had assured Kei that no harm would come to her, and she believed him. The boy seemed gentle and kind, like he genuinely cared for others. But then again, that might have just been a first impression. But Kei trusted her gut, which told her that she could easily become friends with Sero. However, what if the other two did want to bully her? What if they wanted to make fun of her and call her names? Kei hated being treated in such a degrading way. Though, admittedly, she was brave enough to take other people's violent assaults without retaliating in any way. She took it silently, so much so that it seemed graceful, in a strange way.

Kei heard the voices of Both Sero and the boy who had scared her away. The boy - who Sero called Takeo - was teasing Sero, who in return sounded annoyed. Kei turned her head slightly to the right so that she could hear their conversation better. She began to get mad at the new stranger. Sero was one of the few people nice enough to want to sit down and talk to her. He didn't deserve to be treated tht way! Kei could feel her face heating up from anger. When she was angry, Kei often got impulsive. It was a childish characteristic, but something that she couldn't help. She burst from behind her hiding place rather quickly. "You're really mean, you know that?!" She yelled at Takeo, pointing her index finger at him. Realizing her outburst, Kei instantly cuked behind the rock once again, blushing madly.

11Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:36 am



Sero would blink at Takeo's comment about how Sero was interrupting. And when confronted Sero would pause and nibble on his lip. Provoking Takeo was probably a poor choice in life decisions... at least at this point. He needed Takeo to cover his back on missions and not resent him enough to leave Sero somewhat screwed. That and Sero sucked with open confrontation, Especially the kind that wasn't needed. He lowers his eyes to show respect and let Takeo have his moment.

"Ye..yes of course. I apologize."

Sero would say quietly before blushing at the rest of Takeo's comment and frowning. A date? Sero didn't date. The idea wasn't unknown to him but he merely saw it from a statistical point of view. A distraction. And typically ending badly. If implications where made..... Sero opens his mouth to correct his team mate when he hears Kei. His wide grey eyes turning to her in surprise. Before he smiles gently. Someone,even as gentle and frightened as her was standing up for him. it was somewhat satisfying. and by now Hira had completely slipped his mind.

12Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:01 am



Takeo raised his eyebrows, and continuously blinked at Sero. His expression on his face turned into an emotionless one as the boy became shocked that Sero wouldn't reply back with a rather rude comment similar to the way most of the Genin around the village would. It seemed as though no matter the situation or words that came out of Takeo's disrespectful mouth, Sero wouldn't comment back at him with an annoyed tone. Maybe because they were teammates? or He didn't want to fight him?

A loud echo of someone bursting out in flames from rage was heard near Takeo. The voice sounded like a childish woman, attempting to stand up for someone. Takeo kicked his feet, and swayed his hands in the water to allow himself to move towards where the source of sound had been coming from. He gently smiled at her for several minutes before he would burst into a small explosion of laughter, attempting to humiliate the woman on the beach. His index finger would point out towards her as his laugh turned into a cackle.

"Geesh. What hit you today? Only thing being mean is you not coming out to talk to a young man eh? Sero let me get out of this water and I'll show you how it's done!" said Takeo, ducking his head into the water, and placing both of his hands in front of him to swim in a similar way to a worm as his head never came back up for water because of him being a Hozuki. Several splashes were heard behind him. His feet clashed against the surface of the water similar to an electric water boat. The boy would continue to close the distance between him, and the shore while continuing his swimming process.

13Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:13 pm



Kei took a short peek from behind the rock. She saw that the other boy - the one who was in the water - was headed towards her. She flinched and instantly hid behind the rock once again. She sould hear him coming towards her once again and her curiosity got the best of her. She looked at the boy. He was smiling. It was a soft and gentle smile, whoch Kei was about to return before Takeo started to laugh. She stood up straight, no longer crouching or hiding. Her expression turned unreadable, a mix of something between resignation and dread. She looked down, fixing her gaze on her feet while Takeo made fun of her. The young girl was well used to this treatment by now, and knew that trying to defend herself would amount to nothing more than a fight, which Kei would try her hardest to avoid.

Still looking at her feet, she finally spoke. "I-I'm sorry I'm shy," She said, a small blush creeping across her face. She sighed, expeccting the young boy to keep up the harsh comments once he was out of the water. She looked over at Sero with curiosity in her gaze. He appeared to know Takeo. And though Kei wasn't known for being particularly perceptive, she could put two and two together. They had probably become Genin together. Either that or they were teamates.

14Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:44 pm



Sero raises his gaze at that. Takeo was going to far and his gaze moves to Kei. She appeared to be on the verge of tears. Or was that acceptance of her fate? what had happened to the girl for her to just give up? Sero frowns and concentrates on a basic Jutsu he had learned focusing on it and then on Kei before his body moves.

The mist would swirl around Sero as his right foot moved forward and he would seem to disappear into it. The mist would clear quickly but Sero was no where near that spot. instead he was now firmly within his defensive fighting stance on the beach between Takeo and Kei. and he was gazing at Takeo with an anger very much unlike him.

"I do not tolerate bullies Takeo. Cease this at once. I doubt this girl seeks your attentions and truth be told you appear to be purposefully trying to tease her. Join us civilly or return to the water and shut your mouth."

It was one of the biggest things Sero hated was bullying. and though Takeo was probably just having some fun in his mind Sero was done playing the softy. He gazes back to Kei and nods.

"there comes a time Kei when enough is enough. It is within you to be stronger then them. you are as unique as you want to be and an individual. that can not be taken away from you."


15Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:32 pm



An enourmous amount of water dripped from the white haired shinobi's body, turning most of the sand around him more darker than before. His feet would press into the moist sand below him as he whipped his head back and forth to become more dry. The infrared sun shined upon his skin, causing several pieces of his skin to melt into water as Takeo ceased his movements to look up towards the boulder nearby. He'd take a short glance at the shy Kunoichi, who decided to come out of her hiding.

Takeo slowly walked up towards the shinobi, attempting to come in close range with her. A trail of water would trek behind his soft footsteps as he continued to walk. Several shells and insects flourished into the inside of Takeo's toes, flooding his toes with each step. The boy flipped his hair back, attempting to remove the bang that was plastered down in front of his face.

"Meh, I deal with a lot of--" said Takeo, stopping in the middle of his sentence as the shinobi would disappear into the mist surrounding them. The moist mist would brush up against his skin harder from the small amount of goosebumps that randomly appeared on his skin as he watched the shinobi perform the Body Flicker Jutsu. Most of the shinobi he had known to use Body Flicker technique were looking to engage a fight with a surprise attack.

"Is this your way of saying thanks for trying to get you a date Sero!? Come on Sero. Are Sensei wouldn't be happy if he seen us fighting over some woman..Why do you always have to mess my mojo up. Your creepiness is not tolerated here." said Takeo, planting a smirk on his face from the dose of determination. Takeo would place his hands onto the two hilts on his waist, grasping them tightly while keeping his eyes focused on Sero. The boy would pop the small button on the straps on his hilts with both of his thumbs, releasing them from around his waist, and dropping the empty hilts into the sand.

16Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:25 am



Kei felt the air grow heavy- heavier than usual. Mist in Kirigakure was common, but it had it's distinct patterns and ways of moving across the air. This was not one of them. The young Genin noticed that Sero had dissappeared from his previous spot. Kei closed her eyes tightly, fearing the worst. A few brief moments later, the young boy appeared infront of Takeo, threatening to start a fight. He looked over to Kei and spoke words of encouragement. They were kind words that no doubt meant well. But Kei had no intentionto change. She would not fight for herself. She would leave such selfishness to her other half. This side - Yang, the side of purity and light - would only fight for others. Therefore, when Sero proposed she stand up for herself, Kei shook her head violently. "No!" She yelled.

Despite her fears, the young girl ran a few steps and positioned herself between the two boys. "I-I won't stand for this!" She stuttered, though she sounded odly confident. She wanted to avoid a fight between the two, she was't worth starting such violence between two teamates. She wxtended her arms between the two to create space. The look on her face - though still gentle - was serious. She looked from one boy to the other, silently asking if either of the boys was going to still go above her will and fight. Could it really be that hard to get along? After all, they were all Genin and practically the same age. They had to have something in common! Or at least, so Kei thought.

17Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:11 am



Sero would sigh and shake his head. Takeo at times seemed intolerable and to others his logic seemed flawed. But he seemed to believe in his own logic at least. Still Those Grey eyes watch Takeo a moment longer. Sero was taller and had a longer reach but...

Then Kei stood between them and seemed very adamant about not fighting and that alone meant it was all just to much trouble to Sero. Who would run a hand through his own hair his eyes returning to a bored look before he would smile and wave a hand lazily. before he would turn and head over to a rock to lay down on his back and cross an arm over his eyes.

"Fine fine. You two talk if you like. I will be over here."

Now he just plain sounded lazy. Not pouty but just the useless kind of lazy. the transition was impressive to some extent. He didn't really want to fight Takeo any way.

18Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:16 pm



A small, but yet delicate hand reached out onto the middle of Takeo's torso, sending a chill down his spine that seemed to send off a perv vibe thinking inside of his head. Takeo ceased his defensive position when the woman yelled towards the two. He'd place his hands back down to his sides, and his back foot would slide up forward as he would straighten his back in the process. His determined eyes remained locked on Sero, knowing that he couldn't trust him with the previous attempt of him nearly assaulting him. Takeo had wanted some more action within the village which he had hoped for a opportunity similar to this to come, but he had a fetish for woman more than his love for combat.

"Go ahead. Even though your on my team, I will never trust you after what happened on this day." said Takeo, observing as the Gray haired boy traveled towards the Rock implanted near the shore. Gothic, Mysterious, and could never be trusted would always be the words the Hozuki boy thought of Sero. Sero's creepy appearance with his shyness would always provoke Takeo to think that something was happening in the boy's life. Maybe a Family member's death? or He was just left alone with no parents to spectate his growing as a shinobi? Takeo was some what the same, but he would express the horrified moments of his background in a different way than most shinobi.

Takeo kept the smirk on his face, noticing that it was only him and Kei on the beach. Small red circles would appear on his face as he blushed at her. He'd connect his eyes with her's, admiring her in every way. The boy would attempt to move in a tad bit closer to Kei, hoping that she would enable him to make contact with her. As Takeo took his last step to her, he flipped another bang from out of his view in a attempt to show off for the woman. It could be easily spotted by anyone that he wanted the attention of Kei.

19Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:31 pm



Kei looked from Sero to Takeo back and forth several times. SHe hadn't meanto to caus a fight between the two of them, really. She just wanted to get along with both boys, wass that so difficult? A look of worry formed on her face. She began to feel nervous - even more so than before. She once again considered changing personalities, but once again decided against it. Her other half would probably just make things worse. After all, she would probably begin to flirt and tease both of the boys. And knowing her Yin half, Kei assumed that she would probably take advantage of the two and end up picking their pockets or something along those lines. She disliked how selfish and aggressive she became when her other side was active. In any case, she woulld have to solve this on her own. She hadn't noticed until now that Sero had left their small group. When the young Genin did, she turned to look at Takeo.

She felt uncomfortable under his gaze, as if he were inspecting her. On instinct, she rapidly moved her hand to her face so that she could cover the white koi fish that was tattooed on her face, the one that designated her as a member of the Niidashi Clan. That same mark had made her the victim of abuse during her entire life, since it designated that the gentler personality was in control. She hid it from Takeo, expecting him to start insulting her again. However, he didn't seem like he was going to. The look on his face was different. Kei could tell that he was blushing now. His gaze was still fixed on her, which made Kei feel self-concious. Little by little, that feeling would fade and she would grow to be more comfortable. That was the way it always was when Kei met new people. However, for now, she couls still act shy.

Maybe she could have warmed up to Takeo. Maybe she could have let go of her nervousness and relax under his gaze. Maybe she could have even eventually began to call him her friend. However, Kei when he stepped close to her, Kei remembered that she had already come to a conclusion about Takeo: He wasn't nice. He was unfriendly and didn't take his teamate under consideration. Which reminded her of the fact that Sero had left in hopes of avoiding Takeo. "Look at what you did now! Sero's gone away because of you!" She yelled. They way she did so made her sound as if she were a small child having a tantrum. "And now he probably doesn't want to be my friend anymore! And Sero's actually nice! You're the one who shouldn't be trusted!" The young girl clenched her fists as she yelled at Takeo. Once she was done, she turned around to look at Sero, wondering whether or not it would be ok for her to go and talk to him.

20Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:57 am



Sero would sit up and watch a moment with his grey eyes. Takeo had pronounced a lack of trust over standing up to him. How naive he was to give Sero the advantage of that knowledge. none the less he sighs and rests back on one elbow to watch. Geez the guy seemed confident enough in his looks with the way he swayed them about. Still confidence and all Sero supposed.

Still her reaction came as a bit of a surprise and Sero couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter before catching himself. Takeo getting told after putting in that much effort was priceless. Sero runs a hand down his face now content with just an amused smile. He was perfectly fine with still being her friend. nothing truly bad had happened after all. He smiles to her encouragingly and seems to relax for the time being.

21Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:50 pm



Takeo continued his pleasant, and comfortable gaze at Kei for several minutes as Kei placed her hand over the Niidashi Clan symbol. It was wonderful to notice that the woman had calmed down her random outbreaks at him, but he was still aware that he didn't know when she would start another one because most of his introduction to her today was about him being accused of bullying Sero. Something in his opinion he had never done; He was born with a loud, rude, and annoying mouth which Sero tended to insult him for it. It was also the reason Takeo would be rejected to most of the woman around the village, who had never met him before. For Example, the chick standing in front of him today.

The peaceful moment Takeo had with the woman would come to a end as she threw another tantrum, bursting her words out at him similar to the way a child would do. Takeo would turn his acquisitive smirk into a dispassionate glance on his face. The boy would move several steps back from the woman, raising his hands up to chest level, and thrusting his palms towards the woman to signal for Kei to keep her distance away from him. He didn't want to obtain any sort of headache from some random woman at the shore he had never met before. Takeo already had enough problems within the village.

When she had finished her rage, he'd swallow his spit, and place his hands back down to his sides. "Why do you take up for this boy so much? Mind staying out of my business. Plus I don't understand if you get medical care for those randomly rages or your just doing them to prove some thing! Want to be your friend? Why would any one want to be your friend with the way you yell at people? " said Hozuki Takeo as the pitch of his voice would raise higher from becoming annoyed with the woman. His lips would reach closer towards Kei's ears, screaming into them to make "sure" she didn't ignore his words.

22Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:41 pm



If Kei had to pick a word to describe how she felt right now, "vulnerable" would withuot a doubt be it. After her outburst was over, she braced herself. She covered her face with her arms, forming a sort of barrier between her and Takeo. She looked to the side and clenched her eyes tightly. She waited for a few seconds and nothing happened. It was at this point that Takeo was taking a few steps back. Thinking that she would be safe now, Kei lowered her arms. She stood there, with an empty look on her face. Her expression was unreadable. She saw Takeo approaching her again, but did nothing. She supposed she already knew what was coming. She looked down, towards the ground. Her eyes watered slightly. When He began to scream at her in her ear, Kei remained still. She closed her eyes and kept herself facing the ground. Her arms hung loosely by her sides. She looked defeated.

As Takeo spoke, Kei moved her hands towards each other. She formed a sign - the one that would put her other half in control - but gave up on it. Changing personalities would probably mean that Takeo would end up getting hurt. She didn't want that, despite everything. Once he was done. Kei looked up at him. She blinked away the tears in her eyes as quickly as she could and smiled at him. Her smile was soft and gentle, like it was silently saying how much Kei pittied Takeo for th way he acted. Nevertheless, there was something reassuring about it. "I'm sorry. You're probably right," She said simply. Before she could say anything else, a bird approached their group.

A small role of paper - a letter, probably - was tied to one of its legs. Kei extended her right arm, so that the bird could land on it. Once it did, she untied the role of paper from its leg. After she did so, the small bird flew away. She looked at the piece of paper. It looked quite ordinary, really, except for the fact that it had Kirigakure's seal printed onto it. Kei looked at it with curiosity before opening it. "It's a letter from the Mizukage's office..." She announced. She opened it and read through it quickly. The message was short and direct. The Mizukage had decided to change her team and Sero's as well. Meaning that Kei was now a member of Team 2 and a teamate of Takeo. She let the letter drop to her feet. To be honest, she didn't know what to do.

23Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:08 pm



Sero would rise from his position. his tall gray frame seeming to blend in and out of the mist as if it where a part of him. His cold grey eyes seemed flat and emotionless as they steadied on Takeo. before his slow walk would carry him closer to them. the bird would arrive and leave before he would be close to them. his Hand would move into his pockets and stay there as he would observe Takeo a moment. before speaking quietly and calmly.

" The human tongue is the most flexible muscle we have. Able to be stretched out painfully to an incredible length. The human windpipe, with any sudden amount of force applied can be crushed leading to a slow suffocation. The adams apple. A part of the male Anatomy that when twisted the muscles can rip and are most likely not to heal correctly and forever leave the victim in too much pain to speak."

All of this was stated as a simple list of facts. and Sero would never move. Just watching Takeo with those creepy colorless eyes. His voice seemed more sinister though and when he was done speaking a kind of twisted smile was on his face.

"On an Unrelated note. I would greatly appreciate it if you maintained a level of courtesy and dignity here. before you shame your village and your clan. because if you Persist. I will be forced to humiliate you. To Tarnish your name so horribly. that the very mention of you dries the throat and sickens the stomach. Do you understand child?"

Sero would then turn away showing the question to be rhetorical. He had no time or patience for the boy today. Instead he would lean down and pick up the piece of paper. before letting out a sigh and turning to Kei. He would smile and pat her head.his voice far more gentle now.

"come on then. Let me walk you home Kei. enjoy the moments of freedom while we can."

24Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:22 pm



The boy lowered the heels of his feet back onto the ground, ceasing from standing on his tip toes. Takeo stepped back a few feet away from the woman once more, removing his lips from her ears. He'd blink and widen his eyes at Kei in amazement at the way she had responded towards him. The woman seemed to seduce her emotions and actions this time. It was mind blowing to observe her change so fast as if she had mood swings, but attempting to create a relationship with her was something he could ever do again. In Takeo's eyes, this woman wasn't fit to be socializing with other shinobi around the village. No one could possibly know who she would hurt from her rages that happened often.

Takeo turned towards the silent, but yet creepy shinobi Sero. He'd lock his eyes onto Sero in a confused way, staring him down. One of his thin black eyebrows would raise as Sero spoke in a sinister type of tone with a twisted smile engraved on his face. Takeo took this as a sign of cockiness, and smirked at Sero while gritting his dagger-like teeth similar to a basking shark's mouth. His hands and feet would form back into a defensive position once more, becoming hostile of the shinobi. Sero was becoming more strange than he had ever been; It seemed as though he was looking to threaten Takeo because he believed that he was shaming his village and clan.

"Understand? What are you trying to prove eh? I've had enough of you tarnishing my name already, and ruining my mojo! I don't respect any of these authorities, and trying to control me with threats is something I don't like."

As Kei had extended her hand to grab the bird that came to her, another black bird soared towards Takeo, approaching him. A small role of paper - a letter was tied to one of its legs. The bird would land onto Takeo's left shoulder, slightly stabbing it's claws into his moist skin. Takeo released his defensive stance, and dropped his arms to hang loosely by his side. He'd turn his head towards the left to notice the bird, and then reach his right hand towards the birds leg to untie the role of paper. After he did so, the small bird flew away. Takeo didn't take time to read the title of note, he'd rip the envelope in to half, and grab the note from within to read it.

Could this be true? Takeo would have to work with two new team mates. One seemed to be Mizuki Hozuki of the same clan as him, and the other was someone he hadn't expect to join his team. Kei. He had calmed her rage down once, but dealing with her almost every day with his sensei would be stressful. Takeo released his grasp of the letter, allowing it to drop into the sand below him. He'd look up towards Kei, and shrug at her. "Guess we're on the same squad."

25Interrupted [Open] Empty Re: Interrupted [Open] Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:44 pm



At this point, Kei didn't really knwo what to do. it looked as if Sero and Takeo were about to fight. She doubted that this time she could come between them again. Kknow she could see why the Mizukage had switched her into Takeo's squad in place of Sero. However, at the pace this was going, it might have the same outcome. She was sure that Takeo didn't trust her and trust was an essential aspect of teamwork. Being the way she was, Kei blamed herself for it. SHe wondered if she could have maybe done something different, something to get Takeo to actually like her. But then again, doing something like that would have probably caused Sero to hate her instead, which seemed like a dreadful idea in Kei's mind. Despite having met him only a few moments ago, he was probably the only person besides her mother who treated Kei kindly.

The young girl was pulled out of her own thoughts by Sero himself. She jumped slightly when she felt his hand on her head. She felt a tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach and a small blush crept across her face. When he offered to walk her home, Kei turned away to hide her intensifying blush. To make matters worse, her heart was hammering inside her chest. Kei was nervous and shy, she knew that much, but she couldn't quite explain why she was feeling that way. At that moment, Takeo also recieved a letter from the Mizukage. Kei assumed it was the same one she had gotten. After he commented that they were both on the same squad now, Kei nodded. "Yes, we are," She said simply, dodging the other boy's gaze. "I-I know I haven't made the best impression," She began, her voice only slightly louder than a whisper. "But I'd like to get along with you. We'll be teamates from now on. We'll have to rely on each other, after all," She explained. Having finished her short words to Takeo, Kei turned towards Sero. The young girl hesitated slightly before speaking. "Will you take me home now, Sero?" She asked, looking the boy in the eye. Surprisingly, she managed not to stutter.

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