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1Buuredo Wip Empty Buuredo Wip Sun May 18, 2014 1:09 am



Symbol: [img][/img]

Clan: Buuredo

Kekkei Genkai: The Hanomegan

Elements: Any

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Sunagakure

Clan History: (What is your clan's history?)

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Hanomegan is the signature Dojutsu of the members of this clan, and has four differant variations, each one being able to use differant levels of the Kekkei Genkai jutsu.
In general the eye technique of this clan firstly, allows the members to have a greater level of reaction time, but secondly allow the user to create spear of blade like attacks from there eyes, due to their Dojutsu allowing them to control the Air pressure where they look with their chakra.

First Rank
Buuredo Wip One_to10

Must be Genin
2000 word count thread in which the user had instigated something violent.
500 ryo cost

What it Does is gives the member +1 to reaction time, as well the user is able to see the wind around them as a green gas.
This eye cost 5 chakra per post.
Second Stage
Buuredo Wip Two_to10
Chuunin Rank
3000 wc thread that involves the member Instigating a Violent incounter.
1000 ryo
Slightly Different from the first, it firstly gives the user +1 to reaction time, but it also now allows the user to see all of the air movement within 30m of themselves, being able to see anyone within the radi due to the air needing to move around them.
The user is now able to use a weaken form of the Dojutsu offensive jutsu, being able to use C ranked jutsu that involve controling the air with their eyes.
Third Form
Drawbacks: (What is your clan bad at?)

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: ( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)

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