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Binsu could be seen standing along the shores of Kirigakure, looking out into the sea where many ships and boats came in transporting many goods from places around the world. The man himself was awaiting the arrival of a small ship, which had on it his package from Kumogakure bearing all his belongings. He had only brought with him to Kirigakure, his ANBU attire, his weapons, his personal armour and a few other ninja tools such as rope and smoke bombs. His companion, Hades the bear, had also came with him to Kirigakure, but for this day had decided to stay at home whilst Binsu went to collect the rest of his belongings from the ship that was transporting them.

If one was to approach the man, they'd see him wearing a worn-down plated Armour, with ripped pieces of cloth holding the metal parts together and some worn just for cosmetic purposes. They'd see one large sword sheathed on his back, and should they see the front of the man, only a mask the shape of a wolf's head, was worn over his face. To those that didn't know him, Binsu appeared to be an ancient soldier who had just survived a long battle. His body build was muscular, but lacking much fat. He wasn't as short as the average man of his age, but he wasn't significantly taller either. His posture suggested he was an aggressive man; both hands clenched into fists and each hanging down by the side of either leg. Binsu would hold this position, starring out towards the sea in front of him, until the ship he was anticipating had arrived.

Last edited by Binsu on Tue May 06, 2014 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changing title)

Igarashi Risa

Igarashi Risa

It was an unusually sunny morning in the mizu no kuni. Risa had gotten up and gotten dressed, are breakfast and went out. She decided, she would go to the shoreline for a nice stroll. She was quite surprised by the rare lack of rain but it was certainly refreshing. She stretched out her arms up to the clear sky and let out a sigh of relief. The shoreline was where ships from all over the world came bringing goods of all kinds from the different nations. Even shinobi and regular folk who traveled to the kirigakure would have their belongings shipped in from their respective village on a ship to the the mizu no kuni's shoreline. As she continued to walk along the the shoreline, she watched the ships coming in and out of the port. She gave a soft smile at the light glow of the sun. As Risa approached the left end of the port, she saw someone standing on the docks. It appeared to be a man. He was dressed like some ancient soldier who had just been part of a huge war. She couldn't really see his face due to it being hidden from the side by a helmet. She wondered if he was waiting for someone or something and it sparked Risa's interest so she decided to approach him. As she drew closer to the man, a large ship happened to come into view. And without thinking, she called out to him.




Alas, Binsu could see a ship ahead of his sight, slowly making its way towards the shores of Kirigakure. Not many people had come to the shores that day, yet the ship seemed as though it contained more than just one man's packages. As it made its way towards the docks, Binsu could feel the waves that had been created by the ship's movements in the ocean crash against the wooden docks, but the man could also feel foot steps coming from behind him. Binsu thought about turning around to see who it was, but decided he'd ignore them. A few more seconds later, Binsu heard a soft voice call out towards him. He couldn't mistake the person it was aimed at, as he was the only other person there at the docks. Turning his head slowly to look behind him, Binsu would eventually see the figure of a young girl, who looked no older than 17, but the man knew better than to automatically judge age by looks alone. "Salutations, what may i ask, brings you here? Anticipating a package, travelling?" Binsu would ask the girl as she came into close proximity to him. It was unusual for him to see a young girl approach an older, hostile stranger as he, but this only motivated him to find out the reason why the girl had made such a gutsy act.

- Discontinued, Exit Thread -

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