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1Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Empty Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:32 pm



Anko's Stats Thread
Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Tumblr_m74jqeDsae1rx16q0o2_r3_500

Current Stat Ranking:

•Strength (STR): E2
Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Sakura-punch-o
Strength governs how strong your character is physically, how much weight they can lift, how much force is behind their punches and how hard they can swing a weapon. In general, strength makes you do more damage when you attack people with basic Taijutsu strikes, the higher your strength stat, the harder your hits. As your strength stat increases, your damage with basic strikes does as well. Some armour or weapons may have a minimum strength requirement to use.

•Speed (SPD): E1
Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Tumblr_mlcm18Avcu1s9fgq2o1_250
As the name suggests, Speed is how fast you are. Speed is the measure of how fast you can run from place to place. You speed increases your ability to dodge attacks, the faster you move, the harder you are to hit. Speed is also a factor in determining whether or not your opponents can react to you. For a highly mobile character, speed is the most important stat.

•Reaction time (REA): E1
Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Tumblr_m5azrtlv5j1rq0vfco1_400
Unlike speed, which allows you to move faster, Reaction Time represents how quickly you can react and respond to external stimuli. Reaction time affects your character's reflexes and their ability to move their body point-to-point in order to react to movements or attacks. Reaction time is essential for characters who want to stay one step ahead in combat.

•Perception (PER): E
Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} 128_palms
Perception is the stat that affects how well your senses work. Reaction time quickens your reflexes while Perception enhances how well you can sense things happening around you. Perception allows you to more easily see quick opponents, help see through Genjutsu and detect hidden or sneaky opponents. It also affects how well you can smell or hear things. Be warned, high perception can make it easier to break Genjutsu, but with sharpened senses the triggers will be easier to land onto you. Perception also aids in fighting multiple opponents at once, by being able to detect people through more than one sense. Some Kyujutsu weapons may have minimum perception requirements to use.

•Endurance (END): D
Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} 276096_o
Dodging other peoples attacks through speed or reaction time is not the only way to avoid damage. The Endurance stat decreases the amount of damage you take from basic strikes of other ninja. While having a high endurance does not do much to mitigate the damage from jutsu, someone with a large amount of it can withstand long periods of physical damage because they have honed their bodies to withstand it.

Last edited by Anko on Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Empty Re: Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:32 pm



Looking to improve stats ---> Click Here<--- Stats to be improved are at the bottom of the thread.

3Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Empty Re: Hattori, Anko {Stats Training} Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:00 pm



This is approved~

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