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1Pokemon Rift RP Empty Pokemon Rift RP Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:19 pm

Chaotic Rumble

Pokemon Rift RP PokemonBanner

Are you tired of going to a typical Pokemon roleplay? Don't you want to just want to sometimes do something exciting and fun? Well, at Pokemon Rift, you can! Pokemon Rift is a mature Pokemon RP that you use the magical creatures dubbed "Pokemon" to fly, swim, battle, and even help you capture other Pokemon! Our region is the Noxis Region; non-canon and unknown, which is why it'll be so much fun to explore! Be careful, though... Whilst most of the population may be good citizens, there are also those who are bad. Be weary of thieves and brutes; those who may potentially cause problems to you and steal your Pokemon! In order to protect your own Pokemon, everyone has an occupation; Trainer, Pokemon Breeders, Pokemon Rangers, Cops, Researchers, Thieves, Brutes, and Psychics! Each occupation has its own special skills and rules that make each occupation unique! We're a growing site and not everything is written in stone, but the small community we have are very friendly! We very much hope and anticipate every arrival! Get ready for the best Pokemon adventure ever!

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