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Daraku had come to this moment. It was around 2:40 AM, clearly later than he had intended to stay awake, but there he was, sitting in his room. The window across from him gave him a pristine view of the night sky and the courtyard below, as he was used to. The rest of the Ishido stronghold was fast asleep by now, and the entire building was silent except for his own quiet breathing. The light in his room was off; he liked the dark, and the moonlight was enough of an illumination for him anyhow. Why was he awake? His mind was scattered, his body tense. He couldn't think straight, and as tired as he was, he didn't want to go to bed. The thoughts would only follow him there, manifest in his dreams, and leave him worse off. No, he didn't have any choice but to stay awake. So he continued breathing, tapping his foot in a steady rhythm on the wooden floor underneath him. He coughed a few times to clear his throat. This was anxiety, something he had never experienced before--well, something he'd never experienced until the day he killed his father. Since that day, it was all that plagued him. He found himself less confident, unsteady, crying to himself when no one was around. It was all he could do but compose himself and try not to have a panic attack. Why was this happening to him? He was never one to show emotion or affection, but he couldn't deny that he loved his father despite all the shit that the man had put him through. This was a result of guilt, a much more painful emotion than hatred or spite. Guilt ate away at him, made him wonder what really was going on. Did I make the right choice? Did he have to die? Am I a bad person for killing him? Why does everyone I love end up dead? He had no family left, and that hurt him more than he would ever admit.

Tears were streaming down Daraku's face now, each one reaching the lowest point of his rigid chin and falling to the table next to a scroll. His breathing rate was getting faster. He was almost choking with each breath. He finally stood from the desk and moved over to the wall. He leaned against it, his face on the hard surface, tears still streaming relentlessly. He pounded on the wall with his fist, over and over, until his hand bled, before collapsing to the ground in a heap. He could feel his heart pounding through his chest, the voices in his head. All those people telling him what he really was, since he was a kid.  "You're a monster, a ruthless, murderous monster." "You're a damn Ishido. You'll never be anything more than a weapon." "Those Ishido men have bred another assassin bastard in their ranks." "They're all the same. They're barely even human." The voices shifted, changing from the voices of those judging him to those who he had failed. His mother was first. " let me die. You let him kill me and you didn't even care!" Then his grandmother. "Tsurugi changed you, since the moment you were born. There was no hope for you, and there never will be. Killing me only reinforced that." and last but not least, his father. "Daraku...I gave you everything, taught you to be the perfect weapon. You never could do anything else right, your only true talent was killing...and you betray me like this?...I...I was the last one who loved you in this world. Who do you have now...?! Ha..hahahah! YOU'LL DIE ALONE, A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" At this point, the voices were screaming all at once and Daraku felt like he had a migraine. He squirmed to escape, tear himself out of his own skin. Blood trickled from the wound on his fast. His mouth curled in terror. "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. His throat resisted, but he didn't stop screaming. He repeated it again and again until his voice was hoarse and he was trembling and weak.

The door burst open within seconds, and everything went silent again. The voices faded and he was forced back into reality as a familiar voice addressed him. "What the hell is going on?" Daraku's eyes moved until they met the figure in the doorway. It was Kiyoshi, and he looked very concerned. "I'm fine. I just was having a...uhm, a nightmare. Don't..." he tried to get to his feet, using his fist to push himself off the ground, but he staggered back and fell to the floor again. His hand was still bleeding, as there was a deep cut across the knuckle. "You don't look fine. And if you were having a nightmare, why is your bed completely made? You weren't in it, obviously. Tell me what's really going on." Daraku didn't respond. He shifted so that his back was to the wall and he leaned against it, examining his hand. He lifted his other hand and activated Kihon Kaishū-Hō to begin healing the cut. His trembling was starting to lessen. "I can't explain to you what the problem is. But I can honestly tell you that it's something I need to work out by myself. I appreciate that you came, but I'm starting to calm down. It's late, just go back to sleep." Kiyoshi examined him for a long time. Finally, he opened his mouth. "Fine. But if I hear you screaming again, I'm not going to leave you alone.  You're important to this clan, to this village. You need to take care of yourself." Daraku only nodded, still staring at the cut. It was closed now, as his medical ninjutsu had nearly healed it entirely.

Kiyoshi left the room, closing the door behind him, and Daraku got to his feet. He moved over to the bed, and laid down without a word. His mind was far from steady, but he wasn't having a panic attack anymore, so he figured now would be the time to try and get some sleep. His head hit the pillow and his eyes met the ceiling. The quiet was peaceful, but one more whisper passed through his mind, Tsurugi's voice returning to him. He despised his father's voice at this point. It only gave him fear and pain, but it was the voice that he heard in his head the most. This time, it was different, though. It was Tsurugi's last wish: the last wish that he had given Daraku that gave Daraku a new purpose. "...That doesn't mean that my legacy, my hopes and my dreams all have to die with me. Promise me, Daraku, if I die here, once this battle is over...become a moth sage. Be the true leader of our people." The rest of the battle played out in Daraku's mind, from Tsurugi's raiton weapon to the lingering pain from his summon's jutsu on Daraku to the senbon hidden in the Phoenix Flower Jutsu. The blood from Tsurugi's wounds painting the sand a dark red. The last words Tsurugi choked out. "All I ask in my final moments is that you fulfill my dying wish, and I will be an eternally grateful man in whatever afterlife takes me..."

Daraku had forgotten these words. Tsurugi wasn't disappointed in him for doing what he did to make the clan prosper. All he asked was that Daraku be the man the he never could, and fulfill the legacy of a true Sennin. There was always hope. Tsurugi may have been a corrupt man, but Daraku still loved him. Daraku was just as corrupt, having been trained as an assassin by the man and conditioned to lust after bloodshed. Yet Daraku had killed his father in an act of questionably selfless love for his clan...and was left with the overbearing guilt of murdering a loved one. This was his way to redeem himself; if he could accomplish his father's dying wish and become a moth sage, he would have peace. It was his best shot at getting rid of the anxiety and the voices in his head, at the very least. He got out of bed once more, opening his door quietly and taking one of his swords in hand. He moved down the hall to where Tsurugi's chambers were. They had long since been abandoned; Daraku hadn't set foot in there since the day Tsurugi had died, and he had locked it up so none of the other clansmen could enter. He didn't bother to look for the key, and cut the chains with his sword in one swipe. The massive lock fell to the ground as the chain links broke. He pushed the door open with his opposite hand as he put the sword around his back using its sash.

The air was dry and dusty, having been left for months without entrance. Daraku shut the door behind him, careful not to make much noise. Each step further into the chambers he got, the more uncomfortable he felt. A cool breeze passed from the slightly open window nearby; Daraku shut it tight as he continued looking. He had come into the chambers for one sole purpose, and that was to find the scroll he needed. He spotted a small portion of the wall that was lined with various scrolls, but one stuck out to him the most. It was a pitch black scroll with white trim. He reached for it and opened it up gingerly, viewing its contents in full. There was a massive seal within, written in silver ink that stood out against the black paper. The kanji within the seal read "蛾" (Ga ~ Moth). He felt power radiating from the paper between his fingers as he looked at the seal, examining all the intricate designs surrounding the kanji. Finally, he closed the scroll and took it with him as he left the chambers, not bothering to lock the doors again. There was no reason to; no one in the clan would bother going in there. They were all under the notion that the area was haunted by Tsurugi's ghost or something.

Daraku got back to his room with scroll in hand and removed his sword, leaving it next to the door. He closed the door behind him and laid the scroll out on the desk. He didn't know any sort of Kuchiyose that could help him summon the moths, but he didn't fret. One thing he did know about the summoning jutsu was that it required a blood contract, and that was soemthing he certainly had. He examined his now-healed hand, which still had traces of blood near the knuckle. He stamped the blood in the center of the scroll and waited for a response. After a few minutes without anything, he made his way back to his bed. It was near 4:00 AM, and he needed sleep. He resolved to finish the job in the morning, and let himself fall asleep.


Weightless. Daraku was no longer bound by gravity. He could tell from the get-go that this had to be a dream, but it felt real. He around and saw nothing more than darkness. This place was devoid of light, yet he could see clearly. Rather, see himself clearly. His figure was illuminated but around him was black, darker than a midnight sky without stars. He heard a voice calling to him. "Tsurugi's son. It's good to finally meet you. I'm not the first of us to see you, others have seen you in battle against Tsurugi when you killed him. From what they tell me, you're a man to be respected for your combat prowess. But personally, I'm not one to commend humans...all humans tend to be the same. Sad beings that seek purpose in their irrelevant lives. They spend their whole life trying to be something and end up wasting the life they had, and on their deathbed, they are left with regrets and guilt. I'm not saying I'm superior to humans, but...well, I am." Daraku couldn't see the thing speaking, but the voice was close. He could hear every word as if they were right next to each other. "You basically just described me. I'm a guilty guy and all I do is seek purpose. Ishido, Daraku. It's a pleasure." He took a step forward, but felt a chill go down his spine that stopped him from proceeding farther. Whatever was talking to him...was right behind him. "What a shame. But trust me, I'm here to help you. You did call for us, after all." A drop of sweat fell from Daraku's brow. He knew what this was now.

"Show yourself. It's common courtesy to be face to face when you're speaking with someone." he said, almost mockingly. He was careful with his tone, though, in case the moth decided to be a little less welcoming. "Very well." The darkness began to shift, shades of gray intertwining with the black. The sound of flapping wings was abundant, growing louder and louder with every passing second. Daraku closed his eyes and covered his face with his arm as he felt thousands of moths swarming around him and flying in all directions. Finally, the dark faded and the smaller moths were gone, and all that was left in front of him was a massive moth, at least ten times his size. Its wings were spread and its eyes were made of thousands of smaller, black eyes with a silver tint to them. Its appearance was somewhat horrifying, but also magnificent. Daraku could see now that he was standing in soft dirt, but he still felt weightless. The sky around him was darker than usual but still visible, and the moon shown overhead. Behind the moth was a decrepit, crumbling wall covered in long-abandoned cocoons and kanji that read "夕闇蛾仙人" across it. The moth continued speaking, although its mouth didn't move as it talked. "I am Shōta, but the few humans that know me refer to me as Yūyamiga Sennin, or the Dusk Moth Sage." Daraku kept a solemn expression. "Now that introductions are over, I have one request; teach me the ways of a Sage. I wish to learn Senjutsu."

The moth's antennae twitched upon hearing those words. "Oh, I see. You kill your father and then expect us to help you learn Senjutsu? You're a depraved and selfish man, Daraku. What makes you think that we'll help you when you killed one of our allies?" Daraku clenched his fist. He wouldn't be denied, not now. "Tsurugi was my father, and as hard as it was, I needed to kill him. It was the only way to save our clan; he wasn't mentally healthy. Now, neither am I, and I may not be the most moral person around, but at least I am steering my people in the right direction. It was my father's dying wish that I learn Senjutsu and accomplish what he couldn't. If you're not willing to fulfill that wish and train me to be a sage, then how can you consider yourself his ally? He would scorn you for it." The moth's compound eyes seemed focused on Daraku and its antennae stopped for a moment. "Really now? This is interesting. The least I can say is that you've got passion, for a pathetic human. Tsurugi had that same passion; you're both weak men looking for purpose like the rest of the human race, but passion shows that you are capable of being something more. It's a sign of potential." A moth landed on Daraku, seemingly out of no-where. It was small and white, and its eyes stared intently into his. "Go, take Jun with you. She will greet you in the morning and take you where you need to go so that I may summon you." Daraku nodded. "Thank you for giving me a chance." he said, gratefully. The moth named Jun crawled up his face, speaking as she went. "Welcome to the group, Daraku. Hopefully you'll be as good as Tsurugi was; if you honestly think you can master Senjutsu, I'm sure you'll be even better." Before Daraku could say anything in reply, she scurried into his mouth, crawling down his throat. He choked and began coughing to get her out but it was too late and she was inside of him. He looked back to Shōta. "Ugh, was that necessary?" Shōta merely nodded before spreading its wings further and taking off. He flew towards the moon, fading from view as he went. "You'll be waking up any moment now, Daraku. You'll know what to do when you do."


Daraku woke up coughing violently. He clawed at his throat, gasping for air between coughs, until finally a moth escaped from his mouth. It fell to his bed, flopped a bit, and fluttered into the air. Now in front of him, he recognized it as the moth from his dream, Jun. She landed for a moment, and her voice sounded of sweet chimes and squeaks. "C'mon, Daraku-san. We've got no time to waste. Shōta wants you at Kokugatsu Island as soon as possible, but he can't summon you there until we go to a specific place that I'm supposed to take you to." Daraku blinked a few times in disbelief, surprised that all of this was even happening. "Alright, give me a moment to shower and get dressed and equip all my weapons, and then we'll go. I'll be quick, I promise." He got out of bed, careful not to squish the little white moth, and made his way to the shower.





When he left the shower and got dressed, Daraku came back into his room and looked through his swords. He heard the moth's soft voice behind him. "Only bring one weapon; your training is going to be Sage training and so you won't be needing more than one sword. And wear something more lightweight than that, you don't wanna be training in those heavy looking robes. Daraku looked back at her for a moment, then looked to his robes. He really liked wearing them but he would only bring them if he really needed to. "This place, Kokugatsu it going to be cold there?" Jun fluttered from Daraku's bed to his desk, settling near the summoning scroll. The blood on the seal had dried completely. "Extremely. But that's no excuse for you to bundle up. You need to learn to endure the cold. Just bring a shirt, pants, sandals, maybe a cloak if you need to. You can bring your headband, that's fine." Daraku nodded, removing his robes and replacing them with a plain white t-shirt. He strapped on his sandals and tied his hitai-ate to his arm, emblazoned with the Sunagakure symbol. He took the cloak from his closet, as well; it was rather thin but it would at least shield his shoulders and face from the cold. After wrapping that around his neck, he turned back to Jun. "I'm ready whenever you are." The moth flapped her wings and flitted to the window, landing on the glass. "Open this. We'll go out through here." Daraku obeyed her command and opened the window fully, letting her out and then following her out onto the roof. He closed the window behind him and began sprinting across the red-hued roof tiles. For such a small moth, Jun was flying faster than Daraku could run. He maintained his sprint behind her, just enough to stay at her pace, as he leaped from the roof and down onto the sand below. The wind blew fiercely and the sunlight above was harsh, but Daraku kept his eyes steady on Jun. They were at the village gate within minutes. The guardsmen didn't look twice when they saw Daraku pass; they knew he was of Sannin status so it was no problem that he was leaving the borders of the village, so long as he wasn't leaving Kaze no Kuni.

Jun made a right turn and flew towards a long expanse of sand. Daraku followed her, unsure of where this designated summoning spot was anyhow. He wondered if any other had tried to walk the path of a moth sage, aside from his father and himself. He called out to the small creature ahead. "Jun, I have a question! Have there ever been any other moth sages? Or, attempted ones?" Jun didn't slow down and merely answered her question while flying at rapid pace. "Well, plenty of attempted ones, yes. But none have ever succeeded. Truthfully, you and your father have been the only ones to earn Shōta's respect. I don't really get what he sees in you two, but it's certainly something. The few humans that have managed to get as far as trying making a summoning contract with us or learn Senjutsu, which I remember there being about 4 of them, are all dead now." Daraku's face curled into an expression of curiosity. "Why are they all dead?" Jun only replied with joyful laughter, as if that question was silly. "Like I said, Shōta didn't like them; he ate all four of them, one by one, whenever they got on his nerves. So, a word of advice. Even though Shōta may like you, I recommend you stay on his good side as often as possible to avoid a gruesome death in the stomach of the Dusk Moth Sage." she said, in a squeak. Daraku didn't feel like asking anymore questions after learning that. He stayed silent as they finally reached their destination.

It was the Reservoir, a place Daraku had been to a small number of times during his life. Naturally, it was a source of water, but it was often blocked off from the public to prevent people from stealing a ton of water during droughts. Rather unimpressive in appearance, Daraku stared down at the closed reservoir and wondered what its significance was in relation to the summoning. "So this is it? What now?" Jun flitted to Daraku's shoulder, landing on it and scurrying around a bit. Daraku was never one to mind insects, and he had almost grown fond to little Jun. They were alike and Daraku hardly ever met anyone or anything that shared his sarcastic sense of humor, so he appreciated her. Within moments, he felt a tremor. "What now, you ask? Shōta summons you, of course!" A light shown beneath the sand, illuminating a hidden seal directly under Daraku's feet. "The seal is in place; our contract is already set in your blood. We'll be on Kokugatsu Island any moment now!" the moth said excitedly. Surely enough, Daraku felt his body sink as everything went dark for a moment, and suddenly he was shrouded in thin, white smoke. When the smoke cleared, he was standing in an unfamiliar, powdery silver sand. Waves of black water were crashing nearby, leaving behind foam in their wake. The colors here were faded and dreary, as if the island itself was drained of life. The beach was a grayish color, with the skeletons of smaller animals and fish scattered about. The trees within view were tropical, but their leaves were dying and the bark was blackened, as if it had been burned. The sky was dark, with a few clouds and stars around. What stood out the most was the moon; it was pitch black, devoid of all color and light. Darker than the sky around it, even. It looked as if there was a rip in space and the moon was now a black hole, consuming all around it. Daraku stared at it for a while before looking ahead to a stone path leading into the rainforest. Jun left her perch on his shoulder and flapped away toward the area. "C'mon, Shōta is already waiting." Daraku shuffled through the sand until he reached the path, and followed Jun slowly. He was distracted by the beautiful scenery around him. There was no sound other than the crashing of waves. There was no coastal breeze, but it was colder than ice out that left Daraku's skin was covered in a sea of goosebumps and deathly pale. Moths could be seen flying between trees and scurrying along the edges of the beach, near the skeletons. A couple landed on Daraku now and then, and he could hear their whispers of surprise and disbelief. Some even recognized his chakra, muttering things like "Tsurugi's son, no less..." as they landed or passed. This long, narrow path led through the trees and into the center of the rainforest, reaching a grove of wet trees that were tall enough to obscure Daraku's view of the moon. He stopped as the path reached its terminus and he was at the foot of a giant flower with petals akin to that of a tulip. The flower was a deep purple color, likely the only thing on the island with vibrant color. Towering over Daraku and looking to be much larger than even the Dusk Moth Sage was, it had vines that spread across the rainforest and thus was wrapped around multiple trees, creating a sort of fenced area with its vines facing the path. Just as Daraku had expected, directly under the flower sat the Dusk Moth Sage himself, whose wings were half-open to create a sort of tent around its body while he rested. His antennae twitched as Daraku arrived and Jun fluttered over to the giant moth's side.

"Welcome to Kokogatsu Island, my home and a place of eternal night. The sun never shines here, for I have kept the island under an everlasting genjutsu since the dawn of its days. This sacred place will be shrouded in night and perfect black forever. It is the only way for any moth to truly live, without the shackles of light to guide them astray. Moths here, myself included, have transcended ourselves and realized the peace one can attain in life. And I find that to be the only reason we've thrived her for so many centuries." Daraku nodded, still in awe of his surroundings. Although it was quite cold, he didn't feel it. He saw his skin respond to the air, he could see his breath escape in a fog, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It felt like the dream he had called upon the moths in; weightless, pleasant. The only difference was that this was really happening. "That's brilliant. Thank you for the warm welcome, I do like it here."

"Glad to hear it. Now, let's get on with this business. You're going to be here for a number of days, training. It may even take weeks, and even then, there's no guarantee that your body can withstand the necessary trials to master Senjutsu and the art of manipulating nature chakra. There's risks in it and it won't be easy. So, get as comfortable as you can while you can. We've already set up a place for you near the shore to rest during your 'sleeping hours', but expect the other twelve hours per daily cycle to be full of effort and hard work. With all of that put in plain sight and the cautions in mind, are you ready to begin? Or do you wish to turn back now?"

Daraku didn't hesitate to answer. "I'm ready."

A few hours into training...

Daraku collapsed once again. The Dusk Moth Sage was in the same position as before, looking back at Daraku patiently. "Get up. We're not done yet, far from it." The first phase of the training was a simple process. It was the ability to take in nature chakra and meld it with the user's own. But Shōta wanted to make it more difficult than simply focusing on incorporating the nature chakra. He wanted to push Daraku to the limit from the get-go, and thus he had activated a technique to drain large portions of Daraku's regular chakra with every passing moment. That way, Daraku would need to rely on the nature chakra to replenish him and keep him alive; so far, he was failing, miserably. He struggled to his feet. "W-why can't you just let me absorb the chakra normally? Why are you making it so much harder for me?" Shōta laughed. "Pathetic. Do you really think that in battle you'll have a chance to stand perfectly still and meditate just to call upon senjutsu for aide? Nature is something that should come to you in all circumstances, so that you can use it effectively in combat when your chakra supply is restricted or if you're wounded. Master this exercise and you'll be able to do that preliminary skill, which will help you with the rest of nature mastery." Moths swarmed around Daraku, each draining his chakra with every instance of physical contact. He remembered this jutsu well; it was the technique that Tsurugi had used against him in their battle, but this was on a much larger scale. His chakra was at its limit, and if he didn't do something about it, he would pass out soon or maybe even end up dead; he couldn't have that. Not now, not when he had the opportunity he needed and was finally making it. This was the beginning, and dying now would only waste his potential. He closed his hands around one another in a Ram hand seal. "AAARRGHHHHHH!" he yelled, his teeth clenched as he worked. He felt his chakra systems burst to life as energy pulsed through his veins. The world around him, this power of nature, pumped into him for a split second, and he felt his chakra replenish just enough to execute a jutsu. "NOW!" he shouted, and Fūton chakra exploded forth from his form in the form of violent winds. It pushed away all of the moths, and he dropped to his knees, shaking. "T-there...! I fucking used the s-sage...cha--" he stopped mid-sentence, taking a moment to breathe. His heart was pounding and he was exhausted. The sage looked down at him before speaking. "That will have to do, for today. This has at least shown me that you're capable of learning Senjutsu...whether or not you will master it, we will have to find out for ourselves in the days to come. Now go, Jun will take you to your resting place. Get some sleep." Daraku listened to the moth, struggling back to his feet. Jun had already soared off, taking a different path that lead under the vines. He followed her with slow, tired steps. He was sore and practically dying, but he felt he achieved something. Sleep sounded like heaven to him right then, especially considering the training would only get worse the next day.




The following day, Daraku woke to the calm beach's tides. His "resting place" was near the base of the forest, in a small hut that the moths had formed with their silk. It was somewhat quaint, and it would serve as a supple home to him for his time on Kokugatsu Island. He simply wasn't sure what people were thinking back home. He'd been gone for a full day now, and that was enough cause for worry to the rest of the clan. Kiyoshi would likely be the most worried of everyone, seeing as he saw Daraku having that panic attack the night before. He would explain it all to them as best he could when he returned. He rose from his makeshift bed and moved toward the sea, removing his clothes and splashing himself with water. The water was dark, like the rest of the island; it lacked its normal blue hue since the sky itself was black. It was freshwater, however, and it was soothing. Perfect temperature for a swim, but he didn't have time. He got dressed, equipped Nisebi, and made his way into the forest. Within moments, he was at the foot of The Grove, as all of the moths seemed to call it, and Shōta greeted him in a solemn tone. "Get enough sleep?" the moth asked. Daraku nodded as he ran his fingers through his wet hair. "Yes, actually. It surprised me; I've been having insomnia lately, but I had no problem sleeping last night. It must be the island." Shōta moved around, leaving his usual perch and climbing up the tree to the flower. A long proboscis emerged from his mouth and entered the flower as he drank its nectar. Daraku didn't know that moths did that, but he didn't question it as he watched Shōta do so. "Now, for your next phase of training, you'll be using nature chakra to commune with your surroundings and be able to sense changes in other chakra and movement. It's a basic skill that Senjutsu is useful for, but it won't be an easy task. You'll need more chakra." Daraku gave the moth a confused look.

"How am I supposed to get 'more chakra'?" Shōta answered his question with a deeper explanation of the risks in Senjutsu. "Well, as it is, your chakra supply is lower than that of other ninja. It is highly increased due to your training over time as a ninja, but it is still not at the ideal levels for safe use of Sage arts. Your father suffered from the same deficiency; as far as I can tell, it is a recurring problem in your clan. Most of you who call yourself "Fortune Path" within the Ishido clan seem to have weaker chakra systems in exchange for enhanced senses, likely a result of natural selection and trait heredity. There is a way around this, however, but it will require time. You will meditate to accustom your body to natural chakra around you, as you did yesterday when practicing the use of nature chakra. However, rather than weakening your chakra systems to counter it, you will have to find your inner nature chakra as well." Daraku listened intently. His understanding of Senjutsu previous to this training was slim, if anything. The idea of inner nature chakra only complicated things. He tried to recall the information about chakra he'd learned in the academy, but to no avail. He had always focused on swords more and chakra control was never a focal point to him. Shōta noticed the disarray in Daraku's expression. "You see, the chakra you use now for your ninja techniques is a combination of physical energy present in your very cellular structure, and the mental energy bolstered by your experience and your mind. Nature energy is different; it is much more potent than the other two energies, but it is present both in the world around us and deep within ourselves. It is thus difficult to both channel and manipulate without exhausting the people involved. To use the external nature energy as a method of extrasensory perception, you will need to first connect to the nature chakra within yourself and use it as a catalyst." Daraku's facial expression softened a bit, as he now understood the workings. The actual process of using inner nature chakra was an entirely different matter, though. "So how do I do that?"

"It differs from person to person. The way you were at your limit yesterday and you forced nature chakra into yourself to keep you alive...try the same efforts you did then. It should be slightly easier in some respect, since it's already inside of you, but the hard part will be permanently keeping those paths open in your system to increase your chakra capacity and make it ideal for the use of senjutsu." Daraku tried to remember the previous day and what he had done to call upon the nature chakra. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists, going through his episodic memory. The pain as the moths stormed around him, tearing away at him and leeching his chakra. He felt drained, but his surroundings were serene. The island seemed to call to him, offering aid in the midst of strafe. From the dirt beneath his feet to the trees all around him to the black sky and the shadow-born moon, he heard their whispers calling to him, the energy seeping into his skin. His mind shifted from episodic memory to procedural memory, and he released his fists and opened his eyes. Blood pumped through his veins forcefully. "Ok, here goes nothing." The power outside shifted to an instrinsic setting. He tracked his chakra as it moved throughout his body, gathering in the center of his body and spreading throughout in waves. It began to burn within him, and he felt the change. "I've got it. This must be the natural chakra." his skin began to burn as the natural chakra intensified. It was blistering hot, hotter than the sun, and it was as if he would melt at any moment. He didn't hesitate at first, merely cringing a bit as the pain overtook him. But over a period of seconds, it grew stronger. The burning pain in his skin was soon accompanied by a migraine and stiffness. He was practically paralyzed; he had difficulty not only moving, but even breathing. He staggered forward, but tried to keep his balance. "What'" he muttered. Shōta let out a sigh. "I warned you of the risk. That's the effect of the nature chakra; your body is strong, but not strong enough to house its power just yet. You can't reverse the process's better to try and control it rather than resist. Focus."

Daraku listened to the Dusk Moth Sage's words. Don't resist, but control. He was attempting to master something greater than him, an ancient art that was rare among humans. He remembered the children's tales of sages who were revered as legendary ninja. His body tensed further as the pain increased. His mind was practically shattered; his senses were overloaded. The scene was far too bright now, the sounds around him were deafening, the heat in his body melted with the ice cold of the island air. He fell to the ground, and despite his efforts to contain the chakra, it was now in the essence of his being, tearing him apart violently. He couldn't breathe, his nervous system had no control. He was on the verge of having a seizure, and the light faded from his eyes. Is this what death feels like? It hurts so much, I can't even think. The pain is all I feel, and it's dark and I'm alone. This must be death. Then, all at once, the pain stopped. Everything froze. Space and time seemed almost disconnected and he was caught in the middle. Nature. It was a part of him; he was a part of it. Everyone and everything on this planet was nature, and thus he by default had the capability to master its prowess. He just needed to try harder. The light flooded back to him as his eyes regained their sight, and everything was crystal clear. The colors were defined, more so than before; the deafening sound was also tuned out. He didn't have the strength to stand, but the pain in his head and in his skin was gone and the stiffness was less intense. He opened his palm and spread his fingers. "I...I can do this." The balance of chakras within him was near equal, although the nature chakra was still overbearing his regular chakra. He coughed up some blood and watched it fall to the soil and sink in. Breathing was still difficult, but he gasped in some air and managed to stand. Shōta finally spoke. "I doubt that you have gained enough of a grasp of natural energy and chakra to use it at will, but that will have to do for now. You already have taken plenty of collateral damage just managing to channel the chakra within yourself."


Four days later...

The Dusk Moth Sage hovered above Daraku, maintaining flight with intermittent flaps of its colossal wings. His first week of training had thus far shown vast improvement in all of his skills. His training was still not complete, though. Shōta was proud of the man, but he had a few more exercises to go through before preparing for Sage Mode. "Now, you can manipulate nature chakra and you have most of the prerequisites for Sage Mode in place; your physical expertise is in peak condition, and your speed and reaction time are quite good as well. But the problem is applying this mastery to real combat situations. You have the beginnings of a sage within you, but a sage cannot rely on his skill if he is bogged down by his circumstance. This place, Kokugatsu Island, is under a manufactured serenity; as I explained, it is under my Genjutsu. In this Genjutsu, not only is the scenery itself changed, but anything on the island is set free of their physical and existential boundaries. Gravity feels lower, peace is easily attained, a clear and calm mind is default here. But in the outside world, let alone during battle, everything is just the opposite. The tension and stresses of humanity will weigh on you as you try and use your sage arts, and the drain on your chakra will be heavy; Sage Mode is hardly ever maintained more than a few minutes, in the beginning. Eventually, you will master the art and be able to maintain it for far longer, but for now, we adjust your knowledge of nature chakra according to the real world." A number of moths passed by, flitting about to different holes in the barks of nearby trees. They looked as if they were evacuating or taking cover in preparation for something. It didn't take Daraku long to realize what was going to happen. "You're going to release the Genjutsu, aren't you? Is that safe? Will the moths be alright with sunlight being reintroduced to the environment?"

"It will only be a temporary release, for the duration of this phase in your training. My fellow moths are powerful creatures; they will have no trouble surviving a harsh environment. They may be uncomfortable within it, but they will be safe, I assure you." Daraku nodded, looking up at the dark moon in the sky. It was daytime; he could practically feel it, despite the cold and the dark. But seeing this island outside of its black veil would be odd. He took in the view a few more seconds before facing Shōta again. "Ok. I'm ready whenever you are." Shōta flew higher, landing at the base of the flower first and moving up between its petals. He took flight again and glided to the tree across and climbed to its apex. The tree was the tallest out of all of them, and it cast the sage's shadow down upon the Grove, leaving the place dimmer than before. "Genjutsu Kai!" he called from the tree, and Daraku watched in awe as the scene changed. The sky brightened to a soft blue color and the water followed suit; the sun took place of the dark moon, blinding and white as Daraku always remembered. The sand didn't shimmer like it did before, and it was a dull gray under the harsh sunlight. The change wasn't just aesthetic, though. Daraku could feel the welcoming cold leave him and be replaced by the hot sun he was used to, even though this sun was much hotter than that of Sunagakure no Sato. Gravity kicked in and pulled him down, making him feel heavier than before and leaving his muscles tensed. Every movement he made was a painstaking challenge even though this was a regular environment. He had been so accustomed to the perfect peace of Shōta's genjutsu that he had forgotten what the real world was like. " what now...?" the Ishido clansman mumbled between tasked breaths. Shōta flew back down and landed under the flower in his usual spot. His antennae twitched a few times to get a feel for the area and the changes it had undergone before he relaxed his wings and legs. "What, you think I was just going to let you sit here and adjust to the changes? Use your natural chakra to sense your surroundings. You'll feel it approaching soon enough." Daraku's heart slowed and his mind sharpened. You'll feel it approaching soon enough. Just what the fuck was that supposed to mean!? His chakra flowed around the Grove, landscaping and taking in its energy in cooperation. Moths, no surprise there; they were huddled together in the barks of the trees. The sand at the beach visible through the trees was shaking. The soil was shaking too, although more subtle in effect because of the soil's wet consistency. Whatever was approaching was large.

Then, Daraku felt it. Another chakra had entered his passive sensory range and was approaching fast behind him. The sound of its body moving across the ground was swift and a bloodcurdling cry escaped from its mouth. He turned to face it just before it reached him. He stared at it in horror; it was a vibrant yellow, with black markings across its abdomen. Its head was small but its eyes were focused on its prey: Daraku himself. Two fang-like projections were visible just under the eyes, with a thick liquid dripping from each. Every drop that hit the ground sizzled and sunk into the soil, boring a hole as it went. Acidic, at a glance. Daraku took a few steps back and he heard Shōta speak. "This is Hikaru, our largest larva on the island. He is the only creature here bigger than I am, but in his few decades of existence, he has never metamorphosed and reached adulthood. He's stuck as a larva and it's quite a shame, really...but he possesses a variety of unique jutsu. Your goal here isn't to defeat him, because that's hardly possible. Your goal is to survive using your senjutsu. Now, I suggest you run. This Grove is a dead-end." Daraku stared at the behemoth in front of him in disbelief before realizing that he needed to go. He made sure that his sword was strapped around him and sprinted off toward the beach.

Hikaru's unsettling scream echoed once again and was quickly followed by tremors that indicated Daraku was being pursued. He didn't look back but only pushed past the heat and the gravity to continue running through the sand. A lethal game of cat-and-mouse.




So there Daraku was, tasked with the great challenge of escaping a behemoth caterpillar that spat acid. It was a comedic situation if seen from a distance. Participating in it directly, as the victim no less, was an entirely different perspective and he had never been more scared in his life. He was often the type to play himself out as someone who never felt fear and was never weak. His overconfidence and narcissism only contributed to it. But the majority of this training had been near-death experiences and extreme pain, and the adrenaline of this chase finally gave way to a fearful despair. The predator had become the prey. He didn't rely on his hearing or sight to track the beast; turning around to do so would leave him vulnerable. He relayed signals to and from his body using his natural chakra and felt the changes in the island as Hikaru destroyed everything in its path trying to get to him. Even though he was running at full speed, practically a blur, Hikaru was nearly upon him and if he didn't find another pathway soon, he would be crushed. His eyes scanned the beach; he was nearing the base of a mountain which formed a boulder blockade. That left him with two ways to go. The first was left and into the water, but he wasn't a fast swimmer and trying to evade Hikaru on land was already difficult enough. The other option was right and toward a grassy plain. The plain offered a number of other ways to go, and although it had little to no cover for Daraku to hide, it was a more efficient option than the ocean, at that moment. Without another second to decide, Daraku stomped his right foot into the sand with great force, slowing him to a halt. The behemoth appeared within a second and raised its body, prepared to fall and crush Daraku. Using the momentum he still had before coming to a complete stop, Daraku pulled his foot from the sand and used his arm to thrust himself off of the ground and into a flip. In mid-air, he spun to further to the right to avoid Hikaru's path. It missed him by a small margin and the ground shook as the larva collided with the ground. While the creature was distracted, Daraku landed and continued sprinting off toward the plains. He hadn't noticed it before, being so near to the shore and the Grove throughout his time there, but the island was actually much bigger than he'd previously thought.

Daraku reached the center of the plain, surrounded by short grass and a number of options in terms of alternate routes. He was deciding between the steep slope leading up the mountain and the mass of fallen trees near the edge of the rainforest. He noted that the mountain eventually reached a completely vertical slope and would thus make it impossible for Daraku to climb quickly. He also noted the trees were the same kind as those located in the Grove, and thus were quite tall. Now nothing more than toppled, dead, moss-covered, insect-infested wood, they still were nearly as large as Hikaru and daunting in appearance. The trees. They will keep me at a terrain advantage because Hikaru will have a harder time moving past them, whereas I can just jump over and between them. His sensory range picked up on another oddity. Hikaru's chakra had suddenly vanished from Daraku's perception altogether. Daraku knew all too well, though, that a giant caterpillar monster does not just vanish. He focused, clearing his mind and taking in his surroundings...until he heard a crack on the surface of the ground. Without hesitation, he somersaulted out of the way. Hikaru erupted from the earth, mouth wide open, and squirmed back to its legs. Dirt was scattered everywhere, but Daraku had avoided getting eaten alive and had another opportunity to run. He sprinted to one of the fallen trees' trunks and climbed on before moving along its slope. The moss covering the bark made it hard to run on without slipping, but Daraku managed as best he could at a manageable pace. Hikaru finally regained its bearings and made its way to the wood, climbing onto the first tree and moving. Daraku had a head start at this point and was just far ahead enough to be out of reach. He stopped at a branch and held onto it, watching from the distance as Hikaru moved towards him. If there was ever a time to strike back in a situation like this, that was the time.

"Suiton: Uzuryūdan no Jutsu!" the ninja chanted as he formed the necessary hand seals. Upon reaching the Dog seal for the second time, water built up around him, pooling at his feet. Wind was added to the mixture, sharpening the water into blade-like segments and blending them into a vortex. The vortex elongated and took shape into a perfect dragon. "Go!" he commanded, as if the Ninjutsu was a sentient being. His chakra forced it ahead at great speed, sailing through the air targeted for Hikaru. Hikaru didn't stop, and continued charging ahead...within seconds, the enhanced water dragon and the behemoth collided, and although Hikaru did outsize the dragon by a fair portion, the dragon shredded into its flesh without mercy. A disgusting, xanthous blood spurted from the circular wound left behind as the dragon evaporated away. Daraku felt his chakra had depleted somewhat in execution of that technique but he didn't let it weaken him. Hikaru let out another bloodcurdling cry, although this one had a much higher pitch, characteristic of pain. The injury looked as if a massive drill had been forced into the caterpillar's skin, and it was bleeding, but Hikaru didn't seem hurt. His movements were still violently fast and he seemed more angry than anything, as if the dragon had only been an annoyance. Daraku didn't waste any more time resisting, seeing as Hikaru was now less than 20 meters away, a distance that could be eliminated in no time whatsoever based on the beast's current speed. Daraku jumped from the platform down to the branch on a tree below, then into a hollow tree that had been completely emptied by some sort of insect or animal. It was a massive husk of bark that was slanted upward, and it led directly back into the rainforest. Daraku sprinted through the length of it, his sandals creating a steady beat against the bark with every step he took. Hikaru entered the husk momentarily and chased him, as expected. He could feel his body getting exhausted, succumbing to the limits of physical exertion. He didn't let it fail him, though; stopping now would be death, as he had already accepted. Death was not now and never was an option.

At the end of the husk, Daraku reached the rainforest again. This seemed to be the southwest side of it, from his point of view, and it was in the opposite side of the forest that the Grove was on. He moved on, pushing through every exotic plant and tropical flower in his path. He was breathing as fast as he could but he still felt breathless. Hikaru's shuffling could be heard clearly through the soil and the puddles...puddles? Daraku activated his senjutsu sensory range and perceived the air above. Several incoming droplets of a substance, probably water. Surely enough, within seconds he felt the rain landing in his hair and soaking his skin. It wasn't a harsh rain, but it was nice; helped circumvent the heat and regulate his body temperature. He reached the base of a tree covered in branches and didn't bother running any further; he was about to collapse at any moment from the pain in his legs and the muscle cramps. He hoisted himself up by the lowest branch and climbed each subsequent one he could until he was far up in the tree. He knew well enough that Hikaru would be capable of climbing trees easily, seeing as it had adhesive legs, but his goal wasn't to outrun Hikaru anymore. It was to hide He used a vine to maneuver across the side of the tree and reach another branch facing away from the monster, who was still on the ground. Daraku laid back against the tree from this high point and tied the vine around the branch to reinforce it and make sure it wouldn't break under his weight. Depending on whether or not the larva would find him, he could end up being there for a while. He looked down at his hands, which were covered in dirt, cuts, and moss from traversing the landscape and the trees. He was too weak to bother healing them just yet. He waited a little longer to hear whether or not Hikaru was still pursuing him, but after a few moments of silence, he rested easy. It was safe until he was discovered, which gave him sufficient time to meditate and regain chakra. Then, he would heal his wounds and repair his muscles and continue surviving, as the Dusk Moth Sage had called it.

Daraku wasn't sure how much longer this phase of the training would last, and just how long he would have to survive, but he hoped that it wouldn't be more than a day. It was already near sunset and the sky was changing to an orange hue. He let out a pained sigh.





Daraku remained upon the branch for quite some time. He meditated to regain as much chakra as possible and managed to use Advanced Recovery Method to repair his muscle tissue, but although he was in pristine fighting condition once again, he still had Hikaru to deal with. He finally stood, cracking his knuckles as he did, and hopped down to a lower branch try and sneak a peek at what the monster was occupied with. The problem was that Hikaru was no one to be found. Daraku looked all around the tree and activated his sensory range, but still no signs of the larva were around. He entertained the idea of getting out of the tree and going to ground level, but that would be a risky plan if Hikaru was hidden and waiting to ambush. He paused for a few more moment as he felt the tree shift. A couple of seconds later, it shifted again, this time shaking tree's branches and nearly making Daraku fall out of it. A smell wafted through the air; it was a highly pungent scent similar to that of salt and burning wood. Daraku processed the situation and realized what was happening before the next shift happened. He jumped out of his present branch and landed in the branch of a lower tree to the northeast of him. Surely enough, when he turned to get a better view of the tree he was on before, Hikaru was climbing up the tree, leaving a corrosive fluid in his wake that ate through the tree. Following a sharp crack, the tree finally snapped and the top half fell to the rainforest floor. "Damn it, I forgot he has the acidic jutsu. Crap..." Daraku figured trying to escape would only tire him out again, so he adopt a hit and run tactic. He slammed his palms together and formed a Tiger hand seal as he prepared a Ninjutsu.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu!" Building chakra in his lungs and throat, Daraku spat a sea of flames that segmented and spread out into many small fireballs, about twenty in total. They surrounded Hikaru and hit it at different points, causing it try wince in pain. The tree that he was on also caught fire, but it was soon put out by the rain overhead, which was getting heavier. Storm clouds were rolling in as the sun fell over the horizon. The moon, now silver-white rather than its previous void black, was obscured by the incoming clouds and it left the rainforest setting dark and difficult to see in. Daraku tried as best he could to see in the dark, but this was unlike the "lucid" darkness provided by Shōta's genjutsu. He found it easier to simply rely on his hearing and his natural sensory instead. From what Daraku could make out, Hikaru seemed significantly slower than before due to the wounds from both Daraku's Whirlpool Water Dragon Jutsu and his Phoenix Flower Jutsu. He took Nisebi from its sheath, holding the weapon carefully with his right hand. Flames began to dance around its blade as he fed it his chakra to activate its potential. The False Sun sword; although it did use a portion of his chakra, he found it necessary to activate its ability in this situation both to light the area and to provide a powerful enough weapon to damage Hikaru. The creature was moving across branches between trees to make its way to Daraku, but he had a different plan in mind. He dashed to the top of the tree he was currently on and braced himself with the blade out in front of him. Hikaru was still crossing the furthest branch from an adjacent tree to try and follow him when he had the chance. "Now!" Daraku jumped from the apex, falling for a while. The air whipped through his hair and cloak as he fell, letting him embrace the cold of night. His eyes focused onto his target as he grew closer and closer with every waking second. Nature chakra surged through his body and he felt the rush of bloodlust and power all at once. "You're finished!" he crash landed onto Hikaru's abdomen, forcing the blade into its flesh with all of his might. The fire burned bright as it penetrated the skin and went deep into the larva's body. It let out a cry of pain and terror and immediately toppled off of the branches, falling to the ground below. It was a far fall and Daraku wanted to make sure that he got the job done without hurting himself. He took an explosive tag from his pocket and placed it on Hikaru's back, activating the adhesive before pulling his sword out and jumping to another tree.

From his new perch, Daraku watched as Hikaru hit the ground below and the explosive tag detonated. It was a gruesome scene, as the explosion had sent chunks of the behemoth's flesh flying in all directions. A new smell wafted through the rainforest, one of fresh blood. The rain dampened this scent over time, but Daraku didn't forget it. He cherished the rush of a new kill. He deactivated his sword and placed it back in its sheath before hopping down and examining Hikaru's remains. It could still be heard breathing, which was probably a good sign, but it was unconscious and pretty badly wounded. If it didn't get medical attention soon, it would die; the problem was that Daraku didn't have medical ninjutsu made for anything other than humans and maybe smaller animals. A summon that large would be unaffected by his techniques, and he rested for a while before returning to the Grove to inform Shōta. He pushed the hair out of his eyes as he greeted Shōta with a triumphant smile. "I didn't just survive. I defeated Hikaru, but the thing is nearly dead. I suggest you help him out before it does die." Shōta nodded, realizing now what the explosion was. "I'll sent a medical squad immediately." his antennae twitched, this time more rapidly, and a swarm of moths left the bark of a tree, moving to Hikaru's location. "Hikaru will be in good hands. In the meantime, congratulations on completing this phase of training. You've done well. Now go, get some rest. It's late and you have your last phase of training starting tomorrow." Daraku responded with a simple "yes, sir" and took the walk to his silk hut. The sky overhead remained dark, but it seemed to regain its intensity. The moon in the sky faded to black again, and the sand shimmered like sterling silver. Colors dulled, but luminescence returned, temperature regulated, and gravity lessened. It was clear that Shōta had wasted no time in reactivating the Genjutsu, and Daraku once again felt at peace. He washed up at the beach before going into the hut and falling asleep for the night.


In the morning...

Daraku entered the grove with a sense of determination. He was so close to completing this training and becoming a true Sage, he could almost taste it. He'd been on Kokugatsu Island for nearly a week now and as much as he enjoyed the island itself, the training was painful and exhausting and he was starting to worry about his clan and how they were holding up without him. He no longer felt the weight of his father's death bogging him down, nor the deaths of anyone he cared about. At this point, he only felt as if they would be so proud of him, and that left him with a warm sensation inside. All his life, people had been telling him that he was nothing more than a mindless weapon, a tool for a band of murderers. And hell, that was true, to some extent. But things had long since changed, and his clan meant more to him than that. They weren't assassins like they were originally brainwashed to believe. They were loyal villagers of Sunagakure who strived to become the best people they could possibly be, and if that wasn't a noble cause to be respected, Daraku didn't know what was. All those years of being infamous and looked-down upon had come to this point of self-transcendence and pure ability. Becoming a sage meant more than becoming a better ninja. It was becoming one with nature and the world, having a more thorough understanding of life, and being the source of wisdom his people, and maybe even the rest of the Five Great Nations, needed. As soon as he stepped foot off of Kokugatsu, it would be a bittersweet farewell to his new comrades, but a step forward in his own tale. Free from the shackles of guilt and human restrictions, expectation, and his criminal past. He could hardly imagine it, but it was miraculous. As his daydreaming concluded, he looked to Shōta. "Final phase. What is it going to be? I'm dying to know." Shōta's antennae bent upwards for a moment before relaxing and moving a little to the left. His wings flapped a few times; whatever it was he was doing, it looked like he was getting excited. "I'm surprised you hadn't guessed it by now. What's the one thing in Senjutsu that you haven't mastered yet? We've spoken of it, and prepared for it, but haven't actually delved into its art. The epitome of synchronization with nature chakra, and the augmentation of the human essence." Daraku finally understood. He made a half-grin, but waited for Shōta to say it anyway.

"Your capability in Senjutsu thus far is impressive, but it's time to place you among the greatest Sennin in history who have come to this point. You will now learn how to enter Sage Mode."





Shōta looked at Daraku, who was nearly shaking with excitement. "Calm down, now. Sage Mode is the strongest application of Senjutsu there is and naturally it's difficult to achieve without harming yourself or even dying. Exercise caution when you are using it." Daraku slipped his hands into his pockets, letting out a groan. "Oh, chill, Shōta. You're always so serious. I'll be careful, trust me." The Dusk Moth Sage moved its antennae, communicating with the other moths who had at this point left their hiding places in the bark and were scattered throughout the Grove. They began to move in unison, between the trees; silk strings hung behind them, and they twisted and wrapped into an intricate structure. They built upon this structure until it had a stable foundation. "Entering Sage Mode requires the proper even balance of natural energy and your own physical and mental energy. When the three reach equilibrium in unison with one another, you will enter your form as long as the energy lasts you. The problem is that if the balance has too little natural energy, it will have no effect, and if it has too much, you will risk becoming a moth yourself. Now, that wouldn't be a problem for me, but the transmogrification from human to moth will solidify you in the as a correction to my previous statement, if you use too much natural energy in an effort to achieve Sage Mode, you will become a stone moth." Shōta explained. He lifted his wings and gave them one swift flap, throwing forward a blast of wind. Daraku ducked under it and it crashed into the furthest tree behind him, knocking away the moss and leaves. Underneath were 4 large moth statues. "These are the only ones who got to this point in the past, and they all failed to achieve Sage Mode. Ensure that you do not become the next to fail." Daraku stared at the statues with frightened disbelief. That was the last thing he wanted. "Jun told me you ate the four that tried to learn Senjutsu..." Shōta laughed heartily. "Oh, of course not. I ate four other humans that I didn't like. Why would I eat a statue?"

The silk construction had formed a staircase in front of Daraku which lead into a dome-like creation. Shōta didn't take his eyes off of Daraku. "Now go. This is your path to enlightenment. Up these stairs and into the silk; you will have perfect silence and balance. It is the ideal environment for you to balance your energies for Sage Mode. Good luck." Daraku removed his hands from his pockets and adjusted his weapon and his cloak. Looking up at the staircase was intimidating, as it was either going to be where he reached perfection or was left dead, an eternal statue that represented failure. He felt a chill roll down his spine as he walked up every step; the silk was reinforced enough so that it was solid. When he reached the top of the stairs, he went further into the silk tower. Moths surrounded him, working away and flying back and forth between walls to establish new connections. He ducked under them and moved around calmly until he reached the center. Shōta's voice echoed once more. "Stay as still as you not try to move." Daraku was about to ask why but suddenly the silk began closing in on him. Moths swarmed in hundreds, maybe even thousands, through the structure pulling strings behind them. All of their wings were flapping, creating a strange noise that sounded through the entire Grove, but none of them said a word. The silk began to harden and the spaces between bonds closed. Daraku wasn't all that claustrophobic, but it still caught him by surprise. Within seconds, he was completely encased in a tough silk exterior that was nearly skin-tight, and he was suspended by a single, thin stretch of silk thread that hung from the highest branch above him. It was a cocoon.

The Chrysalis Phase. he thought to himself as he looked left and right. He didn't make an effort to move his body, but his eyes scanned around him. The remainder of the silk tower that had surrounded him just moments ago was gone, staircase and all. He could see the outside faintly in a silvery tint, but he couldn't make out details, just shapes and shadows. One such shadow he recognized was that of Shōta, who was directly in front of the cocoon, watching over him intently. Finally, as he began to relax, his efforts centered on controlling his energy. He could already feel the Senjutsu chakra present in him, but it was currently too low to have any use other than sensory range. He let his mind wander as he built up the energy. It was no longer painful to manipulate the chakra; it wasn't as overbearing as it previously had been within him. It was just another part of his regular chakra. Still, increasing its effect took time and concentration. Every breath he made, every surge through his chakra systems. He was keeping track of them as best he could, but he felt weightless, like he was dreaming. He closed his eyes, letting the dark overtake him and his other senses operate his perception of the outside. His sight needed to be elsewhere; the darkness of his inner eyelids provided a "blank canvas" of sorts...his imagination could be painted in front of him however he wished. Images went through his mind, familiar voices. The cocoon embraced him like a warm friend while he manipulated the energies operating inside of him, adjusting them, then readjusting them to work in cooperation with one another. He lost a sense of time or space, and he felt disconnected from his body. All that was left was his physical existence, his mind, and the potential of nature brimming within. The three interacted then recoiled, clashing at times and flowing at others...


When Daraku's eyes opened next, he wasn't in the cocoon. It didn't take him long to realize that he didn't remember leaving the cocoon or completing his Sage Mode training, so he immediately assumed that this was either an actual dream or a hallucination. Both were solid possibilities, as he was both exhausted and crazy enough to experience either one at any given moment. He didn't move, fearing it would ruin his balance of energies and possibly break the cocoon. He didn't even open his mouth to speak. He simply used his thoughts as a method of communication, letting them spread to the area around him. It was dark, as everything seemed to be lately. Dark like that void moon of Kokugatsu. Is anybody there? Hello? Silence, but he saw a pair of glowing red eyes appear in the space next to him. The pair moved up and down, as if nodding "yes". Who are you? The glow faded, but the person's silhouette became clear. "You know me, Daraku." Daraku never failed to recognize the man's voice that he had practically engraved into his permanent memory. Father. You seem to be everywhere I go since the day you died. It's a curse. Tsurugi began pacing to and fro, every step making a small click noise as if the ground underneath were made of stone--despite there not being any visible ground beneath them. "I do apologize. But this isn't another one of your hallucinations. I'm real." Daraku was caught off-guard by that. Had Tsurugi been reanimated by some means?

How the hell are you real all of a sudden if I killed you months ago? Daraku thought in retort, the confusion and conflicted pain easily intelligible with every word he imagined. The words seemed to flow freely like regular audible speech, only better. "You're forgetting that I tried to learn Senjutsu. My natural chakra still resides here on Kokugatsu Island, and it's my last essence I have in the world. Luckily, the power of this chakra allows me to communicate with other Senjutu users despite my physical body being dead. The problem is, I never mastered the art of natural energy and I have no living body to replenish the already low supply that I possess, so I can't talk with you for long." Daraku had become so engulfed in his own training that he had nearly forgotten that Tsurugi was one of the would-be moth sages, despite not succeeding. That was the point of all of this; the legacy. Very well, I understand...and I have plenty of things to tell you before you go again. You haunt me. I have nightmares, hallucinations, anxiety, panic attacks...all because of you. I have never been so affected by a kill in my entire life, and I've killed many people. You're the one who trained me never to feel guilt or remorse, never to take a kill to heart, never to bring personal matters into assassination. But how could I not? This entire operation that I've been under, this plan to restore my clan and find some kind of purpose for myself the weapon I am, is personal. I killed my grandmother for revenge and then I had a change of heart and decided I needed to kill you too. Yet you're the one that left a scar that I can't get rid of...because I actually loved you. Despite all the bullshit you put me through, training me to kill from such a young age, voiding my personality of all positive emotion, teaching me to be greedy and hateful, it was the closest thing to love and care that I ever felt. Even the day that you killed Mother, who truly loved me, I took your side and took pleasure in her death as an expert, swift kill that should've been praised. My own mother's body, laid out in front of me, and I only wanted to follow you more. Whether or not that is a primal character flaw of mine or a result of your brainwashing, no child should have to be put in that situation in the first place. I just...I hate you. But I love you, and that's why I'm doing all this Senjutsu shit...because YOU wanted me to. I can't tell if I'm the pathetic one here or if you are.

Tsurugi stood there for a long time. Still only his silhouette was visible, but he had stopped pacing and all was quiet. After a while, he gave an honest response. "I apologize. I suppose that's all I can do; there's no way to undo the past. I did what I thought was best for the clan, to protect us. Our ancestors wanted nothing more than to become deities and reach some form of enlightenment beyond human ability. That left Fuiyoka and myself with separate paths to reach that goal and follow the legacy left to us. Fuiyoka's path was noble, I'll give her that, but mine was effective. In a harsh environment like Sunagakure, where everyone saw us as the leftover scum of the Ishido, I needed a way to protect us, to keep us thriving, to make us powerful. Our kekkei genkai had deviated from that of the traditional Ishido and we gained the advantage of invisibility, and thus stealth. So we became assassins. The village only hated us more for it, but our numbers in the clan were higher than ever and we were getting stronger. I did what I thought I needed to, and nothing more. You were a pawn in the grand scheme of things...yes, I see that is wrong because you are my only son. But I couldn't change your fate unless I wanted all of us to suffer for it and end up dead anyhow." Tsurugi's voice didn't falter and every word he spoke was in a clear, professional tone. Almost stern. Daraku kept his eyes on the silhouette, feeling hatred and contempt building. Tsurugi continued after a short pause. "But you were superior to me. You followed your own path and not only saved our clan but reunited it into a whole once more and let it spread to all five of the great nations. My death was necessary for that overarching goal; I knew that when you came to fight me the day I died. That is why I didn't try to escape or join your cause. Or maybe I had just grown tired of life. I was too harsh, too violent. I killed too many and had become numb to all emotion, practically a sociopath. I think part of me, having failed so many times and destroyed so much, did want to just die. My legacy was left, and I gave you it in good intention. It isn't just my last wish that you're fulfilling; you're becoming something more. The founder of the Ishido wanted to become a God, and the early clan had accepted his goals as their own. Over time it became a goal of transcendence and enlightenment rather than godliness, and you're at that crossroads. You're a powerful ninja, Daraku, more powerful than anyone I've ever known. Becoming a sage is part of your destiny, and what you do from there will change the world. So, thank you for doing this. For granting my last wish. And no matter what you belief, do know that I loved you too." Daraku's breathing rate increased and his mind lost it clarity. He tried his hardest not to move, not to break his equilibrium, but emotion was starting to affect his concentration. With tears in his eyes, he let out another stream of thought for Tsurugi to hear.

I never asked for this. What if I don't want to change the world? I just wanted to be happy, to feel accomplished. I went about it by killing and stealing, sure, but what qualifies me to be this important figure you're making me out to be? I...I can't. If I ruin everything, there will be no one else to blame. Tsurugi shook his head. "No one of great responsibility asks for it. They are capable of handling it and are eventually destined for it. I'm not 'making you out to be' an important figure; you already are one. What you do to change the world is in your hands, as well, not in mine. Remember the Dusk Moth Sage's words, as they are likely the most valuable things that you will ever hear. Take them to heart as you embark on this journey. You're more than just a criminal, or a killer, or a ninja, or a weapon. You're Daraku Ishido." Daraku's mind raced as he searched through his memories for Shōta's words.

...all humans tend to be the same. Sad beings that seek purpose in their irrelevant lives. They spend their whole life trying to be something and end up wasting the life they had, and on their deathbed, they are left with regrets and guilt. He remembered Shōta's opinion on humans and their desire for purpose. He saw himself in that statement; it summed up his entire life thus far as well as his father's. But that wasn't what he needed to remember; Shōta had said something more valuable later on. This sacred place will be shrouded in night and perfect black forever. He remembered Shōta's explanation of Kokugatsu island, and the statement following just after. He realized the connection that it had to moths, and that Daraku was exactly like them, in effect. It is the only way for any moth to truly live, without the shackles of light to guide them astray. It makes sense to me now. Moths are drawn to light because they try to use it as a guide when they are flying. Purpose and meaning is my light, and I'm seeking it in hopes of taking the right path. But that is no way to live, and I'll end up with regrets and guilt on my deathbed, like the Dusk Moth Sage said before. But what I need to see is that there might not be a purpose, there might not be a meaning. Life is something beyond comprehension. I need to stop trying to become something worthwhile and instead try to live my life and see the lives of others around me. This 'destiny' of mine, to change the world...I don't know what it exactly means. But I can't look at it as another light to follow. From this point on, I'm embracing the darkness, as that free will is peace in itself. This is the enlightenment that the Ishido truly wanted. I'm not anything but myself, and that is the true gift of life. The world and the people around me have built up these expectations of false perceptions of what I think I am or what I should be, but... he stopped. He saw that Tsurugi was fading, the silhouette slowly dissipating as time went on. He cut his long speech short, seeing as he understood everything he needed to now. Father. Tsurugi's face bent into a smile. His eyes faded from the red shade they had assumed back to their natural color, and he looked back at Daraku. "I'll always cherish the time we spent together, regardless of everything that was happening underneath the surface. I did wrong in my life, but out of everyone I betrayed and hurt, I never stopped loving you..."

Daraku's voice was steady again, and his tears had already finished falling. He spoke with wisdom and clarity. I'm sorry for killing you. That's the only kill that I'll ever truly apologize for, but I don't think it was the wrong decision. It hurts to see you go like this again, but I'll never forget you, Father. I'll assume your legacy and change the world for you, and maybe one day if we ever see each other again, the circumstances will be different. Tsurugi's body had disappeared, leaving only a silhouette of his head that was fading quickly. " only've exceeded all of my hopes for you, and considering how things ended up--...I'm so proud of you..." the voice trailed off as the last of his natural chakra was consumed. Daraku was left alone in the dark, but he didn't fret. He had never been happier in all of his life, although he wasn't too sure why. Not all that much had changed; he'd only remembered what he'd already been told and had a chance to talk to his father one last time. But that was enough to leave him in a better place than before. His own natural chakra was getting much higher, and evening out with his regular chakra. The balance was still a bit off, but that encounter had helped him create a greater bond with his natural energy and a perfect stillness. I'm Daraku Ishido. he thought to himself, over and over again. I'm Daraku Ishido.




Daraku's eyes opened to the close-knit silken walls of the cocoon once more, and he wondered how his father managed to use the natural energy to bring Daraku out of consciousness. He'd known his father was a skilled ninja, but the ability to temporarily transcend death was certainly an intriguing skill to have. He still hadn't moved and was in a perfect stillness. Usually at this point he would have felt numb or tired, but he didn't; whether or not that was the result of the Kokugatsu Midnight Genjutsu or his own physical balance was unclear, but it didn't matter at that point. What did matter is that his Senjutsu chakra was reaching an equal point with his normal chakra and he could feel his body slowly changing. Without moving his body at all, his eyes looked down at himself. His cloak had changed in its appearance and was taking on a golden color with black markings similar to those found on a moth's wings. He felt antennae sprout from his head, and his vision was getting increasingly better. But something felt off; his skin was getting harder and harder, and his features were distorting. The cloak formed actual wings within moments, and he started to panic. No, I've come too far. I can't die now, I can't. Stop it stop it stop it stop it STOP IT STOP IT STOP His mind was falling into denial, and he wanted to move and squirm so desperately as he felt the changes overcoming him, removing the person he was and leaving him a husk. He didn't want to be a statue, a permanent testament to human failure. He struggled to remember what the Dusk Moth Sage had told him.

I just need to rebalance the energies, and I'll get back on track. Breathe, in and out. I can do this... Currently, his Senjutsu chakra had taken a drastic increase which was the cause of the sudden transmogrification. To reverse the changes, he merely needed to reverse the process and reset the balance with his normal chakra. As he took steady breaths and narrowed his mind, he saw the burning chakra within him. A mental image, of sorts. It was a brilliant gold color, compared to his regular chakra, which ranged from orange to black in various places. The chakra moved throughout his systems, working around intersections near every chakra point. This was what was so special about being a ninja. Despite the grim and violent path that ninja were expected to follow, they possessed a great power that was truly beautiful to witness and behold. The rest of his anatomy seemed dull in comparison; his heartbeat and his blood flood lacked the glow of the chakra, the radiating energy. He shut his eyes tighter, restricting his body and placing limits on the Senjutsu chakra as best he could. He watched as it began to shrink and its spread lessened until it was confined only in his very center, under his heart and near his stomach. It burned there like a powerful flame, its heat growing ever hotter. His external figure changed in response, as his antennae reduced in size and his wings changed back into a cloak. His skin lost its durability and slate tone. And in that moment, he could feel the balance. Nature energy was in the middle, perfectly in tune with his physical energy and mental energy. He could feel it, more definitely than any other sensation he had felt before. This was Sage Mode. The cocoon around him was doing no more than restricting him, now. He'd gained the ability he needed and it had thus served its purpose. He used his newly found immense strength to tear the silk in front of him, ripping himself free of the chrysalis. All movement in the Grove stopped as he jumped down to the ground and landed on his feet.

"I did it. I entered Sage Mode." the Ishido stated in a leveled voice. A few moths scattered about, surprised to see a human successfully maintaining Sage Mode. Shōta didn't seem as surprised as the other moths did, but he definitely was intrigued that Daraku had managed it so quickly. "It has only been around 5 hours...I never thought a human could manage Sage Mode in under a couple of days, let alone 5 hours. You've exceeded all of my expectations, Daraku. Congratulations. You are now a true Sage." Daraku gave Shōta a warm smile, relieved that he had somehow survived all of it. Rain continued to fall, and it had formed puddles in the dirt at this point. Daraku looked down into the nearest puddle to get a good look at his reflection. His hair had changed color, now primarily blonde with a black stripe through the center and small black patterns along the sides. His eyes were now black orbs, no longer regular eyes, but compound eyes almost equivalent to those of a moth. Both these and his antennae explain his highly increased perceptual ability and sensory range; he could now feel everything around him for at least a 15 meter range rather than a small 5 meter range. Every chakra, every movement, every sound, every sight; he sensed all of it as if it were right in front of him. His cloak was now frayed along the bottom, with a black exterior and a golden interior. A small skull image resided near the raised collar on the back of the cloak, and Daraku remembered the moths his father had summoned during their fight. Most of them were dull gray or brown in color, but a few were rather large and possessed a skull-like pattern on the back of their necks. Daraku had noted those ones as being especially quick and larger than the other moth summons his father had used. "Death's Head Hawk moth, as they're called. My Sage Mode is a likeness of one." Shōta nodded, his antennae moving about as always. "You're correct. I'm surprised you know that. You seem to be akin to the Atropos species, known for their golden color. I suppose I have to accept you as one of us, officially..." Daraku sensed movement behind him and even managed to see behind him clearly with his compound eyes. He saw that the moths were gathering for something, like a ritual. All of the moths were surrounding him in a large circle, and Shōta took a few slow steps forward.

"Daraku Ishido, you are now bound to the moths of Kokugatsu Island. If you ever need us for any reason at all, you know how to reach us. I'm proud to have you among our ranks, not as another lost human, but as a newly enlightened being. Now, I hate to see you leave, but you have a world to return to. Remember what you have learned here always, and practice using your Sage Mode as often as you can to become better with it, but I've taught you everythinlg that I can." Daraku couldn't help but get sentimental. He ran up to the Dusk Moth Sage and gave the massive creature a big hug. Shōta was caught off-guard, but he didn't resist. "I'll see you around, big guy. Thank you for everything." With that said, Daraku turned to face all of the other moths. Jun flitted up to him, and he held out his hand for her to land. "Goodbye Daraku! It was great meeting you, friend." she said excitedly. "Bye, Jun. Stay happy, you're attitude brightens my day." She flew back to join the rest of the moths, who had started yelling individual goodbyes and farewells to Daraku. He waved to all of them as he made his way back to the beach. He reached the dark waters and looked into them as he released his Sage Mode. He managed to stay in it for a total of four or five minutes, but he would train more when he got back home. Four or five minutes was certainly substantial for a technique that strong, but if he wanted to rely on it in battle, he needed to learn to maintain it as long as possible. He watched his reflection change as he regained his human features and lost his eyes and antennae. His cloak returned to its regular color, as did his hair. He checked to make sure that Nisebi was on his back before looking up to see Shōta flying overhead, parallel to the void moon that Kokugatsu was named for.

"You gonna release the summoning jutsu?" he asked, curiously. Shōta responded with a simple, "Well of course, how else would you be able to return home? Just give me a moment..." and within a few seconds, Daraku lost all sensation and everything vanished.


Daraku next found himself back at the Reservoir, with no one around. Transportation via summoning techniques still interested him, as he had just traveled thousands of kilometers without even feeling its effects in hardly any time at all. On a separate note, he wasn't all that tired, but it was dark out, probably quite late. He walked through the sand, making his way back to the village. Someone was calling his name, though. He could hear them in the distance, as if he was walking away from them. He turned to face the sand behind him and found that no one was there. That's when he began to worry that the Senjutsu training hadn't stopped his anxiety, his hallucinations. Maybe something was still wrong. But the voice grew softer as it came closer. He was still breathing hard by the time it was right in front of him. "Daraku, don't worry. It's only me." Daraku wasn't sure whether to roll his eyes or be ecstatic, but surely enough, it was his mother's voice that he heard. He searched all around him, but didn't see a body; it looked like he wouldn't get to see her face this time around, only hear her voice. "Mother...please tell me you're real like father was." The disembodied voice took a long pause. "I'm not sure. Maybe I am a construct of your imagination, maybe I've made my way back from the dead to talk to you. Either way, I want you to know something." Daraku didn't want to entertain his hallucinations by having a full on conversation with them; anyone who saw him doing so would assume he was out of his mind, talking to himself in the middle of the night in the desert. "Yes, mother, I'm listening." he said, nonetheless. He didn't want to ignore her on the off change that she was real. "You're a Sannin and a Sage now. You're one of the strongest ninja in Sunagakure, and this place is and always will be both our home and the Ishido clan's true home. But there is a great danger coming. I'm not sure how long it will be or what exactly it is, but there will be many deaths and the village could end up destroyed. There is still hope, though. You, along with the other ninja of the village, can work together to protect this place you call home. That is all I have come to tell you. Stay strong and defend the village with your life. It's up to you now."

Daraku took a long moment to think, meditating back on what his father had said to him about great responsibility and how he was destined to change the world. There was no doubt some truth to what she was saying, as it made perfect sense with what his father had told him. This wasn't the same as the light that guided Daraku in the wrong directions and left him feeling lost and useless. This was fate, and he could change it based on what he chose to do. He stared down at the cold sand for a while before speaking again. "Alright, I'll protect the village. It's one of the few cherished things I have left. I won't fail, I promise you." Sayuri sighed in relief. "Thank you, Daraku. That means so much to me. I love you, son." Daraku kept one hand in his pocket as he used the other to sweep his hair back. "Mother, I'm sorry about everything...especially the day of the Massacre. You shouldn't have died. It wasn't right and I should've stopped him. I didn't. I watched with glee as my own father killed my mother, in addition to many other family members. It was a sick, sad day and I don't know whether to be more disappointed in him or myself. But that always seems to be the situation...I can never hate my father more than I hate myself, but the hate never goes anywhere, just stayed beneath the surface and fucks with me when it needs to." Sayuri didn't respond to that for a long time. "It may not have been right, but there's never a day that I ever blame you or your father. I loved both of you and I still do. You're my family." Daraku stared off into the distance, looking closely at the sand dunes as the wind pushed and moved the sand around. "And there's never a day that I don't miss you. I love you too, mother."

Daraku's breath began to get colder and he shivered a little bit. And then, everything was silent. Sayuri's voice left him, and he was alone again. He wasn't sad or scared; this tranquil peace he'd found in his training stayed with him. No one was around to see him talking to himself, so he was at least happy about that. I need to go home and get some sleep; I think I'll sneak in so that I don't wake up anyone. He thought to himself as he entered the village gates and headed toward the Ishido Castle. He jumped up to the rooftop on one of the buildings and continued until he reached the Castle, then carefully hopped onto the gate surrounding the courtyard and from there the roofing that was just outside of his room. He opened his window, which he had purposely kept unlocked when he left with Jun days before. He climbed into the room carefully and closed the window behind him, then immediately sprawled out on his bed lazily. Suddenly, another person's voice surprised him. "What, you thought you could sneak in without me noticing? And you have the audacity to try and get in without using your kekkei genkai for stealth? C'mon now, Daraku, you're a better ninja than that. I've had this place under high surveillance since the moment you left." Daraku didn't look up from his bed. He kept his face pressed to the blankets, all warm and comfortable. He spoke clearly, despite his mouth being muffled by the bedding a tad. "It's late, so I'm definitely blaming that. Silly mistake on my part. Anyway, I'm sorry that I left for so long, but it was kind of necessary. Do you know where I was, or do I need to explain?" Kiyoshi gestured toward the moth summoning scroll, which was still open on Daraku's desk. Daraku had forgotten about the thing entirely, but seeing as it was in plain sight upon entering the room, he wasn't all that taken aback when he realized Kiyoshi knew.

"It didn't take long to figure it out. I've seen Tsurugi use this scroll before, two the only present reasons for you to leave Sunagakure to go to the moths were to learn Kuchiyose or to learn Senjutsu, and it was clear after you were gone for more than one day that you were learning Senjutsu. So? How did it turn out?" Daraku smiled, although Kiyoshi was unable to see it, with Daraku's face being smushed onto the bed and all. "It went well, it was difficult at first but I managed to learn Sage Mode, which was the extent of my training. I'm not all that tired right now but I am a little disoriented from it all." He considered mentioning that he spoke to both of his parents, one in a natural energy-induced dream and one as an auditory hallucination, but he felt that Kiyoshi wouldn't really believe him. It did affected Kiyoshi, seeing as Sayuri had given Daraku information about Sunagakure's future and impending disaster, but that would only worry Kiyoshi, even if he did believe it. On the other hand, Tsurugi's appearance was more personal to Daraku and it wouldn't concern Kiyoshi anyhow. He opted not to mention either of the two encounters and instead continued addressing his new knowledge of Senjutsu. "I feel powerful, you know? It's a good feeling." Kiyoshi laughed softly. "Of course it does. People who work to earn their power never seem to complain about having too much. It's in our nature to want to become better, in whatever ways we can." Daraku nodded, taking the idea to heart. He remembered all of his training prior to that of Senjutsu, and every fight he'd been in up to that point. He remembered all the people he'd killed, all in desire for power..."Thanks for watching the clan while I was gone, though, it means a lot." Kiyoshi rolled his eyes and took a seat at Daraku's desk, facing the man.

"No problem, just give me more of a warning next time instead of just up and leaving. Everyone was worried sick about you and I tried to explain to them but they just weren't getting it. You'll have to do the explaining yourself, tomorrow. I'm sure lots of people will be asking you." The room was quiet for a moment and Kiyoshi looked out the window at the stars. Daraku finally sat up and took off his sandals, cloak, and sword, setting them down next to his bed and running his hands through his hair. Kiyoshi spoke up once again. "Alright, I'm going to go to bed. Have a good night, Daraku. See you tomorrow." He rose from the chair and approached Daraku's chamber door, opening it gingerly. "Good night, Uncle Kiyoshi." he called out to the man just before the door closed. He was left in his room once again, given time to think. He had a plethora of things to think about, but he was heavily preoccupied with the future and how it would change both himself, his clan, and the village. It wasn't a worrysome preoccupation, but he couldn't take it off of his mind. Finally, he decided to use this time to take a shower instead of meditate on everything, mostly out of motivation get all the sand and dirt and silk out of his hair and off his skin. He brushed his teeth as well, something he hadn't had the chance to do in days. When he reemerged, he went over to the bed and sat down, pawing at the Ishido clan symbol embedded into the skin on the right side of his back. He'd had the mark since he was small, and it was a constant reminder of who he was and where he came from. He wanted more than anything at that moment to feel what it was like to be a kid again, to not have a care in the world other than having fun. Sure, that was what he tried to do anyhow, being such a hedonist and all, but with all of these recent responsibilities piling onto him, he had no choice but to mature. It was bittersweet. The intricate web of human stresses that seemed to catch everyone at one point or another. He had found peace thanks to Senjutsu, and that alleviated the stress, but it was impossible not to be anxious for the future, the unknown. Finally, he felt the strings of exhaustion tugging at him, dragging him towards his bed and willing him to sleep. He laid down and wrapped the blankets around him until he was properly bundled and warm. I'm Daraku Ishido, the Phantom of the Sand. The Golden Moth Sage." he mulled over multiple titles that he could label himself as for entertainment as he drifted off to sleep quietly.

{Exit, Thread Closed}


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