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Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Nick sat on the side of a ledge. The building wasn't that high. About ten meters tall in the air. The building, of course, was made out of 'sand bricks', the architecture was early renaissance orientated as one might call it. He was talking to three local kids who were probably bored and had nothing else to do. He told them stories of his adventures, adventures through the east and local stories of villages from the west. It was fun, talking, considering that Nick travels quite a lot alone. He asked what they wanted to hear more of. The children replied with a funny story.

"Well I have this one story."

Nick spoke as he instantly begun to grin, thinking of it made him almost break out in laughter already. As Nick spoke the tweets of birds could be heard in the ambiance of the background. It was about three thirty PM. The ledge he was sitting on was covered by a shadow from the building behind it. He brought his hand over to his face as he bent his face towards a little, looking at his lap wondering whether or not that he should share this story since it was a little vulgar. C'est a le vi, Nick then thought.

"Well, I remember backpacking through this village once. It was about half a year ago. This village was quite small and it was just starting to grow out, like most villages do. You know, they start out small and they eventually become very big like this one!"

Nick said, audibly chuckling slightly as the grin on his face increased. The children were still listening to his story. Nick laid his chin in the center of his palm as his elbow was resting on his knee. His legs were crossed.

"So anyhow, this village had a devious way of making money right. They were and I believe that they still are a village that is like pit-stops for travelers. They have a 'hotel', and a 'restaurant'. It looks all normal and fine until you get into the village. That's where it gets a wee bit stranger."

Nick said with a smile on his face, laughing a little as he reminded himself of the village and back when he was there.

"So usually their village leader would pop out of his building at the sight of a new traveler and welcome him to the village and whatnot. They then invite you to drinks, you, being the naive traveler graciously accept this offer and drink a few drinks with the village leader. And this is where all the walls fall down and things start becoming apparent to you, but you just haven't noticed it yet!"

Nick leaned back against the building that was behind him. The children were listening well to what Nick had to say, since it was quite interesting.

"You then, after a small while start to notice that something is wrong with the village. It doesn't feel like the place people would call home, you know? So you want to leave. The village elder feels a little sad that you do, but you took a few drinks, you ask for the bathroom and he points at the backroom. "

Nick almost bursts out in laughter as he's telling them the story.

"So after five minutes or so, you want to get up right? Turns out, there's no Toilet Paper. Ohh yess, I'm not making this up. There were three other people there in the other stalls next to mine who had also been there since there was no toilet paper. They had been there for two hours. Turns out, they were charging 5000 ryo for toilet paper. Some had explosive diarrhea, some were praying to their god, others were calling their wives."

The children start to laugh a little until one asks what Nick did to get out of there.

"Well children, there's a reason why we wear two socks."

On that bombshell, Nick stood up and started to dash away whilst the children were chuckling a little with a wide grin on their face. Nick wasn't the most amusing person, but he liked to think that he was. As he was dashing from rooftop to rooftop he stopped as he saw a convenience store. He wasn't used to the Sunagakure heat that much, he was lucky that he grew up here or the weather here would give him a very bad time after not being in warm weather for a long while.



As a young priestess, Misao was often relegated to the minor duties of the shrine. She often had to tend to the gardens - which she would have gladly done anyways - and cook or clean. She spent several hours meditating and several others training, leaving her with little free time. However, when she did manage to have some time to spare, she often found herself tending to the village's children, particularly the orphans. One of her more important duties was to deliver food, supplies and additional money to one of the local orphanages on behalf of the shrine. She would spend additional time with the kids, playing with them and even sometimes teaching them the basics of musical instruments. It was tiring, but rewarding. It also helped that the children of the orphanage didn't keep their distance from her like others did.

Misao was the child of the former Kazekage, who fell from grace over a year ago and was branded as a defector and a traitor.

People tended to think ill of her - the lesser known child of the four that the former Kazekage had had in total. Her siblings were all capable of rather impressive feats in one area or the other while she was less ambitious, in a sense. Of course, she was just as driven as they were to reach their goals, but hers didn't revolve around becoming obnoxiously strong. Misao was a priestess first and a shinobi second, even though the village looked at it the other way around.

Now was one of those rare moments where Misao found herself with little to do. She walked along the streets of Sunagakure, much to her dismay. She hated the sand and would have much rather preferred riding on the back of the giant hyena that she called a pet. However, Little Zim was nowhere in sight. She frowned for a moment. No matter. She had learned by now that it was best to leave Zim to his own devices, lest he tear up the furniture at home again in a show of rebellion.

"Lady Misao! Lady Misao!" She heard the voice of two small children calling out to her. They ran towards her and gripped her skirt. She recognized them and smiled at them as they began to walk beside her, each holding one of her hands. "It's always good to see you," she greeted them. They seemed happier than usual, more hyperactive, at least. "There was a funny man, Lady Misao! You missed it, he was telling stories!" the other child piped in. Ah, so that was what they were so excited about. "Oh? What were these stories about?" She asked them. She was walking rather aimlessly. However, several shops lined the streets. She supposed she could always use some new sealing scrolls and maybe a few kunai. She would get to that later once the kids went off to play again.

"He told a story about a sock!" One of them said, in between fits of giggles. The other child chimed in, laughing as well in a conspiratorial manner. They were arguing about who should retell the story now, each a little too embarrassed to start it. Misao stopped at the convenience store, figuring she might as well get the kids some candy while she was around there. "Look! That's the funny man over there," one of the kids shouted, pointing at the man, who couldn't have been more than a few years older than her. Misao blushed slightly, embarrassed about how the children were so rudely calling to him. She shushed them, though kindly.

"Please, don't mind them, Kiki and Shinzo can often be rather loud. They still don't understand the meaning of privacy, so they can often bother strangers at random," She explained, after walking towards the man in question. She gave an apologetic bow on their behalf and smiled brightly.

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

(Sorry for late!)

As Nick was about to enter the convenience store to get some supplies for his next trip his attention shifted to the dog who was waiting outside of the door. It seemed to be a pug. He was sleeping. It was quite funny, since his face resembled the face of an old friend Nietzsche had. Well, fair enough the faces of Pugs were similar to the faces of humans, Nick thought. So, whenever he saw a person with odd-facial details he starts comparing them to pugs. Surely, the result of comparing the two is somewhat laugh-worthy. He set one step further until his attention shifted once more. There had been an old man staring at him. Not just staring, it seemed like he was zoned off.

"Puis-je vous aider?"

Said Nick, translating into can I help you. Nick naturally spoke with French, considering that it was his main language. The old man didn't seem to respond so Nick repeated his question once more and he snapped out of it. Since he was zoning out for a minute or so, drool had escaped the lips of the old man and fell onto his shirt. The man mumbled something and walked into the store. Nick shrugged a little and then walked in as well. The store was cool, which was nice, since it was quite hot outside. After grabbing a bottle of water he looked through the window and saw the kids he saw earlier point at him, someone else had joined them or so it would seem.

He waved at them friendly again and stepped out again as he stepped out after paying for the bottle of water. The female that he hadn't seen before was about a foot and half shorter then Nick. He listened to her as he smiled back at her and nodded. They were children, can't really expect them to always act formally.

"Eh, heh, that's fine. Nice to meet you, I'm Nietzsche."

Nick said, with a slight French accent as he looked into the eyes of the female, he had to bend his neck a little to look into her eyes but such wasn't a problem. He stuck his hand out towards her, wanting to shake her hand. Perhaps she was interested into joining his trip that he was planning. It was to the east of Sunagakure, certainly a friend to bring along would be nice.

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