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1Legend of Abraxas Empty Legend of Abraxas Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:52 am


Legends of Abraxas

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The Land of Abraxas, that had once been totally uninhabited, filled with people of every kind of species. None of them had originally come from Abraxas, but all somehow found themselves there all of a sudden. War broke out amongst the many different species that had all appeared on the same planet, most never have seen the other before. Bloodshed filled the land but peace finally returned to Abraxas when leaders came forth and divided the land amongst the races. They separated and made their own governments and military, but there were those that wished for the fighting to continue. They hide in the shadows and in the land unclaimed by any other nation. Secret organizations and Country Conflicts are always hanging over every citizens head. Choose your path, native or new comer, rebel or loyal countryman, and become a Legend on Abraxas........

Legend of Abraxas 72vn8p10

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