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1Renkin clan  Empty Renkin clan Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:25 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Renkin clan  Mercurysymbol

Clan: Renkin Clan-錬金

Kekkei Genkai: Suigintō~水銀: Mercury Release

Elements: Katon/Doton/Mercury[suigin], mercury starts at the same rank as the secondary Doton element and ranks up with Doton, but can not be trained individually.

Specialization: ninjutsu/Bukijutsu.

Location: Suna

Clan History:

The Renkin clan's earliest records date from the early days of Sunagakure. They were a tribe focused on alchemists or Renkinjutsu users, in search of how to turn lead into gold, or create the elixir of life, but their efforts to obtain these goals lead to a completely different result than that which they desired.

The records state that at a time, their entire compound at the outskirts of the Suna village, had exploded in a violent inferno of green, toxic flames and when first help arrived, it was already too late, almost every member of the clan had been burned alive by the flames or died because of the initial shockwave or the debris being tossed around.

After a long search through the ruines of the compound, the people of Sunagakure found a strange scene underneath the remains of the compound, as four children, mere toddlers, were seemingly protected by a shield of glimmering, liquid-looking metal, which when they touched it, was cold and didn't seem to be touched by the heat of the flames at all.

A later discovery had shown that the clan had been experimenting with the metal named mercury and these experiments had resulted in the horrid tragedy that cost the lives of almost all their clanmembers.

In later times, it became apparent, that the four toddlers that had survived the tragedy, now suddenly had a controle over a liquid, heavy metal, creating sublile things with it, such as weaponry harder than steel and techniques that showed a terrifying kind of deadly elegance.

When those toddlers had become adults and had started families of their own, it seemed that their children as well had been blessed with the power of the Mercury Release, which leads to the clan in its current form, as those who had this kekkei genkai started banding together and in time had restored the clan to its original size, but there was a fundamental difference: they were no longer Renkinjutsu users, they no longer practised the arts of alchemy, because they now had more power than any alchemist could dream of, making them a strong and dependable force for Sunagakure.

Kekkei Genkai Description:
Mercury release: Suigintō

The Renkin clan has the Kekkei Genkai of Mercury release, a powerfull and versatile control over the liquid metal known as mercury or quicksilver.

Because of the clan's origin, it is known that they are born with already a large amount of mercury inside their body, running through their bloodstream and affecting their chakra, resulting in the clan having a distinctive affinity with both Katon and Doton, which are believed to be the origin elements of the Mercury release or Suigintō.

Because the mercury is enhanced and refined by the chakra already mixed with it since birth, the liquid metal used by the Renkin clan's shinobi does not possess the toxic properties of the naturally unearthed mercury.

There is no limit to how much mercury a Renkin clan member could make or use during battle, as it is constantly being made within the body of the Renkin clan's Shinobi at all time, always refilling the portion lost due to the use of mercury release based jutsu.

A distinct trait of the Kekkei Genkai is that all members of the clan have silver or blonde hair and their eyecolour always ranges from a deep red to blue or even violet.

The mercury release itself is liquid, but at an additional chakra cost, the clanmembers can also harden the liquid, which is stronger, but heavier than steal.

All Mercury release jutsu have an advantage over Doton, giving any mercury release jutsu a +1 in damage towards any doton based jutsu.

All Mercury release jutsu have a weakness from Katon jutsu, giving any Katon jutsu a +1 in damage against a mercury release jutsu.


Because of the Suigin clan's lack of interest in both medical ninjutsu (A Suigin clanmember is not supposed to get wounded.) and seijutsu (Those who need support are weak), the Suigin clanmembers can't learn either as a tertiary or quartiery spec.

The Suigin clanmembers can not learn another element than those specified as 'mandatory'.

All jutsu containing the hardened form of the mercury element, will cost 5 chakra more than their regular rank chakra costs (I.E. A C rank jutsu with hardened mercury will cost at least 20 chakra rather than the usual 15 chakra)

Members: none as of yet

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
KKG jutsu:

Last edited by Orochi Risu on Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:06 am; edited 2 times in total

2Renkin clan  Empty Re: Renkin clan Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:47 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Bump, ready for an official review XD

3Renkin clan  Empty Re: Renkin clan Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:43 am




The kekkei genkai of the Suigin clan can be seen as Suna's counterpart of the Senju's Wood-release. The Suigin clan's Kekkei Genkai has the formidable Mercury release, which just like wood release is derived from the intense combined use of the two basic elements the shinobi of the Suigin clan can control: Katon and Doton.
Remove everything regarding it being the counterpart of Mokuton for that's not important(and if you want to be control it's counterpart would be Kongo – Steel Clan, but alas). Flush out the description of Mercury Release, give more detail regarding it, along with it's weakness & strengths, how it's form(inside or outside the body), etc. You can combine your “mercury release overview' with the KG Description.

The mercury release allows the shinobi to make use of the versatile liquid metal, which thanks to the long period of studies the clan had devoted to their kekkei genkai, can now be summed up in several stages.

The mercury release can be used in a liquid or hardened state. In it's liquid state, it has properties similar to water, but unlike it, Mercury has no weakness for other elements.

In its hardened form the Mercury is somewhat similar to the Iron release or Gold release known in Suna, but has a higher weight, though it also is more flexible.

The Mercury release ranks up with the Doton element of a Suigin clanmember just like with the Senju's wood release.

Mercury based jutsu have their damage +1 against wood release and doton element
Mercury should have a weakness to Raiton(it does conduct lightning) and/or Hyoton(one of the few metals that melts are cold temparutes) respectively. Hardening mercury should have an additional chakra cost, seeing how it's something that's not 'natural' for the element(weak bonds, etc.) Iron Release & Gold Release isn't on here. . .so remove that and explain the hardening form of Mercury. Remove the comparison between Mercury and Mokuton. Also make a note the poisonous properties of Mercury is non-existence.  . .

The Suigin clan start with 1 free set of kunais and 1 free set of shuriken.

Any weapon purchase will be 10% cheaper.
I'm saying no to this, especially any weapon being 10% cheaper.

Creation Jutsu~Mercury Weapon
There needs to be an additional cost to repair the weapon if broken or damaged. Also detail the amount of damage the weapon can deal.

Creation Jutsu~Mercury Behemoth Scorpion

Specify the height of the scorpion. Also say if the scorpion is control by the user(if so there should be a maintenance cost) or if it acts independent.

4Renkin clan  Empty Re: Renkin clan Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:07 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Edited, now bumpity

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