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1Yamamoto Clan Empty Yamamoto Clan Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:26 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu


Yamamoto Clan 300px-Nakano_Clan_Symbol.svg

Clan: Yamamoto

Kekkei Genkai: 嵐遁 (Ranton ~ Storm Release/Gale Style)

Elements: Raiton|Suiton|Ranton

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Kumogakure

Clan History:


Kekkei Genkai Description:
Storm Release or Gale Style (嵐遁, Ranton) is an advanced nature Kekkei Genkai that combines lightning and water-based chakra. Users can charge water with energy and guide it around to make powerful energy attacks. Ranton is strong against Katon because of the Suiton that is present in its execution. By the same token, it's also strong against Doton, as it is able to scatter and break the ground apart, similar to its consituent Raiton. A Yamamoto's Ranton element rank is the same as the rank of their lowest constituent element. So, if a clan member had S-rank Suiton but B-rank Raiton, Ranton would be B-rank; this Advanced Element automatically ranks up, and can be SS-rank if both constituent elements are.  


  • Must take the Hesitant (specialization) Special Characteristic. Cannot learn a fourth element.
  • Must have ninjutsu as primary.
  • Incapable of using Genjutsu, and all Genjutsu used against a clan member gains +1 in effectiveness.
  • Ranton takes a -1 to Fuuton and Suiton. Air is a natural insulator, and water disperses the energy held by the Ranton technique's water.


Members: None yet.

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Laser Circus:

Storm Senbon:


2Yamamoto Clan Empty Re: Yamamoto Clan Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:29 pm



Ranton needs to detail what it's strong against, element-wise. Moving to the Priority Clans section.

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