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*Drip**Drip**Drip* Was the only sound that resonated through the home of Tsuyoka Igarashi as the storm rolled through. He sat up out of bed and began looking for the leak that had undoubtedly sprung in his roof. As he searched the halls of his home he began to wonder what time it was the sun was peaking over the hill side so it was in the early hours of the mourning, but how early was it. Tsuyoka was usually never up before noon if he could help it. As he stumbled into the kitchen he found what he had been seeking. The leak appeared above his sink and was dripping down into it making a load splattering sound on the metal bottom. He rubbed his forehead before going to the closet to find something to patch the roof with.

As he began climbing the roof of his home, he noticed how much work it really needed. The walls were beginning to give way, The roof was rotting, The floors were about as strong as a piece of wet card board. But for now he would have to live with it. Because until he got some better missions he was living on chump change. He fixed the roof and began to climb down not even noticing that the sun was now in the sky a good ways now. "Well no chance of going back to bed now, might as well just go ahead and start my daily training routine". And the moment his feet hit the ground he began to walk to his secret training area deep within the swamps of sorrow. Due to all the dangers that were involved with entering the swamp there were rarely any people to disturb him so he thought what the heck it's the perfect place to train.

Once he arrived he sat his belongings down by a tree and began to do his stretches before starting his training. He stayed in that spot and trained for at least a good three or four hours, At last he decided to take a rest and jumped up into the tree just above his pack and began to relax and listen to nature.

Last edited by Tsuyoka on Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total



It was one of those special days. Sentō made his way down the dark ally in which he had been hunting the night before. He made quick work of chopping slicing the girl into enough pieces to seal away until he got to the swamp. The swamp was the best place for him to discard of such things, as the sludge where he dumped the bodies was toxic enough to melt away the evidence after not much time at all. As he left the city gates, informing the gate-keepers of his destination, he lied a little. Telling them he was going fishing in the swamps, for the genetically altered fish that were often found there. The guardsman were lazy and could've cared less why he was going there or even where he was going. They say back in their chairs and beckoned him to move along.

With haste he moved through the tree tops, dodging oncoming branches with ease, due to his height. It wasn't long at all before he arrived at the prime location for dumping. As he unsealed the bag containing the remnants of the girl he was detested by the awful smell. He quickly emptied it's contents into the muck , then stomped the bag under the surface of the sludge , being sure to wash off his feet in a cleaner place afterwards. As he prepared to make his way back he saw through the brush a man training.

"Out here..." Sentō thought to himself..."I hope he didn't see anything..."

Knowing better than to ever trust a situation, Sentō created a clone and sent it forth in place of him physically.

(OOC: "he" refers to the clone in this paragraph)
He straightened his posture and made an entrance through the brush which separated the two shinobi. He held up a hand and waved with a small, polite smile. The smile was completely fabricated, Sentō didn't know how to react to the ninja. Knowing that he could've possibly just watched that...but the dread subsided quickly. It wasn't a very strong fear regardless. As he stepped out of the leaves, trotting slowly toward the ninja who he knew to be training by the look of the stumps which were layered with slashes.

Sentō sit with his blade grasped in his hand. Watching as his clone moved to the boy, just 5 meters away. The clone would stay back, not attempting a handshake or anything of the sort.

The sun was tucked behind some trees, so there was no real chance of the boy noting that the clone had no shadow.



Current Situational Info:



Tsuyoka was enjoying his peace and quiet, which sadly didn't last as long as he had hoped. He had only been in the tree a moment when he saw a boy come through the brush. This made Tsu suspicious right away, Due to how far he was in the swamp this is not a place people came for a leisurely stroll to clear the mind. This is the kind of place that normal people avoid. Tsu only comes there to train, but this guy looked as if he had just arrived at the swamp. Had Tsu interrupted this boys training, Or was there another reason for the boy being here. Tsu held onto his sword as he jump down out of the tree and gave a fake but hopefully believable smile and said "Greetings, what may i ask are you doing so far in the swamp. don't you know it's dangerous around here?" He was hoping he could at least get some info out the boy.

Whether his intentions were pure or not the boy gave Tsu a bad vibe. He could tell right away this boy was one not to be trifled with, He keep his hand on his sword in case the boy decided to make a strike but he was hoping that the situation could be solved without violence. But if not Tsu was going to be ready for a sword fight. So all he could do now was wait, wait and watch.



The opposing boy asked Sentō's clone if he knew the dangers of the swamp. The clone chuckled

"The swamp is only as dangerous as a shinobi is careless. I train here, just like you. I heard you take a rest and found this to be a better time to greet you. Great minds think alike, training out here far from the fuss of Kiri's training ground... What is that you're doing..." Sentō said this as he noticed the boy gripping his sword. "I don't want" the clone stuttered. He was putting on a bit of a show at this point, but the emotions in the clones face were real. He appeared to be a scared 14 year old boy.

While they were talking, Sentō had been granted ample time to slip around, using the brush as cover, to the back of the other shinobi. He had the clone place it's hand upon an actually non-existent sword.(being that the clone was an exact replica of his appearance, it also had an illusion of a sword.)

"Why are you scaring me like that? I'm Toshiro Hozuki, I only graduated from the academy this month, I don't think I could beat someone like you..." The clone said in sincerity, lying about his first name.

Sentō used the fear factor to move his clone backwards, hoping to deny the possibility of an offered hand or any other form of physical contact that would reveal the clone. Sentō waited in the brush, directly behind his opponent for his next move.


Chakra 145/150:

Situational Info:



Tsu watched as the boy explained himself, it was not unbelievable that another shinobi would want to train there. Unlikely but not impossible, He nodded never taking his eyes off the boy and said "I am here to train, nothing more nothing less. Big crowds annoy me so i train out here where nobody will disturb me". Tsu still had his hand on his sword when the boy began to panic and say he was scaring him and that he had just graduated the academy this month. Tsu narrowed his eyes and smiled. He messed up, no way a snot nosed newbie fresh out of the academy could get this far into the Swamps of Sorrow. They would be eaten alive within minutes of entering. But Tsu would play along with the boy for a little while since he was bored. Without removing his hand he smiled and said "I am deeply sorry for scaring you, I am not in this position to intimidate you i am simply preparing myself in case something jumps out and attacks us. These swamps have many creatures who would love to have us for dinner". There a simple explanation of why Tsu had his sword ready to strike.



Sentō slipped from the bush, not making a sound. The ability of a ninja to he stealthy was the most important of all skill-sets. He moved silently across the ground, his sword drawn. The clone began to speak again, keeping the attention of the boy.

"Al..alright. I'm lying. Honestly...I'm lost. I have no idea how I wound up out here. I'm very scared...I wanna go home.." The clone stepped toward the boy and dropped to its knees. Weeping realistically. The clone had no tell-tale signs which could give him away yet. Hardly anyone of genin rank could've seen through the clone in these exact conditions.

The clouds stopped all shadows from being cast, and the sound of moving water masked his footsteps as he reached the back of the boy. Without even a moment of hesitation, Sentō stabbed forward with his full momentum. Unless by some miracle, the strike would slice 2 inches deep into the boys lower left abdomen, tearing essential muscle connections and causing a great deal of bleeding. Sentō would then slam his hand into the boys back and perform water prison jutsu.


Chakra 130/150:



Success. The actions went this way, in perfect sequence. His blade buried itself 2 inches deep into the unsuspecting victim, drawing a heavy amount of blood. Before the shock had a chance wear off, his palm slammed into the boys back, and water from Sentō's mouth formed a prison around the boy. His blood diluted the water and Sentō watched as he struggled within the prison. Breaking contact with the prison meant losing the setup, so he had made sure to leave his sword hand available. He used his blade extending technique to stab at the boy in the sphere, not aiming for anything vital, but hoping to pierce him enough times to cause him to lose consciousness. The boy also couldn't breathe, which meant only a few startles by stabbing and he would be out of oxygen.

(Short post because I don't have much to respond off of. 48 hours passed without a post and so the previous posts actions count as an auto hit. :/ not going to maim you for it though. Better luck next fight~)


Chakra 120/150:



He was to preoccupied by the boy in front of him to notice that it was actually a clone, He soon found it though when he felt a sharp pain then the feeling of water overtake his entire body. Being a Suiton user himself he knew to take in a large breath. Damn i was tricked he thought has he turned in the sphere of water to see the exact same person he had been speaking to. He almost lost hope when he felt a warm sensation on his abdomen.It was a feeling he was quite used to by now and it made him quite happy to feel it. He was bleeding, for most bleeding is a bad thing but for a igarashi it is the best thing that could happen. He Then noticed the boy began to stab at him in the water Fuck Tsu drew his sword and began to parry the strikes which was not easy in water but luckily the water prison has a draw back. The user can only use one hand while using it. Tsu continued to deflect the blows while focusing the blood in his right hand and formed a bullet of blood and fired it toward the boys face. Since he was in the water it would slow his attack down a bit but Tsu was only really trying to make him break contact with the sphere. Since the boy was this close if the bullet hit it would be enough to fracture his nose.

chakra 135/150 jutu inside:



Sentō released the water prison as the boy launched a slow moving projectile. He released and stepped to the side in one very quick motion, the boy should have fallen a little, as he was no longer under water. In one swift motion, as he dodged to the left of the projectile, he slashed upwards, hoping to slice the boy up his center mass. The strike was quick, and with the shock from suddenly being released from the prison, the boy shouldn't have been able to raise his weapon on time.

Sentō immediately threw a punch directly at the boys jaw after slashing upwards of his chest. It was time to finish this. If the boy would only succumb and be grounded Sentō would knock him unconscious and exit the area. He was not looking to talk about things, he was only trying to hone his skills.

Chakra 115/150:




Tsu felt the water dissipate from around him then there was a slight drop. He had hoped the blood bullet had hit it's mark. But no such luck, soon after he hi the ground he felt a sharp pain in his chest that could only come from a sword slash. He had to think quickly, That's when it hit him. His finger blades are on his fingers. He took the blade across his forearm and ripped it as fast as he could. Tsu felt the ward stinging sensation as he blood fell to the ground. He said nothing but simply formed a large scythe out of blood on his forearm and swung it at the boy. This guy was getting annoying and Tsu just wanted to end this fight.

chakra 115/150jutsu inside:

Sorry it's so short, i've been sick.

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