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1Mole-mole [C-rank mission] Empty Mole-mole [C-rank mission] Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:39 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu


It wasn't all that long ago, when Risu had first started taking missions after leaving the hospital, but at the point she was now, she began to understand that slowly, but certainly, she was growing beyond the expectations and limitations put up for the D and the C rank missions, which lead her to strive for a promotion to chuunin as soon as possible.

However, it was not that day she would be getting her promotion to chuunin, no, this time it was her usual 'hate Enaka' day, which became obvious when the young Orochi lady rushed out of the Orochi house and headed to the mission board, fuming in anger and willing to do anything, as long as it took away her thoughts about that perstering uncle of hers.


"Risu!" A shinobi at the countered yelled, waving with a few pieces of paper over his head. "Risu, I've got a decent task for you."

"Well then, enlighten me Taro," The young orochi laughed, while grabbing the papers from between the shinobi's fingers, finding it funny to see one of her clan's guards to work at the board, yet as a shinobi everything and every job in the village was a possibility, which was now obviously shown.

"You'll love it," The paleskin shinibi laughed, his brown hair vibrating on the rythm of his words. " Do you remember the Atako family?"

"Vaguely," She said, slightly intrigued by the question, about an old couple they'd meet long time ago. Though her interest had peaked, the young Orochi Lady wasn't certain if anything that bothered those old geezers would bother her.

"Just saying, they're paying 160 ryo for a mole extermination," The hebi member laughed, stamping the papers and giving them back to Risu. "aweful lot for some dead rodents."


2Mole-mole [C-rank mission] Empty Re: Mole-mole [C-rank mission] Sat Mar 01, 2014 6:12 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Haing thanked Taro for his help with finding and giving Risu a more than suitable mission, he explained her where she could find the residence of the Atako family, to which the young Orochi lady quickly departed, interested enough to see what the problel was and solve it to the best of her abilities. The fact that the Atako family.s garden and surrounding land had become infested with moles wasn't too surprising, since the winter had been a gentle one, with more rain than snow and not so much freezing temperatures, which lead to the fact that the soil was moist and fertile, which attracted a lot of worms and those worms attracted a lot of moles, a fun fact Risu had learned from Taro when he had explained the cause of the infestation.

Upon arriving at the patch of land belonging to the Atako family, she finally remembered who they were. The Atako's were a household of weavers and spinners, making the best and most expensive clothing in Konoha.

"Now I remember, it was Atako-sama who gave me my cherry red Yukata for that festival when I was six years old," the young kunoichi laughed slightly bittered, knowing and remembering that it was the first festival she had gone to, but not with her parents, yet her uncle Enaka was a caring and loving man to her, having taken her to that festival. "Let's see if the Atakos remember me as well."

When she knocked on the door, a rumbling and stumbling noise could be heard, after which an elderly woman, with snow wjite hair and a wrinkled, yet gentle face opened the door. Looking at the Shinobi at the door, the old lady smiled and hugged the frail little girl with more strength than her appearance belied. "Oh my, it's our little Lady Orochi, so good to see you dear."

After giving the hug, the old lady lead Risu inside, explaining that her husband wasn't home at the time and also that they had stopped making clothes because of their age and not having any apprentices, with two of their sons having choosen to be shinobi rather than working class folk. She also explained that they had managed to start farming, all the while complaining about the moles that ruined their land, after having heard all that she lead the young Orochi lady to the field, so she could do her job in peace, telling her that she was grateful to have the shinobi help her out, especially with the fact they had send someone she had known as a child, glad to see how beautiful the young woman had become.


3Mole-mole [C-rank mission] Empty Re: Mole-mole [C-rank mission] Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:30 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Having explained to The young orochi lady how dire the consequences of the mole's infestation were, the old lady Akato thanked Risu again for the fact that she was more than willing to undertake this mission to save the old folks livelyhood and insure there survival as farmers.

Taking a look outside on the field, the young kunoichi immediately understood the reason why the old people were in over their head with these moles, as a sfar as she could see over the field, the moles had made holes and heaps of sand, scattered all over the field like pimples on the face of a twelf year old boy with acne.

Laughing about her own comparison, the young girl regained her composure and started looking at a few of the holes, hoping to find at least one of those moles and at one moment she thought she had actually seen one, but she could not be entirely certain.

Growing agitated by the minute, Risu suddenly made a few seals with her hands, her cheeks puffed up and she put her face in one of the holes, spewing out her starch syrup jutsu, which should drive away the moles or render them immobile, at least she hoped to get them all, but sadly she did not get them all, as one of them had crawled up, while she had her face in the hole, crawled a bit over the ground and created a new tunnel that wasn't connected to the entire field network.

She could see five of them trying to crawl out of the mixture of mud and sticky liquid, but that sixth one had to be dealth with appropriately and with the fact that she could see he had made a bew tunnel, Risu angrily formed another set of handseals, with a mudsnake shooting into the new tunnel, reaching the mole and hardening to concrete, trapping the animal inside a shell.

When that sixth mole had been dug out, the moles were all put in cages, so old lady atako could release them in the mountains, away from the field.


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