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1[Affiliate]Naruto: Shinobi Destiny Empty [Affiliate]Naruto: Shinobi Destiny Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:31 am

The Sage

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" The earth is not a safe place. The people don't really have what to eat or drink, it is like an apocalypse. But one kid was born with some powers that were never seen before. Soon he would get the name of the Sage. The Sage had a talent that he developed while training. He was the first ninja that ever appeared. He created the basic techniques for the ninja and he also trained a lot of people to become real shinobi. No one really knows anything about him but, one thing that is certainly true about his life is that he had (and still has) 7 sons. He left all his powers to them, to allow his children to make a better world for everyone."

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