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"Another day came, and we began the seventh day. its not really a day, its just what we'd like to call it, if it was up to me. I'd call it the seven days war against seven bells. But no one really knows? will it end here? will take more time? will the war never really end? The truth remains hidden, but be what it may, my promise will not dissipate as some technique, Gan Ning's head will be held in my hands. I was issued with handling the protection and the assault missions on seven bells and his minions,  his minions are already what I'd call my bitch,or rather bitches. Yes, I've made a name for myself, I am wanted dead or alive by Gan Ning himself, of course, why not? I have perhaps killed over three hundred soldier of his, and over fifty of his 'elite' fighters, they were really tough, but against me, I guess they no can do...

And today I've been assigned a new area, and from what I've heard, it won't come to my liking, and yes its full of pitch black rainbows, and the beautiful ugly scent of death. Just by reading about that place....I've got dem chills go down my spine, oui. I never thought that someone can ever describe horror in mere words to me, and this is me I am talking about....friggin me....a guy that burns, skewers, and strips the flesh off of his enemies bones. And still I never thought that their description would be so.....true."
such were the words of Uzumaki Tsuneo, he whom now stands in the small village of death, death was all that meets the eye in here, corpses, the sounds of crows, the pools of blood, the dark atmosphere, the deathly stench of death, and the chill of death was easily felt by the young Uzumaki as he entered the area were death resided in, the area death calls a home. Tsuneo smiled as he eyed the area, his rage was slowly building up.....this was surely the work of the puppeteer, Gan Ning.

Tsuneo flinched as he noticed a movement nearby, the deathly silence filled the air, even a fly's wings flocking were nearly heard, the gentle breeze whispered the movement of all that was in the area, there was no hiding, the feeling of the breeze caressing his skin with its deathly cold touch, everything was apparent as day, although, the mist had filled the area of corpses, looks like the dead are aching for a fight...why not provide them with one, Tsuneo was always generous in that certain thing. He'd give his victim his all, and no opponent was really called an opponent, they were all victims, Tsuneo would kill them all, simple as that. His lips spat some words "Hide and that what you want to play..really, like really." he was not patient man, those walking corpses are wasting much of his time, time is gold, and unfortunately Tsuneo was a poor killer surviving with whatever was in his way. True he had an angelic side to him, but this deadly, lethal side of his, would always appear in situations such as this, or in fights, it was his aid in battle, and as he said before explaining his situation, his darkness is his weapon, and his light, is his shield.

The young Uzumaki would blink as he noticed another movement, it seems his enemy is moving whenever Tsuneo blinks....such stupid wasted effort...Tsuneo would smile as he would intentionally blink but as he was about to complete his blink his eyes widened to his right side, detecting the enemy's true location. Tsuneo acted normally calm, and took few more steps deep into the mist, the bewildering mist of lies, it hailed like an endless sea, but sooner than later, Tsuneo would vaporize this sea.

It's Time~~

Tsuneo  would count those that he had sensed so far, and prepare for an attack on his enemies. Tsuneo would notice some strange fuuinjutsu symbols, and knowing he was still being watched, he still headed towards them and leaned in on the walls they're written on, trying to decipher the symbols...after a while of looking at them, which was only two or three minutes the boy realized what he'll be going against. Each symbol held a medium amount of chakra within it, it was a transferable chakra pool, these symbols would also release some sort of threads...chakra threads of course, and two of these have already released the chakra strings or threads, or whatever it may be called, however, the point remains as clear as day, two puppets are no in the area, and they have a chakra pool, and knowing seven bells, they're most likely human made puppets, and from his old habits, they're most likely his dead captains. These puppets, however, don't seem to have a HUGE amount of chakra, they're far below what a genin would have, and so far from being near a genin Uzumaki...these poor bastards. Tsuneo had to move as faintly as he can, until he made his plans, how he'll act, and how he'll react, from the number of the symbols there are five enemies, the threads were no simple low rank threads, which was apparent by their thickness, as he had read about puppeteers in order to be prepared when fighting Gan, and apparently the thickness estimates the level of power of the puppet, and judging by what Tsuneo saw they're most likely, B or A ranked puppets. Tsuneo would start creating his major plans for these five hoes, he would aim to crush them all out of existence, and so they danced, Tsuneo and the dead, It was now the time to destroy some zombie puppets. How will the dance turn out? how an one not be intrigued to figure out.

Last edited by Uzumaki Tsuneō on Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:15 pm; edited 4 times in total



His calm feint gaze changed into a raging glare that pierced through the fragile existences of all beings that existed around him, he will tear down the man called Gan Ning, his hatred and rage would grant him power, Tsuneo spat words with a dominant tone that looked down at the mere existence of the undead puppets "Trash will be burned....Show yourself...trash of seven bells." and with his words the other three human puppets were connected by the strings of chakra that the sealing symbols sprouted in an instant, Tsuneo looked around him and blinked slowly only to find himself surrounded by five beings, and five being that he knows well, these beings were humans, that's a one, and two, they were all seven bells's or Gan Ning's men, his elites, Tsuneo would recognize each one of them, the young Uzumaki was not so low that he would forget those whom he had killed, he would cherish the looks in their eyes, and their appearances no matter who they were, why? simple, to remind himself, of the appearances of the sins he had committed, and he did it as an act to respect those that love them, and the ones he killed. Tsuneo believes that one day, people will come to understand one another, and peace will be surely achieved, but bloodshed and death, and pain and hatred will forever exist, peace will be achieved when people learn to overcome these negative emotiones, and use them as a source of power to protect, wherever there's light, there will be darkness, and wherever there's darkness, there's light,  and that's what the meaning of Yin-Yang is, although they're very different, and both are considered a fatal threat to one another, they cannot exist without one another, love cannot exist without hate, and so does hate, hatred is born from love after all, and that's the meaning of true peace.

But enough of Tsuneo's thoughts about peace, because now, it was the timefor conflict, death, and bloodshed, Tsuneo's eyes widened as he was surrounded, this was not his usual ordinary mission, he's got five elites surrounding him, Tsuneo spoke as he locked his eyes upon them "Lets dance, lovelies~" said as he took off with a jump, only to land on one of their heads and using it as a step stone, Tsuneo would jump and break free of the circle they made by surrounding him, Tsuneo would run as fast as he can and hide by using the transformation technique and transforming into one of them, Tsuneo would join them secretly as they ran behind his real appearance, but they kne wnothing about him not being one of them, and they even started getting suspicious, why were there two puppets that look exactly the same, and are even linked to the same sealing symbol, Tsuneo's technique was a big success by transforming himself into one of them he was capable of blending in, Tsuneo would point towards the one he imitated and as their eyes were locked on the real puppet, three clones would supposedly come out of hiding and they all resembled Tsuneo, they were his real appearance's clones, the three clones would run towards the good ol' puppets Tsuneo would jump away and back off still in his puppet form, the other REAL puppets intercepted the clones head on, but these three were no mere clones, they  his electrical bolts, the technique he made, and thus, he used his ultimate tricky combo. Three of the puppets were burned to crisp, their bodies had major third degree burns, and were stunned, however two remained, Tsuneo getting sick with this charade, he started taking action, he would make a hand sign pulling the trigger of a technique he sealed on the ground beneath them, dealing them more burns, but sadly these three human puppets were nothing but burned flesh stuck on burned bones.

Tsuneo was no ordinary shinobi, he just killed three elites that were supposedly A-rank at least, without even bothering with it, tactics? no, it is far more than that hubris, Tsuneo was merely a higher shinobi, unlike others of his rank,he showed the most power, and the perfect use of his surroundings, he has also shown a vast point of view towards things, he would devise multiple plans and counterattacks in an instant, as if second nature, and who knows, perhaps it is his second nature, well whatever it was, Tsuneo excelled in many things, where others fail miserably, Tsuneo was always an elite, even in Konohagakure,  he never showed less than his best, and was eventually deemed as one of the elites, many would tell him how he should be a special jounin when he was merely a genin, but Tsuneo was stuck in  a vicious conflict of emotions dwelling within him, but no more, Tsuneo had found his goal, and knows full well what he must do,but for now, Kirigakure's safety is his top priority, of course Kirigakure and its citizens. And so the young Uzumaki took his first steps outside of his small hideout, because as much as it was useful, stealth that is, Tsuneo loved to fight his enemies head on, and so he would slip out of his transformation and return to his normal appearance, Tsuneo's past glare would now appear to be a calm gaze, what was so annoying is that his gaze would ierce through them easily, as if they're not standing in their positions, which is infront of the devilish young Uzumaki, the dark hero, Uzumaki Tsuneo. The young boy would slip into a battle stance, preparing to fight, and fight what seems to be a troublesome battle against two elites,head on, without any act of stealth, his blood lust would begin to devour his fears, and so would his appearance change, his hair's color would slip into a silver color, and his skin would turn white as a sheet of paper, but his eyes would glow in crimson red, lustfully lusting for blood, it was time for red roses to splatter.




His goal was more apparent than it could ever be, the murder of these two remaining puppets, Tsuneo's victims...he's becoming sick of the blood staining his hands, he for one, knows for sure, that what awaits him is a filthy end, none the less, how will murderer be punished otherwise, Tsuneo was a murderer, and  he was a murderer, and murderers have nothing but hell awaiting them. Tsuneo stood infront of the two puppets about to attack his targets but as usual he preferred taking the second move, and thus, he would await them, even the slightest flinch could mean that its time to act, the young Uzumaki had learned to survive that way, he had always relied on no one else but himself, and he had always trusted no one other than himself,trusting himself and relying on himself led him to depend on his capabilities to their maximum and waste no move, every move was critical, Tsuneo would continue to eye the two puppets with extreme concentration, he was no multtitasker but he for sure can divide his attention for brief moments, Tsuneo continued his glare as he spoke "Give it up, your efforts are futile, you'll only end up dying"

And thus the stage was set Tsuneo ran towards the two puppets as one of them did, with both of them heading towards one another, they began their destructive fight. While the puppet threw a punch Tsuneo managed dodging it by moving his head to the left, a kick by the right leg was thrown by the puppet as it retracted its fist, Tsuneo would jump slightly and land in the same place on the puppet's leg, he would strike it with his knee on its stomach, and slam his palms with his knee implanted in the puppet's stomach, generating a large amount of electricity creating a ten meters radius shell of lightning, the victim received light second degree burns, though, the fight was far from over, the second puppet intercepted from the left side, throwing an A-ranked katon attack, Tsuneo wasted no time, and activate his swallowing seal raising his palm towards the flame, he would suck it in, and release it back towards his opponent.Back to the puppet infront of him he glared as he continued his attacks he would place his palm on its chest, and release a blast of flames followed along with arrows of lightning that skewered his target's hard skin, and while the other one to his left got up Tsuneo turned to it and accepted it's attack as it ran towards him by throwing a spear made of sealing symbols, Tsuneo simply threw it, and the puppet simply dodged....

It continued throwing punches and kicks for a while some of them made a slight impact leaving the young Uzumaki slightly troubled, but no matter, he shall take care of this matter  as easily as usual,it shouldn't trouble him anymore, after all, this is Tsuneo that's fighting. He leaned in as he threw a bomb of flames that devoured his target, and only after a few moments, a figure appeared walking from the area of the fire, it was none other than him, he demolished his enemies, as he always did, the explosions loving maniac gains another sin, or sins, but it's not as if he cares, he killed far too many to care now, remembering the faces of those he kills, is all he can do. He spoke in a dark voice fitting such a place "How many have I killed by now, I don't have enough fingers to count, and I don't think the sins will be washed by simply begging for forgiveness, I even kill the dead, ugh I need a vacation, my lust is starting to take over."

And with that his mission ended, the young Uzumaki took his steps back to the commander, and reported the events of this mission, Tsuneo was far to tired and injured to talk, so he ate his meal after getting treated, and headed to sleep, his only excuse was "Am tired", and with that his short adventure in the land of death in the bird village ended, such a disgusting place, death reeks from it, Tsuneo couldn't think of how the people were resisting its mere existence.

He was sick to his stomach from that place, he couldn't resist staying another second in it, the atmosphere itself was choking him, he really disliked that feeling, Tsuneo would surely destroy that place after the war, and until then, he'll keep his thoughts and concentration on kirigakure, they must win this war, seven bells is a demon, the weak won't remain a minute under his rule, kirigakure may return to its usual days, war is one of the things to be expected, the deaths of many people are following his being, he is a threat to the peace of the shinobi world, and the problem is that not only shinobi exist in this world, but also innocent people, people whom never committed any sin, why must they die, well...under his rule they will die, and they will experience despair. and so the boy closed his eyelids as he slipped into the world of dreams,surviving another day, its been a while since he saw his sensei, or his master, he truly missed them both, and wished for their safety. Another day passes Tsuneo experiences the feeling of an area that's truly surrounded with death, and gains him nothing but bitter feelings, and has him take look back at the blood that stains his hands, his sins.



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