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1Mission: sword maintenance Empty Mission: sword maintenance Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:57 pm



With the war over and done with Zanto needed revenue. Sense Setsuko moved in with him he quickly learned she had a lot of needs. Zanto usually lived a simple life never really spent a lot of money anywhere, but now he had to help provide for Setsuko so now he had to take less than glamorous jobs. He went to go get a small D ranked mission to bring in some money. For this mission he had to clean a samurai’s sword. He received the address and made his way there. After walking a few minutes he arrived at a large mansion built in the traditional Japanese architectural style. He checked the address to make sure it was right, and it was
‘Great I have to maintain some lazy rich person’s sword… I don’t get paid enough for this crap.’ Zanto thought.
Zanto barley read the mission details. He got the jest of it he was just there to maintain a sword for someone. He walked up to the door of the mansion.
He knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to answer. Soon the door opened and Zanto was met by a stubby short fat man dressed in traditional samurai attire with a top knot.
‘Who is this fat midget?’ Zanto wondered.
“Good morning, I am Zanto Akitaru, I am the ninja responding to a request made by your master to maintain and clean his prized sword. My times are short so please fetch him for me, and get me some wine or whatever it is this man drinks as long as it is strong.”
The short fat man’s jaw dropped his expression quickly turned to an angry one. His face started to turn bright red and he started to softly growl.
‘What’s his deal?” Zanto wondered.
“How dare you speak to me with such disrespect!!!!!!!! I am the master of this house and you work for me!!!” the fat man shouted.
Zanto shrugged his shoulder and decided to mess with this want to be samurai.
“I apologize sir I had no idea you were a samurai, but you have to admit it was a ‘little’ funny.” Zanto said. He put as much emphasis as he could, on the word “little” hoping this fat monkey would get the message.
And he did.
The man was turning purple now. It was actually surprising he didn’t pass out yet.
“Why you little-“
Zanto interrupted him as quickly as he could.
“Can you please show me the sword so I can do my job and leave?”
The man turned around and grumbled to himself as he led Zanto down a long hallway and through a large set of doors. The doors led to what looked like a museum. There was old Samurai armor on a stance, paintings, scriptures, and of course a small armory of swords. He led Zanto to an alter where the sword was.
“ No listen! That sword needs to be perfect for tonight! If I find so much as a small scratch on it then I will have your head!!!” The fat man shouted.
Zanto could only chuckle at the fat man’s antic’s.
“Well I should have it done in a LITTLE while. I mean after all it is a SMALL heirloom so it’s not a WIDE LOAD I have to deal with.” Zanto continued to taunt the fat man by putting a lot of emphasis on words that mean little and large. This of course only pissed off the man even more and he stormed out of the room.
‘Well… I think it’s safe to say I hate this man. So I’ll clean this sword up report the mission and come back here before the party starts to spread my own special brand of anarchy.’ Zanto thought.
He chuckled to himself as he pulled out his cleaning kit and began to work on the sword. It didn’t take him long to finish much to Zanto’s surprise the fat man took excellent care of the sword.

wc 671/600

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