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1A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty A day of relaxation [yuku only] Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:12 pm



Hira sat in a tree asleep, he was on the top branch and even though he was asleep he could feel the cool wind rushing past him. He woke up, sat up on the branch and yawned. He began to think about the match he with yuku the other day and wondered how she was doing. "I think ill go see her." he said to himself. He stood up and dashed towards the house he dropper her off at. He raised one fist, placing his other hand in his topocket and knocked. He then placed that hand in his other pocket and waited for someone to come to the door.

2A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty Re: A day of relaxation [yuku only] Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:10 pm



Yukue was drinking one of her most favorite teas it was just a plain black tea. After she finished her drink she said "Mum I know I tell you this every time but your tea is the best!" she ran up to her mother, and hugged her tightly. She then let go of her, stepped backwards, and smiled at her mother. She then felt really hot like the sun was right next to her. She quickly ran into her living room and opened the windows. She was so hot that she even leaned on the couch and put her head out of the window. After that she shrinked her head back in the room. Yukue then went to kitchen to see if anything sweet was laying on the table or maybe some ice cream in the freezer. She found some sweet laying on the table so she picked them up unwrapped the chocolate bar and eat it. She then heard a knock on a door. She quickly ran up to the door, open the door and saw Hira standing right in front of her. She then though to herself "Hmm i wonder what he is doing here." She then raised her head backwards and said to her mum "Ill be leaving now mum, I will be back in about 3 hours." Yukue closed the door and asked Hira "So what bring you here Hira?" she stud there waiting for reply.

3A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty Re: A day of relaxation [yuku only] Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:54 am



Hira waited a few moments and wass preparing to knock again when the door opened and yuku was standing in front of him. When she asked what he was doing there he replied "I uh... came to check on you. I wanted to see how you were doing since our match the other day." He then smiled and reached into his pocket and pulled out one of his favorite flowers, the water wisp. The flower had a light green stem and the top of it was purple and blue swirled together. He handed it to her saying "Here, its a water wisp, it means goodluck to me and so i brought one for you."

4A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty Re: A day of relaxation [yuku only] Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:54 am



Yukue opened her eyes really widely seeing how beautiful water wisp flowers were. She looked into Hira's dark yellow eyes and said. "Thank you very much. This flower is just really beautiful." She then came closer to Hira and kissed his cheek.

Yukue then said. "So where do you want to go?" She smiled and waited for his reply.

5A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty Re: A day of relaxation [yuku only] Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:58 am



Hira's eyes widened and he was lost in thought for a few moments, he then broke out of it saying "Uh... yea water wisp flowers are not very common flowers but they are very pretty." He then scratcthed his head and looked into yuku;s eyes saying "well i guess i dont really care, you decide." As he waied for her reply he couldnt help but think about what lies ahead for him and for yuku all he knew is that he would protect her from everything.

6A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty Re: A day of relaxation [yuku only] Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:28 pm



"We could go to the park, sit on a bench and relax if you don't mind." Yukue said excitingly. She then started walking and said "Why are you just standing there looking at that nothing come. Lets go!" She put her arms behind her head and waited for Hira to come.

7A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty Re: A day of relaxation [yuku only] Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:52 am



Hira liked relaxing at the park, when he heard her say "come on, lets go!" He ran up next to her and smiled saying "Sure hat sounds like a perfect thing to do." they started to walk he wondered what to talk about he, walked with his hands behind his head and his eye's kinda rolled from the ground to yuku then back again. "So... what made you wanna become a shinobi?" he said trying to spark a conversation.

8A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty Re: A day of relaxation [yuku only] Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:06 am



"Well the answer is simple. To protect the ones I love." She smiled and answered. She then walked past one of the shops and asked Hira. "So are you worried about chunnin exams? I mean my mum told me what's it like there. She said that she almost died." She then turned around and looked at Hira. She wanted to see his face when he was speaking it just reminded her of an old friend.

9A day of relaxation [yuku only] Empty Re: A day of relaxation [yuku only] Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:15 am



Hira stopped walking and looked at yuku, he thought about he question for just a few momets. He then shrugged saying "Ya know i havent realy thought about it a whole lot, but i guess i am a little nervous. I want to belive im strong enough to just fly through it but nothings that easy." He then looked right at yuku "I just hope im strong enough to protect us both."

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