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1Undercover Victim [D rank /Private] Empty Undercover Victim [D rank /Private] Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:59 am




The expression on the man’s face truly was one that read ‘I hate my life’ all over it, of all the tasks he could have taken, or all the missions he was stuck with this!? The man would only sigh internally his usual attired was gone replaced by a common white shirt, a pair of black slacks, and a blue apron over his shoulders the man would begin to walk towards the shop where he was to execute his mission. It was an interesting one, the details of this mission where simple he had to find out why the fresh batch of employees that once worked here all quiet; not only that but a few weeks after the incident every new employee would quit as well. It was indeed a mystery, but then again it was also not something he was thrilled investing his time on, but alas he was already here. Stepping into the store Tsurugi would put on an act, with a bright smile on his face he reached up combing away a few bangs of blue hair from his golden orbs to give his line of sight more clarity. Instantly he was welcomed by a man a frail creature, with a head full of greys, and whites he too wore the same uniform as Tsurugi, except it said ‘Manager’ on his name tag.

Reaching over Tsurugi would take a quick bow out of respect, “Tsurugi Osada sir! Reporting for duty” he would say to the man with a bright smile, nodding his head once the elder man would reach up placing a soft hand on Tsurugi’s facial features, practically cupping his cheek “Well you look like a nice young man, come on in so I can show you the basics” he would say to the young man as he turned away from him. Shaking off the fact that he believed what had just happened to be extremely odd, Tsurugi followed the man nonetheless, maybe the further he dove into this role the more he could find out about whatever activity was causing employees to quit this job. “So right here, all you have to do when the shelves empty out, is reach under the row, and pull out a box filled with new produce…like so” kneeling down the old man would pull a crate from under the shelf, filled with new glass bottle of water. Stepping back he eyed Tsurugi with a smile, “Please take some of the glass bottles, and neatly fill the shelves with them” he said nodding his head Tsurugi would approach the crate, taking the bottles in his hands as he began to fill the rows.

“Mmm…yess” the manager would whisper from the sides his eyes watching the blue haired male as he worked, “Work those muscles, so strong!” the old man would say approaching the younger mand to squeeze his shoulders “Oh yes yes yes! Someone like you would be a great addition to the store!” the old man exclaimed before his hands quickly tapped the male’s rear. “Come along now!” he would order turning away from Tsurugi, however to the man with blue hair it was more than obvious what was happening here, “These actions will seize immediately!” he snapped his golden eyes glaring at the older man causing the old man to stop in his tracks. “Hm?” turning over his shoulder to stare at the male he would be welcomed by a sudden flash of flames that seemed to erupt from Tsurugi’s mouth, “GAH!” the old man yelled falling back onto his rear, eyes wide with fear, and body stunned with terror. Standing over him the towering male would reach for his apron pulling it from his figure to toss it to the side, “Juroku!” he would say his eyes focused upon the man, as he reached into his back pocket producing his headband. “I am a ninja of Kirigakure, sent in here via private contract to investigate the reason for the loss of employees…it has been through my investigation that I have come to the conclusion that it is your perverse actions that have led to the loss of employees” his voice thundered with authority, and a hand reached down quickly grabbing the olds man collar.

“W---wait wait!” he would plea hoping he would be released, but to no avail instead he was slammed straight into the nearest shelf causing some items to fall around them, “You have two options, you stop this unacceptable behavior or I burn you to a crisp!” he threatened with a sharp glare accompanying his words. “B—burn me over a few employees!?” Juroku said, Tsurugi would bury his knuckles further into the man’s neck, “No…for touching my ass! So, if I have to come back here again, it will not be a pleasant visit” he would threaten releasing the old man from his grip. Turning away from the old man Tsurugi walked towards the exit, stopping just before he was fully out of earshot “Do remember my face Juroku, and know that I will always be watching…waiting for the opportunity to send you to the afterlife” with that he stepped out, leaving the old man to contemplate his decisions.


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