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1Kill or capture escaped Gorilla (C-rank) Empty Kill or capture escaped Gorilla (C-rank) Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:57 pm

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki


Masaaki has begun to tire of these D-ranked missions, actually the more he thinks about it. The more he’s beginning to think he is being deliberately held back simply because of his disability, it wouldn’t be the first time so he wouldn’t be a surprise if that was the case.

Still, the more D-ranks he do, the more they’ll have to consider putting him onto C-rank missions right? Even if it takes a year…but Masaaki doesn’t want to wait that long hence why he directly confronted a chunin. “Hi.” Said the male casually, his serious face on as always. “When will I get a C-rank mission?” he was trying to be polite, but just the idea of being underestimated really frustrates him. The chunin simply looked at him before pulling out a leaflet with the mission details, and to Masaaki’s surprise, the chunin didn’t even hesitate in giving him the card. The chunin dusted off the dirt on his knees before continuing “A silverback gorilla has escaped its enclosure, you’re tasked to track it down and stop him.” The shinobi continued in explaining the situation in more depth, apparently the gorilla is causing disaster in its wake. The ninja also elaborated further by explaining that the clients offer two optional rewards, a higher payment for bringing the gorilla home and a lower payment for bringing the gorilla dead. The higher payment one is secondary since a Gorilla of this size can take any shinobi it wanted if it tried but Masaaki didn’t refuse the mission, this is his first C-rank mission and as God as his witness (and the chunin) he will defeat this mammal gorilla and bring him home!

WC: 280/1000

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

The first place he checked out was the forest, it wasn’t hard. A gorilla can easily leave footprints and maybe a few evidence of the wheckage and since Masaaki took to the rooftops to track him down, it wasn’t hard. That and a few directions given to him by witnesses so eventually, he found the location. He would bet a Gorilla would make his nest there, after all being separated from his usual group means the male gorilla would seek out a new group to dominate. Primates are social creatures after all and usually leave their parents at the Nasal stage.

He started combing the forest and looking for any tracks of a big animal but all he could find was deer tracks and rabbit tracks. ‘Maybe its not in the forest hmm’ He thought inwardly as he continued combing the forest. It was midday before he even found the first clue, a destroyed tree ripped apart and tore to pieces, Hmm I think I may be onto to something he started looking for more destruction when he found a crushed deer, not eaten or skinned but beaten to a pulp, the gorilla obviously was quite angry at something, which may make it hard to capture, he may have to kill it. He the noticed that the corpse was very fresh, the blood matted to what was left of the poor animal was still wet and not dried up yet, so that meant the corpse could not be more than a day old and maybe even a few hours, so in that case the primate must be nearby so he quickly scanned the area for any signs of the Gorilla close by just in case the ape mistake him for prey  and decide that he too should be eliminated.

WC: 579/1000

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

He kept up her search by following the wanton destruction of the forest, which was actually quite easy, until she found a dead black bear...with no head, the gorilla had killed a bear of that size and ripped its head off, how in the hell would he take it down if it could do that to a bear, but she really needed the money so she kept on following the path made by the beast. It was nearing midnight when a large shadow caught his eye, and at that point he saw it, a 7 foot tall and 5 foot wide jet black ape, covered in blood from its past fights, and eyes enraged for some reason he couldn’t guess most likely because of the gorilla’s former human opponents, years of capativity must’ve enraged him also.

The ape stared at him for a moment and in that moment, Masaaki actually feared if he would get out of this alive or not. The beast’s arms were the size of tree trunk, and fists the size of watermelons, but he couldn’t leave now he would take it on and try his best not to die. The beast spotted him and let out a foul roar before beating his chest many times before finally charging him, his knuckles crushing the dirt beneath his hideous gigantic form. Masaaki dodged easily enough, his quick reflexes enabling him to survive the first attack, in retaliation he fired his kunais at the creature, making sure to aim them at the legs to slow down his movement. Skidding across the forest floor Masaaki ducked under a log just as soon as the Gorilla with its great strength picked up a wood trunk and hauled it at him, thankfully Masaaki once again managed to dodge, something of that size would’ve crippled him. Now out of the view of the creature, Masaaki slowed his breathing and kept his footsteps light, but atlas, the gorilla is like him, a stronger scent of smell. Letting out another infuriated roar the creature punched the ground like a tempermental child, challenging Masaaki to show his face, and he did and what he got was a fist of faeces. Strange primates. With disgust Masaaki dodged again, formed the required hand seals and let loose his lightning javelin jutsu, electrifying the creature and forcing it into submission. He did not decide to kill the creature, because a gorilla isn’t born bad. In fact the primate is simply doing what its instincts tells him to is it really his fault?

The gorilla fell to the ground, exhausted by the day’s events and the Javelin, it whimpered and growls for a bit before falling into unconsciousness. It was only after Masaaki requested back up to help bring the gorilla back, alive with mild injuries.


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