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It was snowing.

Large fluffy snowflakes, dancing from the heavens as they graced the earth with their crystalline presence. Already a thin blanket of white powder covered the ground, stretching as far as the eye could see. The origins of the snow couldn't be seen through the thick mist that forever lingered just slightly above their heads - obscuring the sight of the sky itself - but it only appeared to add to the mystical image of it all, the soft snow at their feet seeming to increase a smidgen by every passing moment without anyone realizing.

Small shoes stepped lightly on the snow, each step disturbing the peace of the silvery blanket and forcing little puffs of snow to erupt upwards in sudden awakening. Six year old Keiko couldn't help but feel resentment towards the beautiful white world that now surrounded her, despite the fact that nearly every part of her longed to spend the rest of the day frolicking in harmony with the dancing snowflakes, the very nature of the snow calling to her. Classes at the Academy had just ended, and instead of the area clearing out as everyone went home, many fellow academy pupils had opted to remain in the large play area that surrounded the educational establishment, the excitement of the first snowfall of the season temporarily removing the desire to return home after a day of both training and learning. But unlike the other young children who played in groups, the young kunoichi was alone, standing off to one side as she watched a particular group of classmates who didn't simply appear to be playing in the snow, but rather, playing with the snow. One of the girls in the ground had solidified the falling snowflakes into glistening ice crystals, swirling around her body as the others looked on, each eager to show off their own tricks. Another two were already in the midst of gathering snow together, chattering excitedly to the others about being a snowman. A snowman … how fascinating. To any six year old, the idea of creating something resembling - however slight - a living being with snow was thrilling.

Without a doubt, those were members of the Aisu clan, descendants of the clan possessing one of Kirigakure's most famous kekkei genkai - hyōton manipulation.

Part of her longed to join them, the Aisu blood that flowed within her veins aching to be with her own people. But she wasn't an Aisu. She was a Kitahara. Kitahara Keiko. Even if she attempted to approach them - as she had at the start of the school year - she knew it would end in futile. She didn't know their secrets, their skills, knowledge that could only come from truly being apart of the clan. Even if she herself was beginning to develop slight control over the ice element that would likely be on par with the rest of them, she was an outsider, unorthodox in her methods.

After a moment of watching, a longing, envious expression on her face, she turned away, ready to simply head home on her own. With so many people around, it would be difficult to find Hayato, and even if she knew where she was … it wouldn't be fair to him if she took away his chance to play with their classmates simply because she didn't feel comfortable enough to associate with any of them.

Word Count: 570



Hayato anxiously fidgeted in his seat as the seconds ticked down to the day’s closing bell. For hours his eyes had been drawn to the windows, fixating on the untouched blanket of freshly fallen snow that laid upon the world just beyond these walls. Snow was by far the young boy’s favorite type of weather, the very thought of the games to be played and the fun to be had after snowfall filling him with excitement and anticipation befitting a six year old. The Academy instructor’s words were drowned out by Hayato’s own thoughts, only keeping an ear out for the dismissal that he so longed for.

Upon hearing the bell ring that signaled the end of the school day Hayato bolted out of his seat and towards the door, in an understood race with the other students in the class to make it outside first. He may or may not have “accidentally” tripped that one Kaguya boy that he didn’t particularly like, causing him to face plant right into the floor in front of the entire class, but hey, with all that talk about how nobody could hurt him because of his kekkei genkai Hayato was sure he would be fine… probably.

Hayato’s eyes would widen and light up upon bursting out of the academy door and feeling the cold of the still falling snow touched his skin. All of the children would scatter into their separate groups and begin playing in the snow immediately, Hayato choosing to bounce around from small group to small group, getting involved in a little bit of everything. He was particularly good at snowball fights, able to form small clouds around the snowballs he threw to influence their direction mid-flight. That of course was making no mention of his newfound ability to form clouds sturdy enough to sustain flight, which would change the possibilities of any game he would ever play for the rest of his life.

After a short while he would decide to take a break, hop on one of his clouds, and just observe his surroundings. He had been all over the snow covered school yard and had seen no signs of Keiko strangely. He didn’t think she would just go home and miss a chance to play in the snow. She liked snow, right? She had to, hell she could make snow. The old saying that somebody is in their element was literal in her case during days like this.

From atop his cloud he would scan the area before finally spotting her… walking away? Sitting Indian style on the puffy white cloud he would float over to Keiko, floating alongside her silently as she walked. He didn’t bother saying anything to her, he knew that she would see him and the silence would annoy her enough to warrant a response. For added effect he would stare at her curiously as he silently floated alongside her, which he knew would only irk her more. Few people knew how to push her buttons like Hayato, but he did it playfully.




Being the impulsive child that she was, resisting the temptation of the snow around her was next to impossible. Even as she walked, she couldn't completely ignore the snow that fluttered around her, playfully landing on the tip of her nose, her hair, her eyelashes. The snow served as a painful reminder of the near-death experience she had endured two years ago, there was no escaping the pull she felt towards it. Snow and ice represented every part of her, and to turn away from this fact would be to reject her very existence.

As she walked, she kicked lightly at the snow in front of her, creating unrest in the otherwise perfect blanket of undisturbed snow. The path home was a quiet one, and the snow had only begun to fall a little over an hour before class ended - she revelled in the fact that she would be the first one to tread through the snow leading up to the neighbourhood where her home was located. Sometimes, if she worked hard enough to convince herself, she didn't mind being alone. It was fine … she was used to it. She was used to it. At least … up until the point she had met the same-aged Hayato. For the two years leading up to their acceptance into the Academy, the two had been nearly inseparable, leaving her no time to really feel alone anymore.

And it appeared she wouldn't be alone for much longer.

She couldn't stop her eyes from lighting up the moment she realized a familiar presence was nearby, whirling to face Hayato as she came to a stop. At six years of age, she wasn't at all experienced with hiding her emotions, and even if she was annoyed that he had yet to say anything, there was no preventing the wide smile from appearing on her face, brightening her entire face as cheekbones rose and eyes narrowed into delighted crescent-shapes. Even if she couldn't make any new friends … even if the people of the clan she was originally born into didn't accept her … at least she still had her best friend. She couldn't quite remember the first day she had met the boy, some two years ago when her adopted parents introduced her to a family who lived only a couple houses away. Back then, she hadn't been quite so docile. Back then … since the adoption process had gone underway, she had been - to say the least - a little devil of a child, bratty and taking advantage of the fact that her new parents wanted to keep her happy. It was making a new friend that slowly allowed her to realize that what she was doing was wrong, the idea of having a playmate allowing her to be the child that she was without burden.

"Why are you here? She blurted out, a rather blunt question not usually used as a form of greeting. Bright lilac eyes took in the fluffy cloud that he was sitting on, and without thinking, she reached out to touch the cloud, a questioning forming in her ever curious mind. A question that she had to find out the answer to, no matter what. "Is that ... fluffier than snow?"

Word Count: 1118

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