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1Training/Open/No Kill Empty Training/Open/No Kill Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:35 am



Kidzukai slumped against the rock in which he was trying see through with his Byakugan. It just wasn't strong enough yet. He would need to do much more training before he could get that skill. He turned to face the wooden dummy he had been striking at. Embedded within the dummy were small pocket pouches of chakra for Kid to mesmerize at and attempt to pop out of the wooden mass by using the gentle fist. It was tedious work, but he knew it would have a great pay off. The gentle step taijutsu technique was one of the most rivaled in the lands. It packed quite the impressive wallop. Kidzukai was remembering his training fights with his ex-Sensei Oshiki. He had been so enraged by the jounin that he had himself transferred to a new squad. Kid wasn't even aware of what squad that might be, but he knew whatever it was he would not be disappointed. For now he was soloing so that he could impress his new squad when they came to meet. 

He struck out at the Tenketsu pocket of the dummy and the wood shattered and splintered in such a way that kid almost felt a splinter poke his eye out. This was excellent however, the ability to cause such internal damage to a solid object like this meant his damage to a real human body would be quite effective. The Byakugan was such a wonderful gift and Kidzukai couldn't have been more grateful and proud than he was standing before the now broken down dummy in the Hyuga training grounds. At this rate, Kidzukai was assured he would be able to become a chuniin very very soon. It was those who had strong gifts and strong wills who achieved such positions advancements. It would e wonderful when Kidzukai would be capable of leading his own squad. Not having to submit to any Sensei. Not have to be accused of being prejudice when he truly wasn't. 

The next strike, directly to the temple of the dummies wooden head caused the chakra to explode out of the side. Basically he had just filtered his anger into this dummy and made it's head explode into a loud, splintery mess. Kid grinned, delighted by this experience, then walked over and sat down to have a bit of lunch. He had a neatly packed turkey sandwich, and a cup of chicken broth as it was a bit chilly outside. As he ate he thought of how lovely it would be to have someone to come train with him. Someone to really test his mettle. In his mind he wasn't really looking for someone higher ranked than him. He just wanted someone of equal rank so it would be truly hard to see who could win. 

3000/3000 Byakugan Stage 2 Unlocked


2Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Dec 23, 2013 1:32 pm



The forest of Konoha where lush and the local flora and fauna full of life and vigor. The tree's swayed beautifully with each gentle tug that the wind produced. Hotaru, clad in a long black Shihakushō worn over white undershirt. This is all held together by a red sash, his bottoms a white hakama with the lip of the under shirt hanging over it. All accessorized with ninja mesh, bandages over his forearms, and golden arm bracers on his biceps. All of this was covered by his traveling coat and straw hat that hid his eyes. All that could be seen was the bottom half of his light brown face. The only distinguishable feature would be his signature small black coffin that hung on his back.

It was nice being on leave from the war. Even the most hardened ninja could not spend their whole life living in war. Once in a while it was nice to just get out and appreciate the life of the planet. The war in kiri was stalemated during his last mission. Routing out spies was hard and dirty work. Hotaru began thinking back on the mission.

The ever present blanket of ghostly fog blanketed the entirety of the allied forces camp. There where hundreds of forces in the outskirts of the city, the whole of the gates and part of the residential district that bordered the gates where seized by the allies. Hotaru and Malacanth where housed in multistory blown out buildings second floor. Below them was the husk of what once was a hotel, its various furniture was covered in a thick film or dirt and grime, splatters of blood still stained a wall adjacent to the entrance. The building was once filled to the brim with Seven Bells' men, with the initial invasion force, they where all but wiped out. The invasion force, spear headed with some Jounin and Special Jounin reportedly made it to the beginning of the market district before the resistance and the casualties took their toll on the force and they where recalled. Hotaru himself was only a chunin and was sent in with a back up force of genin and Chunin from Sunagakure. Hotaru detested that village, but yet if he did not want an early grave he would have to play their little game and be a good pawn. What had the village ever given him? Fucking nothing, that's what.

Hotaru sat up in the couch that he was using as a bed, putting his head in his hands. He began to think back on yesterdays conflict. He and Malacanth had been sent on a mission to protect the hospital while patients where evacuated. Hotaru was assigned the mission after nearly being killing in and ambush with his former group of fifteen ninja. All but three of the group walked away from the ambush alive, himself and two others whom he did not know or care to know. They where most likely decomposing corpses in one of the various nooks and crannies of Kirigakure.

He had seen so many fall in this war, none of them needed to die. Hotaru knew they only fell because of their own weakness, but what infuriated him was that this war was because one village couldn't hold their shit by themselves. Instead they called in Sunagakure and they in turn ordered him to sacrifice himself for a cause he did not believe in. The village only used him to further their own ends, it sickened and angered him that he was being taken advantage of. But, he would have to contain it for the time being. War did do one thing for Hotaru though, it gave him a first hand look into what being a ninja was all about, killing.

Snapping out of his flashback he looked on to a ninja sitting in the clearing having his lunch. Hotaru did not know who the ninaj was, nor did he care to. Hotaru walked silently by the ninja.

671/5000 (Jishaton: B rank – A rank)

3Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Dec 23, 2013 3:27 pm



Kidzukai felt relieved and re-energized after gorging on his. It was high time he start improving his skills with ninjutsu, to match his prowess with Taijutsu. He began to neatly out away his containers and seal up his bag. And as he did this he began to reflect on all of the techniques he had learned of as just a young boy in the academy. He remembered how it was commonplace for a shinobi to do just as he had done. To train in a close range, physical combat method, and a long range method for dealing with those who wouldn't get close.

Now of course as a member of the Hyuga blood line, Kidzukai would never forget the necessity of closing the gap and getting in with Juken strikes, but it was ALWAYS a benefit to be able to diversify. It was always good to mix it up on an opponent. Kidzukai finally began to stand up when he noticed a VERY different looking shinobi walking through the Hyuga training grounds. Different in the sense that Kidzukai had never seen this ninja before. He was obviously traveling, but could Kidzukai trust to just allow him to continue, walking by without a word?

No, this would be a disservice to his village if the man did happen to be a threat. The blood wouldn't be on Kids hands if he just took this brief interval to question the man.

"Hello Traveler! My name is Kid, might I ask what brings you to the Hyuga training grounds? It's not exactly normal for just anyone to waltz on through here. Do not mistake my surprise for foreboding. You are completely welcome, it just isn't typical.

Kid smiled an honest smile, he wasn't going to prejudge this man, he just had to make sure everything was alright with him being in Konoha. Standard procedure, if you will.

441/(insert number required for C--->B Rank Nin xD)

4Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:57 pm



Hotaru walked toward the young shinobi, finishing up his meal. An odd looking ninja. About as tall as Hotaru, a bit more muscle mass indicating his proficiency in either taijutsu or bukijutsu. His skin was light with eyes the color of fresh milk.His body topped with short dark hair.His clothes where normal for the climate, tighter fit, an emblem neatly stitched upon his back; a clan symbol perhaps? His eyes where odd to say the least, but then again so where Hotaru's; a light yellow. It was possible he was part of one of the many doujutsu clans that inhabited almost all villages. The names of the clans escaped him. But, it mattered not. He listened to the young ninja question him with a smile. Standard manners for strangers.

What business of his was it where Hotaru decided to walk? Hotaru fought in a war that was not even his, killed men and women that where not necessarily his enemies.For that he had a right to wounder wherever he pleased while on his leave. But, he digressed; he was being illogical. Maybe the war had taken an unseen toll on his mind. He was not usually like this, rash, angry, bitter. It was uncharacteristic. Hotaru took a silent deep breath before turning to the young male. Hotaru took his pointer finger and turned up up the straw hat he wore to reveal his yellowed gaze. "My business is my own. I'm passing through." He said with only a hint of aggression.

The boy had no right to question him on his motives, Hotaru was not menacing or odd looking. Nor did he pose any kind of threat openly to the boy or his village.

671+290=961/5000 (Jishaton: B rank – A rank)

5Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:57 pm



Kidzukai stood and examined the man as he inquired. His eyes were an odd yellow tint, though partially concealed by his straw hat. The garb worn by this man was suited for travel. Protection from the sun provided by his hat, his face was serious and his response, well, it was distasteful. 

Kidzukai burst into laughter at the strangers remark about" his own business" 

Own business? A stranger trespassing into Hyuga private property, into Konohagakure even and declining to answer a friendly question about his motives? The guy had some nerve. Some sternness to him. But not enough to simply walk past Kidzukai any further without confrontation. 

Kidzukai activated his Byakugan which caused intense veins around his eyes to pop forth, and suddenly any chakra based action the wanderer would perform would be known to Kidzukai. Kid stood in a calm stance but at an instant he was ready to jab the guys Tenketsu. Nothing would seem out of the ordinary to the wanderer unless he had seen the Byakugan activated before. 

"I'm going to need you to halt and explain your purpose here, Ronin, otherwise I am forced to act. I am a shinobi of the Leaf and if you intend to keep your intentions hidden, I will be dealing with you until a member of Anbu can show up. Now, we are in a training ground. Perhaps you can change the direction of all of this by having a spar with me?"

Now, Kidzukai was maintaining some level of calmness. Some level of gentleness. But he wasn't going to be able to keep this going if the man before him did not comply. If his offer was rejected Kidzukai would rush forth and apply a strike to the Tenketsu on the mans neck; if the man blocked the strike with his hand then Kidzukai would use his available hand to strike the Tenketsu on the mans wrist. Either of these strikes would be excruciatingly painful. 

770/2000 ninjutsu C--->B


Jutsu Used:

6Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:35 pm



Upon hearing Hotaru's answer the boy's veins around his milky eyes intensified, the veins visually bulging out most likely due to and increase in the blood supplied to them. It was almost grotesque in a way. This was almost certainly an ability of the boy, Hotaru was leaning more to the point that it was a doujutsu, but a simple jutsu was never excluded as a possibility. The boy spoke, in a clam voice.

""I'm going to need you to halt and explain your purpose here, Ronin, otherwise I am forced to act. I am a shinobi of the Leaf and if you intend to keep your intentions hidden, I will be dealing with you until a member of Anbu can show up. Now, we are in a training ground. Perhaps you can change the direction of all of this by having a spar with me?"

Great, only a day in to his leave and Hotaru was already in a fight. The boy talked as if Hotaru was a criminal, he only did not want a stranger poking around in his businesses. But, the boy persisted and it now looked as if Hotaru would have to fight the stranger. Hotaru was standing ten feet across from the boy, an easy enough distance to close with his (Special jonin ranked) speed. Not wanting to have Anbu swarming his ass after simply walking around he had no choice but to grant the boy his spar. With the pointer finger that still kept his eyes showing he slowly removed his straw hat. "Alright, stranger. If i can't go about my business in peace, then ill humor you with a spar." Hotaru threw his hat to the side and unbuttoned his traveling coat, also throwing it to the side. Using the most minute amount of his Jishaton chakra he unlatched the metallic latch and let his iron sand creep out.

The iron sand would soon cloud around the back of Hotaru in mere seconds, even the small amount that creeped out upon opening the latch would would deflect weapon strikes if need be. Its form continually shifting and floating as Hotaru's personal magnetic field fluctuated ever so slightly. Hidden within the rolling iron sand where shuriken, the same color as the almost black sand. Using his chakra, Hotaru charged three(of the 15 pulled from the case) shuriken with Jishaton chakra, the process only taking a fraction of a second. Hotaru would throw the three shuriken at his opponent. He would have no choice but to either take the hit or deflect them somehow. At the same moment he threw the shuriken, the remaining 12 would furiously revolve 1 meter around Hotaru's form, protecting him from any projectiles and hand to hand strikes. He would see how the boy handeled that to start off with.

OOC: Charging the shuriken with chakra would be hidden to you because since i use chakra to control the sand, the chakra used to charge the shuriken would blend in. The shuriken would not be able to be seen as they are inside the sand.)

Jutsu used::

671+290+477= 1438/5000 (Jishaton: B rank – A rank)

7Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:54 pm



Kidzukai was glad that the man had decided to spar, but...this was new. Honestly Kidzukai was NOT prepared for a long range battle. This was bad.  Kidzukai didn't see much except for the man to slip off some excess clothes and suddenly 3 shuriken were flying at him with speed. Kid knew only one solid option for getting these projectiles out of his way. He breathed in deeply then exhaled a furious wind that battered and knocked away the projectiles and created a large smoke screen out of dirt. He then noticed with his Byakugan that trace amounts of chakra were floating all around the man. It was going to be difficult to get in close with that going on. But with his Byakugan Kidzukai knew his reaction speed was enough to dodge most thing he could throw out. Kid sprinted using the cover of the smoke, and instead of making a straight path through the smoke he created 5 clones to attack from the front, and he himself circled around for a flank when Hotaru, hopefully, became confused by the clones. Due to the cloud of smoke it was nigh impossible to see which had shadow and which did not. And each would be jumping into combat one by one, up until the final two. When only two remained they would hop in together and one would try extra hard not be hit, while the other would be hit easily. All the while the real Kidzukai would be at his opponents back and would begin to apply a flurry of strikes to his spine, hitting the Tenketsu there, with the intention of causing a nerve lock up and putting the opponent out of commission. If a counter attack was launched at Kid he would take a projectile to his palm and strike the back of the opponents head with his free hand.

Kidzukai loved planning things like this, the feeling of having a decent plan for an attack was great. The extra implications for his wind technique wasn't realized until after he had blown the shurikens away, he didn't expect a smokescreen at all. How wonderful ninjutsu was that it would set up a situation for getting in the closer ranges! Once at Hotaru's back Kidzukai would hit him in his Tenketsu across the back, causing extreme internal pain and to the frail body, possibly even enough to put him on his knees.

Kidzukai would look to his enemy and commend him for his skill even if the attack failed. Saying 

"You are the most worthy opponent I've faced to date friend!"

Then he would re-enter his fighting stance depending on the condition of his opponent.


Jutsu Used:


8Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Wed Dec 25, 2013 11:40 pm



Nakamura had been walking around the area looking at the forest and at the animals, he was never in this part of the Leaf village, he didnt get out that much, Hmm, what will the world give me today he was very happy today, though not as most were happy, he was in his bored mood, but was at the moment Naka was at lenghs looking for amusement, since he joined the Guaridans of Konoha he had not heard from them, though he now stopped small and medium Crimes in the local area, not for the fact that he cared about justice and what was good, he cared more for the Amusment and the boredom that was taken away.
Naka looked up at the tree above his and he saw a lizard basking in the sun, not doing a thing, it was content with just being, though Naka wasnt naka needed something to do...something to let him enjoy himself. He then saw a hawk flying by and he noticed the way the hawk was flying that it noticed the lizard, the hawk was not content with just being, it wanted to hunt, it swooped down and went to attack the Lizard, but the moment the Hawk got near the lizard spit a poisoness glob of spit into the face of the hawk, causing it to fall to the groud and started flailing, that was the way of the lazy he guessed.

But the peacfulness of the moment was broken when he heard a confrontation starting a little ways away, Nakamura walked over as queitly as he could and looked at he scene, he saw a darker skinned fellow and noticed his height, he was a good bit shorter then he, though most were and the other kid was slightly taller then the other one, though still shorter then Nakamura, this one had the eyes of the Hyuga clan, and the other kid had just gotten rid of some excess clothing at the same time firing Shuriken, Hmm im the Hawk and they the Lizard, or is it the other way around he thought as he made the handsigns for his Genjutsuken, at the moment making him appear faster then he actually was, so Nakamura was moving the speed of a Chuunin, but if someone looked at him he appeared to be going a full rank higher, knowing that his future Jutsu would be used through his Genjtusu aura, he Jumped out of the bushes and rushed the shorter kid who had just Shot shuriken, knowing that the moment that any of them looked at him they would be under his Genjutsuken.
Nakamura flew at the kid using a Savate side kick, spinning in the air, aiming for the ribs, and then swing back around to face him, then swinging forward and using a double jab, and spinning into an elbow for the face, and the moment the target looked at him he also Activated his Genjutsuken Kutsuu, which would cause any attacks against this target to feel as though it were a full rank stronger, so if any of his attacks landed they would feel as though he had the strengh of a Chuunin, this was a good day to not be bored...
Wordcount~ 548/??? (Training Severe Wounds)
Charka 130/150
Jutsu Used:

9Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:23 am



The chakra infused shuriken would sail towards the boy, they served a dual purpose. They where meant to either strike his attacker or be deflected. The latter would cause a strong magnetic field to resonate around his opponent, pulling in any metallic protective Hotaru would throw in the future. Sadly, none of the three shuriken hit there fleshy mark. As soon as Kid heaved back to suck in the air for the jutsu, Hotaru lept back ten feet(a total of 20 feet apart now), not wanting to be too close to the receiving end of whatever jutsu he was going to throw out. The boy let loose a futon jutsu that blew away the projectiles, leaving them to u-turn up into the air and land somewhere among the brush. To say the least, Hotaru was disheartened, but he had to get over himself. With the release of the futon jutsu, came an unseen side effect, a kick up of dust. The dust masked any movement Kid would make in the cloud. But with Hotaru's place twenty feet away from the cloud, he had a front row seat of whatever would come his way. But, Hotaru was no fool, he activated a jutsu of his own that would allow 'sight' without using his eyes. Hotaru sent out a 'blip' of his chakra that would bounce off any solid object and reverberate back to himself. This gave him a sort of 'sight'.

The dust did not move for a second, still as the fog of Kirigakure. But within moments, the white clothing of the boy could be seen jumping from the smoke. Not one, but five opponents jumped from the smoke, all identical to his opponent. He could easily take care of it.Hotaru took some of his iron sand that flowed outside of his spinning shuriken shield and molded it into four bullet like forms, some excess amount would be sent two meters above him. With his added distance from the smoke and his jutsu active, Hotaru would see exactly what came out of the smoke. With the four bullets made, he let them loose at the clones as they came out one by one.




The three clones that came out would be reduced to clouds. Suddenly, two clones jumped into the fray simultaneously, but Hotaru only had one 'bullet' left. Hotaru let loose the final bullet to one of the two clones, dissipating it into smoke. The small amount of continuous chakra that Hotaru sent out relayed the position of his opponent , he was flanking him. He had already closed some of the space of their twenty foot spacing and was aiming to engage him in hand to hand combat. It was not a smart idea, the twelve remaining shuriken that he had not thrown where spinning around him every which way in a 3 foot radius. Any attempt at hand to hand combat would be met with numerous 1 1/2 inch deep cuts that would only get worse if they did not learn their lessen the first strike.

During the clone fiasco, Hotaru's 'radar' had picked up another individual behind him. He was approaching fast and presumably coming in for hand to hand combat as well. Hotaru did not look, he did not need to, he would simply let him close in on him. He would share the same fate as his current opponent would face. 1 1/2 inch deep wounds would litter his body from the 12 spinning shuriken. Where people in Konoha really that dense?

671+290+477+603= 2041/5000

OOC: Posting order is Kid, me, Naka
Jutsu used::

10Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:21 am



It was too late. Kidzukai watched as his plan seemed to be going so well. The clones took a jutsu for him, one by one. He had assumed his position behind the target and had rushed in with all of his haste and might to lay down his strikes and hopefully put his sparring partner down. It was at this moment that he saw something he had completely missed before.  Everything seemed to blur and distort. Almost as if the world was moving in slow motion. It was adrenaline. Kidzukai looked to his left as he shot an arm out to attack the back of his opponent. A shuriken hit him in the shoulder with a lot of force, cutting deep. Blood splattered across the ground beside him.

Kidzukai reached with his other hand to possibly block the next attack, but was stopped when a second shuriken pelted the palm of his hand. Blood splashed over kids face in a dotted pattern. Kid attempted to step back in this heart racing, adrenaline pumping moment, but as he did he was pelted with two more on each side, to both of his biceps. Something was wrong. His instincts weren't behaving properly. Why wasn't he able to do something quicker? Why wasn't he able to move away from this?

The adrenaline seemed to then subside because Kid felt all remaining shuriken land neatly in adjacent parts of his body. His clothes were blood soaked on each side. His heart was beating irregularly fast. He was becoming dizzy and ill. He remained standing. Staring blankly at the back of his opponent.

"How could this happen...All of my training..." Kidzukai thought to himself.

His mind raced back to a time as a young boy on a bright and sunny day. He was running along through the hills with his little friends. His best friend Kokuo said to him
"I'm going to be the greatest shinobi when I grow up!" Then he would crack a great and proud grin. Kidzukai would frown at him then point and say

"That would be great and all, but because I will never lose, how could you hope to be the greatest !?"

They would then engage in playful wrestling and pretending to be ninja.

Days like these were common between the two but one day in particular left it's mark in Kids mind forever. Perhaps a day he wishes he could forget. Kokuo and Kid were playing in the brush, pretending to be in a great ninja war, when before them came a large menacing beast. A bear. The bear stood upon its hind legs and roared, slamming down in an attempt to crush the boys. They fled, running hard and fast. Kokuo was slightly slower than Kidzukai and it was only a moment before Kid heard the shouting and screaming of his friend. The bear was seconds from mauling Kokuo when Kid arrived and pushed over a dry-rotted oak tree onto the beast. It was stalled long enough that the two children escaped and Kid boasted about this incident for months, citing that he would never lose to a foe. It was just in his blood to win. Or so he had always believed. He was currently failing his goal as a genin. It was one of his first fair battles and he had made such a fatal flaw.

He hung his head low. The pain began to rush through finally, the numbness of adrenaline had worn low. Kidzukai clenched his fists and teeth, then started staggering toward his opponent one step at a time, swinging hit after hit trying to land one on a tenketsu.




11Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:57 am



The moment that nakamura went into attack, a bunch of shuriken started to fly at him, he also saw clones of another kid being taken down, since he was part of the guardians of konoha he was to help out this kid from this sand ninja, even if they were onoly sparring he couldnt let one of konoha lose, even if he really didnt care about the village too much, it was expected of him as a member and he wasnt going to let his other comrades down, which also meant he couldnt let these shuriken hit him, thus before he got close enough that they would be undodgable, he jumped backwards and two the left, only getting a graze from one of them, cutting his arm slightly, it stung but wasnt needed to be numbed at this point, it was do able.

He then got another look at the fight, he stood where he was for the moment still using his Genjutsuken, and waited for the other ninja to make a move, he need him to look at him if he were get them under any of his genjutsu...
Charkra 125/150 (real sorry for the wait)

12Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:59 pm



Hotaru sat staring at the sad shape that the konoha ninja was in. He was pathetic looking. The numerous two inch cuts let flow a steady drip of his red life essence onto the dirt, mixing with it to create a clay colored liquid. The blood dotted the entirety of the ground, a small puddle forming from where he was stationary. Isolated drops dotted the black shirt and white shirt Hotaru wore, a few mixed in with his blood red sash, barely visible by the naked eye. One dotted his face, right below his right eye. Hotaru slowly reached up and wiped the blood off creating a small streak of red down his right cheek. He looked at his stained fingers and back to his opponent, staring him down with his piercing gaze. He was slowly closing the few feet that they stood apart. With each shaky, uneven step, his body shook with the effort that he but into his balance. One foot after the other, every steep seemed as if the boy would fall over. His body on the brink of collapse only to be saved at the last second by his follow up step. He was in sorry shape. His white top now cut up with lacerations, red stained almost all of it. His life filled unique eyes dulled by his current trauma. The long hair now wet and a mess.

Kid closed the last few feet between them and made a grab for Hotaru's shirt. Hotaru side stepped to his left, his back still to the mystery fighter. Kid collapsed as his hand grabbed nothing but air, his body produced a soft plump as it met the dirt, throwing up a small amount of dust as it landed. . Hotaru would do nothing more to the boy, he did not want to fight him in the first place. His eagerness to fight and prying eyes got him into the mess, but Hotaru was not one to kick someone while they where down. Besides, the boy looked like he needed a mercy kill in all honesty. Hotaru shook his head at the boy, "Look where prying eyes and blind patriotism got you.". Hotaru turned to look at the other boy, he was wearing almost all black, his hair simply more of the same. His skin, a milky white. "Is this how Konoha treats their allies? With suspicion and underhanded two on one tactics? I came here on my leave from the front lines in Kiri to find a quite spot, yet you leaf shinobi try and foil my peace. He attacked me for no such reason other than arrogance and suspicion, are you going to make the same mistake?" Hotaru said this in a somber tone, daring the shinobi to take up an aggressive stance. If he did, Hotaru had at least three aces up his sleeves to bring the boy down a notch or two

671+290+477+603+488= 2529/5000

13Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:34 pm



He then saw who it was Kid a fellow member of the guardians of Konoha, . "Is this how Konoha treats their allies? With suspicion and underhanded two on one tactics? I came here on my leave from the front lines in Kiri to find a quite spot, yet you leaf shinobi try and foil my peace. He attacked me for no such reason other than arrogance and suspicion, are you going to make the same mistake?" This one had beaten on one of the konoha guardians which was inexcusable but first he would talk to this guy to find out who he is, not of you see a Headband on my head, no you dont do you, now i am part of the Guardians of Konoha, and this kid you are beating up here is a fellow member, and for any reason i must defend him with my life, we are brothers, even though have no relations in our blood i would defend this one with my life without hesitation, so if you think that i will fight you without isnt without reason, its for Brotherhood....and the will of fire that i adopted he jumped over to the fallen Kidzukai and told him, Stand can you be a Guardian of Konoha if you are on the ground...stand up and fight...or lay down and lose my Brother he looks then at the Sand Ninja and looked him in the eyes, and activating his genjutsu and at the same time still keeping his Genjutsuken active so that if he looks anywhere on the body his genjutsu will hit him, using his new Demonic Jutsu, The Severe Injuries jutsu, and if the Sand ninja even looked at him at the moment, anywhere on his body, he would suddenly feel an see 5, 3 inch cuts on his chest and he would also feel that his left leg suddenly broken inwards and the bone would be sticking out of its socket, and he would feel every moment of it he would soon regret messing with one of the Gurdians of Konoha.
Jutsu Used"Name: [Demonic Illusion: Severe Wounds:
Training Severe Wounds.

14Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:25 pm



Was this all? Was that all there was for Kidzukai? Was he too foolhardy to see that this opponent was just too much? His blood was thinning out, he was losing a lot of it. The reckless warrior, fooled by his eyes into thinking he could see everything. A foolish dreamer is what he was. Only a fool could've gotten into this situation. As he lay drooling upon the ground he didn't speak a word as his comrade tried to pick him up. Nor did he make even the slightest effort to respond to the opponent who had  brought him down. He lay in silence, his body occasionally trembling from shock.
What kind of a world was this? Clearly not the one Kidzukai had anticipated entering. This was a broken apart mess where true power came from the cold touch of an opposing hand. Power clearly rested with those willing to be deadly. Not some overconfident Idealist with some cool eyes and a strong will.

There was more to being a ninja than what Kidzukai had out though towards, and now he was going to become the ninja he needed to be. He was done with these games...

And as he blacked out he knew what he would be when he came back from this would be one of more power and greater aptitude. He would come out of this a shinobi.

[Exit Thread]


Ninjutsu C--->B Training Complete

15Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:41 pm



"I am part of the Guardians of Konoha, and this kid you are beating up here is a fellow member, and for any reason i must defend him with my life, we are brothers, even though have no relations in our blood i would defend this one with my life without hesitation, so if you think that i will fight you without isnt without reason, its for Brotherhood....and the will of fire that i adopted." Hotaru listened to the young ninjas rant about his fallen comrade or whatever these Guardian's of Konoha where. Hotaru still stood by the downed shinobi, his shallow, unconcious breath could still be faintly heard. The kid made a jump for his friend, although Hotaru would have just as easily reignited the fight, he felt no need. He made a backwards jump putting a twenty foot gap between himself and his new opponent. Hotaru landed softly, kicking a bit of dust up as his feet met the ground. Naka went to his injured comrades side, pleasing with him to get up, but it feel on deaf ears.His comrade was out cold by the look of it.

Hotaru started with a scoff,looking directly at the ninja."You're logic is flawed leaf shinobi. You are not with Konoha yet you claim membership of a group of guardians who protect it?" The ninja was clearly not all their in his reasoning."Any you would attack me, a traveler because your comrade did? Either that is blind patriotism or general stupidity." Hotaru was taken back, his whole body ignited in a fireball of pains. They stung and hurt, the pain making him grid his teeth; an agony filled grunt escaped his parted lips. Another wave of pain erupted around his knee cap, causing him it to give out. He caught himself with his left hand, all the while never looking away from his opponent. Hotaru wasn't stupid, no hand seals, phantom pains where no injury occurred, it was a simple genjutsu, and one he could disspell. With the correct handsigns, the phantom pains subsided, the familiar sense of normality washed over his body. He would stand back up to his regular stance and wait for his opponent to come to him."Genjutsu is a tool for cowards, not true ninja. Your 'will of fire' is nothing more than blind patriotism instilled into you by your village. So much so that you would join your comrade in attacking not only a stranger, but an ally of your village. You are nothing more than a naive child, not a ninja."

671+290+477+603+488+436= 2965/5000


Jutsu Used::

16Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:59 pm



"You're logic is flawed leaf shinobi. You are not with Konoha yet you claim membership of a group of guardians who protect it Any you would attack me, a traveler because your comrade did? Either that is blind patriotism or general stupidity." Many were not a fan of nakamura, though he wasnt going to take this from a sand ninja, Stupid...and first of all a ninja must work with what he has...i have no ninjutsu so what am i too do, not fight? ha...but im not going to argue any semantics like that, the thing is, what if your brother was in a fight, and what if you came in in the middle and he was bleeding and losing, would you assume that he is wrong, or would you help him, i grew up in he woods with my parents all of my life, until they left me, and this family took me in, and what would i be if i didnt help him...those who dont help their friends are the scum of this world and they are no fun he didnt even know where the speech came from he didnt even know that he felt that way for this guy, but apparently did, and he wasnt going to leave as easily as this man probably hoped.

Nakamura stood up and looked this man in the eyes, wanting to see if he would be hit by his genjutsu again in this rouse, Nakamura ran directly at the sand ninja activated yet again another jutsu, this time he was using his Illusion of dreams jutsu on his whole body, thus making that if his enemy even looked at him he would be under the genjutsu, and then there was the genjutsu that made him look 1 rank slower then usual so that if he did look at him he would arrive at the sand ninja much faster then he thought he would, thus making this attack a three stage attack, because if he did look away Nakamura would fly at his opponent with a savate right kick to the ribs followed by a roundhouse to the head, then followed by a back flip kick to the guys chin , he would quickly end this and then get his brother some medical help...
85/150 Maintained Genjutsuken aura
Also Used:

17Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:48 pm



"Stupid...and first of all a ninja must work with what he has...i have no ninjutsu so what am i too do, not fight? ha...but i'm not going to argue any semantics like that, the thing is, what if your brother was in a fight, and what if you came in in the middle and he was bleeding and losing, would you assume that he is wrong, or would you help him, i grew up in he woods with my parents all of my life, until they left me, and this family took me in, and what would i be if i didnt help him...those who dont help their friends are the scum of this world and they are no fun." What kind of ninja had no ninjutsu? This particular ninja must be the runt of the litter trying to be the hero. It was almost...amusing. The boy was indeed a martyr, wining to Hotaru like a crying babe, pathetic. He did not give a fuck about his supposedly 'tragic' upbringing, only that he could go about his business in the peace that it started."You're pathetic, you welp. The hardships you 'endured' are nothing. Your comrodery and brotherhood are nothing. Seems to me you're the runt of the litter trying to put on the hero's cape."Hotaru said it with a smile."But, the answer to your question is i would leave him, provided i had a brother. I would leave him to wallow in the failure he lay in. His weakness would have gotten him their. I have given you and your comrade every opportunity to leave this be. But, if  you're so intent on being a hero," Hotaru's mouth rose to a grin."I'll kill you like one."

The kid made a mad dash toward Hotaru, trying to close the twenty foot gap(Detailed in the 15th post). He was slow, and Hotaru would take advantage of that or was it just Hotaru.His vision was a tad blurry, it was....odd really, but he payed it little mind. Taking the remaining five shuriken from his coffin using his iron sand, he would charge them with Jishaton chakra and launch four of them in a spread out arc, covering 180 degrees in front of Hotaru. The ninja would have to either jump over the shuriken, or knock them away with a weapon. If the ninja would jump other them, he would take the last shuriken and throw it at his torso, ensuring the greatest accuracy percentage. That would take care of his brazen frontal assault. Hotaru's brow was soaked with sweat, he had depleted a lot of his chakra. He would end this one way or another.

If the ninja where able to dodge all of his attacks, he would use the minute grains that Hotaru scattered into the sky(in post 9) and solidify them into four sharpened stakes that could skewer the stranger. He would give him one last chance to cease his foolish actions. In truth, Hotaru did not feel the need to kill this boy. He simply was defending himself. "Choose your fate stranger, i'll kill you here and now. Or, you will stand down and we will part ways. Continue to fight and ill be forced to kill you."

671+290+477+603+488+436+532= 3497/5000


Jutsu used:

18Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:47 am



He was extremly close to the man when he launched a load of shuriken at Nakamura, though how close he was there was only one that was really a threat to him, he stuck his arm out quickly and caught it in his forearm, quickly releasing endorphins in his brain and making the shuriken in his arm not bother him at all, he then noticed that the man was getting rady for an attack on him, though it was not going to aim at him, it seemed that the spikes behind him were forming and the man was making a threat, though Nakamura didnt care too much for giving up on such a fun endeavor, Nakamura went in and started using Taijutsu on his opponant all the while using another genjutsu, his Break of daylight, and if his opponant so much as looked at him he would feel as though that the sun was in his eyes, and would greatly increase the chance of his taijutsu hitting, Nakamura swung with a left roundhouse kick followed by a right straight to his chest, all the while keeping his aura on himself...he would see the power of the guardians of Konoha...
Chakra 60/150
Jutsu used:

19Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:08 pm



Eyes open wide, mouth shaped into neither a smile nor a frown, posture rigid and stern - she always carried herself in this way. She showed no emotion whatsoever. After all, there was little left to feel for her. Her steps were silent through the woods that surrounded Konoha. She felt at home there, surrounded by the trees that she could bend to her will if she so desired. The young Jounin usually avoided crowded areas, not because of the name calling - witch, devil-spawn, murderer - but because she had little interest in people. No, Kyo preferred nature. It was pure and innocent, untainted by the foul greed of man.

But after her morning routine, Senju Kyo found herself near the training ground of the village. No, it wasn't quite that. She was near a clearing that had a few training dummies and whatnot. It was more of a makeshift practice range rather than the actual thing. A very slight and almost imperceptible tilt of her head indicated curiosity. The area seemed as if it had recently been used by someone who had lost interest in it rather quickly and turned their attention to something or someone else. As she walked further towards the clearing, gaining a better view of the area, she spotted her answer.

Two shinobi were positioned a little more towards the edge of the clearing. The ambience was hostile to say the least. And as if there were any doubts, the words of the two men confirmed that all rationality had been thrown at the window. Kyo opened her mouth to let out a small breath - her version of a sigh. This might prove to be either interesting or annoying. It looked like she would have to intervene, lest they tear each other to threads. Tatsumaru, the former Hokage that now lay deceased, wouldn't have minded this result one bit. Mitsuhide, on the other hand, would. And loyal as ever to her village, Kyo would abide by what she thought was more akin to the leader's policy. And there they were now, attacking each other relentlessly.

The young woman stepped through the trees and bushes. The situation was clear now, as the boy with the lighter skin punched and kicked at the other. Kyo reached into her belt and pulled out a small wooden doll. After holding it for a moment, she threw it onto the ground. With a poof and a puff of smoke, it grew from it's original form to a beast that stood on its own, twelve feet tall and looking at its master as if awaiting orders. Kyo moved her hand slightly, signaling the thing to stand by for now.

The young Jounin's cold eyes scanned the perimeter. The dark skinned boy wasn't from Konoha. She was sure of that now, looking at the way he dressed, stood and looked. "Stand down, both of you," She said, straight to the point as always. Her tone was dry but commanding. It was neither quiet nor loud. It was simply an order that she fully expected would be followed, if not for her authority, for fear of the doll behind her. "I've overheard your conversation. This fight is foolish and has no point to it. Should you decide to keep fighting, I will intervene and hand you both other to the Hokage himself," she continued. With her guard up, as always, she kept a close eye on the two of them.

Chakra: 210/250:

20Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:41 pm



His opponent surged forward, toward Hotaru. One of the shuriken that he had thrown had hit its mark. The shuriken embedded into his forearm, blood erupted as the metal blade made impact, slicing into the flesh of his arm. This particular ninja was not very bright, taking a shuriken to the arm. The shuriken was charged with Hotaru's magnetic chakra. Since it had hit his opponent, his jutsu would take effect. Jishaton: Jiba yūdō, Magnet Release: Magnetic Field Inducing Jutsu. The jutsu transfers Hotaru's chakras's magnetic properties to the target, magnetizing them. It was a simple, yet crucial jutsu he had at his disposal. With his Satetsu: Kosame technique, the iron stakes, along with any other magnetic projectile, would be able to follow his opponent.

It was a shame really, the kid had potential. It was just a shame he was too proud to see that his fellow leaf shinobi was the aggressor in this fight. His opponent was running toward him, he used nothing to cover his charge, no distractions. As Hotaru was about to let loose the four stakes and end the shinobi's life, Hotaru's eyes filled with the light of the sun. This caused him to let loose the stakes at his opponent and to let up the half moon shield of iron sand that would protect him from his aggressors measly strikes.

A second later came the sound of penetration. But it was off, there was no sick sloshing sound that came with impalement. Instead it was as if his stakes hit.....wood. Lowering the shield just enough so his still stinging eyes could peer out, he saw a monstrosity. It was white,with pink accents. It seemed to be made of wood. The thing towered over Hotaru, being at least twelve feet tall. Its ominous claws coupled with its apparent strength would most likely be its main mode of attack.

Hotaru was about to throw another jutsu at it before he hear a voice."Stand down, both of you,I've overheard your conversation. This fight is foolish and has no point to it. Should you decide to keep fighting, I will intervene and hand you both other to the Hokage himself." Following the voice, it belonged to a fellow leaf shinobi, given away by the headband tied around her bicep.She couldn't have been that  older than Hotaru, about eighteen if he had to guess. Her skin was pale, a few shades darker than the Hyuuga who now graced the dirt unconscious. She wore a black kimono that come down to her feet in a peculiar style. One leg was uncovered, and so was the opposite arm. In its place where white bandages that covered the leg, arm, and chest which was revealed by the loosely tied garment. Her hair, a light brown was longer, about shoulder length, but done up in a pony tail of sorts.

This did not bode well for Hotaru, he had burnt through more than half of his chakra. His rapid breath and sweat soaked brow did little to hid the fact of exhaustion. "If you overheard us, you would know that I am not the aggressor in this fight," he started; trying to plead his case. "I am Hotaru, of the sand. Here on leave from the war in Kiri, where i was stationed. The aggressor was him," he said; pointing to the unconscious Hyuga. "He interrogated me as if i where a criminal, even after I informed him of my circumstances. So, when he attacked me, i defended myself. Then, your comrade here," he motioned to Naka."Attacked me with the help of the first aggressor." He had plead his case, and it was the truth. He just had to wait and see if the girl believed him. " So far it seems like Konoha's definition of hospitality is severely lacking."

671+290+477+603+488+436+532+649= 4146/5000

21Training/Open/No Kill Empty Re: Training/Open/No Kill Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:06 pm



~Suddenly Wood, that was all that Nakamura saw as he went to attack the idiot Sand ninja, though the fact that he could aim and concentrate at the moment was suprising, it seemed that this ninja was very skilled, he stopped once the wooden figure jumped between them, he stood up and jumped back to Kid and grabbed him and threw him over his large tall shoulders as he waited for the Sand ninja spoke, after the sand ninja was done with his speal, Nakamura started to speak as well, Firstly, how are you even standing man, you are under two genjutsu at the moment you have one intense mind for sure, but Leaf ninja, im not from here i just stay here, im not even one of your ninja, i was just protecting my brother, who at the moment is bleeding out, and he IS one of your ninjas, and hey sand ninja we must fight again some time i wont be as easy on you next time, and as a parting gift you can deal with the genjutsu im keeping them there hahaha this sand ninja was a hoot, and was really helping his boredom and he wondered if he would puke soon from his illusion of dreams, he should be drunk and dreamlike now, and he couldnt hold the jutus for too much longer since his chakra was nearing its end and he only really had enough to keep his genjutsu active for a little bit longer, he smirked as he stood there with his brother, he then decided to put him down and rip his own white shirt off to help the kid, he ripped it up and tied it around his shuriken wounds, staunching the wounds and leaving Nakamura wearing only his Black Leather coat he then yelled out to the leaf ninja, May i leave and go to the hospital with my Brother now, hes kind of bleeding he waited for a response...

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